home=true @jd:body <div id="mainBodyFixed"> <div id="mainBodyLeft"> <div id="homeMiddle"> <div id="topAnnouncement"> <div id="homeTitle"> <h2>Developer Announcements</h2> </div><!-- end homeTitle --> <div id="announcement-block"> <!-- total max width is 520px --> <img src="{@docRoot}images/home/io-logo.png" alt="Google IO 2010" width="200" height="41" style="padding:22px 12px;"/> <div id="announcement" style="width:295px"> <p>Thanks to everyone who visited us at Google I/O in San Francisco! Stay tuned for videos and slides from the Android sessions, which will be posted at the Google I/O web site.</p><p><a href="http://code.google.com/events/io/2010/sessions.html#Android">Learn more »</a></p> </div> <!-- end annoucement --> </div> <!-- end annoucement-block --> </div><!-- end topAnnouncement --> <div id="carouselMain" style="height:200px"> <!-- this height can be adjusted based on the content height --> </div> <div class="clearer"></div> <div id="carouselWheel"> <div class="app-list-container" align="center"> <a href="javascript:{}" id="arrow-left" onclick="" class="arrow-left-off"></a> <div id="list-clip"> <div style="left: 0px;" id="app-list"> <!-- populated by buildCarousel() --> </div> </div><!-- end list-clip --> <a href="javascript:{ page_right(); }" id="arrow-right" onclick="" class="arrow-right-on"></a> <div class="clearer"></div> </div><!-- end app-list container --> </div><!-- end carouselWheel --> </div><!-- end homeMiddle --> <div style="clear:both"> </div> </div><!-- end mainBodyLeft --> <div id="mainBodyRight"> <table id="rightColumn"> <tr> <td class="imageCell"><a href="{@docRoot}sdk/index.html"><img src="{@docRoot}assets/images/icon_download.jpg" style="padding:0" /></a></td> <td> <h2 class="green">Download</h2> <p>The Android SDK has the tools, sample code, and docs you need to create great apps.</p> <p><a href="{@docRoot}sdk/index.html">Learn more »</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><div class="seperator"> </div></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="imageCell"><a href="http://www.android.com/market.html"><img src="{@docRoot}assets/images/icon_market.jpg" style="padding:0" /></a></td> <td> <h2 class="green">Publish</h2> <p>Android Market is an open service that lets you distribute your apps to handsets.</p> <p><a href="http://www.android.com/market.html">Learn more »</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><div class="seperator"> </div></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="imageCell"><a href="http://source.android.com"><img src="{@docRoot}assets/images/icon_contribute.jpg" style="padding:0" /></a></td> <td> <h2 class="green">Contribute</h2> <p>Android Open Source Project gives you access to the entire platform source.</p> <p><a href="http://source.android.com">Learn more »</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><div class="seperator"> </div></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="imageCell"><a href="{@docRoot}resources/dashboard/platform-versions.html"><img src="{@docRoot}images/icon_dashboard.png" style="padding:0" /></a></td> <td> <h2 class="green">Target Devices</h2> <p>The Device Dashboard provides information about deployed Android devices to help you target suitable device configurations as you build and update your apps.</p> <p><a href="{@docRoot}resources/dashboard/platform-versions.html">Learn more »</a></p> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <!--[if lte IE 6]> <style> #arrow-left { margin:0 0 0 5px; } #arrow-right { margin-left:0; } .app-list-container { margin: 37px 0 0 23px; } div#list-clip { width:468px; } </style> <![endif]--> <script type="text/javascript"> // * -- carousel dictionary -- * // /* layout: imgLeft, imgRight, imgTop icon: image for carousel entry. cropped (height:70px, width:90px) name: string for carousel entry img: image for bulletin post. cropped (height: 170, width:230px) title: header for bulletin (optional, insert "" value to skip desc: the bulletin post. must include html tags. */ var droidList = { 'sdk': { 'layout':"imgLeft", 'icon':"sdk-small.png", 'name':"Android 2.2", 'img':"froyo-android.png", 'title':"Get Android 2.2!", 'desc': "<p>The Android 2.2 platform is now available for the Android SDK, along with new " + "tools, documentation, and a new NDK. " + "For information about new features and APIs, read the " + "<a href='{@docRoot}sdk/android-2.2.html'>version notes</a>.</p>" + "<p>If you have an existing SDK, add Android 2.2 as an " + "<a href='{@docRoot}sdk/adding-components.html'>SDK " + "component</a>. If you're new to Android, install the " + "<a href='{@docRoot}sdk/index.html'>SDK starter package</a>." }, 'tv': { 'layout':"imgLeft", 'icon':"tv_s.png", 'name':"Google TV", 'img':"tv_l.png", 'title':"Announcing Google TV!", 'desc': "<p><a href='http://www.google.com/tv/'>Google TV</a> is a new platform " + "for television built on Android. Google " + "has partnered with Sony and Logitech to integrate " + "this platform into TVs, blu-ray players, and companion " + "boxes. An add-on for the Android SDK will be " + "available early next year. </p>" + "<p><a href='http://www.google.com/tv/'>Learn more about " + "Google TV »</a></p>" }, 'devphone': { 'layout':"imgLeft", 'icon':"devphone-small.png", 'name':"Dev Phones", 'img':"devphone-large.png", 'title':"Android Dev Phones", 'desc': "<p>Run and debug your Android applications directly on one of these " + "device. Modify and rebuild the Android operating system, and flash it onto " + "the phone. The Android Dev Phones are carrier independent, and available for " + "purchase by any developer registered with <a " + "href='http://market.android.com/publish'>Android Market</a>.</p><p><a " + "href='/guide/developing/device.html#dev-phone-1'>Learn more about the " + "Android Dev Phones »</a></p>" }, 'mapskey': { 'layout':"imgLeft", 'icon':"maps-small.png", 'name':"Maps API Key", 'img':"maps-large.png", 'title':"Maps API Key", 'desc':"<p>If you're writing an Android application that uses Google Maps (with MapView), you must register your application to obtain a Maps API Key. Without the key, your maps application will not work on Android devices. Obtaining a key requires just a couple of steps.</p><p><a href='http://code.google.com/android/add-ons/google-apis/maps-overview.html'>Learn more »</a></p>" } } </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="{@docRoot}assets/carousel.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> initCarousel("sdk"); </script>