/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // Generate js file as follows: // // re2c -isc WebCore/inspector/front-end/SourceHTMLTokenizer.re2js \ // | sed 's|^yy\([^:]*\)*\:|case \1:|' \ // | sed 's|[*]cursor[+][+]|this._charAt(cursor++)|' \ // | sed 's|[[*][+][+]cursor|this._charAt(++cursor)|' \ // | sed 's|[*]cursor|this._charAt(cursor)|' \ // | sed 's|yych = \*\([^;]*\)|yych = this._charAt\1|' \ // | sed 's|goto case \([^;]*\)|{ gotoCase = \1; continue; }|' \ // | sed 's|unsigned\ int|var|' \ // | sed 's|var\ yych|case 1: var yych|' WebInspector.SourceHTMLTokenizer = function() { WebInspector.SourceTokenizer.call(this); // The order is determined by the generated code. this._lexConditions = { INITIAL: 0, COMMENT: 1, DOCTYPE: 2, TAG: 3, DSTRING: 4, SSTRING: 5 }; this.case_INITIAL = 1000; this.case_COMMENT = 1001; this.case_DOCTYPE = 1002; this.case_TAG = 1003; this.case_DSTRING = 1004; this.case_SSTRING = 1005; this._parseConditions = { INITIAL: 0, ATTRIBUTE: 1, ATTRIBUTE_VALUE: 2, LINKIFY: 4, A_NODE: 8, SCRIPT: 16 }; this.initialCondition = { lexCondition: this._lexConditions.INITIAL, parseCondition: this._parseConditions.INITIAL }; } WebInspector.SourceHTMLTokenizer.prototype = { _isExpectingAttribute: function() { return this._parseCondition & this._parseConditions.ATTRIBUTE; }, _isExpectingAttributeValue: function() { return this._parseCondition & this._parseConditions.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE; }, _setExpectingAttribute: function() { if (this._isExpectingAttributeValue()) this._parseCondition ^= this._parseConditions.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE; this._parseCondition |= this._parseConditions.ATTRIBUTE; }, _setExpectingAttributeValue: function() { if (this._isExpectingAttribute()) this._parseCondition ^= this._parseConditions.ATTRIBUTE; this._parseCondition |= this._parseConditions.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE; }, _stringToken: function(cursor, stringEnds) { if (!this._isExpectingAttributeValue()) { this.tokenType = null; return cursor; } this.tokenType = this._attrValueTokenType(); if (stringEnds) this._setExpectingAttribute(); return cursor; }, _attrValueTokenType: function() { if (this._parseCondition & this._parseConditions.LINKIFY) { if (this._parseCondition & this._parseConditions.A_NODE) return "html-external-link"; return "html-resource-link"; } return "html-attribute-value"; }, nextToken: function(cursor) { var cursorOnEnter = cursor; var gotoCase = 1; while (1) { switch (gotoCase) // Following comment is replaced with generated state machine. /*!re2c re2c:define:YYCTYPE = "var"; re2c:define:YYCURSOR = cursor; re2c:define:YYGETCONDITION = "this.getLexCondition"; re2c:define:YYSETCONDITION = "this.setLexCondition"; re2c:condprefix = "case this.case_"; re2c:condenumprefix = "this._lexConditions."; re2c:yyfill:enable = 0; re2c:labelprefix = "case "; re2c:indent:top = 2; re2c:indent:string = " "; CommentContent = ([^-\r\n] | ("--" [^>]))*; Comment = "<!--" CommentContent "-->"; CommentStart = "<!--" CommentContent [\r\n]; CommentEnd = CommentContent "-->"; DocTypeStart = "<!" [Dd] [Oo] [Cc] [Tt] [Yy] [Pp] [Ee]; DocTypeContent = [^\r\n>]*; ScriptStart = "<" [Ss] [Cc] [Rr] [Ii] [Pp] [Tt]; ScriptEnd = "</" [Ss] [Cc] [Rr] [Ii] [Pp] [Tt]; LT = "<" | "</"; GT = ">"; EqualSign = "="; DoubleStringContent = [^\r\n\"]*; SingleStringContent = [^\r\n\']*; StringLiteral = "\"" DoubleStringContent "\"" | "'" SingleStringContent "'"; DoubleStringStart = "\"" DoubleStringContent [\r\n]; DoubleStringEnd = DoubleStringContent "\""; SingleStringStart = "'" SingleStringContent [\r\n]; SingleStringEnd = SingleStringContent "'"; Identifier = [^ \r\n"'<>\[\]=]+; <INITIAL> Comment { this.tokenType = "html-comment"; return cursor; } <INITIAL> CommentStart => COMMENT { this.tokenType = "html-comment"; return cursor; } <COMMENT> CommentContent => COMMENT { this.tokenType = "html-comment"; return cursor; } <COMMENT> CommentEnd => INITIAL { this.tokenType = "html-comment"; return cursor; } <INITIAL> DocTypeStart => DOCTYPE { this.tokenType = "html-doctype"; return cursor; } <DOCTYPE> DocTypeContent => DOCTYPE { this.tokenType = "html-doctype"; return cursor; } <DOCTYPE> GT => INITIAL { this.tokenType = "html-doctype"; return cursor; } <INITIAL> ScriptStart => TAG { this.tokenType = "html-tag"; this._parseCondition = this._parseConditions.SCRIPT; this._setExpectingAttribute(); return cursor; } <INITIAL> ScriptEnd => TAG { this.tokenType = "html-tag"; this._parseCondition = this._parseConditions.INITIAL; return cursor; } <INITIAL> LT => TAG { if (this._parseCondition & this._parseConditions.SCRIPT) { // Do not tokenize script tag contents, keep lexer state although processing "<". this.setLexCondition(this._lexConditions.INITIAL); this.tokenType = null; return cursor; } this._parseCondition = this._parseConditions.INITIAL; this.tokenType = "html-tag"; return cursor; } <TAG> GT => INITIAL { if (this._parseCondition & this._parseConditions.SCRIPT) { // Do not tokenize script tag contents. this.tokenType = null; return cursor; } this._parseCondition = this._parseConditions.INITIAL; this.tokenType = "html-tag"; return cursor; } <TAG> StringLiteral { return this._stringToken(cursor, true); } <TAG> DoubleStringStart => DSTRING { return this._stringToken(cursor); } <DSTRING> DoubleStringContent => DSTRING { return this._stringToken(cursor); } <DSTRING> DoubleStringEnd => TAG { return this._stringToken(cursor, true); } <TAG> SingleStringStart => SSTRING { return this._stringToken(cursor); } <SSTRING> SingleStringContent => SSTRING { return this._stringToken(cursor); } <SSTRING> SingleStringEnd => TAG { return this._stringToken(cursor, true); } <TAG> EqualSign => TAG { if (this._isExpectingAttribute()) this._setExpectingAttributeValue(); this.tokenType = null; return cursor; } <TAG> Identifier { if (this._parseCondition === this._parseConditions.SCRIPT) { // Fall through if expecting attributes. this.tokenType = null; return cursor; } if (this._parseCondition === this._parseConditions.INITIAL) { this.tokenType = "html-tag"; this._setExpectingAttribute(); var token = this._line.substring(cursorOnEnter, cursor); if (token === "a") this._parseCondition |= this._parseConditions.A_NODE; else if (this._parseCondition & this._parseConditions.A_NODE) this._parseCondition ^= this._parseConditions.A_NODE; } else if (this._isExpectingAttribute()) { var token = this._line.substring(cursorOnEnter, cursor); if (token === "href" || token === "src") this._parseCondition |= this._parseConditions.LINKIFY; else if (this._parseCondition |= this._parseConditions.LINKIFY) this._parseCondition ^= this._parseConditions.LINKIFY; this.tokenType = "html-attribute-name"; } else if (this._isExpectingAttributeValue()) this.tokenType = this._attrValueTokenType(); else this.tokenType = null; return cursor; } <*> [^] { this.tokenType = null; return cursor; } */ } } } WebInspector.SourceHTMLTokenizer.prototype.__proto__ = WebInspector.SourceTokenizer.prototype;