 *   Copyright (C) 2005-2006, International Business Machines
 *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.

#ifndef __CSR2022_H
#define __CSR2022_H

#include "unicode/utypes.h"


#include "csrecog.h"


 *  class CharsetRecog_2022  part of the ICU charset detection imlementation.
 *                           This is a superclass for the individual detectors for
 *                           each of the detectable members of the ISO 2022 family
 *                           of encodings.
 *                           The separate classes are nested within this class.
 * @internal
class CharsetRecog_2022 : public CharsetRecognizer

    virtual ~CharsetRecog_2022() = 0;


     * Matching function shared among the 2022 detectors JP, CN and KR
     * Counts up the number of legal an unrecognized escape sequences in
     * the sample of text, and computes a score based on the total number &
     * the proportion that fit the encoding.
     * @param text the byte buffer containing text to analyse
     * @param textLen  the size of the text in the byte.
     * @param escapeSequences the byte escape sequences to test for.
     * @return match quality, in the range of 0-100.
    int32_t match_2022(const uint8_t *text, int32_t textLen, const uint8_t escapeSequences[][5], int32_t escapeSequences_length);


class CharsetRecog_2022JP :public CharsetRecog_2022
    virtual ~CharsetRecog_2022JP() {}

    const char *getName() const;

    int32_t match(InputText *textIn);

class CharsetRecog_2022KR :public CharsetRecog_2022 {
    virtual ~CharsetRecog_2022KR() {}

    const char *getName() const;

    int32_t match(InputText *textIn);


class CharsetRecog_2022CN :public CharsetRecog_2022
    virtual ~CharsetRecog_2022CN() {}

    const char* getName() const;

    int32_t match(InputText *textIn);


#endif /* __CSR2022_H */