<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- application name and title of error dialogs-->
<string name="app_name">Sound Recorder</string>
<!-- Screen title before and during recording -->
<string name="record_your_message">Record your message</string>
<!-- Screen title after recording -->
<string name="message_recorded">Message recorded</string>
<!-- Screen title while playing back a recording -->
<string name="review_message">Review message</string>
<!-- Label shown during recording -->
<string name="recording">Recording</string>
<!-- Label shown when the recording is stopped for a reason other than the user stopping it (e.g. the sd card was removed) -->
<string name="recording_stopped">Recording stopped</string>
<!-- label shown when there is not enough space to record something -->
<string name="storage_is_full">Storage is full</string>
<!-- label shown when the recording has reached maximum allowed file size -->
<string name="max_length_reached">Maximum length reached</string>
<!-- label shown when there is no sd card available to record to -->
<string name="insert_sd_card">Please insert an SD card</string>
<!-- label shown when there is more than 1 minute but less than 9 minutes of space left to record -->
<string name="min_available"><xliff:g id="minutes">%d</xliff:g> min available</string>
<!-- label shown when there is less than 1 minute of space left to record -->
<string name="sec_available"><xliff:g id="seconds">%d</xliff:g>s available</string>
<!-- button to accept the current recording and return it to the caller -->
<string name="accept">Use this recording</string>
<!-- button to discard the current recording and return to the caller -->
<string name="discard">Discard</string>
<!-- acknowlegement button in a number of dialogs -->
<string name="button_ok">OK</string>
<!-- Do not translate. Format of the timer that shows how much has been recorded so far -->
<string name="timer_format"><xliff:g id="format">%02d:%02d</xliff:g></string>
<!-- label shown before the user has recorded anything -->
<string name="press_record">Press record</string>
<!-- the name under which recordings will be visible in the media database is formatted like this -->
<string name="audio_db_title_format"><xliff:g id="format">yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss</xliff:g></string>
<!-- all recordings will show up in the media database with this 'artist' name -->
<string name="audio_db_artist_name">Your recordings</string>
<!-- all recordings will show up in the media database with this 'album' name -->
<string name="audio_db_album_name">Audio recordings</string>
<!-- all recordings will show up in the media database in a playlist with this name -->
<string name="audio_db_playlist_name">My recordings</string>
<!-- shown as the message in a dialog when an error occured because of an error accessing the sd card -->
<string name="error_sdcard_access">Unable to access SD card</string>
<!-- shown as the message in a dialog when the app encountered an unspecified internal error -->
<string name="error_app_internal">Internal application error</string>
<!-- shown as the message in a dialog when the recording could not be added to the media database -->
<string name="error_mediadb_new_record">Unable to save recorded audio</string>