/* * CmdBldDb.h * * Copyright(c) 1998 - 2009 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name Texas Instruments nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file CmdBldDb.h * \brief Command builder database * * \see CmdBld.h */ #ifndef CMDBLDDB_H #define CMDBLDDB_H #include "TWDriverInternal.h" #include "public_infoele.h" /* * Dot11 params * ------------ */ typedef struct { TI_UINT16 RtsThreshold; TI_UINT8 CtsToSelf; TRxTimeOut rxTimeOut; TI_UINT16 FragmentThreshold; TI_UINT8 ListenInterval; TI_UINT16 Capabilities; TI_UINT32 MaxTxMsduLifetime; TI_UINT32 MaxRxMsduLifetime; TI_UINT8 calibrationChannel2_4; TI_UINT8 calibrationChannel5_0; TI_UINT16 Aid; TI_UINT8 CurrAntenna; TI_UINT8 TxAntenna; TI_UINT8 RxAntenna; TI_UINT8 Hw_TxAntenna; TI_UINT8 Hw_RxAntenna; TI_UINT16 CwMin; TI_UINT8 RateFallback; TI_UINT32 RxConfigOption; TI_UINT32 RxFilterOption; TI_BOOL WiFiWmmPS; /* Data interrupts pacing */ TI_UINT16 TxCompletePacingThreshold; TI_UINT16 TxCompletePacingTimeout; TI_UINT16 RxIntrPacingThreshold; TI_UINT16 RxIntrPacingTimeout; /* ARP IP Addr table */ TI_UINT32 arp_IP_ver; TI_UINT32 isArpIpFilteringEnabled; TIpAddr arp_IP_addr; /* Mac addresses filter */ TI_UINT8 isMacAddrFilteringnabled; TI_UINT8 numGroupAddrs; TMacAddr aGroupAddr[MAX_MULTICAST_GROUP_ADDRS]; TI_UINT32 FeatureOptions; TI_UINT32 FeatureDataFlowOptions; TI_UINT8 SlotTime; TI_UINT8 preamble; TI_UINT8 RadioBand; TI_UINT8 MacClock; TI_UINT8 ArmClock; TI_UINT8 CurrPowerSaveState; ESoftGeminiEnableModes SoftGeminiEnable; TSoftGeminiParams SoftGeminiParams; TFmCoexParams tFmCoexParams; TI_UINT8 maxSitesFragCollect; TI_UINT8 hwAccessMethod; TI_UINT32 nullTemplateSize; TI_UINT32 disconnTemplateSize; TI_UINT32 beaconTemplateSize; TI_UINT32 probeRequestTemplateSize; TI_UINT32 probeResponseTemplateSize; TI_UINT32 PsPollTemplateSize; TI_UINT32 qosNullDataTemplateSize; TI_BOOL EnergyDetection; TI_UINT8 PacketDetectionThreshold; TI_UINT8 FcsErrThrsh; TI_UINT8 UseDeviceErrorInterrupt; TI_BOOL RetryPreemption; /* This flag indicate if to discards all broadcast frames */ TI_BOOL RxDisableBroadcast; /* Indicate if the station is joined */ TI_BOOL bJoin; /* Indicate if the station is connected */ TI_BOOL bStaConnected; TI_UINT8 AntDiversity; /* Parameters for roaming triggers configuration */ TRroamingTriggerParams roamTriggers; /* Power control param */ EPowerPolicy minPowerLevel; TBcnBrcOptions BcnBrcOptions; TBeaconFilterIeTable beaconFilterIETable; TBeaconFilterInitParams beaconFilterParams; /*Beacon Early Termination (Bet)*/ TI_UINT8 BetEnable; TI_UINT8 MaximumConsecutiveET; TI_UINT8 ConsecutivePsPollDeliveryFailureThreshold; /* RSSI/SNR triggers */ RssiSnrTriggerCfg_t tRssiSnrTrigger[NUM_OF_RSSI_SNR_TRIGGERS]; RssiSnrAverageWeights_t tRssiSnrWeights; TI_UINT32 uSlicedScanTimeOut; /* HT capabilities */ TTwdHtCapabilities tTwdHtCapabilities; /* PM Config params */ TI_UINT32 uHostClkSettlingTime; TI_UINT8 uHostFastWakeupSupport; TI_UINT8 TxPowerDbm; /* CoexActivity Table */ THalCoexActivityTable tWlanParamsCoexActivityTable; } TWlanParams; /* * BssInfo params * -------------- */ typedef struct { TI_UINT8 ReqBssType; TI_UINT8 BssType; TI_UINT16 BeaconInterval; TI_UINT8 DtimInterval; TI_UINT8 RadioChannel; TI_UINT8 BssId[MAC_ADDR_LEN]; TSsid tSsid; /* Policy for recovery */ TTxRatePolicy TxRateClassParams; TI_UINT32 BasicRateSet; /* The ctrl field in the Join-Command (see StartJoinRequest_t) */ TI_UINT8 Ctrl; /* ATIM window of IBSS*/ /* Note that when ATIM window is zero the*/ /* initiated IBSS does not support powersave*/ TI_UINT16 ATimWindow; /* Specifies the PLCP preamble type used*/ /* 0 for long preamble*/ /* 1 for short preamble*/ TI_UINT8 DefaultPreamble; /* * HT setting */ /* capabilities */ TI_BOOL bHtCap; TI_UINT32 uHtCapabilites; TMacAddr tMacAddress; TI_UINT8 uAmpduMaxLeng; TI_UINT8 uAmpduMinSpac; /* Information */ TI_BOOL bHtInf; TI_UINT8 uRifsMode; TI_UINT8 uHtProtection; TI_UINT8 uGfProtection; TI_UINT8 uHtTxBurstLimit; TI_UINT8 uDualCtsProtection; /* BA session */ TI_BOOL bBaInitiator[MAX_NUM_OF_802_1d_TAGS]; TAxcBaSessionInitiatorResponderPolicy tBaSessionInitiatorPolicy[MAX_NUM_OF_802_1d_TAGS]; TI_BOOL bBaResponder[MAX_NUM_OF_802_1d_TAGS]; TAxcBaSessionInitiatorResponderPolicy tBaSessionResponderPolicy[MAX_NUM_OF_802_1d_TAGS]; } TBssInfoParams; /* * General counters * ---------------- */ typedef struct { TI_UINT32 FcsErrCnt; } TGenCounters; /* * queuesParam_T - Queue params for Quality Of Service * ------------------------------------------ */ typedef struct { TQueueTrafficParams queues[MAX_NUM_OF_AC]; TI_BOOL isQueueConfigured[MAX_NUM_OF_AC]; } TQueuesParams; typedef struct { TAcQosParams ac[MAX_NUM_OF_AC]; TI_BOOL isAcConfigured[MAX_NUM_OF_AC]; TI_BOOL isBurstModeEnabled; } TAcConfParams; typedef struct { TPsRxStreaming tid[MAX_NUM_OF_802_1d_TAGS]; } TPsRxStreamingParams; /* * Templates params * ---------------- */ typedef struct { TTemplateParams Beacon; TTemplateParams ProbeReq24; TTemplateParams ProbeReq50; TTemplateParams ProbeResp; TTemplateParams NullData; TTemplateParams PsPoll; TTemplateParams QosNullData; TTemplateParams KeepAlive[ KLV_MAX_TMPL_NUM ]; TTemplateParams Disconn; } TTemplateListParams; typedef struct { TI_UINT8 enaDisFlag; TKeepAliveParams keepAliveParams[ KLV_MAX_TMPL_NUM ]; } TKeepAliveList; /* Security keys structure for reconfigure phase */ typedef struct { TI_BOOL bReconfHwEncEnable; TI_BOOL bHwEncDecrEnableValid; TI_UINT8 uReconfDefaultKeyId; TI_BOOL bDefaultKeyIdValid; TSecurityKeys* pReconfKeys; } TSecurReconf; /* Rx Data Filters */ typedef struct { TI_UINT8 uIndex; TI_UINT8 uCommand; filter_e eAction; TI_UINT8 uNumFieldPatterns; TI_UINT8 uLenFieldPatterns; TI_UINT8 aFieldPattern[MAX_DATA_FILTER_SIZE]; } TRxDataFilter; typedef struct { TI_BOOL bEnabled; filter_e eDefaultAction; TRxDataFilter aRxDataFilter[MAX_DATA_FILTERS]; } TRxDataFiltersTable; typedef struct { ACXSmartReflexConfigParams_t tSmartReflexParams; ACXSmartReflexDebugParams_t tSmartReflexDebugParams; ACXSmartReflexState_t tSmartReflexState; }TSmartReflexParams ; typedef struct { RateMangeParams_t rateMngParams; } TRateMngParams; /* * ---------------------------------------------------------------- * MAIN PARAMETERS STRUCTURE * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct { TDmaParams dma; /* Rx/Tx queue parameters */ TQueuesParams queues; /* Queues params for QOS */ TAcConfParams ac; /* AC params for QoS */ TPsRxStreamingParams psStream; /* PS-Rx-Streaming params */ TWlanParams wlan; /* Wlan parameters */ TBssInfoParams bss; /* Bss information */ TFwInfo hw; /* HW eeprom & versions info*/ TGenCounters counters; /* General counters */ TTemplateListParams templateList; /* Templates for recovery */ TKeepAliveList klvList; /* Keep-Alive paramters */ TSecurReconf keys; /* Security keys */ TRxDataFiltersTable rxDataFilters; /* Rx data filters */ IniFileGeneralParam tPlatformGenParams; /* platfrom gen params from public_radio.h */ IniFileRadioParam tRadioIniParams; /* Radio ini params from public_radio.h */ TSmartReflexParams tSmartReflex; TRateMngParams tRateMngParams; /* rate management params */ } TCmdBldDb; #endif