* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "fastdeploy.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include "android-base/file.h"
#include "android-base/strings.h"
#include "androidfw/ResourceTypes.h"
#include "androidfw/ZipFileRO.h"
#include "client/file_sync_client.h"
#include "commandline.h"
#include "fastdeploycallbacks.h"
#include "sysdeps.h"
#include "adb_utils.h"
static constexpr long kRequiredAgentVersion = 0x00000002;
static constexpr const char* kDeviceAgentPath = "/data/local/tmp/";
static bool g_use_localagent = false;
long get_agent_version() {
std::vector<char> versionOutputBuffer;
std::vector<char> versionErrorBuffer;
int statusCode = capture_shell_command("/data/local/tmp/deployagent version",
&versionOutputBuffer, &versionErrorBuffer);
long version = -1;
if (statusCode == 0 && versionOutputBuffer.size() > 0) {
version = strtol((char*)versionOutputBuffer.data(), NULL, 16);
return version;
int get_device_api_level() {
std::vector<char> sdkVersionOutputBuffer;
std::vector<char> sdkVersionErrorBuffer;
int api_level = -1;
int statusCode = capture_shell_command("getprop ro.build.version.sdk", &sdkVersionOutputBuffer,
if (statusCode == 0 && sdkVersionOutputBuffer.size() > 0) {
api_level = strtol((char*)sdkVersionOutputBuffer.data(), NULL, 10);
return api_level;
void fastdeploy_set_local_agent(bool use_localagent) {
g_use_localagent = use_localagent;
// local_path - must start with a '/' and be relative to $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT
static std::string get_agent_component_host_path(const char* local_path, const char* sdk_path) {
std::string adb_dir = android::base::GetExecutableDirectory();
if (adb_dir.empty()) {
error_exit("Could not determine location of adb!");
if (g_use_localagent) {
const char* product_out = getenv("ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT");
if (product_out == nullptr) {
error_exit("Could not locate %s because $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT is not defined",
return android::base::StringPrintf("%s%s", product_out, local_path);
} else {
return adb_dir + sdk_path;
static bool deploy_agent(bool checkTimeStamps) {
std::vector<const char*> srcs;
std::string jar_path =
get_agent_component_host_path("/system/framework/deployagent.jar", "/deployagent.jar");
std::string script_path =
get_agent_component_host_path("/system/bin/deployagent", "/deployagent");
if (do_sync_push(srcs, kDeviceAgentPath, checkTimeStamps)) {
// on windows the shell script might have lost execute permission
// so need to set this explicitly
const char* kChmodCommandPattern = "chmod 777 %sdeployagent";
std::string chmodCommand =
android::base::StringPrintf(kChmodCommandPattern, kDeviceAgentPath);
int ret = send_shell_command(chmodCommand);
if (ret != 0) {
error_exit("Error executing %s returncode: %d", chmodCommand.c_str(), ret);
} else {
error_exit("Error pushing agent files to device");
return true;
void update_agent(FastDeploy_AgentUpdateStrategy agentUpdateStrategy) {
long agent_version = get_agent_version();
switch (agentUpdateStrategy) {
case FastDeploy_AgentUpdateAlways:
case FastDeploy_AgentUpdateNewerTimeStamp:
case FastDeploy_AgentUpdateDifferentVersion:
if (agent_version != kRequiredAgentVersion) {
if (agent_version < 0) {
printf("Could not detect agent on device, deploying\n");
} else {
printf("Device agent version is (%ld), (%ld) is required, re-deploying\n",
agent_version, kRequiredAgentVersion);
agent_version = get_agent_version();
if (agent_version != kRequiredAgentVersion) {
error_exit("After update agent version remains incorrect! Expected %ld but version is %ld",
kRequiredAgentVersion, agent_version);
static std::string get_string_from_utf16(const char16_t* input, int input_len) {
ssize_t utf8_length = utf16_to_utf8_length(input, input_len);
if (utf8_length <= 0) {
return {};
std::string utf8;
utf16_to_utf8(input, input_len, &*utf8.begin(), utf8_length + 1);
return utf8;
static std::string get_packagename_from_apk(const char* apkPath) {
#undef open
std::unique_ptr<android::ZipFileRO> zipFile(android::ZipFileRO::open(apkPath));
#define open ___xxx_unix_open
if (zipFile == nullptr) {
perror_exit("Could not open %s", apkPath);
android::ZipEntryRO entry = zipFile->findEntryByName("AndroidManifest.xml");
if (entry == nullptr) {
error_exit("Could not find AndroidManifest.xml inside %s", apkPath);
uint32_t manifest_len = 0;
if (!zipFile->getEntryInfo(entry, NULL, &manifest_len, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) {
error_exit("Could not read AndroidManifest.xml inside %s", apkPath);
std::vector<char> manifest_data(manifest_len);
if (!zipFile->uncompressEntry(entry, manifest_data.data(), manifest_len)) {
error_exit("Could not uncompress AndroidManifest.xml inside %s", apkPath);
android::ResXMLTree tree;
android::status_t setto_status = tree.setTo(manifest_data.data(), manifest_len, true);
if (setto_status != android::OK) {
error_exit("Could not parse AndroidManifest.xml inside %s", apkPath);
android::ResXMLParser::event_code_t code;
while ((code = tree.next()) != android::ResXMLParser::BAD_DOCUMENT &&
code != android::ResXMLParser::END_DOCUMENT) {
switch (code) {
case android::ResXMLParser::START_TAG: {
size_t element_name_length;
const char16_t* element_name = tree.getElementName(&element_name_length);
if (element_name == nullptr) {
std::u16string element_name_string(element_name, element_name_length);
if (element_name_string == u"manifest") {
for (size_t i = 0; i < tree.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
size_t attribute_name_length;
const char16_t* attribute_name_text =
tree.getAttributeName(i, &attribute_name_length);
if (attribute_name_text == nullptr) {
std::u16string attribute_name_string(attribute_name_text,
if (attribute_name_string == u"package") {
size_t attribute_value_length;
const char16_t* attribute_value_text =
tree.getAttributeStringValue(i, &attribute_value_length);
if (attribute_value_text == nullptr) {
return get_string_from_utf16(attribute_value_text,
error_exit("Could not find package name tag in AndroidManifest.xml inside %s", apkPath);
void extract_metadata(const char* apkPath, FILE* outputFp) {
std::string packageName = get_packagename_from_apk(apkPath);
const char* kAgentExtractCommandPattern = "/data/local/tmp/deployagent extract %s";
std::string extractCommand =
android::base::StringPrintf(kAgentExtractCommandPattern, packageName.c_str());
std::vector<char> extractErrorBuffer;
DeployAgentFileCallback cb(outputFp, &extractErrorBuffer);
int returnCode = send_shell_command(extractCommand, false, &cb);
if (returnCode != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Executing %s returned %d\n", extractCommand.c_str(), returnCode);
fprintf(stderr, "%*s\n", int(extractErrorBuffer.size()), extractErrorBuffer.data());
static std::string get_patch_generator_command() {
if (g_use_localagent) {
// This should never happen on a Windows machine
const char* host_out = getenv("ANDROID_HOST_OUT");
if (host_out == nullptr) {
"Could not locate deploypatchgenerator.jar because $ANDROID_HOST_OUT "
"is not defined");
return android::base::StringPrintf("java -jar %s/framework/deploypatchgenerator.jar",
std::string adb_dir = android::base::GetExecutableDirectory();
if (adb_dir.empty()) {
error_exit("Could not locate deploypatchgenerator.jar");
return android::base::StringPrintf(R"(java -jar "%s/deploypatchgenerator.jar")",
void create_patch(const char* apkPath, const char* metadataPath, const char* patchPath) {
std::string generatePatchCommand = android::base::StringPrintf(
R"(%s "%s" "%s" > "%s")", get_patch_generator_command().c_str(), apkPath, metadataPath,
int returnCode = system(generatePatchCommand.c_str());
if (returnCode != 0) {
error_exit("Executing %s returned %d", generatePatchCommand.c_str(), returnCode);
std::string get_patch_path(const char* apkPath) {
std::string packageName = get_packagename_from_apk(apkPath);
std::string patchDevicePath =
android::base::StringPrintf("%s%s.patch", kDeviceAgentPath, packageName.c_str());
return patchDevicePath;
void apply_patch_on_device(const char* apkPath, const char* patchPath, const char* outputPath) {
const std::string kAgentApplyCommandPattern = "/data/local/tmp/deployagent apply %s %s -o %s";
std::string packageName = get_packagename_from_apk(apkPath);
std::string patchDevicePath = get_patch_path(apkPath);
std::vector<const char*> srcs = {patchPath};
bool push_ok = do_sync_push(srcs, patchDevicePath.c_str(), false);
if (!push_ok) {
error_exit("Error pushing %s to %s returned", patchPath, patchDevicePath.c_str());
std::string applyPatchCommand =
android::base::StringPrintf(kAgentApplyCommandPattern.c_str(), packageName.c_str(),
patchDevicePath.c_str(), outputPath);
int returnCode = send_shell_command(applyPatchCommand);
if (returnCode != 0) {
error_exit("Executing %s returned %d", applyPatchCommand.c_str(), returnCode);
void install_patch(const char* apkPath, const char* patchPath, int argc, const char** argv) {
const std::string kAgentApplyCommandPattern = "/data/local/tmp/deployagent apply %s %s -pm %s";
std::string packageName = get_packagename_from_apk(apkPath);
std::string patchDevicePath =
android::base::StringPrintf("%s%s.patch", kDeviceAgentPath, packageName.c_str());
std::vector<const char*> srcs{patchPath};
bool push_ok = do_sync_push(srcs, patchDevicePath.c_str(), false);
if (!push_ok) {
error_exit("Error pushing %s to %s returned", patchPath, patchDevicePath.c_str());
std::vector<unsigned char> applyOutputBuffer;
std::vector<unsigned char> applyErrorBuffer;
std::string argsString;
bool rSwitchPresent = false;
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
argsString.append(" ");
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-r")) {
rSwitchPresent = true;
if (!rSwitchPresent) {
std::string applyPatchCommand =
android::base::StringPrintf(kAgentApplyCommandPattern.c_str(), packageName.c_str(),
patchDevicePath.c_str(), argsString.c_str());
int returnCode = send_shell_command(applyPatchCommand);
if (returnCode != 0) {
error_exit("Executing %s returned %d", applyPatchCommand.c_str(), returnCode);
bool find_package(const char* apkPath) {
const std::string findCommand =
"/data/local/tmp/deployagent find " + get_packagename_from_apk(apkPath);
return !send_shell_command(findCommand);