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 * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

#include "avrcp/avrcp.h"
#include "bluetooth/uuid.h"
#include "raw_address.h"

 * The Bluetooth Hardware Module ID

#define BT_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID "bluetooth"
#define BT_STACK_MODULE_ID "bluetooth"

/** Bluetooth profile interface IDs */
#define BT_PROFILE_HANDSFREE_ID "handsfree"
#define BT_PROFILE_HANDSFREE_CLIENT_ID "handsfree_client"
#define BT_PROFILE_SOCKETS_ID "socket"
#define BT_PROFILE_HIDHOST_ID "hidhost"
#define BT_PROFILE_HIDDEV_ID "hiddev"
#define BT_PROFILE_PAN_ID "pan"
#define BT_PROFILE_MAP_CLIENT_ID "map_client"
#define BT_PROFILE_GATT_ID "gatt"
#define BT_PROFILE_AV_RC_ID "avrcp"
#define BT_PROFILE_AV_RC_CTRL_ID "avrcp_ctrl"
#define BT_PROFILE_HEARING_AID_ID "hearing_aid"

/** Bluetooth Device Name */
typedef struct { uint8_t name[249]; } __attribute__((packed)) bt_bdname_t;

/** Bluetooth Adapter Visibility Modes*/
typedef enum {
} bt_scan_mode_t;

/** Bluetooth Adapter State */
typedef enum { BT_STATE_OFF, BT_STATE_ON } bt_state_t;

/** Bluetooth Adapter Input Output Capabilities which determine Pairing/Security
typedef enum {
  BT_IO_CAP_OUT,    /* DisplayOnly */
  BT_IO_CAP_IO,     /* DisplayYesNo */
  BT_IO_CAP_IN,     /* KeyboardOnly */
  BT_IO_CAP_NONE,   /* NoInputNoOutput */
  BT_IO_CAP_KBDISP, /* Keyboard display */
  BT_IO_CAP_UNKNOWN = 0xFF /* Unknown value */
} bt_io_cap_t;

/** Bluetooth Error Status */
/** We need to build on this */

typedef enum {
  BT_STATUS_DONE, /* request already completed */
} bt_status_t;

/** Bluetooth PinKey Code */
typedef struct { uint8_t pin[16]; } __attribute__((packed)) bt_pin_code_t;

typedef struct {
  uint8_t status;
  uint8_t ctrl_state;   /* stack reported state */
  uint64_t tx_time;     /* in ms */
  uint64_t rx_time;     /* in ms */
  uint64_t idle_time;   /* in ms */
  uint64_t energy_used; /* a product of mA, V and ms */
} __attribute__((packed)) bt_activity_energy_info;

typedef struct {
  int32_t app_uid;
  uint64_t tx_bytes;
  uint64_t rx_bytes;
} __attribute__((packed)) bt_uid_traffic_t;

/** Bluetooth Adapter Discovery state */
typedef enum {
} bt_discovery_state_t;

/** Bluetooth ACL connection state */
typedef enum {
} bt_acl_state_t;

/** Bluetooth SDP service record */
typedef struct {
  bluetooth::Uuid uuid;
  uint16_t channel;
  char name[256];  // what's the maximum length
} bt_service_record_t;

/** Bluetooth Remote Version info */
typedef struct {
  int version;
  int sub_ver;
  int manufacturer;
} bt_remote_version_t;

typedef struct {
  uint16_t version_supported;
  uint8_t local_privacy_enabled;
  uint8_t max_adv_instance;
  uint8_t rpa_offload_supported;
  uint8_t max_irk_list_size;
  uint8_t max_adv_filter_supported;
  uint8_t activity_energy_info_supported;
  uint16_t scan_result_storage_size;
  uint16_t total_trackable_advertisers;
  bool extended_scan_support;
  bool debug_logging_supported;
  bool le_2m_phy_supported;
  bool le_coded_phy_supported;
  bool le_extended_advertising_supported;
  bool le_periodic_advertising_supported;
  uint16_t le_maximum_advertising_data_length;
} bt_local_le_features_t;

/* Bluetooth Adapter and Remote Device property types */
typedef enum {
  /* Properties common to both adapter and remote device */
   * Description - Bluetooth Device Name
   * Access mode - Adapter name can be GET/SET. Remote device can be GET
   * Data type   - bt_bdname_t
   * Description - Bluetooth Device Address
   * Access mode - Only GET.
   * Data type   - RawAddress
   * Description - Bluetooth Service 128-bit UUIDs
   * Access mode - Only GET.
   * Data type   - Array of bluetooth::Uuid (Array size inferred from property
   *               length).
   * Description - Bluetooth Class of Device as found in Assigned Numbers
   * Access mode - Only GET.
   * Data type   - uint32_t.
   * Description - Device Type - BREDR, BLE or DUAL Mode
   * Access mode - Only GET.
   * Data type   - bt_device_type_t
   * Description - Bluetooth Service Record
   * Access mode - Only GET.
   * Data type   - bt_service_record_t

  /* Properties unique to adapter */
   * Description - Bluetooth Adapter scan mode
   * Access mode - GET and SET
   * Data type   - bt_scan_mode_t.
   * Description - List of bonded devices
   * Access mode - Only GET.
   * Data type   - Array of RawAddress of the bonded remote devices
   *               (Array size inferred from property length).
   * Description - Bluetooth Adapter Discovery timeout (in seconds)
   * Access mode - GET and SET
   * Data type   - uint32_t

  /* Properties unique to remote device */
   * Description - User defined friendly name of the remote device
   * Access mode - GET and SET
   * Data type   - bt_bdname_t.
   * Description - RSSI value of the inquired remote device
   * Access mode - Only GET.
   * Data type   - int8_t.
   * Description - Remote version info
   * Access mode - SET/GET.
   * Data type   - bt_remote_version_t.


   * Description - Local LE features
   * Access mode - GET.
   * Data type   - bt_local_le_features_t.

   * Description - Local Input/Output Capabilities for classic Bluetooth
   * Access mode - GET and SET
   * Data Type - bt_io_cap_t.

   * Description - Local Input/Output Capabilities for BLE
   * Access mode - GET and SET
   * Data Type - bt_io_cap_t.

} bt_property_type_t;

/** Bluetooth Adapter Property data structure */
typedef struct {
  bt_property_type_t type;
  int len;
  void* val;
} bt_property_t;

/** Bluetooth Out Of Band data for bonding */
typedef struct {
  uint8_t le_bt_dev_addr[7]; /* LE Bluetooth Device Address */
  uint8_t c192[16];          /* Simple Pairing Hash C-192 */
  uint8_t r192[16];          /* Simple Pairing Randomizer R-192 */
  uint8_t c256[16];          /* Simple Pairing Hash C-256 */
  uint8_t r256[16];          /* Simple Pairing Randomizer R-256 */
  uint8_t sm_tk[16];         /* Security Manager TK Value */
  uint8_t le_sc_c[16];       /* LE Secure Connections Confirmation Value */
  uint8_t le_sc_r[16];       /* LE Secure Connections Random Value */
} bt_out_of_band_data_t;

/** Bluetooth Device Type */
typedef enum {
} bt_device_type_t;
/** Bluetooth Bond state */
typedef enum {
} bt_bond_state_t;

/** Bluetooth SSP Bonding Variant */
typedef enum {
} bt_ssp_variant_t;

#define BT_MAX_NUM_UUIDS 32

/** Bluetooth Interface callbacks */

/** Bluetooth Enable/Disable Callback. */
typedef void (*adapter_state_changed_callback)(bt_state_t state);

/** GET/SET Adapter Properties callback */
/* TODO: For the GET/SET property APIs/callbacks, we may need a session
 * identifier to associate the call with the callback. This would be needed
 * whenever more than one simultaneous instance of the same adapter_type
 * is get/set.
 * If this is going to be handled in the Java framework, then we do not need
 * to manage sessions here.
typedef void (*adapter_properties_callback)(bt_status_t status,
                                            int num_properties,
                                            bt_property_t* properties);

/** GET/SET Remote Device Properties callback */
/** TODO: For remote device properties, do not see a need to get/set
 * multiple properties - num_properties shall be 1
typedef void (*remote_device_properties_callback)(bt_status_t status,
                                                  RawAddress* bd_addr,
                                                  int num_properties,
                                                  bt_property_t* properties);

/** New device discovered callback */
/** If EIR data is not present, then BD_NAME and RSSI shall be NULL and -1
 * respectively */
typedef void (*device_found_callback)(int num_properties,
                                      bt_property_t* properties);

/** Discovery state changed callback */
typedef void (*discovery_state_changed_callback)(bt_discovery_state_t state);

/** Bluetooth Legacy PinKey Request callback */
typedef void (*pin_request_callback)(RawAddress* remote_bd_addr,
                                     bt_bdname_t* bd_name, uint32_t cod,
                                     bool min_16_digit);

/** Bluetooth SSP Request callback - Just Works & Numeric Comparison*/
/** pass_key - Shall be 0 for BT_SSP_PAIRING_VARIANT_CONSENT &
/* TODO: Passkey request callback shall not be needed for devices with display
 * capability. We still need support this in the stack for completeness */
typedef void (*ssp_request_callback)(RawAddress* remote_bd_addr,
                                     bt_bdname_t* bd_name, uint32_t cod,
                                     bt_ssp_variant_t pairing_variant,
                                     uint32_t pass_key);

/** Bluetooth Bond state changed callback */
/* Invoked in response to create_bond, cancel_bond or remove_bond */
typedef void (*bond_state_changed_callback)(bt_status_t status,
                                            RawAddress* remote_bd_addr,
                                            bt_bond_state_t state);

/** Bluetooth ACL connection state changed callback */
typedef void (*acl_state_changed_callback)(bt_status_t status,
                                           RawAddress* remote_bd_addr,
                                           bt_acl_state_t state);

typedef enum { ASSOCIATE_JVM, DISASSOCIATE_JVM } bt_cb_thread_evt;

/** Thread Associate/Disassociate JVM Callback */
/* Callback that is invoked by the callback thread to allow upper layer to
 * attach/detach to/from the JVM */
typedef void (*callback_thread_event)(bt_cb_thread_evt evt);

/** Bluetooth Test Mode Callback */
/* Receive any HCI event from controller. Must be in DUT Mode for this callback
 * to be received */
typedef void (*dut_mode_recv_callback)(uint16_t opcode, uint8_t* buf,
                                       uint8_t len);

/* LE Test mode callbacks
 * This callback shall be invoked whenever the le_tx_test, le_rx_test or
 * le_test_end is invoked The num_packets is valid only for le_test_end command
typedef void (*le_test_mode_callback)(bt_status_t status, uint16_t num_packets);

/** Callback invoked when energy details are obtained */
/* Ctrl_state-Current controller state-Active-1,scan-2,or idle-3 state as
 * defined by HCI spec. If the ctrl_state value is 0, it means the API call
 * failed Time values-In milliseconds as returned by the controller Energy
 * used-Value as returned by the controller Status-Provides the status of the
 * read_energy_info API call uid_data provides an array of bt_uid_traffic_t,
 * where the array is terminated by an element with app_uid set to -1.
typedef void (*energy_info_callback)(bt_activity_energy_info* energy_info,
                                     bt_uid_traffic_t* uid_data);

/** TODO: Add callbacks for Link Up/Down and other generic
 *  notifications/callbacks */

/** Bluetooth DM callback structure. */
typedef struct {
  /** set to sizeof(bt_callbacks_t) */
  size_t size;
  adapter_state_changed_callback adapter_state_changed_cb;
  adapter_properties_callback adapter_properties_cb;
  remote_device_properties_callback remote_device_properties_cb;
  device_found_callback device_found_cb;
  discovery_state_changed_callback discovery_state_changed_cb;
  pin_request_callback pin_request_cb;
  ssp_request_callback ssp_request_cb;
  bond_state_changed_callback bond_state_changed_cb;
  acl_state_changed_callback acl_state_changed_cb;
  callback_thread_event thread_evt_cb;
  dut_mode_recv_callback dut_mode_recv_cb;
  le_test_mode_callback le_test_mode_cb;
  energy_info_callback energy_info_cb;
} bt_callbacks_t;

typedef void (*alarm_cb)(void* data);
typedef bool (*set_wake_alarm_callout)(uint64_t delay_millis, bool should_wake,
                                       alarm_cb cb, void* data);
typedef int (*acquire_wake_lock_callout)(const char* lock_name);
typedef int (*release_wake_lock_callout)(const char* lock_name);

/** The set of functions required by bluedroid to set wake alarms and
 * grab wake locks. This struct is passed into the stack through the
 * |set_os_callouts| function on |bt_interface_t|.
typedef struct {
  /* set to sizeof(bt_os_callouts_t) */
  size_t size;

  set_wake_alarm_callout set_wake_alarm;
  acquire_wake_lock_callout acquire_wake_lock;
  release_wake_lock_callout release_wake_lock;
} bt_os_callouts_t;

/** NOTE: By default, no profiles are initialized at the time of init/enable.
 *  Whenever the application invokes the 'init' API of a profile, then one of
 *  the following shall occur:
 *    1.) If Bluetooth is not enabled, then the Bluetooth core shall mark the
 *        profile as enabled. Subsequently, when the application invokes the
 *        Bluetooth 'enable', as part of the enable sequence the profile that
 * were marked shall be enabled by calling appropriate stack APIs. The
 *        'adapter_properties_cb' shall return the list of UUIDs of the
 *        enabled profiles.
 *    2.) If Bluetooth is enabled, then the Bluetooth core shall invoke the
 * stack profile API to initialize the profile and trigger a
 *        'adapter_properties_cb' with the current list of UUIDs including the
 *        newly added profile's UUID.
 *   The reverse shall occur whenever the profile 'cleanup' APIs are invoked

/** Represents the standard Bluetooth DM interface. */
typedef struct {
  /** set to sizeof(bt_interface_t) */
  size_t size;
   * Opens the interface and provides the callback routines
   * to the implemenation of this interface.
   * The |start_restricted| flag inits the adapter in restricted mode. In
   * restricted mode, bonds that are created are marked as restricted in the
   * config file. These devices are deleted upon leaving restricted mode.
   * The |is_single_user_mode| flag inits the adapter in NIAP mode.
  int (*init)(bt_callbacks_t* callbacks, bool guest_mode,
              bool is_single_user_mode);

  /** Enable Bluetooth. */
  int (*enable)();

  /** Disable Bluetooth. */
  int (*disable)(void);

  /** Closes the interface. */
  void (*cleanup)(void);

  /** Get all Bluetooth Adapter properties at init */
  int (*get_adapter_properties)(void);

  /** Get Bluetooth Adapter property of 'type' */
  int (*get_adapter_property)(bt_property_type_t type);

  /** Set Bluetooth Adapter property of 'type' */
  /* Based on the type, val shall be one of
   * RawAddress or bt_bdname_t or bt_scanmode_t etc
  int (*set_adapter_property)(const bt_property_t* property);

  /** Get all Remote Device properties */
  int (*get_remote_device_properties)(RawAddress* remote_addr);

  /** Get Remote Device property of 'type' */
  int (*get_remote_device_property)(RawAddress* remote_addr,
                                    bt_property_type_t type);

  /** Set Remote Device property of 'type' */
  int (*set_remote_device_property)(RawAddress* remote_addr,
                                    const bt_property_t* property);

  /** Get Remote Device's service record  for the given UUID */
  int (*get_remote_service_record)(const RawAddress& remote_addr,
                                   const bluetooth::Uuid& uuid);

  /** Start SDP to get remote services */
  int (*get_remote_services)(RawAddress* remote_addr);

  /** Start Discovery */
  int (*start_discovery)(void);

  /** Cancel Discovery */
  int (*cancel_discovery)(void);

  /** Create Bluetooth Bonding */
  int (*create_bond)(const RawAddress* bd_addr, int transport);

  /** Create Bluetooth Bond using out of band data */
  int (*create_bond_out_of_band)(const RawAddress* bd_addr, int transport,
                                 const bt_out_of_band_data_t* oob_data);

  /** Remove Bond */
  int (*remove_bond)(const RawAddress* bd_addr);

  /** Cancel Bond */
  int (*cancel_bond)(const RawAddress* bd_addr);

   * Get the connection status for a given remote device.
   * return value of 0 means the device is not connected,
   * non-zero return status indicates an active connection.
  int (*get_connection_state)(const RawAddress* bd_addr);

  /** BT Legacy PinKey Reply */
  /** If accept==FALSE, then pin_len and pin_code shall be 0x0 */
  int (*pin_reply)(const RawAddress* bd_addr, uint8_t accept, uint8_t pin_len,
                   bt_pin_code_t* pin_code);

  /** BT SSP Reply - Just Works, Numeric Comparison and Passkey
   * passkey shall be zero for BT_SSP_VARIANT_PASSKEY_COMPARISON &
   * For BT_SSP_VARIANT_PASSKEY_ENTRY, if accept==FALSE, then passkey
   * shall be zero */
  int (*ssp_reply)(const RawAddress* bd_addr, bt_ssp_variant_t variant,
                   uint8_t accept, uint32_t passkey);

  /** Get Bluetooth profile interface */
  const void* (*get_profile_interface)(const char* profile_id);

  /** Bluetooth Test Mode APIs - Bluetooth must be enabled for these APIs */
  /* Configure DUT Mode - Use this mode to enter/exit DUT mode */
  int (*dut_mode_configure)(uint8_t enable);

  /* Send any test HCI (vendor-specific) command to the controller. Must be in
   * DUT Mode */
  int (*dut_mode_send)(uint16_t opcode, uint8_t* buf, uint8_t len);
  /** BLE Test Mode APIs */
  /* opcode MUST be one of: LE_Receiver_Test, LE_Transmitter_Test, LE_Test_End
  int (*le_test_mode)(uint16_t opcode, uint8_t* buf, uint8_t len);

  /** Sets the OS call-out functions that bluedroid needs for alarms and wake
   * locks. This should be called immediately after a successful |init|.
  int (*set_os_callouts)(bt_os_callouts_t* callouts);

  /** Read Energy info details - return value indicates BT_STATUS_SUCCESS or
   * BT_STATUS_NOT_READY Success indicates that the VSC command was sent to
   * controller
  int (*read_energy_info)();

   * Native support for dumpsys function
   * Function is synchronous and |fd| is owned by caller.
   * |arguments| are arguments which may affect the output, encoded as
   * UTF-8 strings.
  void (*dump)(int fd, const char** arguments);

   * Native support for metrics protobuf dumping. The dumping format will be
   * raw byte array
   * @param output an externally allocated string to dump serialized protobuf
  void (*dumpMetrics)(std::string* output);

   * Clear /data/misc/bt_config.conf and erase all stored connections
  int (*config_clear)(void);

   * Clear (reset) the dynamic portion of the device interoperability database.
  void (*interop_database_clear)(void);

   * Add a new device interoperability workaround for a remote device whose
   * first |len| bytes of the its device address match |addr|.
   * NOTE: |feature| has to match an item defined in interop_feature_t
   * (interop.h).
  void (*interop_database_add)(uint16_t feature, const RawAddress* addr,
                               size_t len);

   * Get the AvrcpTarget Service interface to interact with the Avrcp Service
  bluetooth::avrcp::ServiceInterface* (*get_avrcp_service)(void);

   * Obfuscate Bluetooth MAC address into a PII free ID string
   * @param address Bluetooth MAC address to be obfuscated
   * @return a string of uint8_t that is unique to this MAC address
  std::string (*obfuscate_address)(const RawAddress& address);
} bt_interface_t;

#define BLUETOOTH_INTERFACE_STRING "bluetoothInterface"