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 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
#include "bt_common_types.h"
#include "bt_gatt_client.h"
#include "bt_gatt_types.h"

/** Callback invoked when batchscan reports are obtained */
typedef void (*batchscan_reports_callback)(int client_if, int status,
                                           int report_format, int num_records,
                                           std::vector<uint8_t> data);

/** Callback invoked when batchscan storage threshold limit is crossed */
typedef void (*batchscan_threshold_callback)(int client_if);

/** Track ADV VSE callback invoked when tracked device is found or lost */
typedef void (*track_adv_event_callback)(
    btgatt_track_adv_info_t* p_track_adv_info);

/** Callback for scan results */
typedef void (*scan_result_callback)(uint16_t event_type, uint8_t addr_type,
                                     RawAddress* bda, uint8_t primary_phy,
                                     uint8_t secondary_phy,
                                     uint8_t advertising_sid, int8_t tx_power,
                                     int8_t rssi, uint16_t periodic_adv_int,
                                     std::vector<uint8_t> adv_data);

typedef struct {
  scan_result_callback scan_result_cb;
  batchscan_reports_callback batchscan_reports_cb;
  batchscan_threshold_callback batchscan_threshold_cb;
  track_adv_event_callback track_adv_event_cb;
} btgatt_scanner_callbacks_t;

class BleScannerInterface {
  virtual ~BleScannerInterface() = default;

  using RegisterCallback =
      base::Callback<void(uint8_t /* scanner_id */, uint8_t /* status */)>;

  using Callback = base::Callback<void(uint8_t /* status */)>;

  using EnableCallback =
      base::Callback<void(uint8_t /* action */, uint8_t /* status */)>;

  using FilterParamSetupCallback =
      base::Callback<void(uint8_t /* avbl_space */, uint8_t /* action_type */,
                          uint8_t /* status */)>;

  using FilterConfigCallback =
      base::Callback<void(uint8_t /* filt_type */, uint8_t /* avbl_space */,
                          uint8_t /* action */, uint8_t /* status */)>;

  /** Registers a scanner with the stack */
  virtual void RegisterScanner(RegisterCallback) = 0;

  /** Unregister a scanner from the stack */
  virtual void Unregister(int scanner_id) = 0;

  /** Start or stop LE device scanning */
  virtual void Scan(bool start) = 0;

  /** Setup scan filter params */
  virtual void ScanFilterParamSetup(
      uint8_t client_if, uint8_t action, uint8_t filt_index,
      std::unique_ptr<btgatt_filt_param_setup_t> filt_param,
      FilterParamSetupCallback cb) = 0;

  /** Configure a scan filter condition  */
  virtual void ScanFilterAdd(int filter_index, std::vector<ApcfCommand> filters,
                             FilterConfigCallback cb) = 0;

  /** Clear all scan filter conditions for specific filter index*/
  virtual void ScanFilterClear(int filt_index, FilterConfigCallback cb) = 0;

  /** Enable / disable scan filter feature*/
  virtual void ScanFilterEnable(bool enable, EnableCallback cb) = 0;

  /** Sets the LE scan interval and window in units of N*0.625 msec */
  virtual void SetScanParameters(int scan_interval, int scan_window,
                                 Callback cb) = 0;

  /* Configure the batchscan storage */
  virtual void BatchscanConfigStorage(int client_if, int batch_scan_full_max,
                                      int batch_scan_trunc_max,
                                      int batch_scan_notify_threshold,
                                      Callback cb) = 0;

  /* Enable batchscan */
  virtual void BatchscanEnable(int scan_mode, int scan_interval,
                               int scan_window, int addr_type, int discard_rule,
                               Callback cb) = 0;

  /* Disable batchscan */
  virtual void BatchscanDisable(Callback cb) = 0;

  /* Read out batchscan reports */
  virtual void BatchscanReadReports(int client_if, int scan_mode) = 0;

  using StartSyncCb =
      base::Callback<void(uint8_t status, uint16_t sync_handle,
                          uint8_t advertising_sid, uint8_t address_type,
                          RawAddress address, uint8_t phy, uint16_t interval)>;
  using SyncReportCb =
      base::Callback<void(uint16_t sync_handle, int8_t tx_power, int8_t rssi,
                          uint8_t status, std::vector<uint8_t> data)>;
  using SyncLostCb = base::Callback<void(uint16_t sync_handle)>;
  virtual void StartSync(uint8_t sid, RawAddress address, uint16_t skip,
                         uint16_t timeout, StartSyncCb start_cb,
                         SyncReportCb report_cb, SyncLostCb lost_cb) = 0;
  virtual void StopSync(uint16_t handle) = 0;