* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Modified from hardware/libhardware/modules/camera/Camera.h
#include <camera/CameraMetadata.h>
#include <hardware/hardware.h>
#include <hardware/camera3.h>
#include <utils/Mutex.h>
#include "capture_request.h"
#include "metadata/metadata.h"
#include "request_tracker.h"
#include "static_properties.h"
namespace default_camera_hal {
// Camera represents a physical camera on a device.
// This is constructed when the HAL module is loaded, one per physical camera.
// TODO(b/29185945): Support hotplugging.
// It is opened by the framework, and must be closed before it can be opened
// again.
// This is an abstract class, containing all logic and data shared between all
// camera devices (front, back, etc) and common to the ISP.
class Camera {
// id is used to distinguish cameras. 0 <= id < NUM_CAMERAS.
// module is a handle to the HAL module, used when the device is opened.
Camera(int id);
virtual ~Camera();
// Common Camera Device Operations (see <hardware/camera_common.h>)
int openDevice(const hw_module_t *module, hw_device_t **device);
int getInfo(struct camera_info *info);
int close();
// Camera v3 Device Operations (see <hardware/camera3.h>)
int initialize(const camera3_callback_ops_t *callback_ops);
int configureStreams(camera3_stream_configuration_t *stream_list);
const camera_metadata_t *constructDefaultRequestSettings(int type);
int processCaptureRequest(camera3_capture_request_t *temp_request);
void dump(int fd);
int flush();
// Connect to the device: open dev nodes, etc.
virtual int connect() = 0;
// Disconnect from the device: close dev nodes, etc.
virtual void disconnect() = 0;
// Initialize static camera characteristics for individual device
virtual int initStaticInfo(android::CameraMetadata* out) = 0;
// Initialize a template of the given type
virtual int initTemplate(int type, android::CameraMetadata* out) = 0;
// Initialize device info: resource cost and conflicting devices
// (/conflicting devices length)
virtual void initDeviceInfo(struct camera_info *info) = 0;
// Separate initialization method for individual devices when opened
virtual int initDevice() = 0;
// Verify stream configuration dataspaces and rotation values
virtual bool validateDataspacesAndRotations(
const camera3_stream_configuration_t* stream_config) = 0;
// Set up the streams, including seting usage & max_buffers
virtual int setupStreams(
camera3_stream_configuration_t* stream_config) = 0;
// Verify settings are valid for a capture or reprocessing
virtual bool isValidRequestSettings(
const android::CameraMetadata& settings) = 0;
// Enqueue a request to receive data from the camera
virtual int enqueueRequest(
std::shared_ptr<CaptureRequest> request) = 0;
// Flush in flight buffers.
virtual int flushBuffers() = 0;
// Callback for when the device has filled in the requested data.
// Fills in the result struct, validates the data, sends appropriate
// notifications, and returns the result to the framework.
void completeRequest(
std::shared_ptr<CaptureRequest> request, int err);
// Prettyprint template names
const char* templateToString(int type);
// Camera device handle returned to framework for use
camera3_device_t mDevice;
// Get static info from the device and store it in mStaticInfo.
int loadStaticInfo();
// Confirm that a stream configuration is valid.
int validateStreamConfiguration(
const camera3_stream_configuration_t* stream_config);
// Verify settings are valid for reprocessing an input buffer
bool isValidReprocessSettings(const camera_metadata_t *settings);
// Pre-process an output buffer
int preprocessCaptureBuffer(camera3_stream_buffer_t *buffer);
// Send a shutter notify message with start of exposure time
void notifyShutter(uint32_t frame_number, uint64_t timestamp);
// Send an error message and return the errored out result.
void completeRequestWithError(std::shared_ptr<CaptureRequest> request);
// Send a capture result for a request.
void sendResult(std::shared_ptr<CaptureRequest> request);
// Is type a valid template type (and valid index into mTemplates)
bool isValidTemplateType(int type);
// Identifier used by framework to distinguish cameras
const int mId;
// CameraMetadata containing static characteristics
std::unique_ptr<StaticProperties> mStaticInfo;
// Flag indicating if settings have been set since
// the last configure_streams() call.
bool mSettingsSet;
// Busy flag indicates camera is in use
bool mBusy;
// Camera device operations handle shared by all devices
const static camera3_device_ops_t sOps;
// Methods used to call back into the framework
const camera3_callback_ops_t *mCallbackOps;
// Lock protecting the Camera object for modifications
android::Mutex mDeviceLock;
// Lock protecting only static camera characteristics, which may
// be accessed without the camera device open
android::Mutex mStaticInfoLock;
// Standard camera settings templates
std::unique_ptr<const android::CameraMetadata> mTemplates[CAMERA3_TEMPLATE_COUNT];
// Track in flight requests.
std::unique_ptr<RequestTracker> mInFlightTracker;
android::Mutex mInFlightTrackerLock;
} // namespace default_camera_hal