* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "ExecutionPlan"
#include "ExecutionPlan.h"
#include "BurstBuilder.h"
#include "Callbacks.h"
#include "CompilationBuilder.h"
#include "ExecutionBuilder.h"
#include "ExecutionBurstController.h"
#include "GraphDump.h"
#include "Manager.h"
#include "ModelBuilder.h"
#include "OperationsUtils.h"
#include "TokenHasher.h"
#include "Tracing.h"
#include "TypeManager.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include <cutils/native_handle.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <openssl/sha.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <strstream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
using HidlToken = hidl_array<uint8_t, ANEURALNETWORKS_BYTE_SIZE_OF_CACHE_TOKEN>;
namespace android {
namespace nn {
namespace {
// Opens cache file by filename and sets the handle to the opened fd. Returns false on fail. The
// handle is expected to come in as empty, and is only set to a fd when the function returns true.
// The file descriptor is always opened with both read and write permission.
bool createCacheHandle(const std::string& cache, bool createIfNotExist, hidl_handle* handle) {
CHECK(handle->getNativeHandle() == nullptr);
int fd = open(cache.c_str(), createIfNotExist ? (O_RDWR | O_CREAT) : O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
native_handle_t* cacheNativeHandle = native_handle_create(1, 0);
if (cacheNativeHandle == nullptr) {
return false;
cacheNativeHandle->data[0] = fd;
handle->setTo(cacheNativeHandle, /*shouldOwn=*/true);
return true;
// Opens a list of cache files and returns the handle vector. Returns empty vector on fail.
// The file descriptors are always opened with both read and write permission.
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> createCacheHandleVec(uint32_t numCacheFiles, const std::string& baseFileName,
bool createIfNotExist) {
CHECK(numCacheFiles <= static_cast<uint32_t>(Constant::MAX_NUMBER_OF_CACHE_FILES));
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> handles(numCacheFiles);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numCacheFiles; i++) {
std::string filename = baseFileName + std::to_string(i);
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "Cache " << i << ": " << filename;
if (!createCacheHandle(filename, createIfNotExist, &handles[i])) {
return hidl_vec<hidl_handle>();
return handles;
// Maps token to cache file names and sets the handle vectors to the opened fds. Returns false on
// fail and leaves the vectors empty. Each vector is expected to come in as empty.
bool getCacheHandles(const std::string& cacheDir, const uint8_t* token,
const std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>& numCacheFiles, bool createIfNotExist,
hidl_vec<hidl_handle>* modelCache, hidl_vec<hidl_handle>* dataCache) {
// The filename includes ANEURALNETWORKS_BYTE_SIZE_OF_CACHE_TOKEN * 2 characters for token,
// and 1 character for model/data cache identifier.
std::string filename(ANEURALNETWORKS_BYTE_SIZE_OF_CACHE_TOKEN * 2 + 1, '0');
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ANEURALNETWORKS_BYTE_SIZE_OF_CACHE_TOKEN; i++) {
filename[i * 2] = 'A' + (token[i] & 0x0F);
filename[i * 2 + 1] = 'A' + (token[i] >> 4);
CHECK(cacheDir.empty() || cacheDir.back() == '/');
std::string cacheFileName = cacheDir + filename;
*modelCache = createCacheHandleVec(numCacheFiles.first, cacheFileName, createIfNotExist);
if (modelCache->size() != numCacheFiles.first) {
return false;
*dataCache = createCacheHandleVec(numCacheFiles.second, cacheFileName, createIfNotExist);
if (dataCache->size() != numCacheFiles.second) {
return false;
return true;
// Tries to compile directly from cache, returns false on fail.
bool compileFromCache(const std::shared_ptr<Device>& device, const std::string& cacheDir,
const uint8_t* token,
std::shared_ptr<VersionedIPreparedModel>* preparedModel) {
CHECK(token != nullptr && device != nullptr);
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "compileFromCache";
*preparedModel = nullptr;
HidlToken cacheToken(token);
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
NN_RET_CHECK(getCacheHandles(cacheDir, token, device->getNumberOfCacheFilesNeeded(),
/*createIfNotExist=*/false, &modelCache, &dataCache));
int ret = device->prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, cacheToken, preparedModel);
int compileModelAndCache(const std::shared_ptr<Device>& device, const ModelBuilder* model,
int32_t executionPreference, const std::string& cacheDir,
const uint8_t* token,
std::shared_ptr<VersionedIPreparedModel>* preparedModel) {
CHECK(device != nullptr);
*preparedModel = nullptr;
HidlToken cacheToken(token == nullptr ? dummyToken : token);
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
if (token == nullptr || !getCacheHandles(cacheDir, token, device->getNumberOfCacheFilesNeeded(),
/*createIfNotExist=*/true, &modelCache, &dataCache)) {
Model hidlModel;
return device->prepareModel(hidlModel, static_cast<ExecutionPreference>(executionPreference),
modelCache, dataCache, cacheToken, preparedModel);
// Compiles the model on device.
// If compilation caching is available, depending on ExecutionPlan::mState, the token may only have
// been initialized by the user provided token (SIMPLE body), or is already re-hashed by the
// operation indices to be executed (COMPOUND body). The token will be re-hashed further by the
// device name, device version string, and the execution preference in this function.
int compile(std::shared_ptr<Device> device, const ModelBuilder* model, int32_t executionPreference,
const std::string& cacheDir, TokenHasher* token,
std::shared_ptr<VersionedIPreparedModel>* preparedModel) {
CHECK(device != nullptr);
const uint8_t* tokenData = nullptr;
if (device->isCachingSupported() && token->ok() && token->updateFromString(device->getName()) &&
token->updateFromString(device->getVersionString()) &&
token->update(&executionPreference, sizeof(executionPreference)) && token->finish()) {
tokenData = token->getCacheToken();
if (tokenData != nullptr && compileFromCache(device, cacheDir, tokenData, preparedModel)) {
return compileModelAndCache(device, model, executionPreference, cacheDir, tokenData,
typedef std::function<void(uint32_t)> OperationReadyCallback;
int copyOperandExtraParams(ModelBuilder& model, uint32_t toOperandIndex,
const Operand& fromOperand) {
if (fromOperand.type == OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM_PER_CHANNEL &&
fromOperand.extraParams.getDiscriminator() ==
Operand::ExtraParams::hidl_discriminator::channelQuant) {
auto& fromChannelQuant = fromOperand.extraParams.channelQuant();
ANeuralNetworksSymmPerChannelQuantParams toChannelQuant = {
.channelDim = fromChannelQuant.channelDim,
.scaleCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(fromChannelQuant.scales.size()),
.scales = fromChannelQuant.scales.data(),
return model.setOperandSymmPerChannelQuantParams(toOperandIndex, toChannelQuant);
} else if (isExtensionOperandType(fromOperand.type) &&
fromOperand.extraParams.getDiscriminator() ==
Operand::ExtraParams::hidl_discriminator::extension) {
hidl_vec<uint8_t> extensionData = fromOperand.extraParams.extension();
return model.setOperandExtensionData(toOperandIndex, extensionData.data(),
} else if (fromOperand.extraParams.getDiscriminator() !=
Operand::ExtraParams::hidl_discriminator::none ||
fromOperand.type == OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM_PER_CHANNEL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Type " << toString(fromOperand.type)
<< " has an unexpected extraParams discriminator: "
<< static_cast<int>(fromOperand.extraParams.getDiscriminator());
} else {
// This class tracks whether we know the value of an operand as operations
// are processed.
class OperandTracker {
// Creates the tracker for this model. Figure out which operations can be
// executed right away and cb for each one of them.
OperandTracker(const ModelBuilder* model, OperationReadyCallback cb);
// Mark the specified operation as having been processed. The output
// of the operation now being known, this may make new operations to be
// able to run. Call cb for each one of them.
void markProcessed(uint32_t operationIndex, OperationReadyCallback cb);
const ModelBuilder* mModel;
std::multimap<uint32_t, uint32_t> mOperandToOperations;
std::vector<uint32_t> mUnknownInputCount; // For each operation
OperandTracker::OperandTracker(const ModelBuilder* model, OperationReadyCallback cb) :
mModel(model) {
const auto& operations = mModel->getOperations();
for (uint32_t operationIndex = 0; operationIndex < operations.size(); operationIndex++) {
const Operation& operation = operations[operationIndex];
uint32_t count = 0;
for (uint32_t operandIndex : operation.inputs) {
auto lifetime = mModel->getOperand(operandIndex).lifetime;
if (lifetime == OperandLifeTime::TEMPORARY_VARIABLE ||
lifetime == OperandLifeTime::MODEL_OUTPUT) {
std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>(operandIndex, operationIndex));
if (count == 0) {
mUnknownInputCount[operationIndex] = count;
void OperandTracker::markProcessed(uint32_t operationIndex, OperationReadyCallback cb) {
// Mark all its outputs as known.
const Operation& operation = mModel->getOperations()[operationIndex];
for (uint32_t operandIndex : operation.outputs) {
auto range = mOperandToOperations.equal_range(operandIndex);
for (auto i = range.first; i != range.second; i++) {
uint32_t& count = mUnknownInputCount[i->second];
if (--count == 0) {
} // namespace
ExecutionStep::ExecutionStep(ExecutionPlan* plan, uint32_t stepIndex,
std::shared_ptr<Device> device)
: mPlan(plan), mIndex(stepIndex), mSubModel(), mDevice(device), mToken(plan->getCacheToken()) {}
// Adds an operand if it has not been added already.
// Sets the index in the submodel for the corresponding operand.
int ExecutionStep::addOperand(uint32_t fromOperandIndex, uint32_t* toOperandIndex,
const ModelBuilder& fromModel, OperandKind kind) {
// Have we added this operand already?
auto i = mOperandMap.find(fromOperandIndex);
if (i != mOperandMap.end()) {
nnAssert(kind == INPUT);
*toOperandIndex = i->second;
// First time we add this operand.
*toOperandIndex = mSubModel.operandCount();
mOperandMap.insert(std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>(fromOperandIndex, *toOperandIndex));
// Add the operand to the submodel.
const Operand& operand = fromModel.getOperand(fromOperandIndex);
ANeuralNetworksOperandType type = {
.type = static_cast<int32_t>(operand.type),
.dimensionCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(operand.dimensions.size()),
.dimensions = operand.dimensions.size() > 0 ? operand.dimensions.data() : nullptr,
.scale = operand.scale,
.zeroPoint = operand.zeroPoint,
int n = mSubModel.addOperand(type);
LOG(ERROR) << "Previous error occurred when partitioning the graph";
return n;
n = copyOperandExtraParams(mSubModel, *toOperandIndex, operand);
LOG(ERROR) << "Error when copying extra parameters to the operand";
return n;
// Sets its value.
switch (operand.lifetime) {
case OperandLifeTime::CONSTANT_COPY: {
const uint8_t* data = fromModel.getPointerToOperandValue(operand.location.offset);
n = mSubModel.setOperandValue(*toOperandIndex, data, operand.location.length);
LOG(ERROR) << "Previous error occurred when partitioning the graph";
return n;
} break;
case OperandLifeTime::CONSTANT_REFERENCE: {
const Memory* memory = fromModel.getMemories()[operand.location.poolIndex];
n = mSubModel.setOperandValueFromMemory(*toOperandIndex, memory,
LOG(ERROR) << "Previous error occurred when partitioning the graph";
return n;
} break;
case OperandLifeTime::NO_VALUE: {
n = mSubModel.setOperandValue(*toOperandIndex, nullptr, 0);
LOG(ERROR) << "Previous error occurred when partitioning the graph";
return n;
} break;
case OperandLifeTime::TEMPORARY_VARIABLE: // handled similarly to MODEL_OUTPUT
if (kind == INPUT) {
// The first time we've seen this operand is as an
// input. That means it must be defined by a
// different partition, and is an input to this one.
mTempsAsSubModelInputs.push_back(std::make_pair(fromOperandIndex, *toOperandIndex));
} else {
// The first time we've seen this operand is as an
// output. It may be an input to a different
// partition, so keep track of it.
mPlan->recordTemporaryDef(fromOperandIndex, mIndex);
case OperandLifeTime::MODEL_INPUT:
mModelInputs.push_back(std::make_pair(fromOperandIndex, *toOperandIndex));
case OperandLifeTime::MODEL_OUTPUT: // handled similarly to TEMPORARY_VARIABLE
if (kind == INPUT) {
// The first time we've seen this operand is as an
// input. That means it must be defined by a
// different partition, and is an input to this one.
mOutputsAsSubModelInputs.push_back(std::make_pair(fromOperandIndex, *toOperandIndex));
} else {
// The first time we've seen this operand is as an
// output.
mModelOutputs.push_back(std::make_pair(fromOperandIndex, *toOperandIndex));
int ExecutionStep::addOperation(int operationIndex, const ModelBuilder& fromModel) {
const Operation& operation = fromModel.getOperation(operationIndex);
if (mToken.ok()) {
mToken.update(&operationIndex, sizeof(operationIndex));
// Convert the input and output operand indexes.
// We expect operations to be added in topological order. Therefore:
// - We may not have seen an input if it is a model input, a
// constant, or an operand written by a different partition.
// - We should not have seen any outputs.
const uint32_t inputCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(operation.inputs.size());
const uint32_t outputCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(operation.outputs.size());
std::vector<uint32_t> inputs(inputCount);
std::vector<uint32_t> outputs(outputCount);
auto addOperands = [this, &fromModel](const hidl_vec<uint32_t>& globalOperands,
std::vector<uint32_t>& localOperands,
OperandKind kind) -> int {
const uint32_t operandCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(globalOperands.size());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < operandCount; i++) {
uint32_t localOperand = ~0U;
int n = addOperand(globalOperands[i], &localOperand, fromModel, kind);
return n;
localOperands[i] = localOperand;
int n;
if ((n = addOperands(operation.inputs, inputs, INPUT)) != ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR ||
(n = addOperands(operation.outputs, outputs, OUTPUT)) != ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR) {
return n;
return mSubModel.addOperation(static_cast<uint32_t>(operation.type), inputCount, inputs.data(),
outputCount, outputs.data());
void ExecutionStep::mapInputsAndOutputs(std::shared_ptr<StepExecutor> stepExecutor) const {
for (uint32_t i = 0, e = mInputIndexSubModelToFromModel.size(); i < e; i++) {
stepExecutor->mapInput(mInputIndexSubModelToFromModel[i], i);
for (uint32_t i = 0, e = mOutputIndexSubModelToFromModel.size(); i < e; i++) {
stepExecutor->mapOutput(mOutputIndexSubModelToFromModel[i], i);
void ExecutionPlan::CompoundBody::findTempsAsSubModelOutputs() {
for (const auto& step : mSteps) {
for (const auto& input : step->getTempsAsSubModelInputs()) {
const uint32_t fromModelIndex = input.first;
const auto it = mTemporaryToDefiningStep.find(fromModelIndex);
nnAssert(it != mTemporaryToDefiningStep.end());
const uint32_t stepIndex = it->second;
nnAssert(stepIndex < mSteps.size());
void ExecutionStep::logSubModel() const {
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "ExecutionStep::finishSubModel, step " << mIndex;
auto logRemapEntry = [](std::string &toLog, const std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>& e) {
if (!toLog.empty()) {
toLog += ", ";
toLog += "(";
toLog += std::to_string(e.first);
toLog += "->";
toLog += std::to_string(e.second);
toLog += ")";
auto logRemapVector = [&logRemapEntry](const char* name, const RemapVectorType& map) {
std::string toLog;
for (const auto& e : map) {
logRemapEntry(toLog, e);
VLOG(COMPILATION) << name << ": " << toLog;
auto logRemapSet = [&logRemapEntry](const char* name, const SubModelOutputSetType& set) {
std::string toLog;
for (const auto& e : set) {
logRemapEntry(toLog, e);
VLOG(COMPILATION) << name << ": " << toLog;
logRemapVector("model inputs", mModelInputs);
logRemapVector("model outputs", mModelOutputs);
logRemapVector("temps as submodel inputs", mTempsAsSubModelInputs);
logRemapSet("temps as submodel outputs", mTempsAsSubModelOutputs);
logRemapVector("outputs as submodel inputs", mOutputsAsSubModelInputs);
static void convertModelInputsOrOutputs(
// IN: mModel{Inputs|Outputs}
const ExecutionStep::RemapVectorType& myModelInputsOrOutputs,
// IN: fromModel->{input|output}Count()
uint32_t fromModelInputOrOutputCount,
// IN: fromModel->get{Input|Output}OperandIndex
std::function<uint32_t(uint32_t)> fromModelGetInputOrOutputOperandIndex,
// OUT: for v : mModel{Inputs|Outputs} : v.second
std::vector<uint32_t>* inputsOrOutputs,
// OUT: submodel input-or-output index to original model input-or-output index
std::vector<uint32_t>* inputOrOutputIndexSubModelToFromModel) {
std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> fromModelIndexMap; // operand index to input-or-output index
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < fromModelInputOrOutputCount; i++) {
fromModelIndexMap[fromModelGetInputOrOutputOperandIndex(i)] = i;
for (const auto& myInputOrOutput : myModelInputsOrOutputs) {
const uint32_t fromModelInputOrOutputIndex = fromModelIndexMap[myInputOrOutput.first];
int ExecutionStep::finishSubModel(const ModelBuilder* fromModel, bool* hasOutputOfUnknownSize,
int32_t executionPreference) {
nnAssert(mDevice != nullptr);
// Input order: mModelInputs, mTempsAsSubModelInputs, mOutputsAsSubModelInputs
// Output order: mModelOutputs, mTempsAsSubModelOutputs
// ExecutionPlan::next() depends on these orderings.
std::vector<uint32_t> inputs;
[=](uint32_t i) { return fromModel->getInputOperandIndex(i); },
for (const auto& subModelInput : mTempsAsSubModelInputs) {
for (const auto& subModelInput : mOutputsAsSubModelInputs) {
std::vector<uint32_t> outputs;
[=](uint32_t i) { return fromModel->getOutputOperandIndex(i); },
for (const auto& subModelOutput : mTempsAsSubModelOutputs) {
const Operand& operand = mSubModel.getOperand(subModelOutput.second);
if (operand.dimensions.size() == 0) {
*hasOutputOfUnknownSize = true;
} else {
for (uint32_t dimension : operand.dimensions) {
if (dimension == 0) {
*hasOutputOfUnknownSize = true;
if (*hasOutputOfUnknownSize) {
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "SubModelOutput (operand#" << subModelOutput.first
<< " of original graph) has unknown size: " << toString(operand);
int n = mSubModel.identifyInputsAndOutputs(inputs.size(), &inputs[0], outputs.size(), &outputs[0]);
return n;
n = mSubModel.finish();
return n;
// Compute mOutputsAsSubModelInputsIndexToFromModel.
std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> fromModelOperandIndexToOutputIndex;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = fromModel->outputCount(); i < e; ++i) {
fromModelOperandIndexToOutputIndex[fromModel->getOutputOperandIndex(i)] = i;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = mOutputsAsSubModelInputs.size(); i < e; i++) {
const uint32_t fromModelOperandIndex = mOutputsAsSubModelInputs[i].first;
const auto it = fromModelOperandIndexToOutputIndex.find(fromModelOperandIndex);
if (it == fromModelOperandIndexToOutputIndex.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not find main model output operand " << fromModelOperandIndex
<< " in main model output operand list";
// TODO: Move compilation elsewhere?
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "ExecutionStep::finishSubModel, compilation on " << mDevice->getName();
return compile(mDevice, &mSubModel, executionPreference, *mPlan->getCacheDir(), &mToken,
void ExecutionStep::dump() const {
Model model;
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "ExecutionStep#" << mIndex << " for " << mDevice->getName();
int ExecutionPlan::CompoundBody::finish(const ModelBuilder* fromModel,
int32_t executionPreference) {
for (const auto& step : mSteps) {
int n = step->finishSubModel(fromModel, &mHasSubModelOutputOfUnknownSize,
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "ExecutionPlan::CompoundBody::finish -- finishSubModel failed";
return n;
if (mHasSubModelOutputOfUnknownSize) {
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "ExecutionPlan::CompoundBody::finish -- mHasSubModelOutputOfUnknownSize";
mSuccessfulFinish = true;
int ExecutionPlan::SimpleBody::finish([[maybe_unused]] const ModelBuilder* fromModel,
int32_t executionPreference) {
nnAssert(mDevice != nullptr);
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "ExecutionPlan::SimpleBody::finish, compilation";
const int n =
compile(mDevice, mModel, executionPreference, *mCacheDir, &mToken, &mPreparedModel);
mSuccessfulFinish = (n == ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR);
return n;
int ExecutionPlan::finish(const ModelBuilder* fromModel, int32_t executionPreference) {
nnAssert(mBody != nullptr);
return mBody->finish(fromModel, executionPreference);
const ExecutionPlan* plan, ExecutionBuilder* executionBuilder,
const BurstBuilder* burstBuilder,
std::shared_ptr<const SubModelInputsAndOutputsType> subModelInputsAndOutputs,
uint32_t totalSizeOfTemporaries)
: mPlan(plan),
mNextStepIndex(0) {
if (totalSizeOfTemporaries) {
if (mTemporaries.create(totalSizeOfTemporaries) != ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR) {
LOG(ERROR) << "ExecutionPlan::Controller failed to allocate temporaries";
mNextStepIndex = kBadStepIndex;
// Attempt to create a burst object for each PreparedModel/Partition. If the
// burst controller object cannot be made, return a nullptr in its place to
// indicate the regular execution path should be used. This can occur either
// because PreparedModel was nullptr (cpu was best choice), or because the
// IPreparedModel was of insufficient version or failed to configure the burst.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ExecutionBurstController>> ExecutionPlan::makeBursts() const {
switch (mState) {
// burst object for each partition in the compound case
case COMPOUND: {
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ExecutionBurstController>> bursts;
for (const auto& step : compound()->mSteps) {
if (const auto preparedModel = step->getPreparedSubModel()) {
} else {
return bursts;
// single burst object for the simple case
case SIMPLE: {
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ExecutionBurstController>> burst;
auto simpleBody = static_cast<const SimpleBody*>(mBody);
if (const auto preparedModel = simpleBody->mPreparedModel) {
} else {
return burst;
// no burst objects made
return {};
std::shared_ptr<ExecutionPlan::Controller> ExecutionPlan::makeController(
ExecutionBuilder* executionBuilder, const BurstBuilder* burstBuilder) const {
// Create the layout for a Memory object big enough for to hold
// every TEMPORARY in the original model that is live across
// partition boundaries.
// TODO: Rethink this approach for managing temporaries. Some
// alternatives:
// 1) Adopt a memory layout scheme analogous to stack allocation,
// where objects of non-overlapping lifetime can occupy the same
// storage. We would still have a single Memory object in this
// case.
// 2) Do something like what CpuExecutor does, and do allocations
// and deallocations on the fly (during execution) before first
// reference and after last reference, respectively. This would
// mean having one Memory object per TEMPORARY; or, in a more
// complicated implementation, one Memory object per set of
// temporaries that have the same lifetime. Note that the Android
// system limits the number of shared memory objects, which are
// what our Memory objects represent.
uint32_t totalSizeOfTemporaries = 0;
std::shared_ptr<Controller::SubModelInputsAndOutputsType> subModelInputsAndOutputs;
if (mState == COMPOUND) {
const ModelBuilder* fromModel = executionBuilder->getModel();
for (const auto& step : compound()->mSteps) {
for (const auto& output: step->getTempsAsSubModelOutputs()) {
const uint32_t fromModelOperandIndex = output.first;
const Operand& fromModelOperand = fromModel->getOperand(fromModelOperandIndex);
if (subModelInputsAndOutputs == nullptr) {
subModelInputsAndOutputs =
const uint32_t size = TypeManager::get()->getSizeOfData(fromModelOperand);
totalSizeOfTemporaries += alignBytesNeeded(totalSizeOfTemporaries, size);
subModelInputsAndOutputs->insert(std::make_pair(fromModelOperandIndex, totalSizeOfTemporaries));
totalSizeOfTemporaries += size;
if (VLOG_IS_ON(EXECUTION) && (subModelInputsAndOutputs != nullptr)) {
for (const auto& io : *subModelInputsAndOutputs) {
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "temp: origOpndIdx = " << io.first
<< ", offset = " << io.second;
return std::shared_ptr<Controller>(new Controller(this, executionBuilder, burstBuilder,
// TODO: Find a better way to provide this functionality.
int ExecutionPlan::fallback(std::shared_ptr<Controller> controller,
std::shared_ptr<StepExecutor>* executor) const {
*executor = nullptr;
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "ExecutionPlan::fallback(" << controller << ", " << executor
<< "): mNextStepIndex = " << controller->mNextStepIndex;
if (controller->mNextStepIndex == 0) {
// We haven't called next().
if (controller->mNextStepIndex == Controller::kBadStepIndex) {
// The last call to next() did not produce an executor.
return next(controller, executor);
int ExecutionPlan::next(std::shared_ptr<Controller> controller,
std::shared_ptr<StepExecutor>* executor,
std::shared_ptr<ExecutionBurstController>* burstController) const {
*executor = nullptr;
if (burstController != nullptr) {
*burstController = nullptr;
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "ExecutionPlan::next("
<< SHOW_IF_DEBUG(controller << ", " << executor)
<< "): mNextStepIndex = " << controller->mNextStepIndex;
if (controller->mNextStepIndex == Controller::kBadStepIndex) {
if (mState == EMPTY) {
nnAssert(controller->mNextStepIndex == 0); // end
controller->mNextStepIndex = Controller::kBadStepIndex;
if (mState == SIMPLE) {
if (controller->mNextStepIndex == 0) {
// First (and only) step.
auto simpleBody = static_cast<const SimpleBody*>(mBody);
*executor = std::make_shared<StepExecutor>(controller->mExecutionBuilder,
simpleBody->mModel, simpleBody->mDevice,
if (burstController != nullptr && controller->mBurstBuilder != nullptr) {
*burstController = controller->mBurstBuilder->getControllerAt(0);
controller->mNextStepIndex = 1;
nnAssert(controller->mNextStepIndex == 1); // end
controller->mNextStepIndex = Controller::kBadStepIndex;
auto compoundBody = compound();
if (controller->mNextStepIndex == compoundBody->mSteps.size()) {
// end
controller->mNextStepIndex = Controller::kBadStepIndex;
// Input order: model inputs, temps as submodel inputs, outputs as submodel inputs
// Output order: model outputs, temps as submodel outputs
// ExecutionStep::finishSubModel() establishes these orderings.
const auto step = compoundBody->mSteps[controller->mNextStepIndex];
*executor = std::make_shared<StepExecutor>(controller->mExecutionBuilder, step->getSubModel(),
step->getDevice(), step->getPreparedSubModel());
if (burstController != nullptr && controller->mBurstBuilder != nullptr) {
*burstController = controller->mBurstBuilder->getControllerAt(controller->mNextStepIndex);
if (controller->mSubModelInputsAndOutputs != nullptr) {
// Tell executor about temps as submodel outputs.
const size_t firstSubModelOutputIndex = step->getModelOutputs().size();
const auto& subModelOutputs = step->getTempsAsSubModelOutputs();
uint32_t idx = 0;
for (auto I = subModelOutputs.begin(), E = subModelOutputs.end(); I != E; I++, idx++) {
const uint32_t fromModelOperandIndex = I->first;
const uint32_t offsetOfTemporary =
int n = (*executor)->setOutputFromTemporaryMemory(
firstSubModelOutputIndex + idx,
controller->mNextStepIndex = Controller::kBadStepIndex;
return n;
// Tell executor about temps as submodel inputs.
const size_t firstSubModelInputIndex = step->getModelInputs().size();
const auto& subModelInputs = step->getTempsAsSubModelInputs();
uint32_t idx = 0;
for (auto I = subModelInputs.begin(), E = subModelInputs.end(); I != E; I++, idx++) {
const uint32_t fromModelOperandIndex = I->first;
const uint32_t offsetOfTemporary =
int n = (*executor)->setInputFromTemporaryMemory(
firstSubModelInputIndex + idx,
controller->mNextStepIndex = Controller::kBadStepIndex;
return n;
// Tell executor about outputs as submodel inputs.
const size_t firstOutputsAsSubModelInputIndex =
step->getModelInputs().size() + step->getTempsAsSubModelInputs().size();
const auto& outputsAsSubModelInputsIndexToFromModel =
for (uint32_t i = 0, e = outputsAsSubModelInputsIndexToFromModel.size(); i < e; i++) {
uint32_t o = outputsAsSubModelInputsIndexToFromModel[i];
(*executor)->mapOutputToInput(o, firstOutputsAsSubModelInputIndex + i);
std::shared_ptr<ExecutionStep> ExecutionPlan::createNewStep(const std::shared_ptr<Device> device) {
nnAssert(mState != SIMPLE);
if (mState == EMPTY) {
mBody = new CompoundBody();
mState = COMPOUND;
auto& steps = compound()->mSteps;
auto step = std::make_shared<ExecutionStep>(this, steps.size(), device);
return step;
void ExecutionPlan::becomeSingleStep(const std::shared_ptr<Device> device,
const ModelBuilder* model) {
nnAssert(mState == EMPTY);
mBody = new SimpleBody(device, model, mCacheDir, mToken);
mState = SIMPLE;
void ExecutionPlan::dump() const {
if (mBody) {
} else {
void ExecutionPlan::reset() {
if (mBody) {
delete mBody;
mBody = nullptr;
mState = EMPTY;
ExecutionPlan::Kind ExecutionPlan::forTest_getKind() const {
switch (mState) {
case EMPTY:
return Kind::EMPTY;
case SIMPLE:
return mBody->mSuccessfulFinish ? Kind::SIMPLE : Kind::ERROR;
return mBody->mSuccessfulFinish ? Kind::COMPOUND : Kind::ERROR;
nnAssert(!"unexpected state");
return Kind::ERROR;
std::shared_ptr<const Device> ExecutionPlan::forTest_simpleGetDevice() const {
nnAssert(mState == SIMPLE);
return static_cast<const SimpleBody*>(mBody)->mDevice;
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ExecutionStep>>& ExecutionPlan::forTest_compoundGetSteps() const {
return compound()->mSteps;
bool ExecutionPlan::forTest_hasSubModelOutputsOfUnknownSize() const {
return mBody->hasSubModelOutputsOfUnknownSize();
const uint8_t* ExecutionPlan::forTest_simpleGetCacheToken() const {
<< "Calling forTest_simpleGetCacheToken from execution plan with a non-SIMPLE body";
return static_cast<const SimpleBody*>(mBody)->mToken.getCacheToken();
void ExecutionPlan::SimpleBody::dump() const {
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "SIMPLE for " << mDevice->getName();
void ExecutionPlan::CompoundBody::dump() const {
for (const auto& step : mSteps) {
int ModelBuilder::partitionTheWork(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Device>>& devices,
uint32_t preference, ExecutionPlan* plan) const {
// This function uses a heuristic approach to partitioning the graph.
// It should be good enough for the first release.
const size_t deviceCount = devices.size();
const size_t operationCount = mOperations.size();
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "ModelBuilder::partitionTheWork: deviceCount = " << deviceCount
<< ", operationCount = " << operationCount;
// Figure out where each operation will best execute.
// The value of the vector is the index in the devices vector.
std::vector<int> bestDeviceForOperation(operationCount);
findBestDeviceForEachOperation(preference, devices, &bestDeviceForOperation));
// If one device will run all the operations, we don't need to split the work.
if (std::adjacent_find(bestDeviceForOperation.begin(), bestDeviceForOperation.end(),
std::not_equal_to<int>()) == bestDeviceForOperation.end()) {
const int bestDeviceIndex = bestDeviceForOperation[0];
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "ModelBuilder::partitionTheWork: only one best device: "
<< bestDeviceIndex << " = " << devices[bestDeviceIndex]->getName();
plan->becomeSingleStep(devices[bestDeviceIndex], this);
return plan->finish(this, preference);
// No easy solution, we need to split the work.
// We keep track of the operations that are ready to run for each device.
std::vector<std::queue<uint32_t>> perDeviceQueue(deviceCount);
// This helper function enqueues the operation on the appropriate queue.
auto enqueueOnAppropriateDevice = [&](uint32_t operationIndex) {
int deviceIndex = bestDeviceForOperation[operationIndex];
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "enqueueOnAppropriateDevice " << operationIndex << " onto "
<< deviceIndex;
// This helper function finds a device that has operations ready to process.
// We start by looking at the CPU. We do this to try to maximize the
// size of the graph we'll send to non-CPU devices. If the CPU runs first,
// it will have the chance to prepare more of the inputs required by the
// other devices. This function returns -1 if all queues are empty.
auto findNextDeviceToProcess = [&]() -> int {
for (int i = deviceCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!perDeviceQueue[i].empty()) {
return i;
return -1;
OperandTracker tracker(this, enqueueOnAppropriateDevice);
// For each iteration of this loop, we'll create an execution step.
while (true) {
// Find the device we'll do this step for.
int deviceIndex = findNextDeviceToProcess();
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "findNextDeviceToProcess: " << deviceIndex;
if (deviceIndex < 0) {
// Assign as much as possible to this device.
std::shared_ptr<ExecutionStep> step = plan->createNewStep(devices[deviceIndex]);
auto& queue = perDeviceQueue[deviceIndex];
while (!queue.empty()) {
uint32_t operationIndex = queue.front();
int n = step->addOperation(operationIndex, *this);
LOG(ERROR) << "failed to add operation " << operationIndex << " to step";
return n;
tracker.markProcessed(operationIndex, enqueueOnAppropriateDevice);
int n = plan->finish(this, preference);
Model model;
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "ModelBuilder::partitionTheWork: original model: ";
return n;
PerformanceInfo ModelBuilder::getPerformanceInfo(const std::shared_ptr<Device> device,
uint32_t operationIndex) const {
const Operation& operation = getOperation(operationIndex);
// TODO This assumes that the type is dictated by the first operand. This is
// currently the case but is not a safe assumption to make in the long term.
const uint32_t operandIndex = operation.inputs[0];
const OperandType operandType = mOperands[operandIndex].type;
switch(operandType) {
case OperandType::FLOAT32:
if (mRelaxComputationFloat32toFloat16) {
return device->getRelaxedFloat32toFloat16PerformanceScalar();
case OperandType::TENSOR_FLOAT32:
if (mRelaxComputationFloat32toFloat16) {
return device->getRelaxedFloat32toFloat16PerformanceTensor();
return device->getPerformance(operandType);
namespace {
// Add an element to the end of the vector and return a pair consisting of the
// index of the new element and a pointer to the new element.
template <class T>
std::pair<uint32_t, T*> extend(hidl_vec<T>* vec) {
size_t nextIndex = vec->size();
vec->resize(nextIndex + 1);
return {nextIndex, &(*vec)[nextIndex]};
// Add an element to the end of the vector, set it to the specified value, and
// return a pair consisting of the index of the new element and a pointer to the
// new element.
template <class T>
std::pair<uint32_t, T*> extend(hidl_vec<T>* vec, const T& val) {
auto extended = extend(vec);
*extended.second = val;
return extended;
template <typename T>
bool operator<(const hidl_vec<T>& a, const hidl_vec<T>& b) {
return std::lexicographical_compare(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(), b.end());
// Compile-time mapping from a particular Model type to a name for that type.
template <class T_Model>
struct ModelVersion;
template <>
struct ModelVersion<V1_0::Model> {
static constexpr char name[] = "V1_0";
template <>
struct ModelVersion<V1_1::Model> {
static constexpr char name[] = "V1_1";
template <>
struct ModelVersion<V1_2::Model> {
static constexpr char name[] = "V1_2";
// Dispatcher mechanism for calling an appropriate uncheckedConvertToV1_*
// given the desired return type.
template <typename T_ReturnType>
T_ReturnType uncheckedConvertTo(OperationType type);
template <>
V1_0::OperationType uncheckedConvertTo<V1_0::OperationType>(OperationType type) {
return uncheckedConvertToV1_0(type);
template <>
V1_1::OperationType uncheckedConvertTo<V1_1::OperationType>(OperationType type) {
return uncheckedConvertToV1_1(type);
// Dispatcher mechanism for calling an appropriate convertToV1_* given the
// desired return type. Note that there is no V1_1::Operand type.
template <typename T_ReturnType>
T_ReturnType convertTo(Operand operand);
template <>
V1_0::Operand convertTo<V1_0::Operand>(Operand operand) {
return convertToV1_0(operand);
// Dispatcher mechanism for calling an appropriate compliantWithV1_* given the
// desired target model type.
template <typename T_SlicedModel>
void getNoncompliantOperations(const V1_2::Model& model,
std::set<uint32_t>* noncompliantOperations);
template <>
void getNoncompliantOperations<V1_0::Model>(const V1_2::Model& model,
std::set<uint32_t>* noncompliantOperations) {
compliantWithV1_0(model, noncompliantOperations);
template <>
void getNoncompliantOperations<V1_1::Model>(const V1_2::Model& model,
std::set<uint32_t>* noncompliantOperations) {
compliantWithV1_1(model, noncompliantOperations);
class PlanModelSlicer : public IModelSlicer {
PlanModelSlicer(const ModelBuilder* model);
std::optional<std::pair<V1_0::Model, std::function<uint32_t(uint32_t)>>> getSliceV1_0()
override {
return getSlice(&mSliceV1_0);
std::optional<std::pair<V1_1::Model, std::function<uint32_t(uint32_t)>>> getSliceV1_1()
override {
return getSlice(&mSliceV1_1);
const Model& getModel() const { return mHidlModel; }
template <class T_SlicedModel>
static bool invalid(const T_SlicedModel& model);
enum class SliceState { UNINITIALIZED, INVALID, NORMAL };
template <class T_SlicedModel>
struct Slice {
SliceState mState = SliceState::UNINITIALIZED;
T_SlicedModel mHidlModel;
std::vector<uint32_t> mSlicedOperationIndexToOrigIndex;
Slice<V1_0::Model> mSliceV1_0;
Slice<V1_1::Model> mSliceV1_1;
template <class T_SlicedModel>
void initializeSlice(Slice<T_SlicedModel>* slice);
template <class T_SlicedModel>
std::optional<std::pair<T_SlicedModel, std::function<uint32_t(uint32_t)>>> getSlice(
Slice<T_SlicedModel>* slice) {
CHECK(slice != nullptr);
if (slice->mState == SliceState::UNINITIALIZED) {
if (slice->mState == SliceState::INVALID) {
return {};
return std::pair<T_SlicedModel, std::function<uint32_t(uint32_t)>>(
slice->mHidlModel, [slice](uint32_t slicedOperationIndex) {
return slice->mSlicedOperationIndexToOrigIndex.at(slicedOperationIndex);
Model mHidlModel;
template <class T_SlicedModel>
bool PlanModelSlicer::invalid(const T_SlicedModel& model) {
// A model must have at least one operation. However, it's possible that a
// slice has no operations (because no operations from the original model
// are compliant with the sliced model type). In this case, the sliced
// model would be invalid.
const bool looksEmpty = (model.operations.size() == 0);
if (DeviceManager::get()->strictSlicing()) {
CHECK_EQ(looksEmpty, (model.operands.size() == 0));
if (looksEmpty) return true;
// A model must have at least one output. However, it's possible for a
// model to contain dead operations (i.e., outputs on which no model outputs
// are data dependent). A slice might contain only dead operations, and
// hence have no model outputs. In this case, the sliced model would be
// invalid.
if (model.outputIndexes.size() == 0) return true;
// We shouldn't have to check whether the model is valid.
// However, it could be invalid if:
// - there is an error in the slicing algorithm; or
// - there is an error in compliantWith (see http://b/131845106)
if (!validateModel(model)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Sliced model fails validateModel()";
return true;
return false;
PlanModelSlicer::PlanModelSlicer(const ModelBuilder* model) {
template <class T_SlicedModel>
void PlanModelSlicer::initializeSlice(Slice<T_SlicedModel>* slice) {
using SlicedOperand = std::remove_pointer_t<decltype(slice->mHidlModel.operands.data())>;
using SlicedOperation = std::remove_pointer_t<decltype(slice->mHidlModel.operations.data())>;
using SlicedOperationType = decltype(SlicedOperation::type);
CHECK(slice->mState == SliceState::UNINITIALIZED);
const auto& origOperands = mHidlModel.operands;
const auto& origOperations = mHidlModel.operations;
auto& slicedOperands = slice->mHidlModel.operands;
auto& slicedOperations = slice->mHidlModel.operations;
// Indexes of elements of noncompliant origOperations
std::set<uint32_t> noncompliantOperations;
getNoncompliantOperations<T_SlicedModel>(mHidlModel, &noncompliantOperations);
// Map from an operand index in origOperands to the corresponding operand index in
// slicedOperands
std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex;
// Collect the operand indexes of every operand that is an input to a
// compliant operation. If the operand is a CONSTANT_* or a NO_VALUE, copy
// it to the sliced model and update origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex
// accordingly. Otherwise, we'll deal with the operand in the subsequent
// "Main loop", where we process operation outputs (intermediates and model
// outputs).
std::set<uint32_t> inputOperandIndexesOfCompliantOperations;
for (uint32_t origOperationIndex = 0; origOperationIndex < origOperations.size();
++origOperationIndex) {
if (noncompliantOperations.count(origOperationIndex)) {
for (uint32_t input : origOperations[origOperationIndex].inputs) {
if (inputOperandIndexesOfCompliantOperations.insert(input).second) {
const Operand& origOperand = origOperands[input];
switch (origOperand.lifetime) {
case OperandLifeTime::CONSTANT_COPY:
case OperandLifeTime::CONSTANT_REFERENCE:
case OperandLifeTime::NO_VALUE: {
const uint32_t slicedOperandIndex =
extend(&slicedOperands, convertTo<SlicedOperand>(origOperand))
slicedOperands[slicedOperandIndex].numberOfConsumers = 0;
origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex[input] = slicedOperandIndex;
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex initialization created "
<< input << " -> " << slicedOperandIndex << ": "
<< toString(slicedOperands[slicedOperandIndex]);
// For each output operand of a noncompliant operation that is the input
// operand of at least one compliant operation, we will ensure that there is
// a sliced model input whose "type" is that of the output operand. This is
// a map from output operand "type" (in the original model) to model input
// operand index (in the sliced model). Unfortunately, there is no
// representation of operand "type" defined in the HAL that we can use
// naively here -- we want (OperandType, dimensions, scale, zeroPoint,
// extraParams), but these fields exist in Operand along with other fields
// that need to be excluded from the map key (numberOfConsumers, lifetime,
// location). There are several choices:
// - Don't have a map -- each output identified above gets its own sliced
// model input (no sharing of sliced model inputs).
// - Create an operand "type" representation solely for use as a map key.
// - Write a tailored comparison function that ignores the excluded fields.
// We choose to write a tailored comparison function. If Treble were to
// generate a comparison function for us (http://b/130567619) then it might
// be better to instead reset the excluded fields to canonical values --
// then we could use the Treble provided comparison function, and the
// solution would be robust (in a correctness sense, not a sharing sense) if
// more fields are added and we neglect to canonicalize them.
// We also use this map for model input operands of the original model that
// become input operands of the sliced model. This means that an original
// model input operand might be coalesced with other original model input
// operands and/or with original model temporary operands.
class OrigOperandToSlicedInputOperandIndex {
OrigOperandToSlicedInputOperandIndex(hidl_vec<SlicedOperand>* slicedOperands,
hidl_vec<uint32_t>* slicedInputIndexes)
: mSlicedOperands(*slicedOperands), mSlicedInputIndexes(*slicedInputIndexes) {}
// Given an operand from the original model, return the index of the
// corresponding model input operand from the sliced model. Creates a
// new operand in the sliced model if necessary.
uint32_t getIndex(Operand operand) {
// Lookup
auto it = mMap.find(operand);
if (it != mMap.end()) {
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "OrigOperandToSlicedInputOperandIndex::getIndex looked for "
<< toString(operand) << " and found " << it->second << ": "
<< toString(it->first);
return it->second;
// Create
operand.numberOfConsumers = 0;
operand.lifetime = OperandLifeTime::MODEL_INPUT;
operand.location = {};
uint32_t slicedOperandIndex =
extend(&mSlicedOperands, convertTo<SlicedOperand>(operand)).first;
mMap[operand] = slicedOperandIndex;
extend(&mSlicedInputIndexes, slicedOperandIndex);
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "OrigOperandToSlicedInputOperandIndex::getIndex created "
<< slicedOperandIndex << ": " << toString(operand);
return slicedOperandIndex;
class Compare {
bool operator()(const Operand& a, const Operand& b) const {
if (a.type != b.type) {
return a.type < b.type;
if (a.dimensions != b.dimensions) {
return a.dimensions < b.dimensions;
if (a.scale != b.scale) {
return a.scale < b.scale;
if (a.zeroPoint != b.zeroPoint) {
return a.zeroPoint < b.zeroPoint;
return compare(a.extraParams, b.extraParams);
static bool compare(const SymmPerChannelQuantParams& a,
const SymmPerChannelQuantParams& b) {
if (a.scales != b.scales) {
return a.scales < b.scales;
return a.channelDim < b.channelDim;
static bool compare(const Operand::ExtraParams& a, const Operand::ExtraParams& b) {
if (a.getDiscriminator() != b.getDiscriminator()) {
return a.getDiscriminator() < b.getDiscriminator();
switch (a.getDiscriminator()) {
CHECK(false) << "Unexpected";
case Operand::ExtraParams::hidl_discriminator::none:
return false;
case Operand::ExtraParams::hidl_discriminator::channelQuant:
return compare(a.channelQuant(), b.channelQuant());
case Operand::ExtraParams::hidl_discriminator::extension:
return a.extension() < b.extension();
std::map<Operand, uint32_t, Compare> mMap;
hidl_vec<SlicedOperand>& mSlicedOperands;
hidl_vec<uint32_t>& mSlicedInputIndexes;
} origOperandToSlicedInputOperandIndex(&slicedOperands, &slice->mHidlModel.inputIndexes);
// An input of the original model is an input of the sliced model if and
// only if it is consumed by at least one compliant operation. Note that in
// the sliced model we share all model inputs of the same "type"; and that
// we may later add model inputs to the sliced model.
for (uint32_t origInputIndex : mHidlModel.inputIndexes) {
if (inputOperandIndexesOfCompliantOperations.count(origInputIndex)) {
const uint32_t slicedIndex =
origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex[origInputIndex] = slicedIndex;
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex inputIndexes processing created "
<< origInputIndex << " -> " << slicedIndex << ": "
<< toString(slicedOperands[slicedIndex]);
// Main loop: Process each operation of the original model.
for (uint32_t origOperationIndex = 0; origOperationIndex < origOperations.size();
++origOperationIndex) {
const Operation& origOperation = origOperations[origOperationIndex];
if (noncompliantOperations.count(origOperationIndex)) {
for (uint32_t output : origOperation.outputs) {
if (!inputOperandIndexesOfCompliantOperations.count(output)) {
const uint32_t slicedIndex =
origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex[output] = slicedIndex;
<< "origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex noncompliant output processing created "
<< output << " -> " << slicedIndex << ": "
<< toString(slicedOperands[slicedIndex]);
} else {
SlicedOperation& slicedOperation = *extend(&slicedOperations).second;
CHECK(slice->mSlicedOperationIndexToOrigIndex.size() == slicedOperations.size());
slicedOperation.type = uncheckedConvertTo<SlicedOperationType>(origOperation.type);
// Model is topologically sorted, so all inputs must be present in
// origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex, and no outputs may be.
// Operation inputs
// - Fill in slicedOperation.inputs
// - Update number of consumers for each input operand
origOperation.inputs.begin(), origOperation.inputs.end(),
[&origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex, &slicedOperands](uint32_t origOperandIndex) {
uint32_t slicedOperandIndex =
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex compliant input "
"processing created "
<< origOperandIndex << " -> " << slicedOperandIndex
<< ": " << toString(slicedOperands[slicedOperandIndex]);
return slicedOperandIndex;
// Operation outputs
// - Add new operands to slicedOperands
// - Update origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex
// - Fill in slicedOperation.outputs
// - Record as a model output, if necessary
const uint32_t firstOutputSlicedOperandIndex = slicedOperands.size();
slicedOperands.resize(firstOutputSlicedOperandIndex + origOperation.outputs.size());
for (uint32_t outputNum = 0; outputNum < slicedOperation.outputs.size(); ++outputNum) {
uint32_t origOperandIndex = origOperation.outputs[outputNum];
uint32_t slicedOperandIndex = firstOutputSlicedOperandIndex + outputNum;
auto& slicedOperand = slicedOperands[slicedOperandIndex];
const auto& origOperand = origOperands[origOperandIndex];
slicedOperand = convertTo<SlicedOperand>(origOperand);
slicedOperand.numberOfConsumers = 0;
CHECK(origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex.count(origOperandIndex) == 0);
origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex[origOperandIndex] = slicedOperandIndex;
slicedOperation.outputs[outputNum] = slicedOperandIndex;
if (!inputOperandIndexesOfCompliantOperations.count(origOperandIndex) &&
origOperand.numberOfConsumers) {
// Was consumed only by noncompliant operations; convert to
// an output of the sliced model.
slicedOperand.lifetime = OperandLifeTime::MODEL_OUTPUT;
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex compliant output created "
<< origOperandIndex << " -> " << slicedOperandIndex << ": "
<< toString(slicedOperand);
if (slicedOperand.lifetime == OperandLifeTime::MODEL_OUTPUT) {
extend(&slice->mHidlModel.outputIndexes, slicedOperandIndex);
// To keep things simple, we copy over these fields as-is. We could instead
// opt to regenerate them based on the operands present in the sliced model:
// This would be more complex and probably take more computation time, but
// it would reduce the size of the sliced model, and hence the time spent
// copying it around and passing it across the HAL interface.
slice->mHidlModel.operandValues = mHidlModel.operandValues;
slice->mHidlModel.pools = mHidlModel.pools;
std::ostrstream fromName;
fromName << "Slice: From " << ModelVersion<decltype(mHidlModel)>::name << std::ends;
graphDump(fromName.str(), mHidlModel);
std::ostrstream toName;
toName << "Slice: To " << ModelVersion<decltype(slice->mHidlModel)>::name << std::ends;
graphDump(toName.str(), convertToV1_2(slice->mHidlModel));
slice->mState = invalid(slice->mHidlModel) ? SliceState::INVALID : SliceState::NORMAL;
// This class determines whether a given device can execute a given operation
class CanDo {
CanDo() {}
void initialize(PlanModelSlicer* slicer, std::shared_ptr<Device> device) {
device->getSupportedOperations(slicer->getModel(), slicer, &mSupportsOperationByIndex);
bool check(size_t operationIndex) const { return mSupportsOperationByIndex[operationIndex]; }
hidl_vec<bool> mSupportsOperationByIndex;
}; // anonymous namespace
int ModelBuilder::findBestDeviceForEachOperation(
uint32_t preference, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Device>>& devices,
std::vector<int>* bestDeviceForOperation) const {
PlanModelSlicer slicer(this);
const size_t deviceCount = devices.size();
std::vector<CanDo> canDo(deviceCount);
for (size_t deviceIndex = 0; deviceIndex < deviceCount; deviceIndex++) {
canDo[deviceIndex].initialize(&slicer, devices[deviceIndex]);
// Figure out the best driver for each operation.
const size_t operationCount = mOperations.size();
for (size_t operationIndex = 0; operationIndex < operationCount; operationIndex++) {
// Find which device, including CPU fallback, gives the best performance for this operation.
int bestChoice = -1;
float bestPerfVal = 0.0; // Do not check bestPerfVal if bestChoice < 0.
for (size_t deviceIndex = 0; deviceIndex < deviceCount; deviceIndex++) {
const auto& device = devices[deviceIndex];
if (canDo[deviceIndex].check(operationIndex)) {
const PerformanceInfo perf = getPerformanceInfo(device, operationIndex);
const float perfVal =
(preference == ANEURALNETWORKS_PREFER_LOW_POWER ? perf.powerUsage
: perf.execTime);
if (bestChoice < 0 || perfVal < bestPerfVal ||
(perfVal == bestPerfVal && device == DeviceManager::getCpuDevice())) {
bestChoice = deviceIndex;
bestPerfVal = perfVal;
} else {
// Somewhat noisy logging, but only place where the user of
// NNAPI can get feedback on why an operation was not run on a
// specific device.
// Logs O(operationCount * deviceCount) times, but
// typically deviceCount is very small.
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "Device " << device->getName()
<< " can't do operation "
<< toString(getOperation(operationIndex).type);
if (bestChoice < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No driver can do the op";
(*bestDeviceForOperation)[operationIndex] = bestChoice;
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "ModelBuilder::findBestDeviceForEachOperation("
<< toString(getOperation(operationIndex).type) << ") = " << bestChoice
<< " (" << devices[bestChoice]->getName() << ")";
} // namespace nn
} // namespace android