* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "minikin/FontCollection.h"
#include <memory>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "minikin/FontFamily.h"
#include "minikin/LocaleList.h"
#include "minikin/MinikinPaint.h"
#include "FontTestUtils.h"
#include "FreeTypeMinikinFontForTest.h"
#include "Locale.h"
#include "LocaleListCache.h"
#include "MinikinInternal.h"
#include "UnicodeUtils.h"
namespace minikin {
const char kItemizeFontXml[] = "itemize.xml";
const char kCherokeeFont[] = "Cherokee.ttf";
const char kEmojiFont[] = "Emoji.ttf";
const char kJAFont[] = "Ja.ttf";
const char kKOFont[] = "Ko.ttf";
const char kLatinBoldFont[] = "Bold.ttf";
const char kLatinBoldItalicFont[] = "BoldItalic.ttf";
const char kLatinFont[] = "Regular.ttf";
const char kLatinItalicFont[] = "Italic.ttf";
const char kZH_HansFont[] = "ZhHans.ttf";
const char kZH_HantFont[] = "ZhHant.ttf";
const char kAsciiFont[] = "Ascii.ttf";
const char kEmojiXmlFile[] = "emoji.xml";
const char kNoGlyphFont[] = "NoGlyphFont.ttf";
const char kColorEmojiFont[] = "ColorEmojiFont.ttf";
const char kTextEmojiFont[] = "TextEmojiFont.ttf";
const char kMixedEmojiFont[] = "ColorTextMixedEmojiFont.ttf";
const char kHasCmapFormat14Font[] = "NoCmapFormat14.ttf";
const char kNoCmapFormat14Font[] = "VariationSelectorTest-Regular.ttf";
// Utility functions for calling itemize function.
std::vector<FontCollection::Run> itemize(const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection,
const char* str, FontStyle style,
const std::string& localeList) {
const size_t BUF_SIZE = 256;
uint16_t buf[BUF_SIZE];
size_t len;
ParseUnicode(buf, BUF_SIZE, str, &len, NULL);
const uint32_t localeListId = registerLocaleList(localeList);
auto result = collection->itemize(U16StringPiece(buf, len), style, localeListId,
// Check the same result has returned by calling with maxRun.
for (uint32_t runMax = 1; runMax <= result.size(); runMax++) {
auto resultWithRunMax = collection->itemize(U16StringPiece(buf, len), style, localeListId,
FamilyVariant::DEFAULT, runMax);
EXPECT_EQ(runMax, resultWithRunMax.size());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < runMax; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(result[i].start, resultWithRunMax[i].start);
EXPECT_EQ(result[i].end, resultWithRunMax[i].end);
EXPECT_EQ(result[i].fakedFont, resultWithRunMax[i].fakedFont);
return result;
// Overloaded version for default font style.
std::vector<FontCollection::Run> itemize(const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection,
const char* str, const std::string& localeList) {
return itemize(collection, str, FontStyle(), localeList);
// Overloaded version for empty locale list id.
std::vector<FontCollection::Run> itemize(const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection,
const char* str, FontStyle style) {
return itemize(collection, str, style, "");
// Overloaded version for default font style and empty locale list id.
std::vector<FontCollection::Run> itemize(const std::shared_ptr<FontCollection>& collection,
const char* str) {
return itemize(collection, str, FontStyle(), "");
// Utility function to obtain font path associated with run.
std::string getFontName(const FontCollection::Run& run) {
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, run.fakedFont.font);
return getBasename(
// Utility function to obtain LocaleList from string.
const LocaleList& registerAndGetLocaleList(const std::string& locale_string) {
return LocaleListCache::getById(LocaleListCache::getId(locale_string));
TEST(FontCollectionItemizeTest, itemize_latin) {
auto collection = buildFontCollectionFromXml(kItemizeFontXml);
const FontStyle kRegularStyle = FontStyle();
const FontStyle kItalicStyle = FontStyle(FontStyle::Slant::ITALIC);
const FontStyle kBoldStyle = FontStyle(FontStyle::Weight::BOLD);
const FontStyle kBoldItalicStyle = FontStyle(FontStyle::Weight::BOLD, FontStyle::Slant::ITALIC);
auto runs = itemize(collection, "'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e'", kRegularStyle);
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(5, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kLatinFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e'", kItalicStyle);
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(5, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kLatinItalicFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e'", kBoldStyle);
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(5, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kLatinBoldFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e'", kBoldItalicStyle);
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(5, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kLatinBoldItalicFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// Continue if the specific characters (e.g. hyphen, comma, etc.) is
// followed.
runs = itemize(collection, "'a' ',' '-' 'd' '!'", kRegularStyle);
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(5, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kLatinFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "'a' ',' '-' 'd' '!'", kRegularStyle);
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(5, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kLatinFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// U+0301 (COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT) must be in the same run with preceding
// chars if the font supports it.
runs = itemize(collection, "'a' U+0301", kRegularStyle);
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kLatinFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
TEST(FontCollectionItemizeTest, itemize_combining) {
// The regular font and the Cherokee font both support U+0301 (COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT). Since
// it's a combining mark, it should come from whatever font the base character comes from.
auto collection = buildFontCollectionFromXml(kItemizeFontXml);
auto runs = itemize(collection, "'a' U+0301");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kLatinFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+13A0 U+0301");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kCherokeeFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+13A0 U+0301 U+0301");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(3, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kCherokeeFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+0301");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kLatinFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+0301 U+13A0 U+0301");
ASSERT_EQ(2U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kLatinFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[1].start);
EXPECT_EQ(3, runs[1].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kCherokeeFont, getFontName(runs[1]));
TEST(FontCollectionItemizeTest, itemize_emoji) {
auto collection = buildFontCollectionFromXml(kItemizeFontXml);
auto runs = itemize(collection, "U+1F469 U+1F467");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(4, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// U+20E3(COMBINING ENCLOSING KEYCAP) must be in the same run with preceding
// character if the font supports.
runs = itemize(collection, "'0' U+20E3");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+1F470 U+20E3");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(3, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+242EE U+1F470 U+20E3");
ASSERT_EQ(2U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[1].start);
EXPECT_EQ(5, runs[1].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[1]));
// Currently there is no fonts which has a glyph for 'a' + U+20E3, so they
// are splitted into two.
runs = itemize(collection, "'a' U+20E3");
ASSERT_EQ(2U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kLatinFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[1].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[1].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[1]));
TEST(FontCollectionItemizeTest, itemize_non_latin) {
auto collection = buildFontCollectionFromXml(kItemizeFontXml);
// All Japanese Hiragana characters.
auto runs = itemize(collection, "U+3042 U+3044 U+3046 U+3048 U+304A", "ja-JP");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(5, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// All Korean Hangul characters.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+B300 U+D55C U+BBFC U+AD6D", "en-US");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(4, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kKOFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// All Han characters ja, zh-Hans font having.
// Japanese font should be selected if the specified language is Japanese.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+81ED U+82B1 U+5FCD", "ja-JP");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(3, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// Simplified Chinese font should be selected if the specified language is Simplified
// Chinese.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+81ED U+82B1 U+5FCD", "zh-Hans");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(3, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HansFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// Fallbacks to other fonts if there is no glyph in the specified language's
// font. There is no character U+4F60 in Japanese.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+81ED U+4F60 U+5FCD", "ja-JP");
ASSERT_EQ(3U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[1].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[1].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HansFont, getFontName(runs[1]));
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[2].start);
EXPECT_EQ(3, runs[2].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[2]));
// Tone mark.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+4444 U+302D", "");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HansFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// Both zh-Hant and ja fonts support U+242EE, but zh-Hans doesn't.
// Here, ja and zh-Hant font should have the same score but ja should be selected since it is
// listed before zh-Hant.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+242EE", "zh-Hans");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
TEST(FontCollectionItemizeTest, itemize_mixed) {
auto collection = buildFontCollectionFromXml(kItemizeFontXml);
auto runs = itemize(collection, "'a' U+4F60 'b' U+4F60 'c'", "en-US");
ASSERT_EQ(5U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kLatinFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[1].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[1].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HansFont, getFontName(runs[1]));
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[2].start);
EXPECT_EQ(3, runs[2].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kLatinFont, getFontName(runs[2]));
EXPECT_EQ(3, runs[3].start);
EXPECT_EQ(4, runs[3].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HansFont, getFontName(runs[3]));
EXPECT_EQ(4, runs[4].start);
EXPECT_EQ(5, runs[4].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kLatinFont, getFontName(runs[4]));
TEST(FontCollectionItemizeTest, itemize_variationSelector) {
auto collection = buildFontCollectionFromXml(kItemizeFontXml);
// A glyph for U+4FAE is provided by both Japanese font and Simplified
// Chinese font. Also a glyph for U+242EE is provided by both Japanese and
// Traditional Chinese font. To avoid effects of device default locale,
// explicitly specify the locale.
// U+4FAE is available in both zh_Hans and ja font, but U+4FAE,U+FE00 is
// only available in ja font.
auto runs = itemize(collection, "U+4FAE", "zh-Hans");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HansFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+4FAE U+FE00", "zh-Hans");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+4FAE U+4FAE U+FE00", "zh-Hans");
ASSERT_EQ(2U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HansFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[1].start);
EXPECT_EQ(3, runs[1].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[1]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+4FAE U+4FAE U+FE00 U+4FAE", "zh-Hans");
ASSERT_EQ(3U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HansFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[1].start);
EXPECT_EQ(3, runs[1].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[1]));
EXPECT_EQ(3, runs[2].start);
EXPECT_EQ(4, runs[2].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HansFont, getFontName(runs[2]));
// Validation selector after validation selector.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+4FAE U+FE00 U+FE00", "zh-Hans");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(3, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// No font supports U+242EE U+FE0E.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+4FAE U+FE0E", "zh-Hans");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HansFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// Surrogate pairs handling.
// U+242EE is available in ja font and zh_Hant font.
// U+242EE U+FE00 is available only in ja font.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+242EE", "zh-Hant");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HantFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hant");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(3, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+242EE U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hant");
ASSERT_EQ(2U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HantFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[1].start);
EXPECT_EQ(5, runs[1].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[1]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+242EE U+242EE U+FE00 U+242EE", "zh-Hant");
ASSERT_EQ(3U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HantFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[1].start);
EXPECT_EQ(5, runs[1].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[1]));
EXPECT_EQ(5, runs[2].start);
EXPECT_EQ(7, runs[2].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HantFont, getFontName(runs[2]));
// Validation selector after validation selector.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+242EE U+FE00 U+FE00", "zh-Hans");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(4, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// No font supports U+242EE U+FE0E
runs = itemize(collection, "U+242EE U+FE0E", "zh-Hant");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(3, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HantFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// Isolated variation selector supplement.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+FE00", "");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_TRUE(runs[0].fakedFont.font == nullptr || kLatinFont == getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+FE00", "zh-Hant");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_TRUE(runs[0].fakedFont.font == nullptr || kLatinFont == getFontName(runs[0]));
// First font family (Regular.ttf) supports U+203C but doesn't support U+203C U+FE0F.
// Emoji.ttf font supports U+203C U+FE0F. Emoji.ttf should be selected.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+203C U+FE0F", "zh-Hant");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// First font family (Regular.ttf) supports U+203C U+FE0E.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+203C U+FE0E", "zh-Hant");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kLatinFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
TEST(FontCollectionItemizeTest, itemize_variationSelectorSupplement) {
auto collection = buildFontCollectionFromXml(kItemizeFontXml);
// A glyph for U+845B is provided by both Japanese font and Simplified
// Chinese font. Also a glyph for U+242EE is provided by both Japanese and
// Traditional Chinese font. To avoid effects of device default locale,
// explicitly specify the locale.
// U+845B is available in both zh_Hans and ja font, but U+845B,U+E0100 is
// only available in ja font.
auto runs = itemize(collection, "U+845B", "zh-Hans");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HansFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+845B U+E0100", "zh-Hans");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(3, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+845B U+845B U+E0100", "zh-Hans");
ASSERT_EQ(2U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HansFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[1].start);
EXPECT_EQ(4, runs[1].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[1]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+845B U+845B U+E0100 U+845B", "zh-Hans");
ASSERT_EQ(3U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HansFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[1].start);
EXPECT_EQ(4, runs[1].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[1]));
EXPECT_EQ(4, runs[2].start);
EXPECT_EQ(5, runs[2].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HansFont, getFontName(runs[2]));
// Validation selector after validation selector.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+845B U+E0100 U+E0100", "zh-Hans");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(5, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// No font supports U+845B U+E01E0.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+845B U+E01E0", "zh-Hans");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(3, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HansFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// Isolated variation selector supplement
// Surrogate pairs handling.
// U+242EE is available in ja font and zh_Hant font.
// U+242EE U+E0100 is available only in ja font.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+242EE", "zh-Hant");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HantFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+242EE U+E0101", "zh-Hant");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(4, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+242EE U+242EE U+E0101", "zh-Hant");
ASSERT_EQ(2U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HantFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[1].start);
EXPECT_EQ(6, runs[1].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[1]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+242EE U+242EE U+E0101 U+242EE", "zh-Hant");
ASSERT_EQ(3U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HantFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[1].start);
EXPECT_EQ(6, runs[1].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[1]));
EXPECT_EQ(6, runs[2].start);
EXPECT_EQ(8, runs[2].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HantFont, getFontName(runs[2]));
// Validation selector after validation selector.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+242EE U+E0100 U+E0100", "zh-Hant");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(6, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// No font supports U+242EE U+E01E0.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+242EE U+E01E0", "zh-Hant");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(4, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kZH_HantFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// Isolated variation selector supplement.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+E0100", "");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_TRUE(runs[0].fakedFont.font == nullptr || kLatinFont == getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+E0100", "zh-Hant");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_TRUE(runs[0].fakedFont.font == nullptr || kLatinFont == getFontName(runs[0]));
TEST(FontCollectionItemizeTest, itemize_no_crash) {
auto collection = buildFontCollectionFromXml(kItemizeFontXml);
// Broken Surrogate pairs. Check only not crashing.
auto runs = itemize(collection, "'a' U+D83D 'a'");
runs = itemize(collection, "'a' U+DC69 'a'");
runs = itemize(collection, "'a' U+D83D U+D83D 'a'");
runs = itemize(collection, "'a' U+DC69 U+DC69 'a'");
// Isolated variation selector. Check only not crashing.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+FE00 U+FE00");
runs = itemize(collection, "U+E0100 U+E0100");
runs = itemize(collection, "U+FE00 U+E0100");
runs = itemize(collection, "U+E0100 U+FE00");
// Tone mark only. Check only not crashing.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+302D");
runs = itemize(collection, "U+302D U+302D");
// Tone mark and variation selector mixed. Check only not crashing.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+FE00 U+302D U+E0100");
TEST(FontCollectionItemizeTest, itemize_fakery) {
auto collection = buildFontCollectionFromXml(kItemizeFontXml);
FontStyle kBoldStyle(FontStyle::Weight::BOLD);
FontStyle kItalicStyle(FontStyle::Slant::ITALIC);
FontStyle kBoldItalicStyle(FontStyle::Weight::BOLD, FontStyle::Slant::ITALIC);
// Currently there is no italic or bold font for Japanese. FontFakery has
// the differences between desired and actual font style.
// All Japanese Hiragana characters.
auto runs = itemize(collection, "U+3042 U+3044 U+3046 U+3048 U+304A", kBoldStyle, "ja-JP");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(5, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// All Japanese Hiragana characters.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+3042 U+3044 U+3046 U+3048 U+304A", kItalicStyle, "ja-JP");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(5, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// All Japanese Hiragana characters.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+3042 U+3044 U+3046 U+3048 U+304A", kBoldItalicStyle, "ja-JP");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(5, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
TEST(FontCollectionItemizeTest, itemize_vs_sequence_but_no_base_char) {
// kVSTestFont supports U+717D U+FE02 but doesn't support U+717D.
// kVSTestFont should be selected for U+717D U+FE02 even if it does not support the base code
// point.
const std::string kVSTestFont = "VariationSelectorTest-Regular.ttf";
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>> families;
std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> collection(new FontCollection(families));
auto runs = itemize(collection, "U+717D U+FE02");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kVSTestFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
TEST(FontCollectionItemizeTest, itemize_format_chars) {
auto collection = buildFontCollectionFromXml(kItemizeFontXml);
auto runs = itemize(collection, "'a' U+061C 'b'");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(3, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kLatinFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "'a' U+200D 'b'");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(3, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kLatinFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+3042 U+061C U+3042");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(3, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+061C 'b'");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kLatinFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+061C U+3042");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kJAFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+061C");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kLatinFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+061C U+061C U+061C");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(3, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kLatinFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+200D U+20E3");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+200D");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kLatinFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+20E3");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
TEST(FontCollectionItemizeTest, itemize_LocaleScore) {
struct TestCase {
std::string userPreferredLocale;
std::vector<std::string> fontLocales;
int selectedFontIndex;
} testCases[] = {
// Font can specify empty locale.
{"und", {"", ""}, 0},
{"und", {"", "en-Latn"}, 0},
{"en-Latn", {"", ""}, 0},
{"en-Latn", {"", "en-Latn"}, 1},
// Single user preferred locale.
// Exact match case
{"en-Latn", {"en-Latn", "ja-Jpan"}, 0},
{"ja-Jpan", {"en-Latn", "ja-Jpan"}, 1},
{"en-Latn", {"en-Latn", "nl-Latn", "es-Latn"}, 0},
{"nl-Latn", {"en-Latn", "nl-Latn", "es-Latn"}, 1},
{"es-Latn", {"en-Latn", "nl-Latn", "es-Latn"}, 2},
{"es-Latn", {"en-Latn", "en-Latn", "nl-Latn"}, 0},
// Exact script match case
{"en-Latn", {"nl-Latn", "e-Latn"}, 0},
{"en-Arab", {"nl-Latn", "ar-Arab"}, 1},
{"en-Latn", {"be-Latn", "ar-Arab", "d-Beng"}, 0},
{"en-Arab", {"be-Latn", "ar-Arab", "d-Beng"}, 1},
{"en-Beng", {"be-Latn", "ar-Arab", "d-Beng"}, 2},
{"en-Beng", {"be-Latn", "ar-Beng", "d-Beng"}, 1},
{"zh-Hant", {"zh-Hant", "zh-Hans"}, 0},
{"zh-Hans", {"zh-Hant", "zh-Hans"}, 1},
// Subscript match case, e.g. Jpan supports Hira.
{"en-Hira", {"ja-Jpan"}, 0},
{"zh-Hani", {"zh-Hans", "zh-Hant"}, 0},
{"zh-Hani", {"zh-Hant", "zh-Hans"}, 0},
{"en-Hira", {"zh-Hant", "ja-Jpan", "ja-Jpan"}, 1},
// Language match case
{"ja-Latn", {"zh-Latn", "ja-Latn"}, 1},
{"zh-Latn", {"zh-Latn", "ja-Latn"}, 0},
{"ja-Latn", {"zh-Latn", "ja-Latn"}, 1},
{"ja-Latn", {"zh-Latn", "ja-Latn", "ja-Latn"}, 1},
// Mixed case
// Script/subscript match is strongest.
{"ja-Jpan", {"en-Latn", "ja-Latn", "en-Jpan"}, 2},
{"ja-Hira", {"en-Latn", "ja-Latn", "en-Jpan"}, 2},
{"ja-Hira", {"en-Latn", "ja-Latn", "en-Jpan", "en-Jpan"}, 2},
// Language match only happens if the script matches.
{"ja-Hira", {"en-Latn", "ja-Latn"}, 0},
{"ja-Hira", {"en-Jpan", "ja-Jpan"}, 1},
// Multiple locales.
// Even if all fonts have the same score, use the 2nd locale for better selection.
{"en-Latn,ja-Jpan", {"zh-Hant", "zh-Hans", "ja-Jpan"}, 2},
{"en-Latn,nl-Latn", {"es-Latn", "be-Latn", "nl-Latn"}, 2},
{"en-Latn,br-Latn,nl-Latn", {"es-Latn", "be-Latn", "nl-Latn"}, 2},
{"en-Latn,br-Latn,nl-Latn", {"es-Latn", "be-Latn", "nl-Latn", "nl-Latn"}, 2},
// Script score.
{"en-Latn,ja-Jpan", {"en-Arab", "en-Jpan"}, 1},
{"en-Latn,ja-Jpan", {"en-Arab", "en-Jpan", "en-Jpan"}, 1},
// Language match case
{"en-Latn,ja-Latn", {"bd-Latn", "ja-Latn"}, 1},
{"en-Latn,ja-Latn", {"bd-Latn", "ja-Latn", "ja-Latn"}, 1},
// Language match only happens if the script matches.
{"en-Latn,ar-Arab", {"en-Beng", "ar-Arab"}, 1},
// Multiple locales in the font settings.
{"ko-Jamo", {"ja-Jpan", "ko-Kore", "ko-Kore,ko-Jamo"}, 2},
{"en-Latn", {"ja-Jpan", "en-Latn,ja-Jpan"}, 1},
{"en-Latn", {"ja-Jpan", "ja-Jpan,en-Latn"}, 1},
{"en-Latn", {"ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", "en-Latn,ja-Jpan", "en-Latn"}, 1},
{"en-Latn", {"zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", "ja-Jpan,en-Latn", "en-Latn"}, 1},
// Kore = Hang + Hani, etc.
{"ko-Kore", {"ko-Hang", "ko-Jamo,ko-Hani", "ko-Hang,ko-Hani"}, 2},
{"ja-Hrkt", {"ja-Hira", "ja-Kana", "ja-Hira,ja-Kana"}, 2},
{"ja-Jpan", {"ja-Hira", "ja-Kana", "ja-Hani", "ja-Hira,ja-Kana,ja-Hani"}, 3},
{"zh-Hanb", {"zh-Hant", "zh-Bopo", "zh-Hant,zh-Bopo"}, 2},
{"zh-Hanb", {"ja-Hanb", "zh-Hant,zh-Bopo"}, 1},
// Language match with unified subscript bits.
{"zh-Hanb", {"zh-Hant", "zh-Bopo", "ja-Hant,ja-Bopo", "zh-Hant,zh-Bopo"}, 3},
{"zh-Hanb", {"zh-Hant", "zh-Bopo", "ja-Hant,zh-Bopo", "zh-Hant,zh-Bopo"}, 3},
// Two elements subtag matching: language and subtag or language or script.
{"ja-Kana-u-em-emoji", {"zh-Hant", "ja-Kana"}, 1},
{"ja-Kana-u-em-emoji", {"zh-Hant", "ja-Kana", "ja-Zsye"}, 2},
{"ja-Zsym-u-em-emoji", {"ja-Kana", "ja-Zsym", "ja-Zsye"}, 2},
// One element subtag matching: subtag only or script only.
{"en-Latn-u-em-emoji", {"ja-Latn", "ja-Zsye"}, 1},
{"en-Zsym-u-em-emoji", {"ja-Zsym", "ja-Zsye"}, 1},
{"en-Zsye-u-em-text", {"ja-Zsym", "ja-Zsye"}, 0},
// Multiple locale list with subtags.
{"en-Latn,ja-Jpan-u-em-text", {"en-Latn", "en-Zsye", "en-Zsym"}, 0},
{"en-Latn,en-Zsye,ja-Jpan-u-em-text", {"zh", "en-Zsye", "en-Zsym"}, 1},
for (auto testCase : testCases) {
std::string fontLocaleStr = "{";
for (size_t i = 0; i < testCase.fontLocales.size(); ++i) {
if (i != 0) {
fontLocaleStr += ", ";
fontLocaleStr += "\"" + testCase.fontLocales[i] + "\"";
fontLocaleStr += "}";
SCOPED_TRACE("Test of user preferred locale: \"" + testCase.userPreferredLocale +
"\" with font locale: " + fontLocaleStr);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>> families;
// Prepare first font which doesn't supports U+9AA8
auto firstFamilyMinikinFont =
std::vector<Font> fonts;
auto firstFamily =
std::make_shared<FontFamily>(registerLocaleList("und"), FamilyVariant::DEFAULT,
std::move(fonts), false /* isCustomFallback */);
// Prepare font families
// Each font family is associated with a specified locale. All font families except for
// the first font support U+9AA8.
std::unordered_map<MinikinFont*, int> fontLocaleIdxMap;
for (size_t i = 0; i < testCase.fontLocales.size(); ++i) {
auto minikinFont =
std::vector<Font> fonts;
auto family = std::make_shared<FontFamily>(registerLocaleList(testCase.fontLocales[i]),
FamilyVariant::DEFAULT, std::move(fonts),
false /* isCustomFallback */);
fontLocaleIdxMap.insert(std::make_pair(minikinFont.get(), i));
std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> collection(new FontCollection(families));
// Do itemize
auto runs = itemize(collection, "U+9AA8", testCase.userPreferredLocale);
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, runs[0].fakedFont.font);
// First family doesn't support U+9AA8 and others support it, so the first font should not
// be selected.
EXPECT_NE(firstFamilyMinikinFont.get(), runs[0].fakedFont.font->typeface().get());
// Lookup used font family by MinikinFont*.
const int usedLocaleIndex = fontLocaleIdxMap[runs[0].fakedFont.font->typeface().get()];
EXPECT_EQ(testCase.selectedFontIndex, usedLocaleIndex);
TEST(FontCollectionItemizeTest, itemize_LocaleAndCoverage) {
struct TestCase {
std::string testString;
std::string requestedLocales;
std::string expectedFont;
} testCases[] = {
// Following test cases verify that following rules in font fallback chain.
// - If the first font in the collection supports the given character or variation
// sequence,
// it should be selected.
// - If the font doesn't support the given character, variation sequence or its base
// character, it should not be selected.
// - If two or more fonts match the requested locales, the font matches with the highest
// priority locale should be selected.
// - If two or more fonts get the same score, the font listed earlier in the XML file
// (here, kItemizeFontXml) should be selected.
// Regardless of locale, the first font is always selected if it covers the code point.
{"'a'", "", kLatinFont},
{"'a'", "en-Latn", kLatinFont},
{"'a'", "ja-Jpan", kLatinFont},
{"'a'", "ja-Jpan,en-Latn", kLatinFont},
{"'a'", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,en-Latn,ja-Jpan,fr-Latn", kLatinFont},
// U+81ED is supported by both the ja font and zh-Hans font.
{"U+81ED", "", kZH_HansFont}, // zh-Hans font is listed before ja font.
{"U+81ED", "en-Latn", kZH_HansFont}, // zh-Hans font is listed before ja font.
{"U+81ED", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+81ED", "zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+81ED", "ja-Jpan,en-Latn", kJAFont},
{"U+81ED", "en-Latn,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+81ED", "en-Latn,zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+81ED", "zh-Hans,en-Latn", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+81ED", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+81ED", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+81ED", "en-Latn,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+81ED", "en-Latn,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+81ED", "en-Latn,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+81ED", "ja-Jpan,en-Latn,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+81ED", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,en-Latn", kJAFont},
{"U+81ED", "zh-Hans,en-Latn,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+81ED", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,en-Latn", kZH_HansFont},
// U+304A is only supported by ja font.
{"U+304A", "", kJAFont},
{"U+304A", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+304A", "zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+304A", "zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+304A", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+304A", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+304A", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+304A", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+304A", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+304A", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+304A", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+304A", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+304A", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+304A", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+304A", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+304A", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
// U+242EE is supported by both ja font and zh-Hant fonts but not by zh-Hans font.
{"U+242EE", "", kJAFont}, // ja font is listed before zh-Hant font.
{"U+242EE", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+242EE", "zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+242EE", "zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+242EE", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+242EE", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+242EE", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+242EE", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+242EE", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+242EE", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+242EE", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+242EE", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+242EE", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+242EE", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+242EE", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+242EE", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
// U+9AA8 is supported by all ja-Jpan, zh-Hans, zh-Hant fonts.
{"U+9AA8", "", kZH_HansFont}, // zh-Hans font is listed before ja and zh-Hant fonts.
{"U+9AA8", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+9AA8", "zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+9AA8", "zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+9AA8", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+9AA8", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+9AA8", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+9AA8", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+9AA8", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+9AA8", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+9AA8", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+9AA8", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+9AA8", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+9AA8", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+9AA8", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+9AA8", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
// U+242EE U+FE00 is supported by ja font but not by zh-Hans or zh-Hant fonts.
{"U+242EE U+FE00", "", kJAFont},
{"U+242EE U+FE00", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+242EE U+FE00", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+242EE U+FE00", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+242EE U+FE00", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+242EE U+FE00", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+242EE U+FE00", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
// U+3402 U+E0100 is supported by both zh-Hans and zh-Hant but not by ja font.
{"U+3402 U+E0100", "", kZH_HansFont}, // zh-Hans font is listed before zh-Hant font.
{"U+3402 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan",
kZH_HansFont}, // zh-Hans font is listed before zh-Hant font.
{"U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+3402 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+3402 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+3402 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+3402 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+3402 U+E0100", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
// No font supports U+4444 U+FE00 but only zh-Hans supports its base character U+4444.
{"U+4444 U+FE00", "", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+4444 U+FE00", "ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+4444 U+FE00", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+4444 U+FE00", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+4444 U+FE00", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+4444 U+FE00", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+4444 U+FE00", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
// No font supports U+81ED U+E0100 but ja and zh-Hans support its base character U+81ED.
// zh-Hans font is listed before ja font.
{"U+81ED U+E0100", "", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+81ED U+E0100", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+81ED U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+81ED U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+81ED U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+81ED U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+81ED U+E0100", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
// No font supports U+9AA8 U+E0100 but all zh-Hans zh-hant ja fonts support its base
// character U+9AA8.
// zh-Hans font is listed before ja and zh-Hant fonts.
{"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+9AA8 U+E0100", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
// All zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja fonts support U+35A8 U+E0100 and its base character U+35A8.
// zh-Hans font is listed before ja and zh-Hant fonts.
{"U+35A8", "", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+35A8", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+35A8", "zh-Hans", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+35A8", "zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+35A8", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+35A8", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+35A8", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+35A8", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+35A8", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+35A8", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+35A8", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+35A8", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HansFont},
{"U+35A8", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+35A8", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+35A8", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+35A8", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
// All zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja fonts support U+35B6 U+E0100, but zh-Hant and ja fonts support
// its
// base character U+35B6.
// ja font is listed before zh-Hant font.
{"U+35B6", "", kJAFont},
{"U+35B6", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+35B6", "zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+35B6", "zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+35B6", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+35B6", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+35B6", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+35B6", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+35B6", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+35B6", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+35B6", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+35B6", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+35B6", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+35B6", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+35B6", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kZH_HantFont},
{"U+35B6", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kZH_HantFont},
// All zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja fonts support U+35C5 U+E0100, but only ja font supports its
// base
// character U+35C5.
{"U+35C5", "", kJAFont},
{"U+35C5", "ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+35C5", "zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+35C5", "zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+35C5", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+35C5", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+35C5", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+35C5", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+35C5", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+35C5", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+35C5", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+35C5", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+35C5", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kJAFont},
{"U+35C5", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
{"U+35C5", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kJAFont},
{"U+35C5", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kJAFont},
// None of ja-Jpan, zh-Hant, zh-Hans font supports U+1F469. Emoji font supports it.
{"U+1F469", "", kEmojiFont},
{"U+1F469", "ja-Jpan", kEmojiFont},
{"U+1F469", "zh-Hant", kEmojiFont},
{"U+1F469", "zh-Hans", kEmojiFont},
{"U+1F469", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kEmojiFont},
{"U+1F469", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kEmojiFont},
{"U+1F469", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kEmojiFont},
{"U+1F469", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kEmojiFont},
{"U+1F469", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kEmojiFont},
{"U+1F469", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kEmojiFont},
{"U+1F469", "zh-Hans,ja-Jpan,zh-Hant", kEmojiFont},
{"U+1F469", "zh-Hans,zh-Hant,ja-Jpan", kEmojiFont},
{"U+1F469", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hans,zh-Hant", kEmojiFont},
{"U+1F469", "ja-Jpan,zh-Hant,zh-Hans", kEmojiFont},
{"U+1F469", "zh-Hant,zh-Hans,ja-Jpan", kEmojiFont},
{"U+1F469", "zh-Hant,ja-Jpan,zh-Hans", kEmojiFont},
auto collection = buildFontCollectionFromXml(kItemizeFontXml);
for (const auto& testCase : testCases) {
SCOPED_TRACE("Test for \"" + testCase.testString + "\" with locales " +
auto runs = itemize(collection, testCase.testString.c_str(), testCase.requestedLocales);
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(testCase.expectedFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
TEST(FontCollectionItemizeTest, itemize_emojiSelection_withFE0E) {
auto collection = buildFontCollectionFromXml(kEmojiXmlFile);
// U+00A9 is a text default emoji which is only available in TextEmojiFont.ttf.
// TextEmojiFont.ttf should be selected.
auto runs = itemize(collection, "U+00A9 U+FE0E");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kTextEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// U+00A9 is a text default emoji which is only available in ColorEmojiFont.ttf.
// ColorEmojiFont.ttf should be selected.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+00AE U+FE0E");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
// Text emoji is specified but it is not available. Use color emoji instead.
EXPECT_EQ(kColorEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// U+203C is a text default emoji which is available in both TextEmojiFont.ttf and
// ColorEmojiFont.ttf. TextEmojiFont.ttf should be selected.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+203C U+FE0E");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kTextEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// U+2049 is a text default emoji which is not available either TextEmojiFont.ttf or
// ColorEmojiFont.ttf. No font should be selected.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+2049 U+FE0E");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kNoGlyphFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// U+231A is a emoji default emoji which is available only in TextEmojifFont.
// TextEmojiFont.ttf sohuld be selected.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+231A U+FE0E");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kTextEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// U+231B is a emoji default emoji which is available only in ColorEmojiFont.ttf.
// ColorEmojiFont.ttf should be selected.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+231B U+FE0E");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
// Text emoji is specified but it is not available. Use color emoji instead.
EXPECT_EQ(kColorEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// U+23E9 is a emoji default emoji which is available in both TextEmojiFont.ttf and
// ColorEmojiFont.ttf. TextEmojiFont.ttf should be selected even if U+23E9 is emoji default
// emoji since U+FE0E is appended.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+23E9 U+FE0E");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kTextEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// U+23EA is a emoji default emoji but which is not available in either TextEmojiFont.ttf or
// ColorEmojiFont.ttf. No font should be selected.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+23EA U+FE0E");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kNoGlyphFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// U+26FA U+FE0E is specified but ColorTextMixedEmojiFont has a variation sequence U+26F9 U+FE0F
// in its cmap, so ColorTextMixedEmojiFont should be selected instaed of ColorEmojiFont.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+26FA U+FE0E");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kMixedEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
TEST(FontCollectionItemizeTest, itemize_emojiSelection_withFE0F) {
auto collection = buildFontCollectionFromXml(kEmojiXmlFile);
// U+00A9 is a text default emoji which is available only in TextEmojiFont.ttf.
// TextEmojiFont.ttf shoudl be selected.
auto runs = itemize(collection, "U+00A9 U+FE0F");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
// Color emoji is specified but it is not available. Use text representaion instead.
EXPECT_EQ(kTextEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// U+00AE is a text default emoji which is available only in ColorEmojiFont.ttf.
// ColorEmojiFont.ttf should be selected.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+00AE U+FE0F");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kColorEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// U+203C is a text default emoji which is available in both TextEmojiFont.ttf and
// ColorEmojiFont.ttf. ColorEmojiFont.ttf should be selected even if U+203C is a text default
// emoji since U+FF0F is appended.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+203C U+FE0F");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kColorEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// U+2049 is a text default emoji which is not available in either TextEmojiFont.ttf or
// ColorEmojiFont.ttf. No font should be selected.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+2049 U+FE0F");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kNoGlyphFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// U+231A is a emoji default emoji which is available only in TextEmojiFont.ttf.
// TextEmojiFont.ttf should be selected.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+231A U+FE0F");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
// Color emoji is specified but it is not available. Use text representation instead.
EXPECT_EQ(kTextEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// U+231B is a emoji default emoji which is available only in ColorEmojiFont.ttf.
// ColorEmojiFont.ttf should be selected.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+231B U+FE0F");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kColorEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// U+23E9 is a emoji default emoji which is available in both TextEmojiFont.ttf and
// ColorEmojiFont.ttf. ColorEmojiFont.ttf should be selected.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+23E9 U+FE0F");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kColorEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// U+23EA is a emoji default emoji which is not available in either TextEmojiFont.ttf or
// ColorEmojiFont.ttf. No font should be selected.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+23EA U+FE0F");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kNoGlyphFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// U+26F9 U+FE0F is specified but ColorTextMixedEmojiFont has a variation sequence U+26F9 U+FE0F
// in its cmap, so ColorTextMixedEmojiFont should be selected instaed of ColorEmojiFont.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+26F9 U+FE0F");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kMixedEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
TEST(FontCollectionItemizeTest, itemize_emojiSelection_with_skinTone) {
auto collection = buildFontCollectionFromXml(kEmojiXmlFile);
// TextEmoji font is selected since it is listed before ColorEmoji font.
auto runs = itemize(collection, "U+261D");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(1, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kTextEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// If skin tone is specified, it should be colored.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+261D U+1F3FD");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(3, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kColorEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// Still color font is selected if an emoji variation selector is specified.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+261D U+FE0F U+1F3FD");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(4, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kColorEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// Text font should be selected if a text variation selector is specified and skin tone is
// rendered by itself.
runs = itemize(collection, "U+261D U+FE0E U+1F3FD");
ASSERT_EQ(2U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kTextEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[1].start);
EXPECT_EQ(4, runs[1].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kColorEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[1]));
TEST(FontCollectionItemizeTest, itemize_PrivateUseArea) {
auto collection = buildFontCollectionFromXml(kEmojiXmlFile);
// Should not set nullptr to the result run. (Issue 26808815)
auto runs = itemize(collection, "U+FEE10");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(2, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kNoGlyphFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+FEE40 U+FE4C5");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(4, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kNoGlyphFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
TEST(FontCollectionItemizeTest, itemize_genderBalancedEmoji) {
auto collection = buildFontCollectionFromXml(kEmojiXmlFile);
auto runs = itemize(collection, "U+1F469 U+200D U+1F373");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(5, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kColorEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+1F469 U+200D U+2695 U+FE0F");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(5, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kColorEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
runs = itemize(collection, "U+1F469 U+200D U+2695");
ASSERT_EQ(1U, runs.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, runs[0].start);
EXPECT_EQ(4, runs[0].end);
EXPECT_EQ(kColorEmojiFont, getFontName(runs[0]));
// For b/29585939
TEST(FontCollectionItemizeTest, itemizeShouldKeepOrderForVS) {
std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> dummyFamily = buildFontFamily(kNoGlyphFont);
std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> familyA = buildFontFamily(kZH_HansFont);
std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> familyB = buildFontFamily(kZH_HansFont);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>> families = {dummyFamily, familyA, familyB};
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>> reversedFamilies = {dummyFamily, familyB, familyA};
std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> collection(new FontCollection(families));
std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> reversedCollection(new FontCollection(reversedFamilies));
// Both fontA/fontB support U+35A8 but don't support U+35A8 U+E0100. The first font should be
// selected.
auto runs = itemize(collection, "U+35A8 U+E0100");
EXPECT_EQ(familyA->getFont(0), runs[0].fakedFont.font);
runs = itemize(reversedCollection, "U+35A8 U+E0100");
EXPECT_EQ(familyB->getFont(0), runs[0].fakedFont.font);
// For b/29585939
TEST(FontCollectionItemizeTest, itemizeShouldKeepOrderForVS2) {
std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> dummyFamily = buildFontFamily(kNoGlyphFont);
std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> hasCmapFormat14Family = buildFontFamily(kHasCmapFormat14Font);
std::shared_ptr<FontFamily> noCmapFormat14Family = buildFontFamily(kNoCmapFormat14Font);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>> families = {dummyFamily, hasCmapFormat14Family,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>> reversedFamilies = {dummyFamily, noCmapFormat14Family,
std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> collection(new FontCollection(families));
std::shared_ptr<FontCollection> reversedCollection(new FontCollection(reversedFamilies));
// Both hasCmapFormat14Font/noCmapFormat14Font support U+5380 but don't support U+5380 U+E0100.
// The first font should be selected.
auto runs = itemize(collection, "U+5380 U+E0100");
EXPECT_EQ(hasCmapFormat14Family->getFont(0), runs[0].fakedFont.font);
runs = itemize(reversedCollection, "U+5380 U+E0100");
EXPECT_EQ(noCmapFormat14Family->getFont(0), runs[0].fakedFont.font);
TEST(FontCollectionItemizeTest, colorEmojiSelectionTest) {
auto dummyFamily = buildFontFamily(kNoGlyphFont);
auto textEmojiFamily = buildFontFamily(kTextEmojiFont, "ja-JP");
auto colorEmojiFamily = buildFontFamily(kColorEmojiFont, "und-Zsye");
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>> families = {dummyFamily, textEmojiFamily,
auto collection = std::make_shared<FontCollection>(families);
// Both textEmojiFamily and colorEmojiFamily supports U+203C and U+23E9.
// U+203C is text default emoji, and U+23E9 is color default emoji.
auto runs = itemize(collection, "U+203C", "en-US,en-Zsym");
EXPECT_EQ(textEmojiFamily->getFont(0), runs[0].fakedFont.font);
runs = itemize(collection, "U+23E9", "en-US,en-Zsym");
EXPECT_EQ(textEmojiFamily->getFont(0), runs[0].fakedFont.font);
runs = itemize(collection, "U+203C", "en-US,en-Zsye");
EXPECT_EQ(colorEmojiFamily->getFont(0), runs[0].fakedFont.font);
runs = itemize(collection, "U+23E9", "en-US,en-Zsye");
EXPECT_EQ(colorEmojiFamily->getFont(0), runs[0].fakedFont.font);
runs = itemize(collection, "U+203C", "ja-Zsym-JP");
EXPECT_EQ(textEmojiFamily->getFont(0), runs[0].fakedFont.font);
runs = itemize(collection, "U+23E9", "ja-Zsym-JP");
EXPECT_EQ(textEmojiFamily->getFont(0), runs[0].fakedFont.font);
runs = itemize(collection, "U+203C", "ja-Zsye-JP");
EXPECT_EQ(colorEmojiFamily->getFont(0), runs[0].fakedFont.font);
runs = itemize(collection, "U+23E9", "ja-Zsye-JP");
EXPECT_EQ(colorEmojiFamily->getFont(0), runs[0].fakedFont.font);
runs = itemize(collection, "U+203C", "ja-JP-u-em-text");
EXPECT_EQ(textEmojiFamily->getFont(0), runs[0].fakedFont.font);
runs = itemize(collection, "U+23E9", "ja-JP-u-em-text");
EXPECT_EQ(textEmojiFamily->getFont(0), runs[0].fakedFont.font);
runs = itemize(collection, "U+203C", "ja-JP-u-em-emoji");
EXPECT_EQ(colorEmojiFamily->getFont(0), runs[0].fakedFont.font);
runs = itemize(collection, "U+23E9", "ja-JP-u-em-emoji");
EXPECT_EQ(colorEmojiFamily->getFont(0), runs[0].fakedFont.font);
runs = itemize(collection, "U+203C", "ja-JP,und-Zsym");
EXPECT_EQ(textEmojiFamily->getFont(0), runs[0].fakedFont.font);
runs = itemize(collection, "U+23E9", "ja-JP,und-Zsym");
EXPECT_EQ(textEmojiFamily->getFont(0), runs[0].fakedFont.font);
runs = itemize(collection, "U+203C", "ja-JP,und-Zsye");
EXPECT_EQ(colorEmojiFamily->getFont(0), runs[0].fakedFont.font);
runs = itemize(collection, "U+23E9", "ja-JP,und-Zsye");
EXPECT_EQ(colorEmojiFamily->getFont(0), runs[0].fakedFont.font);
TEST(FontCollectionItemizeTest, customFallbackTest) {
auto firstFamily = buildFontFamily(kNoGlyphFont);
auto customFallbackFamily = buildFontFamily(kAsciiFont, "", true /* isCustomFallback */);
auto languageFamily = buildFontFamily(kAsciiFont, "ja-JP");
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FontFamily>> families = {firstFamily, customFallbackFamily,
auto collection = std::make_shared<FontCollection>(families);
auto runs = itemize(collection, "'a'", "");
EXPECT_EQ(customFallbackFamily->getFont(0), runs[0].fakedFont.font);
runs = itemize(collection, "'a'", "en-US");
EXPECT_EQ(customFallbackFamily->getFont(0), runs[0].fakedFont.font);
runs = itemize(collection, "'a'", "ja-JP");
EXPECT_EQ(customFallbackFamily->getFont(0), runs[0].fakedFont.font);
} // namespace minikin