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 * hidl interface for wpa_hostapd daemon
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2018, Jouni Malinen <j@w1.fi>
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2018, Roshan Pius <rpius@google.com>
 * This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
 * See README for more details.


#include <string>

#include <android-base/macros.h>

#include <android/hardware/wifi/hostapd/1.1/IHostapd.h>
#include <android/hardware/wifi/hostapd/1.1/IHostapdCallback.h>

extern "C"
#include "utils/common.h"
#include "utils/includes.h"
#include "utils/wpa_debug.h"
#include "ap/hostapd.h"

namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace wifi {
namespace hostapd {
namespace V1_1 {
namespace implementation {
using namespace android::hardware::wifi::hostapd::V1_0;

 * Implementation of the hostapd hidl object. This hidl
 * object is used core for global control operations on
 * hostapd.
class Hostapd : public V1_1::IHostapd
	Hostapd(hapd_interfaces* interfaces);
	~Hostapd() override = default;

	// Hidl methods exposed.
	Return<void> addAccessPoint(
	    const V1_0::IHostapd::IfaceParams& iface_params,
	    const NetworkParams& nw_params, addAccessPoint_cb _hidl_cb) override;
	Return<void> addAccessPoint_1_1(
	    const IfaceParams& iface_params, const NetworkParams& nw_params,
	    addAccessPoint_cb _hidl_cb) override;
	Return<void> removeAccessPoint(
	    const hidl_string& iface_name,
	    removeAccessPoint_cb _hidl_cb) override;
	Return<void> terminate() override;
	Return<void> registerCallback(
	    const sp<IHostapdCallback>& callback,
	    registerCallback_cb _hidl_cb) override;

	// Corresponding worker functions for the HIDL methods.
	HostapdStatus addAccessPointInternal(
	    const V1_0::IHostapd::IfaceParams& iface_params,
	    const NetworkParams& nw_params);
	HostapdStatus addAccessPointInternal_1_1(
	    const IfaceParams& IfaceParams, const NetworkParams& nw_params);
	HostapdStatus removeAccessPointInternal(const std::string& iface_name);
	HostapdStatus registerCallbackInternal(
	    const sp<IHostapdCallback>& callback);

	// Raw pointer to the global structure maintained by the core.
	struct hapd_interfaces* interfaces_;
	// Callbacks registered.
	std::vector<sp<IHostapdCallback>> callbacks_;

}  // namespace implementation
}  // namespace V1_1
}  // namespace hostapd
}  // namespace wifi
}  // namespace hardware
}  // namespace android