// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "include/v8-inspector.h"
#include "include/v8.h"
#include "src/base/macros.h"
#include "src/inspector/protocol/Runtime.h"
#include "src/inspector/string-16.h"
namespace v8_inspector {
class AsyncStackTrace;
class V8Debugger;
class WasmTranslation;
struct V8StackTraceId;
class StackFrame {
explicit StackFrame(v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local<v8::StackFrame> frame);
~StackFrame() = default;
void translate(WasmTranslation* wasmTranslation);
const String16& functionName() const;
const String16& scriptId() const;
const String16& sourceURL() const;
int lineNumber() const; // 0-based.
int columnNumber() const; // 0-based.
std::unique_ptr<protocol::Runtime::CallFrame> buildInspectorObject(
V8InspectorClient* client) const;
bool isEqual(StackFrame* frame) const;
String16 m_functionName;
String16 m_scriptId;
String16 m_sourceURL;
int m_lineNumber; // 0-based.
int m_columnNumber; // 0-based.
bool m_hasSourceURLComment;
class V8StackTraceImpl : public V8StackTrace {
static void setCaptureStackTraceForUncaughtExceptions(v8::Isolate*,
bool capture);
static int maxCallStackSizeToCapture;
static std::unique_ptr<V8StackTraceImpl> create(V8Debugger*,
int contextGroupId,
int maxStackSize);
static std::unique_ptr<V8StackTraceImpl> capture(V8Debugger*,
int contextGroupId,
int maxStackSize);
~V8StackTraceImpl() override;
std::unique_ptr<protocol::Runtime::StackTrace> buildInspectorObjectImpl(
V8Debugger* debugger) const;
// V8StackTrace implementation.
// This method drops the async stack trace.
std::unique_ptr<V8StackTrace> clone() override;
StringView firstNonEmptySourceURL() const override;
bool isEmpty() const override;
StringView topSourceURL() const override;
int topLineNumber() const override; // 1-based.
int topColumnNumber() const override; // 1-based.
StringView topScriptId() const override;
StringView topFunctionName() const override;
std::unique_ptr<protocol::Runtime::API::StackTrace> buildInspectorObject()
const override;
std::unique_ptr<StringBuffer> toString() const override;
bool isEqualIgnoringTopFrame(V8StackTraceImpl* stackTrace) const;
V8StackTraceImpl(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<StackFrame>> frames,
int maxAsyncDepth,
std::shared_ptr<AsyncStackTrace> asyncParent,
const V8StackTraceId& externalParent);
class StackFrameIterator {
explicit StackFrameIterator(const V8StackTraceImpl* stackTrace);
void next();
StackFrame* frame();
bool done();
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<StackFrame>>::const_iterator m_currentIt;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<StackFrame>>::const_iterator m_currentEnd;
AsyncStackTrace* m_parent;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<StackFrame>> m_frames;
int m_maxAsyncDepth;
std::weak_ptr<AsyncStackTrace> m_asyncParent;
V8StackTraceId m_externalParent;
class AsyncStackTrace {
static std::shared_ptr<AsyncStackTrace> capture(V8Debugger*,
int contextGroupId,
const String16& description,
int maxStackSize);
static uintptr_t store(V8Debugger* debugger,
std::shared_ptr<AsyncStackTrace> stack);
std::unique_ptr<protocol::Runtime::StackTrace> buildInspectorObject(
V8Debugger* debugger, int maxAsyncDepth) const;
// If async stack has suspended task id, it means that at moment when we
// capture current stack trace we suspended corresponded asynchronous
// execution flow and it is possible to request pause for a momemnt when
// that flow is resumed.
// E.g. every time when we suspend async function we mark corresponded async
// stack as suspended and every time when this function is resumed we remove
// suspendedTaskId.
void setSuspendedTaskId(void* task);
void* suspendedTaskId() const;
int contextGroupId() const;
const String16& description() const;
std::weak_ptr<AsyncStackTrace> parent() const;
bool isEmpty() const;
const V8StackTraceId& externalParent() const { return m_externalParent; }
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<StackFrame>>& frames() const {
return m_frames;
AsyncStackTrace(int contextGroupId, const String16& description,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<StackFrame>> frames,
std::shared_ptr<AsyncStackTrace> asyncParent,
const V8StackTraceId& externalParent);
int m_contextGroupId;
uintptr_t m_id;
void* m_suspendedTaskId;
String16 m_description;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<StackFrame>> m_frames;
std::weak_ptr<AsyncStackTrace> m_asyncParent;
V8StackTraceId m_externalParent;
} // namespace v8_inspector