// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <array>
#include <tuple>
#include "src/base/functional.h"
#include "src/zone/zone-containers.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
// PersistentMap is a persistent map datastructure based on hash trees (a binary
// tree using the bits of a hash value as addresses). The map is a conceptually
// infinite: All keys are initially mapped to a default value, values are
// deleted by overwriting them with the default value. The iterators produce
// exactly the keys that are not the default value. The hash values should have
// high variance in their high bits, so dense integers are a bad choice.
// Complexity:
// - Copy and assignment: O(1)
// - access: O(log n)
// - update: O(log n) time and space
// - iteration: amortized O(1) per step
// - Zip: O(n)
// - equality check: O(n)
// TODO(tebbi): Cache map transitions to avoid re-allocation of the same map.
// TODO(tebbi): Implement an O(1) equality check based on hash consing or
// something similar.
template <class Key, class Value, class Hasher = base::hash<Key>>
class PersistentMap {
using key_type = Key;
using mapped_type = Value;
using value_type = std::pair<Key, Value>;
static constexpr size_t kHashBits = 32;
enum Bit : int { kLeft = 0, kRight = 1 };
// Access hash bits starting from the high bits and compare them according to
// their unsigned value. This way, the order in the hash tree is compatible
// with numeric hash comparisons.
class HashValue;
struct KeyValue : std::pair<Key, Value> {
const Key& key() const { return this->first; }
const Value& value() const { return this->second; }
using std::pair<Key, Value>::pair;
struct FocusedTree;
// Depth of the last added element. This is a cheap estimate for the size of
// the hash tree.
size_t last_depth() const {
if (tree_) {
return tree_->length;
} else {
return 0;
const Value& Get(const Key& key) const {
HashValue key_hash = HashValue(Hasher()(key));
const FocusedTree* tree = FindHash(key_hash);
return GetFocusedValue(tree, key);
// Add or overwrite an existing key-value pair.
void Set(Key key, Value value);
bool operator==(const PersistentMap& other) const {
if (tree_ == other.tree_) return true;
if (def_value_ != other.def_value_) return false;
for (const std::tuple<Key, Value, Value>& triple : Zip(other)) {
if (std::get<1>(triple) != std::get<2>(triple)) return false;
return true;
bool operator!=(const PersistentMap& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
// The iterator produces key-value pairs in the lexicographical order of
// hash value and key. It produces exactly the key-value pairs where the value
// is not the default value.
class iterator;
iterator begin() const {
if (!tree_) return end();
return iterator::begin(tree_, def_value_);
iterator end() const { return iterator::end(def_value_); }
// Iterator to traverse two maps in lockstep, producing matching value pairs
// for each key where at least one value is different from the respective
// default.
class double_iterator;
// An iterable to iterate over the two maps in lockstep.
struct ZipIterable {
PersistentMap a;
PersistentMap b;
double_iterator begin() { return double_iterator(a.begin(), b.begin()); }
double_iterator end() { return double_iterator(a.end(), b.end()); }
ZipIterable Zip(const PersistentMap& other) const { return {*this, other}; }
explicit PersistentMap(Zone* zone, Value def_value = Value())
: PersistentMap(nullptr, zone, def_value) {}
// Find the {FocusedTree} that contains a key-value pair with key hash {hash}.
const FocusedTree* FindHash(HashValue hash) const;
// Find the {FocusedTree} that contains a key-value pair with key hash {hash}.
// Output the path to this {FocusedTree} and its length. If no such
// {FocusedTree} exists, return {nullptr} and output the path to the last node
// with a matching hash prefix. Note that {length} is the length of the found
// path and may be less than the length of the found {FocusedTree}.
const FocusedTree* FindHash(HashValue hash,
std::array<const FocusedTree*, kHashBits>* path,
int* length) const;
// Load value from the leaf node on the focused path of {tree}.
const Value& GetFocusedValue(const FocusedTree* tree, const Key& key) const;
// Return the {FocusedTree} representing the left (bit==kLeft) or right
// (bit==kRight) child of the node on the path of {tree} at tree level
// {level}.
static const FocusedTree* GetChild(const FocusedTree* tree, int level,
Bit bit);
// Find the leftmost path in the tree, starting at the node at tree level
// {level} on the path of {start}. Output the level of the leaf to {level} and
// the path to {path}.
static const FocusedTree* FindLeftmost(
const FocusedTree* start, int* level,
std::array<const FocusedTree*, kHashBits>* path);
PersistentMap(const FocusedTree* tree, Zone* zone, Value def_value)
: tree_(tree), def_value_(def_value), zone_(zone) {}
const FocusedTree* tree_;
Value def_value_;
Zone* zone_;
// This structure represents a hash tree with one focused path to a specific
// leaf. For the focused leaf, it stores key, value and key hash. The path is
// defined by the hash bits of the focused leaf. In a traditional tree
// datastructure, the nodes of a path form a linked list with the values being
// the pointers outside of this path. Instead of storing all of these nodes,
// we store an array of the pointers pointing outside of the path. This is
// similar to the stack used when doing DFS traversal of a tree. The hash of
// the leaf is used to know if the pointers point to the left or the
// right of the path. As there is no explicit representation of a tree node,
// this structure also represents all the nodes on its path. The intended node
// depends on the tree depth, which is always clear from the referencing
// context. So the pointer to a {FocusedTree} stored in the
// {PersistentMap.tree_} always references the root, while a pointer from a
// focused node of another {FocusedTree} always references to one tree level
// lower than before.
template <class Key, class Value, class Hasher>
struct PersistentMap<Key, Value, Hasher>::FocusedTree {
KeyValue key_value;
// The depth of the focused path, that is, the number of pointers stored in
// this structure.
int8_t length;
HashValue key_hash;
// Out-of-line storage for hash collisions.
const ZoneMap<Key, Value>* more;
using more_iterator = typename ZoneMap<Key, Value>::const_iterator;
// {path_array} has to be the last member: To store an array inline, we
// over-allocate memory for this structure and access memory beyond
// {path_array}. This corresponds to a flexible array member as defined in
// C99.
const FocusedTree* path_array[1];
const FocusedTree*& path(int i) {
DCHECK(i < length);
return reinterpret_cast<const FocusedTree**>(
reinterpret_cast<byte*>(this) + offsetof(FocusedTree, path_array))[i];
const FocusedTree* path(int i) const {
DCHECK(i < length);
return reinterpret_cast<const FocusedTree* const*>(
reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(this) +
offsetof(FocusedTree, path_array))[i];
template <class Key, class Value, class Hasher>
class PersistentMap<Key, Value, Hasher>::HashValue {
explicit HashValue(size_t hash) : bits_(static_cast<uint32_t>(hash)) {}
Bit operator[](int pos) const {
DCHECK_LT(pos, kHashBits);
return bits_ & (static_cast<decltype(bits_)>(1) << (kHashBits - pos - 1))
? kRight
: kLeft;
bool operator<(HashValue other) const { return bits_ < other.bits_; }
bool operator==(HashValue other) const { return bits_ == other.bits_; }
bool operator!=(HashValue other) const { return bits_ != other.bits_; }
HashValue operator^(HashValue other) const {
return HashValue(bits_ ^ other.bits_);
static_assert(sizeof(uint32_t) * 8 == kHashBits, "wrong type for bits_");
uint32_t bits_;
template <class Key, class Value, class Hasher>
class PersistentMap<Key, Value, Hasher>::iterator {
const value_type operator*() const {
if (current_->more) {
return *more_iter_;
} else {
return current_->key_value;
iterator& operator++() {
do {
if (!current_) {
// Iterator is past the end.
return *this;
if (current_->more) {
DCHECK(more_iter_ != current_->more->end());
if (more_iter_ != current_->more->end()) return *this;
if (level_ == 0) {
*this = end(def_value_);
return *this;
while (current_->key_hash[level_] == kRight || path_[level_] == nullptr) {
if (level_ == 0) {
*this = end(def_value_);
return *this;
const FocusedTree* first_right_alternative = path_[level_];
current_ = FindLeftmost(first_right_alternative, &level_, &path_);
if (current_->more) {
more_iter_ = current_->more->begin();
} while (!((**this).second != def_value()));
return *this;
bool operator==(const iterator& other) const {
if (is_end()) return other.is_end();
if (other.is_end()) return false;
if (current_->key_hash != other.current_->key_hash) {
return false;
} else {
return (**this).first == (*other).first;
bool operator!=(const iterator& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool operator<(const iterator& other) const {
if (is_end()) return false;
if (other.is_end()) return true;
if (current_->key_hash == other.current_->key_hash) {
return (**this).first < (*other).first;
} else {
return current_->key_hash < other.current_->key_hash;
bool is_end() const { return current_ == nullptr; }
const Value& def_value() { return def_value_; }
static iterator begin(const FocusedTree* tree, Value def_value) {
iterator i(def_value);
i.current_ = FindLeftmost(tree, &i.level_, &i.path_);
if (i.current_->more) {
i.more_iter_ = i.current_->more->begin();
// Skip entries with default value. PersistentMap iterators must never point
// to a default value.
while (!i.is_end() && !((*i).second != def_value)) ++i;
return i;
static iterator end(Value def_value) { return iterator(def_value); }
int level_;
typename FocusedTree::more_iterator more_iter_;
const FocusedTree* current_;
std::array<const FocusedTree*, kHashBits> path_;
Value def_value_;
explicit iterator(Value def_value)
: level_(0), current_(nullptr), def_value_(def_value) {}
template <class Key, class Value, class Hasher>
class PersistentMap<Key, Value, Hasher>::double_iterator {
std::tuple<Key, Value, Value> operator*() {
if (first_current_) {
auto pair = *first_;
return std::make_tuple(
pair.first, pair.second,
second_current_ ? (*second_).second : second_.def_value());
} else {
auto pair = *second_;
return std::make_tuple(pair.first, first_.def_value(), pair.second);
double_iterator& operator++() {
#ifdef DEBUG
iterator old_first = first_;
iterator old_second = second_;
if (first_current_) {
DCHECK(old_first < first_);
if (second_current_) {
DCHECK(old_second < second_);
return *this = double_iterator(first_, second_);
double_iterator(iterator first, iterator second)
: first_(first), second_(second) {
if (first_ == second_) {
first_current_ = second_current_ = true;
} else if (first_ < second_) {
first_current_ = true;
second_current_ = false;
} else {
DCHECK(second_ < first_);
first_current_ = false;
second_current_ = true;
bool operator!=(const double_iterator& other) {
return first_ != other.first_ || second_ != other.second_;
bool is_end() const { return first_.is_end() && second_.is_end(); }
iterator first_;
iterator second_;
bool first_current_;
bool second_current_;
template <class Key, class Value, class Hasher>
void PersistentMap<Key, Value, Hasher>::Set(Key key, Value value) {
HashValue key_hash = HashValue(Hasher()(key));
std::array<const FocusedTree*, kHashBits> path;
int length = 0;
const FocusedTree* old = FindHash(key_hash, &path, &length);
ZoneMap<Key, Value>* more = nullptr;
if (!(GetFocusedValue(old, key) != value)) return;
if (old && !(old->more == nullptr && old->key_value.key() == key)) {
more = new (zone_->New(sizeof(*more))) ZoneMap<Key, Value>(zone_);
if (old->more) {
*more = *old->more;
} else {
(*more)[old->key_value.key()] = old->key_value.value();
(*more)[key] = value;
FocusedTree* tree =
new (zone_->New(sizeof(FocusedTree) +
std::max(0, length - 1) * sizeof(const FocusedTree*)))
FocusedTree{KeyValue(std::move(key), std::move(value)),
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
tree->path(i) = path[i];
*this = PersistentMap(tree, zone_, def_value_);
template <class Key, class Value, class Hasher>
const typename PersistentMap<Key, Value, Hasher>::FocusedTree*
PersistentMap<Key, Value, Hasher>::FindHash(HashValue hash) const {
const FocusedTree* tree = tree_;
int level = 0;
while (tree && hash != tree->key_hash) {
while ((hash ^ tree->key_hash)[level] == 0) {
tree = level < tree->length ? tree->path(level) : nullptr;
return tree;
template <class Key, class Value, class Hasher>
const typename PersistentMap<Key, Value, Hasher>::FocusedTree*
PersistentMap<Key, Value, Hasher>::FindHash(
HashValue hash, std::array<const FocusedTree*, kHashBits>* path,
int* length) const {
const FocusedTree* tree = tree_;
int level = 0;
while (tree && hash != tree->key_hash) {
int map_length = tree->length;
while ((hash ^ tree->key_hash)[level] == 0) {
(*path)[level] = level < map_length ? tree->path(level) : nullptr;
(*path)[level] = tree;
tree = level < tree->length ? tree->path(level) : nullptr;
if (tree) {
while (level < tree->length) {
(*path)[level] = tree->path(level);
*length = level;
return tree;
template <class Key, class Value, class Hasher>
const Value& PersistentMap<Key, Value, Hasher>::GetFocusedValue(
const FocusedTree* tree, const Key& key) const {
if (!tree) {
return def_value_;
if (tree->more) {
auto it = tree->more->find(key);
if (it == tree->more->end())
return def_value_;
return it->second;
} else {
if (key == tree->key_value.key()) {
return tree->key_value.value();
} else {
return def_value_;
template <class Key, class Value, class Hasher>
const typename PersistentMap<Key, Value, Hasher>::FocusedTree*
PersistentMap<Key, Value, Hasher>::GetChild(const FocusedTree* tree, int level,
Bit bit) {
if (tree->key_hash[level] == bit) {
return tree;
} else if (level < tree->length) {
return tree->path(level);
} else {
return nullptr;
template <class Key, class Value, class Hasher>
const typename PersistentMap<Key, Value, Hasher>::FocusedTree*
PersistentMap<Key, Value, Hasher>::FindLeftmost(
const FocusedTree* start, int* level,
std::array<const FocusedTree*, kHashBits>* path) {
const FocusedTree* current = start;
while (*level < current->length) {
if (const FocusedTree* child = GetChild(current, *level, kLeft)) {
(*path)[*level] = GetChild(current, *level, kRight);
current = child;
} else if (const FocusedTree* child = GetChild(current, *level, kRight)) {
(*path)[*level] = GetChild(current, *level, kLeft);
current = child;
} else {
return current;
template <class Key, class Value, class Hasher>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const PersistentMap<Key, Value, Hasher>& map) {
os << "{";
bool first = true;
for (auto pair : map) {
if (!first) os << ", ";
first = false;
os << pair.first << ": " << pair.second;
return os << "}";
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8