// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/code-stub-assembler.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class StringBuiltinsAssembler : public CodeStubAssembler {
explicit StringBuiltinsAssembler(compiler::CodeAssemblerState* state)
: CodeStubAssembler(state) {}
// ES#sec-getsubstitution
Node* GetSubstitution(Node* context, Node* subject_string,
Node* match_start_index, Node* match_end_index,
Node* replace_string);
void StringEqual_Core(Node* context, Node* lhs, Node* lhs_instance_type,
Node* rhs, Node* rhs_instance_type,
TNode<IntPtrT> length, Label* if_equal,
Label* if_not_equal, Label* if_indirect);
void StringEqual_Loop(Node* lhs, Node* lhs_instance_type,
MachineType lhs_type, Node* rhs,
Node* rhs_instance_type, MachineType rhs_type,
TNode<IntPtrT> length, Label* if_equal,
Label* if_not_equal);
Node* DirectStringData(Node* string, Node* string_instance_type);
void DispatchOnStringEncodings(Node* const lhs_instance_type,
Node* const rhs_instance_type,
Label* if_one_one, Label* if_one_two,
Label* if_two_one, Label* if_two_two);
template <typename SubjectChar, typename PatternChar>
Node* CallSearchStringRaw(Node* const subject_ptr, Node* const subject_length,
Node* const search_ptr, Node* const search_length,
Node* const start_position);
Node* PointerToStringDataAtIndex(Node* const string_data, Node* const index,
String::Encoding encoding);
// substr and slice have a common way of handling the {start} argument.
void ConvertAndBoundsCheckStartArgument(Node* context, Variable* var_start,
Node* start, Node* string_length);
void GenerateStringEqual(Node* context, Node* left, Node* right);
void GenerateStringRelationalComparison(Node* context, Node* left,
Node* right, Operation op);
TNode<Smi> ToSmiBetweenZeroAnd(SloppyTNode<Context> context,
SloppyTNode<Object> value,
SloppyTNode<Smi> limit);
typedef std::function<TNode<Object>(
TNode<String> receiver, TNode<IntPtrT> length, TNode<IntPtrT> index)>
void GenerateStringAt(const char* method_name, TNode<Context> context,
Node* receiver, TNode<Object> maybe_position,
TNode<Object> default_return,
StringAtAccessor accessor);
TNode<Int32T> LoadSurrogatePairAt(SloppyTNode<String> string,
SloppyTNode<IntPtrT> length,
SloppyTNode<IntPtrT> index,
UnicodeEncoding encoding);
void StringIndexOf(Node* const subject_string, Node* const search_string,
Node* const position, std::function<void(Node*)> f_return);
TNode<Smi> IndexOfDollarChar(Node* const context, Node* const string);
TNode<JSArray> StringToArray(TNode<Context> context,
TNode<String> subject_string,
TNode<Smi> subject_length,
TNode<Number> limit_number);
void RequireObjectCoercible(Node* const context, Node* const value,
const char* method_name);
TNode<BoolT> SmiIsNegative(TNode<Smi> value) {
return SmiLessThan(value, SmiConstant(0));
// Implements boilerplate logic for {match, split, replace, search} of the
// form:
// if (!IS_NULL_OR_UNDEFINED(object)) {
// var maybe_function = object[symbol];
// if (!IS_UNDEFINED(maybe_function)) {
// return %_Call(maybe_function, ...);
// }
// }
// Contains fast paths for Smi and RegExp objects.
// Important: {regexp_call} may not contain any code that can call into JS.
typedef std::function<void()> NodeFunction0;
typedef std::function<void(Node* fn)> NodeFunction1;
void MaybeCallFunctionAtSymbol(Node* const context, Node* const object,
Node* const maybe_string,
Handle<Symbol> symbol,
const NodeFunction0& regexp_call,
const NodeFunction1& generic_call);
void Generate_StringAdd(StringAddFlags flags, PretenureFlag pretenure_flag,
Node* context, Node* left, Node* right);
class StringIncludesIndexOfAssembler : public StringBuiltinsAssembler {
explicit StringIncludesIndexOfAssembler(compiler::CodeAssemblerState* state)
: StringBuiltinsAssembler(state) {}
enum SearchVariant { kIncludes, kIndexOf };
void Generate(SearchVariant variant, TNode<IntPtrT> argc,
TNode<Context> context);
class StringTrimAssembler : public StringBuiltinsAssembler {
explicit StringTrimAssembler(compiler::CodeAssemblerState* state)
: StringBuiltinsAssembler(state) {}
void GotoIfNotWhiteSpaceOrLineTerminator(Node* const char_code,
Label* const if_not_whitespace);
void Generate(String::TrimMode mode, const char* method, TNode<IntPtrT> argc,
TNode<Context> context);
void ScanForNonWhiteSpaceOrLineTerminator(Node* const string_data,
Node* const string_data_offset,
Node* const is_stringonebyte,
Variable* const var_index,
Node* const end, int increment,
Label* const if_none_found);
void BuildLoop(Variable* const var_index, Node* const end, int increment,
Label* const if_none_found, Label* const out,
std::function<Node*(Node*)> get_character);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8