// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/builtins/builtins-lazy-gen.h"
#include "src/builtins/builtins-utils-gen.h"
#include "src/builtins/builtins.h"
#include "src/feedback-vector.h"
#include "src/globals.h"
#include "src/objects/shared-function-info.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
void LazyBuiltinsAssembler::GenerateTailCallToJSCode(
TNode<Code> code, TNode<JSFunction> function) {
TNode<Int32T> argc =
TNode<Context> context = CAST(Parameter(Descriptor::kContext));
TNode<Object> new_target = CAST(Parameter(Descriptor::kNewTarget));
TailCallJSCode(code, context, function, new_target, argc);
void LazyBuiltinsAssembler::GenerateTailCallToReturnedCode(
Runtime::FunctionId function_id, TNode<JSFunction> function) {
TNode<Context> context = CAST(Parameter(Descriptor::kContext));
TNode<Code> code = CAST(CallRuntime(function_id, context, function));
GenerateTailCallToJSCode(code, function);
void LazyBuiltinsAssembler::TailCallRuntimeIfMarkerEquals(
TNode<Smi> marker, OptimizationMarker expected_marker,
Runtime::FunctionId function_id, TNode<JSFunction> function) {
Label no_match(this);
GotoIfNot(SmiEqual(marker, SmiConstant(expected_marker)), &no_match);
GenerateTailCallToReturnedCode(function_id, function);
void LazyBuiltinsAssembler::MaybeTailCallOptimizedCodeSlot(
TNode<JSFunction> function, TNode<FeedbackVector> feedback_vector) {
Label fallthrough(this);
TNode<MaybeObject> maybe_optimized_code_entry = LoadMaybeWeakObjectField(
feedback_vector, FeedbackVector::kOptimizedCodeOffset);
// Check if the code entry is a Smi. If yes, we interpret it as an
// optimisation marker. Otherwise, interpret it as a weak reference to a code
// object.
Label optimized_code_slot_is_smi(this), optimized_code_slot_is_weak_ref(this);
Branch(TaggedIsSmi(maybe_optimized_code_entry), &optimized_code_slot_is_smi,
// Optimized code slot is a Smi optimization marker.
TNode<Smi> marker = CAST(maybe_optimized_code_entry);
// Fall through if no optimization trigger.
GotoIf(SmiEqual(marker, SmiConstant(OptimizationMarker::kNone)),
// TODO(ishell): introduce Runtime::kHandleOptimizationMarker and check
// all these marker values there.
Runtime::kFunctionFirstExecution, function);
TailCallRuntimeIfMarkerEquals(marker, OptimizationMarker::kCompileOptimized,
marker, OptimizationMarker::kCompileOptimizedConcurrent,
Runtime::kCompileOptimized_Concurrent, function);
// Otherwise, the marker is InOptimizationQueue, so fall through hoping
// that an interrupt will eventually update the slot with optimized code.
// Optimized code slot is a weak reference.
TNode<Code> optimized_code =
CAST(ToWeakHeapObject(maybe_optimized_code_entry, &fallthrough));
// Check if the optimized code is marked for deopt. If it is, call the
// runtime to clear it.
Label found_deoptimized_code(this);
TNode<CodeDataContainer> code_data_container =
CAST(LoadObjectField(optimized_code, Code::kCodeDataContainerOffset));
TNode<Int32T> code_kind_specific_flags = LoadObjectField<Int32T>(
code_data_container, CodeDataContainer::kKindSpecificFlagsOffset);
// Optimized code is good, get it into the closure and link the closure into
// the optimized functions list, then tail call the optimized code.
StoreObjectField(function, JSFunction::kCodeOffset, optimized_code);
GenerateTailCallToJSCode(optimized_code, function);
// Optimized code slot contains deoptimized code, evict it and re-enter the
// closure's code.
GenerateTailCallToReturnedCode(Runtime::kEvictOptimizedCodeSlot, function);
// Fall-through if the optimized code cell is clear and there is no
// optimization marker.
void LazyBuiltinsAssembler::CompileLazy(TNode<JSFunction> function) {
// First lookup code, maybe we don't need to compile!
Label compile_function(this, Label::kDeferred);
// Compile function if we don't have a valid feedback vector.
TNode<FeedbackVector> feedback_vector =
LoadFeedbackVector(function, &compile_function);
// Is there an optimization marker or optimized code in the feedback vector?
MaybeTailCallOptimizedCodeSlot(function, feedback_vector);
// We found no optimized code. Infer the code object needed for the SFI.
TNode<SharedFunctionInfo> shared =
CAST(LoadObjectField(function, JSFunction::kSharedFunctionInfoOffset));
// If code entry points to anything other than CompileLazy, install that,
// otherwise call runtime to compile the function.
TNode<Code> code = GetSharedFunctionInfoCode(shared, &compile_function);
WordNotEqual(code, HeapConstant(BUILTIN_CODE(isolate(), CompileLazy))));
// Install the SFI's code entry.
StoreObjectField(function, JSFunction::kCodeOffset, code);
GenerateTailCallToJSCode(code, function);
{ GenerateTailCallToReturnedCode(Runtime::kCompileLazy, function); }
TF_BUILTIN(CompileLazy, LazyBuiltinsAssembler) {
TNode<JSFunction> function = CAST(Parameter(Descriptor::kTarget));
TF_BUILTIN(CompileLazyDeoptimizedCode, LazyBuiltinsAssembler) {
TNode<JSFunction> function = CAST(Parameter(Descriptor::kTarget));
// Set the code slot inside the JSFunction to CompileLazy.
TNode<Code> code = HeapConstant(BUILTIN_CODE(isolate(), CompileLazy));
StoreObjectField(function, JSFunction::kCodeOffset, code);
GenerateTailCallToJSCode(code, function);
// Lazy deserialization design doc: http://goo.gl/dxkYDZ.
TF_BUILTIN(DeserializeLazy, LazyBuiltinsAssembler) {
Label deserialize_in_runtime(this, Label::kDeferred);
TNode<JSFunction> function = CAST(Parameter(Descriptor::kTarget));
// Load the builtin id for lazy deserialization from SharedFunctionInfo.
TNode<SharedFunctionInfo> shared =
CAST(LoadObjectField(function, JSFunction::kSharedFunctionInfoOffset));
TNode<Smi> sfi_data =
CAST(LoadObjectField(shared, SharedFunctionInfo::kFunctionDataOffset));
// The builtin may already have been deserialized. If that is the case, it is
// stored in the builtins table, and we can copy to correct code object to
// both the shared function info and function without calling into runtime.
// Otherwise, we need to call into runtime to deserialize.
TNode<Code> code = LoadBuiltin(sfi_data);
// Check if the loaded code object has already been deserialized. This is
// the case iff it does not equal DeserializeLazy.
WordEqual(code, HeapConstant(BUILTIN_CODE(isolate(), DeserializeLazy))),
// If we've reached this spot, the target builtin has been deserialized and
// we simply need to copy it over to the target function.
StoreObjectField(function, JSFunction::kCodeOffset, code);
// All copying is done. Jump to the deserialized code object.
GenerateTailCallToJSCode(code, function);
{ GenerateTailCallToReturnedCode(Runtime::kDeserializeLazy, function); }
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8