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// Copyright 2017 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package prog

import (

type ConstArgTest struct {
	name  string
	in    uint64
	comps CompMap
	res   uint64Set

type DataArgTest struct {
	name  string
	in    string
	comps CompMap
	res   map[string]bool

// Tests checkConstArg(). Is not intended to check correctness of any mutations.
// Mutation are checked in their own tests.
func TestHintsCheckConstArg(t *testing.T) {
	var tests = []ConstArgTest{
			"One replacer test",
			CompMap{0xdeadbeef: uint64Set{0xcafebabe: true}},
			uint64Set{0xcafebabe: true},
		// Test for cases when there's multiple comparisons (op1, op2), (op1, op3), ...
		// Checks that for every such operand a program is generated.
			"Multiple replacers test",
			CompMap{0xabcd: uint64Set{0x2: true, 0x3: true}},
			uint64Set{0x2: true, 0x3: true},
		// Checks that special ints are not used.
			"Special ints test",
			CompMap{0xabcd: uint64Set{0x1: true, 0x2: true}},
			uint64Set{0x2: true},
	for _, test := range tests {
		t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%v", test.name), func(t *testing.T) {
			res := uint64Set{}
			constArg := &ConstArg{ArgCommon{nil}, test.in}
			checkConstArg(constArg, test.comps, func() {
				res[constArg.Val] = true
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(res, test.res) {
				t.Fatalf("\ngot : %v\nwant: %v", res, test.res)

// Tests checkDataArg(). Is not intended to check correctness of any mutations.
// Mutation are checked in their own tests.
func TestHintsCheckDataArg(t *testing.T) {
	// All inputs are in Little-Endian.
	var tests = []DataArgTest{
			"One replacer test",
			CompMap{0xdeadbeef: uint64Set{0xcafebabe: true}},
				"\xbe\xba\xfe\xca": true,
		// Test for cases when there's multiple comparisons (op1, op2), (op1, op3), ...
		// Checks that for every such operand a program is generated.
			"Multiple replacers test",
			CompMap{0xabcd: uint64Set{0x2: true, 0x3: true}},
				"\x02\x00": true, "\x03\x00": true,
		// Checks that special ints are not used.
			"Special ints test",
			CompMap{0xabcd: uint64Set{0x1: true, 0x2: true}},
				"\x02\x00": true,
		// Checks that ints of various sizes are extracted.
			"Different sizes test",
				0xef:               uint64Set{0x11: true},
				0xcdef:             uint64Set{0x2222: true},
				0x90abcdef:         uint64Set{0x33333333: true},
				0x1234567890abcdef: uint64Set{0x4444444444444444: true},
				"\x11\xcd\xab\x90\x78\x56\x34\x12": true,
				"\x22\x22\xab\x90\x78\x56\x34\x12": true,
				"\x33\x33\x33\x33\x78\x56\x34\x12": true,
				"\x44\x44\x44\x44\x44\x44\x44\x44": true,
		// Checks that values with different offsets are extracted.
			"Different offsets test",
				0xab:               uint64Set{0x11: true},
				0xabab:             uint64Set{0x2222: true},
				0xabababab:         uint64Set{0x33333333: true},
				0xabababababababab: uint64Set{0x4444444444444444: true},
				"\x11\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab": true,
				"\xab\x11\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab": true,
				"\xab\xab\x11\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab": true,
				"\xab\xab\xab\x11\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab": true,
				"\xab\xab\xab\xab\x11\xab\xab\xab\xab": true,
				"\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\x11\xab\xab\xab": true,
				"\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\x11\xab\xab": true,
				"\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\x11\xab": true,
				"\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\x11": true,
				"\x22\x22\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab": true,
				"\xab\x22\x22\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab": true,
				"\xab\xab\x22\x22\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab": true,
				"\xab\xab\xab\x22\x22\xab\xab\xab\xab": true,
				"\xab\xab\xab\xab\x22\x22\xab\xab\xab": true,
				"\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\x22\x22\xab\xab": true,
				"\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\x22\x22\xab": true,
				"\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\x22\x22": true,
				"\x33\x33\x33\x33\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab": true,
				"\xab\x33\x33\x33\x33\xab\xab\xab\xab": true,
				"\xab\xab\x33\x33\x33\x33\xab\xab\xab": true,
				"\xab\xab\xab\x33\x33\x33\x33\xab\xab": true,
				"\xab\xab\xab\xab\x33\x33\x33\x33\xab": true,
				"\xab\xab\xab\xab\xab\x33\x33\x33\x33": true,
				"\x44\x44\x44\x44\x44\x44\x44\x44\xab": true,
				"\xab\x44\x44\x44\x44\x44\x44\x44\x44": true,
			"Replace in the middle of a larger blob",
			CompMap{0xffffffffffff90ab: uint64Set{0xffffffffffffaabb: true}},
				"\xef\xcd\xbb\xaa\x78\x56\x34\x12": true,

			"Big-endian replace",
				// 0xff07 is reversed special int.
				0xefcd:             uint64Set{0xaabb: true, 0xff07: true},
				0x3412:             uint64Set{0xaabb: true, 0xff07: true},
				0x9078:             uint64Set{0xaabb: true, 0x11223344: true, 0xff07: true},
				0x90785634:         uint64Set{0xaabbccdd: true, 0x11223344: true},
				0xefcdab9078563412: uint64Set{0x1122334455667788: true},
				"\xaa\xbb\xab\x90\x78\x56\x34\x12": true,
				"\xef\xcd\xab\x90\x78\x56\xaa\xbb": true,
				"\xef\xcd\xab\xaa\xbb\x56\x34\x12": true,
				"\xef\xcd\xab\xaa\xbb\xcc\xdd\x12": true,
				"\xef\xcd\xab\x11\x22\x33\x44\x12": true,
				"\x11\x22\x33\x44\x55\x66\x77\x88": true,
	for _, test := range tests {
		t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%v", test.name), func(t *testing.T) {
			res := make(map[string]bool)
			// Whatever type here. It's just needed to pass the
			// dataArg.Type().Dir() == DirIn check.
			typ := &ArrayType{TypeCommon{"", "", 0, DirIn, false, true}, nil, 0, 0, 0}
			dataArg := MakeDataArg(typ, []byte(test.in))
			checkDataArg(dataArg, test.comps, func() {
				res[string(dataArg.Data())] = true
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(res, test.res) {
				s := "\ngot:  ["
				for x := range res {
					s += fmt.Sprintf("0x%x, ", x)
				s += "]\nwant: ["
				for x := range test.res {
					s += fmt.Sprintf("0x%x, ", x)
				s += "]\n"

func TestHintsShrinkExpand(t *testing.T) {
	// Naming conventions:
	// b  - byte  variable (i8 or u8)
	// w  - word  variable (i16 or u16)
	// dw - dword variable (i32 or u32)
	// qw - qword variable (i64 or u64)
	// -----------------------------------------------------------------
	// Shrink tests:
	var tests = []ConstArgTest{
			// Models the following code:
			// void f(u16 w) {
			//		u8 b = (u8) w;
			//		if (b == 0xab) {...}
			//		if (w == 0xcdcd) {...}
			//  }; f(0x1234);
			"Shrink 16 test",
				0x34:   uint64Set{0xab: true},
				0x1234: uint64Set{0xcdcd: true},
			uint64Set{0x12ab: true, 0xcdcd: true},
			// Models the following code:
			// void f(u32 dw) {
			//		u8 b = (u8) dw
			//		i16 w = (i16) dw
			//		if (a == 0xab) {...}
			//		if (b == 0xcdcd) {...}
			//		if (dw == 0xefefefef) {...}
			//  }; f(0x12345678);
			"Shrink 32 test",
				0x78:       uint64Set{0xab: true},
				0x5678:     uint64Set{0xcdcd: true},
				0x12345678: uint64Set{0xefefefef: true},
			uint64Set{0x123456ab: true, 0x1234cdcd: true, 0xefefefef: true},
			// Models the following code:
			// void f(u64 qw) {
			//		u8 b = (u8) qw
			//		u16 w = (u16) qw
			//		u32 dw = (u32) qw
			//		if (a == 0xab) {...}
			//		if (b == 0xcdcd) {...}
			//		if (dw == 0xefefefef) {...}
			//		if (qw == 0x0101010101010101) {...}
			//  }; f(0x1234567890abcdef);
			"Shrink 64 test",
				0xef:               uint64Set{0xab: true},
				0xcdef:             uint64Set{0xcdcd: true},
				0x90abcdef:         uint64Set{0xefefefef: true},
				0x1234567890abcdef: uint64Set{0x0101010101010101: true},
				0x1234567890abcdab: true,
				0x1234567890abcdcd: true,
				0x12345678efefefef: true,
				0x0101010101010101: true,
			// Models the following code:
			// void f(i16 w) {
			//		i8 b = (i8) w;
			//		i16 other = 0xabab;
			//		if (b == other) {...}
			//  }; f(0x1234);
			// In such code the comparison will never be true, so we don't
			// generate a hint for it.
			"Shrink with a wider replacer test1",
			CompMap{0x34: uint64Set{0x1bab: true}},
			// Models the following code:
			// void f(i16 w) {
			//		i8 b = (i8) w;
			//		i16 other = 0xfffd;
			//		if (b == other) {...}
			//  }; f(0x1234);
			// In such code b will be sign extended to 0xff34 and, if we replace
			// the lower byte, then the if statement will be true.
			// Note that executor sign extends all the comparison operands to
			// int64, so we model this accordingly.
			"Shrink with a wider replacer test2",
			CompMap{0x34: uint64Set{0xfffffffffffffffd: true}},
			uint64Set{0x12fd: true},
		// -----------------------------------------------------------------
		// Extend tests:
		// Note that executor sign extends all the comparison operands to int64,
		// so we model this accordingly.
			// Models the following code:
			// void f(i8 b) {
			//		i64 qw = (i64) b;
			//		if (qw == -2) {...};
			// }; f(-1);
			"Extend 8 test",
			CompMap{0xffffffffffffffff: uint64Set{0xfffffffffffffffe: true}},
			uint64Set{0xfe: true},
			// Models the following code:
			// void f(i16 w) {
			//		i64 qw = (i64) w;
			//		if (qw == -2) {...};
			// }; f(-1);
			"Extend 16 test",
			CompMap{0xffffffffffffffff: uint64Set{0xfffffffffffffffe: true}},
			uint64Set{0xfffe: true},
			// Models the following code:
			// void f(i32 dw) {
			//		i64 qw = (i32) dw;
			//		if (qw == -2) {...};
			// }; f(-1);
			"Extend 32 test",
			CompMap{0xffffffffffffffff: uint64Set{0xfffffffffffffffe: true}},
			uint64Set{0xfffffffe: true},
			// Models the following code:
			// void f(i8 b) {
			//		i16 w = (i16) b;
			//		if (w == (i16) 0xfeff) {...};
			// }; f(-1);
			// There's no value for b that will make the comparison true,
			// so we don't generate hints.
			"Extend with a wider replacer test",
			CompMap{0xffffffffffffffff: uint64Set{0xfffffffffffffeff: true}},
	for _, test := range tests {
		t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%v", test.name), func(t *testing.T) {
			res := shrinkExpand(test.in, test.comps)
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(res, test.res) {
				t.Fatalf("\ngot : %v\nwant: %v", res, test.res)

func TestHintsRandom(t *testing.T) {
	target, rs, iters := initTest(t)
	iters /= 10 // the test takes long
	r := newRand(target, rs)
	for i := 0; i < iters; i++ {
		p := target.Generate(rs, 5, nil)
		for i, c := range p.Calls {
			vals := extractValues(c)
			for j := 0; j < 5; j++ {
				vals[r.randInt()] = true
			comps := make(CompMap)
			for v := range vals {
				comps.AddComp(v, r.randInt())
			p.MutateWithHints(i, comps, func(p1 *Prog) {})

func extractValues(c *Call) map[uint64]bool {
	vals := make(map[uint64]bool)
	ForeachArg(c, func(arg Arg, _ *ArgCtx) {
		if typ := arg.Type(); typ == nil || typ.Dir() == DirOut {
		switch a := arg.(type) {
		case *ConstArg:
			vals[a.Val] = true
		case *DataArg:
			data := a.Data()
			for i := range data {
				vals[uint64(data[i])] = true
				if i < len(data)-1 {
					v := uint64(data[i]) | uint64(data[i+1])<<8
					vals[v] = true
				if i < len(data)-3 {
					v := uint64(data[i]) | uint64(data[i+1])<<8 |
						uint64(data[i+2])<<16 | uint64(data[i+3])<<24
					vals[v] = true
				if i < len(data)-7 {
					v := uint64(data[i]) | uint64(data[i+1])<<8 |
						uint64(data[i+2])<<16 | uint64(data[i+3])<<24 |
						uint64(data[i+4])<<32 | uint64(data[i+5])<<40 |
						uint64(data[i+6])<<48 | uint64(data[i+7])<<56
					vals[v] = true
	return vals

func TestHintsData(t *testing.T) {
	target := initTargetTest(t, "test", "64")
	type Test struct {
		in    string
		comps CompMap
		out   []string
	tests := []Test{
			in:    "0809101112131415",
			comps: CompMap{0x12111009: uint64Set{0x10: true}},
			out:   []string{"0810000000131415"},
	call := target.SyscallMap["test$hint_data"]
	for _, test := range tests {
		input, err := hex.DecodeString(test.in)
		if err != nil {
		p := &Prog{
			Target: target,
			Calls: []*Call{{
				Meta: call,
				Args: []Arg{MakePointerArg(call.Args[0], 0,
					MakeDataArg(call.Args[0].(*PtrType).Type, input))},
				Ret: MakeReturnArg(call.Ret),
		if err := p.validate(); err != nil {
		var got []string
		p.MutateWithHints(0, test.comps, func(newP *Prog) {
			got = append(got, hex.EncodeToString(
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, test.out) {
			t.Fatalf("comps: %v\ninput: %v\ngot : %+v\nwant: %+v",
				test.comps, test.in, got, test.out)

func BenchmarkHints(b *testing.B) {
	olddebug := debug
	debug = false
	defer func() { debug = olddebug }()
	target, err := GetTarget("linux", "amd64")
	if err != nil {
	rs := rand.NewSource(0)
	r := newRand(target, rs)
	p := target.Generate(rs, 30, nil)
	comps := make([]CompMap, len(p.Calls))
	for i, c := range p.Calls {
		vals := extractValues(c)
		for j := 0; j < 5; j++ {
			vals[r.randInt()] = true
		comps[i] = make(CompMap)
		for v := range vals {
			comps[i].AddComp(v, r.randInt())
	b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
		for pb.Next() {
			for i := range p.Calls {
				p.MutateWithHints(i, comps[i], func(p1 *Prog) {})