// Copyright 2016 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package report contains functions that process kernel output,
// detect/extract crash messages, symbolize them, etc.
package report
import (
type Reporter interface {
// ContainsCrash searches kernel console output for oops messages.
ContainsCrash(output []byte) bool
// Parse extracts information about oops from console output.
// Returns nil if no oops found.
Parse(output []byte) *Report
// Symbolize symbolizes rep.Report and fills in Maintainers.
Symbolize(rep *Report) error
type Report struct {
// Title contains a representative description of the first oops.
Title string
// Report contains whole oops text.
Report []byte
// Output contains whole raw console output as passed to Reporter.Parse.
Output []byte
// StartPos/EndPos denote region of output with oops message(s).
StartPos int
EndPos int
// Suppressed indicates whether the report should not be reported to user.
Suppressed bool
// Corrupted indicates whether the report is truncated of corrupted in some other way.
Corrupted bool
// CorruptedReason contains reason why the report is marked as corrupted.
CorruptedReason string
// Maintainers is list of maintainer emails.
Maintainers []string
// NewReporter creates reporter for the specified OS/Type.
func NewReporter(cfg *mgrconfig.Config) (Reporter, error) {
typ := cfg.TargetOS
if cfg.Type == "gvisor" {
typ = cfg.Type
ctor := ctors[typ]
if ctor == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown OS: %v", typ)
ignores, err := compileRegexps(cfg.Ignores)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rep, suppressions, err := ctor(cfg.KernelSrc, cfg.KernelObj, ignores)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
supps, err := compileRegexps(append(suppressions, cfg.Suppressions...))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &reporterWrapper{rep, supps}, nil
var ctors = map[string]fn{
"akaros": ctorAkaros,
"linux": ctorLinux,
"gvisor": ctorGvisor,
"freebsd": ctorFreebsd,
"netbsd": ctorNetbsd,
"fuchsia": ctorFuchsia,
"windows": ctorStub,
type fn func(string, string, []*regexp.Regexp) (Reporter, []string, error)
func compileRegexps(list []string) ([]*regexp.Regexp, error) {
compiled := make([]*regexp.Regexp, len(list))
for i, str := range list {
re, err := regexp.Compile(str)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to compile %q: %v", str, err)
compiled[i] = re
return compiled, nil
type reporterWrapper struct {
suppressions []*regexp.Regexp
func (wrap *reporterWrapper) Parse(output []byte) *Report {
rep := wrap.Reporter.Parse(output)
if rep == nil {
return nil
rep.Title = sanitizeTitle(replaceTable(dynamicTitleReplacement, rep.Title))
rep.Suppressed = matchesAny(rep.Output, wrap.suppressions)
return rep
func IsSuppressed(reporter Reporter, output []byte) bool {
return matchesAny(output, reporter.(*reporterWrapper).suppressions)
type replacement struct {
match *regexp.Regexp
replacement string
func replaceTable(replacements []replacement, str string) string {
for _, repl := range replacements {
str = repl.match.ReplaceAllString(str, repl.replacement)
return str
var dynamicTitleReplacement = []replacement{
// Executor PIDs are not interesting.
// syzkaller binaries are coming from repro.
// Replace that everything looks like an address with "ADDR",
// addresses in descriptions can't be good regardless of the oops regexps.
// Replace that everything looks like a decimal number with "NUM".
// Replace that everything looks like a file line number with "LINE".
// Replace all raw references to runctions (e.g. "ip6_fragment+0x1052/0x2d80")
// with just function name ("ip6_fragment"). Offsets and sizes are not stable.
// CPU numbers are not interesting.
func sanitizeTitle(title string) string {
const maxTitleLen = 120 // Corrupted/intermixed lines can be very long.
res := make([]byte, 0, len(title))
prev := byte(' ')
for i := 0; i < len(title) && i < maxTitleLen; i++ {
ch := title[i]
switch {
case ch == '\t':
ch = ' '
case ch < 0x20 || ch >= 0x7f:
if ch == ' ' && prev == ' ' {
res = append(res, ch)
prev = ch
return strings.TrimSpace(string(res))
type guilter interface {
extractGuiltyFile([]byte) string
func (wrap reporterWrapper) extractGuiltyFile(report []byte) string {
if g, ok := wrap.Reporter.(guilter); ok {
return g.extractGuiltyFile(report)
panic("not implemented")
type oops struct {
header []byte
formats []oopsFormat
suppressions []*regexp.Regexp
type oopsFormat struct {
title *regexp.Regexp
// If title is matched but report is not, the report is considered corrupted.
report *regexp.Regexp
// Format string to create report title.
// Strings captured by title (or by report if present) are passed as input.
// If stack is not nil, extracted function name is passed as an additional last argument.
fmt string
// If not nil, a function name is extracted from the report and passed to fmt.
// If not nil but frame extraction fails, the report is considered corrupted.
stack *stackFmt
noStackTrace bool
corrupted bool
type stackFmt struct {
// parts describe how guilty stack frame must be extracted from the report.
// parts are matched consecutively potentially capturing frames.
// parts can be of 3 types:
// - non-capturing regexp, matched against report and advances current position
// - capturing regexp, same as above, but also yields a frame
// - special value parseStackTrace means that a stack trace must be parsed
// starting from current position
parts []*regexp.Regexp
// If parts2 is present it is tried when parts matching fails.
parts2 []*regexp.Regexp
// Skip these functions in stack traces (matched as substring).
skip []string
var parseStackTrace *regexp.Regexp
func compile(re string) *regexp.Regexp {
re = strings.Replace(re, "{{ADDR}}", "0x[0-9a-f]+", -1)
re = strings.Replace(re, "{{PC}}", "\\[\\<(?:0x)?[0-9a-f]+\\>\\]", -1)
re = strings.Replace(re, "{{FUNC}}", "([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(?:\\.|\\+)", -1)
re = strings.Replace(re, "{{SRC}}", "([a-zA-Z0-9-_/.]+\\.[a-z]+:[0-9]+)", -1)
return regexp.MustCompile(re)
func containsCrash(output []byte, oopses []*oops, ignores []*regexp.Regexp) bool {
for pos := 0; pos < len(output); {
next := bytes.IndexByte(output[pos:], '\n')
if next != -1 {
next += pos
} else {
next = len(output)
for _, oops := range oopses {
match := matchOops(output[pos:next], oops, ignores)
if match == -1 {
return true
pos = next + 1
return false
func matchOops(line []byte, oops *oops, ignores []*regexp.Regexp) int {
match := bytes.Index(line, oops.header)
if match == -1 {
return -1
if matchesAny(line, oops.suppressions) {
return -1
if matchesAny(line, ignores) {
return -1
return match
func extractDescription(output []byte, oops *oops, params *stackParams) (
desc string, corrupted string, format oopsFormat) {
startPos := len(output)
matchedTitle := false
for _, f := range oops.formats {
match := f.title.FindSubmatchIndex(output)
if match == nil || match[0] > startPos {
if match[0] == startPos && desc != "" {
if match[0] < startPos {
desc = ""
format = oopsFormat{}
startPos = match[0]
matchedTitle = true
if f.report != nil {
match = f.report.FindSubmatchIndex(output)
if match == nil {
var args []interface{}
for i := 2; i < len(match); i += 2 {
args = append(args, string(output[match[i]:match[i+1]]))
corrupted = ""
if f.stack != nil {
frame := ""
frame, corrupted = extractStackFrame(params, f.stack, output[match[0]:])
if frame == "" {
frame = "corrupted"
if corrupted == "" {
corrupted = "extracted no stack frame"
args = append(args, frame)
desc = fmt.Sprintf(f.fmt, args...)
format = f
if len(desc) == 0 {
// If we are here and matchedTitle is set, it means that we've matched
// a title of an oops but not full report regexp or stack trace,
// which means the report was corrupted.
if matchedTitle {
corrupted = "matched title but not report regexp"
pos := bytes.Index(output, oops.header)
if pos == -1 {
end := bytes.IndexByte(output[pos:], '\n')
if end == -1 {
end = len(output)
} else {
end += pos
desc = string(output[pos:end])
if corrupted == "" && format.corrupted {
corrupted = "report format is marked as corrupted"
type stackParams struct {
// stackStartRes matches start of stack traces.
stackStartRes []*regexp.Regexp
// frameRes match different formats of lines containing kernel frames (capture function name).
frameRes []*regexp.Regexp
// skipPatterns match functions that must be unconditionally skipped.
skipPatterns []string
// If we looked at any lines that match corruptedLines during report analysis,
// then the report is marked as corrupted.
corruptedLines []*regexp.Regexp
func extractStackFrame(params *stackParams, stack *stackFmt, output []byte) (string, string) {
skip := append([]string{}, params.skipPatterns...)
skip = append(skip, stack.skip...)
var skipRe *regexp.Regexp
if len(skip) != 0 {
skipRe = regexp.MustCompile(strings.Join(skip, "|"))
frame, corrupted := extractStackFrameImpl(params, output, skipRe, stack.parts)
if frame != "" || len(stack.parts2) == 0 {
return frame, corrupted
return extractStackFrameImpl(params, output, skipRe, stack.parts2)
func extractStackFrameImpl(params *stackParams, output []byte, skipRe *regexp.Regexp,
parts []*regexp.Regexp) (string, string) {
corrupted := ""
s := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(output))
for _, part := range parts {
if part == parseStackTrace {
for s.Scan() {
ln := bytes.Trim(s.Bytes(), "\r")
if corrupted == "" && matchesAny(ln, params.corruptedLines) {
corrupted = "corrupted line in report (1)"
if matchesAny(ln, params.stackStartRes) {
continue nextPart
var match []int
for _, re := range params.frameRes {
match = re.FindSubmatchIndex(ln)
if match != nil {
if match == nil {
frame := ln[match[2]:match[3]]
if skipRe == nil || !skipRe.Match(frame) {
return string(frame), corrupted
} else {
for s.Scan() {
ln := bytes.Trim(s.Bytes(), "\r")
if corrupted == "" && matchesAny(ln, params.corruptedLines) {
corrupted = "corrupted line in report (2)"
match := part.FindSubmatchIndex(ln)
if match == nil {
if len(match) == 4 && match[2] != -1 {
frame := ln[match[2]:match[3]]
if skipRe == nil || !skipRe.Match(frame) {
return string(frame), corrupted
return "", corrupted
func simpleLineParser(output []byte, oopses []*oops, params *stackParams, ignores []*regexp.Regexp) *Report {
rep := &Report{
Output: output,
var oops *oops
for pos := 0; pos < len(output); {
next := bytes.IndexByte(output[pos:], '\n')
if next != -1 {
next += pos
} else {
next = len(output)
line := output[pos:next]
for _, oops1 := range oopses {
match := matchOops(line, oops1, ignores)
if match != -1 {
oops = oops1
rep.StartPos = pos
if oops != nil {
pos = next + 1
if oops == nil {
return nil
title, corrupted, _ := extractDescription(output[rep.StartPos:], oops, params)
rep.Title = title
rep.Report = output[rep.StartPos:]
rep.Corrupted = corrupted != ""
rep.CorruptedReason = corrupted
return rep
func matchesAny(line []byte, res []*regexp.Regexp) bool {
for _, re := range res {
if re.Match(line) {
return true
return false
// replace replaces [start:end] in where with what, inplace.
func replace(where []byte, start, end int, what []byte) []byte {
if len(what) >= end-start {
where = append(where, what[end-start:]...)
copy(where[start+len(what):], where[end:])
copy(where[start:], what)
} else {
copy(where[start+len(what):], where[end:])
where = where[:len(where)-(end-start-len(what))]
copy(where[start:], what)
return where
var (
filenameRe = regexp.MustCompile(`[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\./]*[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+\.(c|h):[0-9]+`)