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// Copyright 2017 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package compiler

import (


const sizeUnassigned = ^uint64(0)

func (comp *compiler) genResources() []*prog.ResourceDesc {
	var resources []*prog.ResourceDesc
	for name, n := range comp.resources {
		if !comp.used[name] {
		resources = append(resources, comp.genResource(n))
	sort.Slice(resources, func(i, j int) bool {
		return resources[i].Name < resources[j].Name
	return resources

func (comp *compiler) genResource(n *ast.Resource) *prog.ResourceDesc {
	res := &prog.ResourceDesc{
		Name: n.Name.Name,
	var base *ast.Type
	for n != nil {
		res.Values = append(genIntArray(n.Values), res.Values...)
		res.Kind = append([]string{n.Name.Name}, res.Kind...)
		base = n.Base
		n = comp.resources[n.Base.Ident]
	if len(res.Values) == 0 {
		res.Values = []uint64{0}
	res.Type = comp.genType(base, "", prog.DirIn, false)
	return res

func (comp *compiler) genSyscalls() []*prog.Syscall {
	var calls []*prog.Syscall
	for _, decl := range comp.desc.Nodes {
		if n, ok := decl.(*ast.Call); ok && n.NR != ^uint64(0) {
			calls = append(calls, comp.genSyscall(n))
	sort.Slice(calls, func(i, j int) bool {
		return calls[i].Name < calls[j].Name
	return calls

func (comp *compiler) genSyscall(n *ast.Call) *prog.Syscall {
	var ret prog.Type
	if n.Ret != nil {
		ret = comp.genType(n.Ret, "ret", prog.DirOut, true)
	return &prog.Syscall{
		Name:     n.Name.Name,
		CallName: n.CallName,
		NR:       n.NR,
		Args:     comp.genFieldArray(n.Args, prog.DirIn, true),
		Ret:      ret,

func (comp *compiler) genStructDescs(syscalls []*prog.Syscall) []*prog.KeyedStruct {
	// Calculate struct/union/array sizes, add padding to structs and detach
	// StructDesc's from StructType's. StructType's can be recursive so it's
	// not possible to write them out inline as other types. To break the
	// recursion detach them, and write StructDesc's out as separate array
	// of KeyedStruct's. prog package will reattach them during init.
	ctx := &structGen{
		comp:   comp,
		padded: make(map[interface{}]bool),
		detach: make(map[**prog.StructDesc]bool),
	// We have to do this in the loop until we pad nothing new
	// due to recursive structs.
	for {
		start := len(ctx.padded)
		for _, c := range syscalls {
			for _, a := range c.Args {
			if c.Ret != nil {
		if start == len(ctx.padded) {

	// Detach StructDesc's from StructType's. prog will reattach them again.
	for descp := range ctx.detach {
		*descp = nil

	sort.Slice(ctx.structs, func(i, j int) bool {
		si, sj := ctx.structs[i], ctx.structs[j]
		if si.Key.Name != sj.Key.Name {
			return si.Key.Name < sj.Key.Name
		return si.Key.Dir < sj.Key.Dir
	return ctx.structs

type structGen struct {
	comp    *compiler
	padded  map[interface{}]bool
	detach  map[**prog.StructDesc]bool
	structs []*prog.KeyedStruct

func (ctx *structGen) check(key prog.StructKey, descp **prog.StructDesc) bool {
	ctx.detach[descp] = true
	desc := *descp
	if ctx.padded[desc] {
		return false
	ctx.padded[desc] = true
	for _, f := range desc.Fields {
		if !f.Varlen() && f.Size() == sizeUnassigned {
			// An inner struct is not padded yet.
			// Leave this struct for next iteration.
			delete(ctx.padded, desc)
			return false
	if ctx.comp.used[key.Name] {
		ctx.structs = append(ctx.structs, &prog.KeyedStruct{
			Key:  key,
			Desc: desc,
	return true

func (ctx *structGen) walk(t0 prog.Type) {
	switch t := t0.(type) {
	case *prog.PtrType:
	case *prog.ArrayType:
	case *prog.StructType:
	case *prog.UnionType:

func (ctx *structGen) walkArray(t *prog.ArrayType) {
	if ctx.padded[t] {
	if !t.Type.Varlen() && t.Type.Size() == sizeUnassigned {
		// An inner struct is not padded yet.
		// Leave this array for next iteration.
	ctx.padded[t] = true
	t.TypeSize = 0
	if t.Kind == prog.ArrayRangeLen && t.RangeBegin == t.RangeEnd && !t.Type.Varlen() {
		t.TypeSize = t.RangeBegin * t.Type.Size()

func (ctx *structGen) walkStruct(t *prog.StructType) {
	if !ctx.check(t.Key, &t.StructDesc) {
	comp := ctx.comp
	structNode := comp.structNodes[t.StructDesc]
	// Add paddings, calculate size, mark bitfields.
	varlen := false
	for _, f := range t.Fields {
		if f.Varlen() {
			varlen = true
	packed, sizeAttr, alignAttr := comp.parseStructAttrs(structNode)
	t.Fields = comp.addAlignment(t.Fields, varlen, packed, alignAttr)
	t.AlignAttr = alignAttr
	t.TypeSize = 0
	if !varlen {
		for _, f := range t.Fields {
			if !f.BitfieldMiddle() {
				t.TypeSize += f.Size()
		if sizeAttr != sizeUnassigned {
			if t.TypeSize > sizeAttr {
				comp.error(structNode.Pos, "struct %v has size attribute %v"+
					" which is less than struct size %v",
					structNode.Name.Name, sizeAttr, t.TypeSize)
			if pad := sizeAttr - t.TypeSize; pad != 0 {
				t.Fields = append(t.Fields, genPad(pad))
			t.TypeSize = sizeAttr

func (ctx *structGen) walkUnion(t *prog.UnionType) {
	if !ctx.check(t.Key, &t.StructDesc) {
	comp := ctx.comp
	structNode := comp.structNodes[t.StructDesc]
	varlen, sizeAttr := comp.parseUnionAttrs(structNode)
	t.TypeSize = 0
	if !varlen {
		for _, fld := range t.Fields {
			sz := fld.Size()
			if sizeAttr != sizeUnassigned && sz > sizeAttr {
				comp.error(structNode.Pos, "union %v has size attribute %v"+
					" which is less than field %v size %v",
					structNode.Name.Name, sizeAttr, fld.Name(), sz)
			if t.TypeSize < sz {
				t.TypeSize = sz
		if sizeAttr != sizeUnassigned {
			t.TypeSize = sizeAttr

func (comp *compiler) genStructDesc(res *prog.StructDesc, n *ast.Struct, dir prog.Dir, varlen bool) {
	// Leave node for genStructDescs to calculate size/padding.
	comp.structNodes[res] = n
	common := genCommon(n.Name.Name, "", sizeUnassigned, dir, false)
	common.IsVarlen = varlen
	*res = prog.StructDesc{
		TypeCommon: common,
		Fields:     comp.genFieldArray(n.Fields, dir, false),

func (comp *compiler) markBitfields(fields []prog.Type) {
	var bfOffset uint64
	for i, f := range fields {
		if f.BitfieldLength() == 0 {
		off, middle := bfOffset, true
		bfOffset += f.BitfieldLength()
		if i == len(fields)-1 || // Last bitfield in a group, if last field of the struct...
			fields[i+1].BitfieldLength() == 0 || // or next field is not a bitfield...
			f.Size() != fields[i+1].Size() || // or next field is of different size...
			bfOffset+fields[i+1].BitfieldLength() > f.Size()*8 { // or next field does not fit into the current group.
			middle, bfOffset = false, 0
		setBitfieldOffset(f, off, middle)

func setBitfieldOffset(t0 prog.Type, offset uint64, middle bool) {
	switch t := t0.(type) {
	case *prog.IntType:
		t.BitfieldOff, t.BitfieldMdl = offset, middle
	case *prog.ConstType:
		t.BitfieldOff, t.BitfieldMdl = offset, middle
	case *prog.LenType:
		t.BitfieldOff, t.BitfieldMdl = offset, middle
	case *prog.FlagsType:
		t.BitfieldOff, t.BitfieldMdl = offset, middle
	case *prog.ProcType:
		t.BitfieldOff, t.BitfieldMdl = offset, middle
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("type %#v can't be a bitfield", t))

func (comp *compiler) addAlignment(fields []prog.Type, varlen, packed bool, alignAttr uint64) []prog.Type {
	var newFields []prog.Type
	if packed {
		// If a struct is packed, statically sized and has explicitly set alignment,
		// add a padding at the end.
		newFields = fields
		if !varlen && alignAttr != 0 {
			size := uint64(0)
			for _, f := range fields {
				if !f.BitfieldMiddle() {
					size += f.Size()
			if tail := size % alignAttr; tail != 0 {
				newFields = append(newFields, genPad(alignAttr-tail))
		return newFields
	var align, off uint64
	for i, f := range fields {
		if i == 0 || !fields[i-1].BitfieldMiddle() {
			a := comp.typeAlign(f)
			if align < a {
				align = a
			// Append padding if the last field is not a bitfield or it's the last bitfield in a set.
			if off%a != 0 {
				pad := a - off%a
				off += pad
				newFields = append(newFields, genPad(pad))
		newFields = append(newFields, f)
		if !f.BitfieldMiddle() && (i != len(fields)-1 || !f.Varlen()) {
			// Increase offset if the current field is not a bitfield
			// or it's the last bitfield in a set, except when it's
			// the last field in a struct and has variable length.
			off += f.Size()
	if alignAttr != 0 {
		align = alignAttr
	if align != 0 && off%align != 0 && !varlen {
		pad := align - off%align
		off += pad
		newFields = append(newFields, genPad(pad))
	return newFields

func (comp *compiler) typeAlign(t0 prog.Type) uint64 {
	switch t0.(type) {
	case *prog.IntType, *prog.ConstType, *prog.LenType, *prog.FlagsType, *prog.ProcType,
		*prog.CsumType, *prog.PtrType, *prog.VmaType, *prog.ResourceType:
		return t0.Size()
	case *prog.BufferType:
		return 1

	switch t := t0.(type) {
	case *prog.ArrayType:
		return comp.typeAlign(t.Type)
	case *prog.StructType:
		packed, _, alignAttr := comp.parseStructAttrs(comp.structNodes[t.StructDesc])
		if alignAttr != 0 {
			return alignAttr // overrided by user attribute
		if packed {
			return 1
		align := uint64(0)
		for _, f := range t.Fields {
			if a := comp.typeAlign(f); align < a {
				align = a
		return align
	case *prog.UnionType:
		align := uint64(0)
		for _, f := range t.Fields {
			if a := comp.typeAlign(f); align < a {
				align = a
		return align
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown type: %#v", t))

func genPad(size uint64) prog.Type {
	return &prog.ConstType{
		IntTypeCommon: genIntCommon(genCommon("pad", "", size, prog.DirIn, false), 0, false),
		IsPad:         true,

func (comp *compiler) genField(f *ast.Field, dir prog.Dir, isArg bool) prog.Type {
	return comp.genType(f.Type, f.Name.Name, dir, isArg)

func (comp *compiler) genFieldArray(fields []*ast.Field, dir prog.Dir, isArg bool) []prog.Type {
	var res []prog.Type
	for _, f := range fields {
		res = append(res, comp.genField(f, dir, isArg))
	return res

func (comp *compiler) genType(t *ast.Type, field string, dir prog.Dir, isArg bool) prog.Type {
	desc, args, base := comp.getArgsBase(t, field, dir, isArg)
	if desc.Gen == nil {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no gen for %v %#v", field, t))
	base.IsVarlen = desc.Varlen != nil && desc.Varlen(comp, t, args)
	return desc.Gen(comp, t, args, base)

func genCommon(name, field string, size uint64, dir prog.Dir, opt bool) prog.TypeCommon {
	return prog.TypeCommon{
		TypeName:   name,
		TypeSize:   size,
		FldName:    field,
		ArgDir:     dir,
		IsOptional: opt,

func genIntCommon(com prog.TypeCommon, bitLen uint64, bigEndian bool) prog.IntTypeCommon {
	bf := prog.FormatNative
	if bigEndian {
		bf = prog.FormatBigEndian
	return prog.IntTypeCommon{
		TypeCommon:  com,
		ArgFormat:   bf,
		BitfieldLen: bitLen,

func genIntArray(a []*ast.Int) []uint64 {
	r := make([]uint64, len(a))
	for i, v := range a {
		r[i] = v.Value
	return r

func genStrArray(a []*ast.String) []string {
	r := make([]string, len(a))
	for i, v := range a {
		r[i] = v.Value
	return r