// Copyright 2017 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build aetest
package dash
import (
func TestEmailReport(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build := testBuild(1)
crash := testCrash(build, 1)
crash.Maintainers = []string{`"Foo Bar" <foo@bar.com>`, `bar@foo.com`}
// Report the crash over email and check all fields.
var sender0, extBugID0, body0 string
c.expectEQ(len(c.emailSink), 1)
msg := <-c.emailSink
sender0 = msg.Sender
body0 = msg.Body
sender, extBugID, err := email.RemoveAddrContext(msg.Sender)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to remove sender context: %v", err)
extBugID0 = extBugID
_, dbCrash, dbBuild := c.loadBug(extBugID0)
crashLogLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textCrashLog, dbCrash.Log)
kernelConfigLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textKernelConfig, dbBuild.KernelConfig)
c.expectEQ(sender, fromAddr(c.ctx))
to := config.Namespaces["test2"].Reporting[0].Config.(*EmailConfig).Email
c.expectEQ(msg.To, []string{to})
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, crash.Title)
c.expectEQ(len(msg.Attachments), 0)
body := fmt.Sprintf(`Hello,
syzbot found the following crash on:
HEAD commit: 111111111111 kernel_commit_title1
git tree: repo1/branch1
console output: %[2]v
kernel config: %[3]v
dashboard link: https://testapp.appspot.com/bug?extid=%[1]v
compiler: compiler1
CC: [bar@foo.com foo@bar.com]
Unfortunately, I don't have any reproducer for this crash yet.
IMPORTANT: if you fix the bug, please add the following tag to the commit:
Reported-by: syzbot+%[1]v@testapp.appspotmail.com
This bug is generated by a bot. It may contain errors.
See https://goo.gl/tpsmEJ for more information about syzbot.
syzbot engineers can be reached at syzkaller@googlegroups.com.
syzbot will keep track of this bug report. See:
https://goo.gl/tpsmEJ#bug-status-tracking for how to communicate with syzbot.`,
extBugID0, crashLogLink, kernelConfigLink)
if msg.Body != body {
t.Fatalf("got email body:\n%s\n\nwant:\n%s", msg.Body, body)
c.checkURLContents(crashLogLink, crash.Log)
c.checkURLContents(kernelConfigLink, build.KernelConfig)
// Emulate receive of the report from a mailing list.
// This should update the bug with the link/Message-ID.
// nolint: lll
incoming1 := fmt.Sprintf(`Sender: syzkaller@googlegroups.com
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2017 14:59:00 -0700
Message-ID: <1234>
Subject: crash1
From: %v
To: foo@bar.com
Content-Type: text/plain
syzbot will keep track of this bug report.
If you forgot to add the Reported-by tag, once the fix for this bug is merged
into any tree, please reply to this email with:
#syz fix: exact-commit-title
To mark this as a duplicate of another syzbot report, please reply with:
#syz dup: exact-subject-of-another-report
If it's a one-off invalid bug report, please reply with:
#syz invalid
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "syzkaller" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to syzkaller+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
To post to this group, send email to syzkaller@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/syzkaller/1234@google.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
`, sender0)
c.expectOK(c.POST("/_ah/mail/", incoming1))
// Emulate that somebody sends us our own email back without quoting.
// We used to extract "#syz fix: exact-commit-title" from it.
c.incomingEmail(sender0, body0)
// Now report syz reproducer and check updated email.
crash.ReproOpts = []byte("repro opts")
crash.ReproSyz = []byte("getpid()")
syzRepro := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s#%s\n%s", syzReproPrefix, crash.ReproOpts, crash.ReproSyz))
c.expectEQ(len(c.emailSink), 1)
msg := <-c.emailSink
c.expectEQ(msg.Sender, sender0)
sender, _, err := email.RemoveAddrContext(msg.Sender)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to remove sender context: %v", err)
_, dbCrash, dbBuild := c.loadBug(extBugID0)
reproSyzLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textReproSyz, dbCrash.ReproSyz)
crashLogLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textCrashLog, dbCrash.Log)
kernelConfigLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textKernelConfig, dbBuild.KernelConfig)
c.expectEQ(sender, fromAddr(c.ctx))
to := []string{
"default@sender.com", // This is from incomingEmail.
c.expectEQ(msg.To, to)
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, "Re: "+crash.Title)
c.expectEQ(len(msg.Attachments), 0)
c.expectEQ(msg.Headers["In-Reply-To"], []string{"<1234>"})
body := fmt.Sprintf(`syzbot has found a reproducer for the following crash on:
HEAD commit: 111111111111 kernel_commit_title1
git tree: repo1/branch1
console output: %[3]v
kernel config: %[4]v
dashboard link: https://testapp.appspot.com/bug?extid=%[1]v
compiler: compiler1
syzkaller repro:%[2]v
CC: [bar@foo.com foo@bar.com]
IMPORTANT: if you fix the bug, please add the following tag to the commit:
Reported-by: syzbot+%[1]v@testapp.appspotmail.com
`, extBugID0, reproSyzLink, crashLogLink, kernelConfigLink)
if msg.Body != body {
t.Fatalf("got email body:\n%s\n\nwant:\n%s", msg.Body, body)
c.checkURLContents(reproSyzLink, syzRepro)
c.checkURLContents(crashLogLink, crash.Log)
c.checkURLContents(kernelConfigLink, build.KernelConfig)
// Now upstream the bug and check that it reaches the next reporting.
c.incomingEmail(sender0, "#syz upstream")
sender1, extBugID1 := "", ""
c.expectEQ(len(c.emailSink), 1)
msg := <-c.emailSink
sender1 = msg.Sender
if sender1 == sender0 {
t.Fatalf("same ID in different reporting")
sender, extBugID, err := email.RemoveAddrContext(msg.Sender)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to remove sender context: %v", err)
extBugID1 = extBugID
_, dbCrash, dbBuild := c.loadBug(extBugID1)
reproSyzLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textReproSyz, dbCrash.ReproSyz)
crashLogLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textCrashLog, dbCrash.Log)
kernelConfigLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textKernelConfig, dbBuild.KernelConfig)
c.expectEQ(sender, fromAddr(c.ctx))
c.expectEQ(msg.To, []string{"bar@foo.com", "bugs@syzkaller.com",
"default@maintainers.com", "foo@bar.com"})
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, crash.Title)
c.expectEQ(len(msg.Attachments), 0)
body := fmt.Sprintf(`Hello,
syzbot found the following crash on:
HEAD commit: 111111111111 kernel_commit_title1
git tree: repo1/branch1
console output: %[3]v
kernel config: %[4]v
dashboard link: https://testapp.appspot.com/bug?extid=%[1]v
compiler: compiler1
syzkaller repro:%[2]v
IMPORTANT: if you fix the bug, please add the following tag to the commit:
Reported-by: syzbot+%[1]v@testapp.appspotmail.com
This bug is generated by a bot. It may contain errors.
See https://goo.gl/tpsmEJ for more information about syzbot.
syzbot engineers can be reached at syzkaller@googlegroups.com.
syzbot will keep track of this bug report. See:
https://goo.gl/tpsmEJ#bug-status-tracking for how to communicate with syzbot.
syzbot can test patches for this bug, for details see:
extBugID1, reproSyzLink, crashLogLink, kernelConfigLink)
if msg.Body != body {
t.Fatalf("got email body:\n%s\n\nwant:\n%s", msg.Body, body)
c.checkURLContents(reproSyzLink, syzRepro)
c.checkURLContents(crashLogLink, crash.Log)
c.checkURLContents(kernelConfigLink, build.KernelConfig)
// Model that somebody adds more emails to CC list.
incoming3 := fmt.Sprintf(`Sender: syzkaller@googlegroups.com
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2017 14:59:00 -0700
Message-ID: <1234>
Subject: crash1
From: foo@bar.com
To: %v
CC: new@new.com, "another" <another@another.com>, bar@foo.com, bugs@syzkaller.com, foo@bar.com
Content-Type: text/plain
+more people
`, sender1)
c.expectOK(c.POST("/_ah/mail/", incoming3))
// Now upload a C reproducer.
build2 := testBuild(2)
build2.KernelCommitTitle = "a really long title, longer than 80 chars, really long-long-long-long-long-long title"
crash.BuildID = build2.ID
crash.ReproC = []byte("int main() {}")
crash.Maintainers = []string{"\"qux\" <qux@qux.com>"}
c.expectEQ(len(c.emailSink), 1)
msg := <-c.emailSink
c.expectEQ(msg.Sender, sender1)
sender, _, err := email.RemoveAddrContext(msg.Sender)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to remove sender context: %v", err)
_, dbCrash, dbBuild := c.loadBug(extBugID1)
reproCLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textReproC, dbCrash.ReproC)
reproSyzLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textReproSyz, dbCrash.ReproSyz)
crashLogLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textCrashLog, dbCrash.Log)
kernelConfigLink := externalLink(c.ctx, textKernelConfig, dbBuild.KernelConfig)
c.expectEQ(sender, fromAddr(c.ctx))
c.expectEQ(msg.To, []string{"another@another.com", "bar@foo.com", "bugs@syzkaller.com",
"default@maintainers.com", "foo@bar.com", "new@new.com", "qux@qux.com"})
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, "Re: "+crash.Title)
c.expectEQ(len(msg.Attachments), 0)
body := fmt.Sprintf(`syzbot has found a reproducer for the following crash on:
HEAD commit: 222222222222 a really long title, longer than 80 chars, re..
git tree: repo2/branch2
console output: %[4]v
kernel config: %[5]v
dashboard link: https://testapp.appspot.com/bug?extid=%[1]v
compiler: compiler2
syzkaller repro:%[3]v
C reproducer: %[2]v
IMPORTANT: if you fix the bug, please add the following tag to the commit:
Reported-by: syzbot+%[1]v@testapp.appspotmail.com
`, extBugID1, reproCLink, reproSyzLink, crashLogLink, kernelConfigLink)
if msg.Body != body {
t.Fatalf("got email body:\n%s\n\nwant:\n%s", msg.Body, body)
c.checkURLContents(reproCLink, crash.ReproC)
c.checkURLContents(reproSyzLink, syzRepro)
c.checkURLContents(crashLogLink, crash.Log)
c.checkURLContents(kernelConfigLink, build2.KernelConfig)
// Send an invalid command.
incoming4 := fmt.Sprintf(`Sender: syzkaller@googlegroups.com
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2017 14:59:00 -0700
Message-ID: <abcdef>
Subject: title1
From: foo@bar.com
To: %v
Content-Type: text/plain
#syz bad-command
`, sender1)
c.expectOK(c.POST("/_ah/mail/", incoming4))
c.expectEQ(len(c.emailSink), 1)
msg := <-c.emailSink
c.expectEQ(msg.To, []string{"<foo@bar.com>"})
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, "Re: title1")
c.expectEQ(msg.Headers["In-Reply-To"], []string{"<abcdef>"})
if !strings.Contains(msg.Body, `> #syz bad-command
unknown command "bad-command"
`) {
t.Fatal("no unknown command reply for bad command")
// Now mark the bug as fixed.
c.incomingEmail(sender1, "#syz fix: some: commit title")
c.expectEQ(len(c.emailSink), 0)
// Check that the commit is now passed to builders.
builderPollResp, _ := c.client2.BuilderPoll(build.Manager)
c.expectEQ(len(builderPollResp.PendingCommits), 1)
c.expectEQ(builderPollResp.PendingCommits[0], "some: commit title")
build3 := testBuild(3)
build3.Manager = build.Manager
build3.Commits = []string{"some: commit title"}
build4 := testBuild(4)
build4.Manager = build2.Manager
build4.Commits = []string{"some: commit title"}
// New crash must produce new bug in the first reporting.
c.expectEQ(len(c.emailSink), 1)
msg := <-c.emailSink
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, crash.Title+" (2)")
if msg.Sender == sender0 {
t.Fatalf("same reporting ID for new bug")
// Bug must not be mailed to maintainers if maintainers list is empty.
func TestEmailNoMaintainers(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build := testBuild(1)
crash := testCrash(build, 1)
c.expectEQ(len(c.emailSink), 1)
sender := (<-c.emailSink).Sender
incoming1 := fmt.Sprintf(`Sender: syzkaller@googlegroups.com
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2017 14:59:00 -0700
Message-ID: <1234>
Subject: crash1
From: %v
To: foo@bar.com
Content-Type: text/plain
#syz upstream
`, sender)
c.expectOK(c.POST("/_ah/mail/", incoming1))
c.expectEQ(len(c.emailSink), 0)
// Basic dup scenario: mark one bug as dup of another.
func TestEmailDup(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build := testBuild(1)
crash1 := testCrash(build, 1)
crash1.Title = "BUG: slightly more elaborate title"
crash2 := testCrash(build, 2)
crash1.Title = "KASAN: another title"
c.expectEQ(len(c.emailSink), 2)
msg1 := <-c.emailSink
msg2 := <-c.emailSink
// Dup crash2 to crash1.
c.incomingEmail(msg2.Sender, "#syz dup: BUG: slightly more elaborate title")
c.expectEQ(len(c.emailSink), 0)
// Second crash happens again
crash2.ReproC = []byte("int main() {}")
c.expectEQ(len(c.emailSink), 0)
// Now close the original bug, and check that new bugs for dup are now created.
c.incomingEmail(msg1.Sender, "#syz invalid")
// New crash must produce new bug in the first reporting.
c.expectEQ(len(c.emailSink), 1)
msg := <-c.emailSink
c.expectEQ(msg.Subject, crash2.Title+" (2)")
func TestEmailUndup(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build := testBuild(1)
crash1 := testCrash(build, 1)
crash1.Title = "BUG: slightly more elaborate title"
crash2 := testCrash(build, 2)
crash1.Title = "KASAN: another title"
c.expectEQ(len(c.emailSink), 2)
msg1 := <-c.emailSink
msg2 := <-c.emailSink
// Dup crash2 to crash1.
c.incomingEmail(msg2.Sender, "#syz dup: BUG: slightly more elaborate title")
c.expectEQ(len(c.emailSink), 0)
// Undup crash2.
c.incomingEmail(msg2.Sender, "#syz undup")
c.expectEQ(len(c.emailSink), 0)
// Now close the original bug, and check that new crashes for the dup does not create bugs.
c.incomingEmail(msg1.Sender, "#syz invalid")
c.expectEQ(len(c.emailSink), 0)