// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include "puffin/src/include/puffin/common.h"
namespace puffin {
// An abstract class for reading bits from a deflate stream. It can be used
// either for the beginning of the deflate stream or for any place inside the
// deflate stream. For more information on the pattern of reading, refer to
// RFC1951 in https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1951.txt
class BitReaderInterface {
virtual ~BitReaderInterface() = default;
// Caches at least |nbits| starting from the next available bit (next bit that
// will be read in |ReadBits|) in the cache. The maximum of number of bits
// that can be cached is implementation dependent.
// |nbits| IN The number of bits to see if available in the input.
virtual bool CacheBits(size_t nbits) = 0;
// Reads |nbits| from the cached input. Users should call |CacheBits| with
// greater than or equal to |nbits| bits before calling this function.
// |nbits| IN The number of bits to read from the cache.
// Returns the read bits as an unsigned integer.
virtual uint32_t ReadBits(size_t nbits) = 0;
// Drops |nbits| from the input cache. Users should be careful that |nbits|
// does not exceed the number of bits in the cache.
// |nbits| IN The number of bits to drop from the cache.
virtual void DropBits(size_t nbits) = 0;
// TODO(*): Add ReadAndDropBits(uint32_t nbits); Because it is a common
// pattern.
// Returns an unsigned byte equal to the unread bits in the first cached
// byte. This function should not advance the bit pointer in any way. A call
// to |SkipBoundaryBits| should do the advancement.
virtual uint8_t ReadBoundaryBits() = 0;
// Moves the current bit pointer to the beginning of the next byte and returns
// the number of bits skipped.
virtual size_t SkipBoundaryBits() = 0;
// Populates a function that allows reading from the byte that has the next
// avilable bit for reading. This function clears all the bits that have been
// cached previously. As a consequence the next |CacheBits| starts reading
// from a byte boundary. The returned functin can only read |length| bytes. It
// might be necessary to call |ReadBoundaryBits| and |SkipBoundaryBits| before
// this function.
virtual bool GetByteReaderFn(
size_t length,
std::function<bool(uint8_t* buffer, size_t count)>* read_fn) = 0;
// Returns the number of bytes read till now. This size includes the last
// partially read byte.
virtual size_t Offset() const = 0;
// Returns the number of bits read (dropped) till now.
virtual uint64_t OffsetInBits() const = 0;
// Returns the number of bits remaining to be cached.
virtual uint64_t BitsRemaining() const = 0;
// A raw buffer implementation of |BitReaderInterface|.
class BufferBitReader : public BitReaderInterface {
// Sets the beginning of the buffer that the users wants to read.
// |in_buf| IN The input buffer
// |in_size| IN The size of the input buffer
BufferBitReader(const uint8_t* in_buf, size_t in_size)
: in_buf_(in_buf),
in_cache_bits_(0) {}
~BufferBitReader() override = default;
// Can only cache up to 32 bits.
bool CacheBits(size_t nbits) override;
uint32_t ReadBits(size_t nbits) override;
void DropBits(size_t nbits) override;
uint8_t ReadBoundaryBits() override;
size_t SkipBoundaryBits() override;
bool GetByteReaderFn(
size_t length,
std::function<bool(uint8_t* buffer, size_t count)>* read_fn) override;
size_t Offset() const override;
uint64_t OffsetInBits() const override;
uint64_t BitsRemaining() const override;
const uint8_t* in_buf_; // The input buffer.
uint64_t in_size_; // The number of bytes in |in_buf_|.
uint64_t index_; // The index to the next byte to be read.
uint32_t in_cache_; // The temporary buffer to put input data into.
size_t in_cache_bits_; // The number of bits available in |in_cache_|.
} // namespace puffin
#endif // SRC_BIT_READER_H_