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# Python bindings

These are bindings on the `CParameterMgrFullConnector` class, its inner
`Ilogger` class and both classes involved in the SelectionCriterion creation.

They are complete enough to write a parameter-framework client in Python and
also access most of the tuning interface.

## Generation

The bindings are defined unsing SWIG in the `pfw.i` file and the actual source
files are generated by the command found in `regen_swig.sh`. This command must
be re-run whenever any file in `parameter/include` is modified.

Two things are generated:

- A C++ source file providing a low-level wrapping of the parameter-framework
  classes. When compiled as a shared library, it can be imported from Python as
  a module called `_PyPfw` but this module is not for direct use.
- A Python module called `PyPfw`, using `PyPfw`, providing proxy classes of the
  parameter-framework's native classes. *Please not that in the context of the
  Python bindings, the `CParameterMgrFullConnector` class is renamed

## Usage

`sample.py` provides an example of how to use the PyPfw module. Note that the
PYTHONPATH env variable must contain the directory of both `_PyPfw.so` and