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 * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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// Utility functions for working with FlatBuffers.


#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>

#include "annotator/model_generated.h"
#include "utils/strings/stringpiece.h"
#include "utils/variant.h"
#include "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h"
#include "flatbuffers/reflection.h"

namespace libtextclassifier3 {

// Loads and interprets the buffer as 'FlatbufferMessage' and verifies its
// integrity.
template <typename FlatbufferMessage>
const FlatbufferMessage* LoadAndVerifyFlatbuffer(const void* buffer, int size) {
  const FlatbufferMessage* message =
  if (message == nullptr) {
    return nullptr;
  flatbuffers::Verifier verifier(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(buffer),
  if (message->Verify(verifier)) {
    return message;
  } else {
    return nullptr;

// Same as above but takes string.
template <typename FlatbufferMessage>
const FlatbufferMessage* LoadAndVerifyFlatbuffer(const std::string& buffer) {
  return LoadAndVerifyFlatbuffer<FlatbufferMessage>(buffer.c_str(),

// Loads and interprets the buffer as 'FlatbufferMessage', verifies its
// integrity and returns its mutable version.
template <typename FlatbufferMessage>
std::unique_ptr<typename FlatbufferMessage::NativeTableType>
LoadAndVerifyMutableFlatbuffer(const void* buffer, int size) {
  const FlatbufferMessage* message =
      LoadAndVerifyFlatbuffer<FlatbufferMessage>(buffer, size);
  if (message == nullptr) {
    return nullptr;
  return std::unique_ptr<typename FlatbufferMessage::NativeTableType>(

// Same as above but takes string.
template <typename FlatbufferMessage>
std::unique_ptr<typename FlatbufferMessage::NativeTableType>
LoadAndVerifyMutableFlatbuffer(const std::string& buffer) {
  return LoadAndVerifyMutableFlatbuffer<FlatbufferMessage>(buffer.c_str(),

template <typename FlatbufferMessage>
const char* FlatbufferFileIdentifier() {
  return nullptr;

template <>
const char* FlatbufferFileIdentifier<Model>();

// Packs the mutable flatbuffer message to string.
template <typename FlatbufferMessage>
std::string PackFlatbuffer(
    const typename FlatbufferMessage::NativeTableType* mutable_message) {
  flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder builder;
  builder.Finish(FlatbufferMessage::Pack(builder, mutable_message),
  return std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(builder.GetBufferPointer()),

// A flatbuffer that can be built using flatbuffer reflection data of the
// schema.
// Normally, field information is hard-coded in code generated from a flatbuffer
// schema. Here we lookup the necessary information for building a flatbuffer
// from the provided reflection meta data.
// When serializing a flatbuffer, the library requires that the sub messages
// are already serialized, therefore we explicitly keep the field values and
// serialize the message in (reverse) topological dependency order.
class ReflectiveFlatbuffer {
  ReflectiveFlatbuffer(const reflection::Schema* schema,
                       const reflection::Object* type)
      : schema_(schema), type_(type) {}

  // Encapsulates a repeated field.
  // Serves as a common base class for repeated fields.
  class RepeatedField {
    virtual ~RepeatedField() {}

    virtual flatbuffers::uoffset_t Serialize(
        flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder* builder) const = 0;

  // Represents a repeated field of particular type.
  template <typename T>
  class TypedRepeatedField : public RepeatedField {
    void Add(const T value) { items_.push_back(value); }

    flatbuffers::uoffset_t Serialize(
        flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder* builder) const override {
      return builder->CreateVector(items_).o;

    std::vector<T> items_;

  // Specialization for strings.
  template <>
  class TypedRepeatedField<std::string> : public RepeatedField {
    void Add(const std::string& value) { items_.push_back(value); }

    flatbuffers::uoffset_t Serialize(
        flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder* builder) const override {
      std::vector<flatbuffers::Offset<flatbuffers::String>> offsets(
      for (int i = 0; i < items_.size(); i++) {
        offsets[i] = builder->CreateString(items_[i]);
      return builder->CreateVector(offsets).o;

    std::vector<std::string> items_;

  // Specialization for repeated sub-messages.
  template <>
  class TypedRepeatedField<ReflectiveFlatbuffer> : public RepeatedField {
        const reflection::Schema* const schema,
        const reflection::Type* const type)
        : schema_(schema), type_(type) {}

    ReflectiveFlatbuffer* Add() {
      items_.emplace_back(new ReflectiveFlatbuffer(
          schema_, schema_->objects()->Get(type_->index())));
      return items_.back().get();

    flatbuffers::uoffset_t Serialize(
        flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder* builder) const override {
      std::vector<flatbuffers::Offset<void>> offsets(items_.size());
      for (int i = 0; i < items_.size(); i++) {
        offsets[i] = items_[i]->Serialize(builder);
      return builder->CreateVector(offsets).o;

    const reflection::Schema* const schema_;
    const reflection::Type* const type_;
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ReflectiveFlatbuffer>> items_;

  // Gets the field information for a field name, returns nullptr if the
  // field was not defined.
  const reflection::Field* GetFieldOrNull(const StringPiece field_name) const;
  const reflection::Field* GetFieldOrNull(const FlatbufferField* field) const;
  const reflection::Field* GetFieldByOffsetOrNull(const int field_offset) const;

  // Gets a nested field and the message it is defined on.
  bool GetFieldWithParent(const FlatbufferFieldPath* field_path,
                          ReflectiveFlatbuffer** parent,
                          reflection::Field const** field);

  // Checks whether a variant value type agrees with a field type.
  bool IsMatchingType(const reflection::Field* field,
                      const Variant& value) const;

  // Sets a (primitive) field to a specific value.
  // Returns true if successful, and false if the field was not found or the
  // expected type doesn't match.
  template <typename T>
  bool Set(StringPiece field_name, T value) {
    if (const reflection::Field* field = GetFieldOrNull(field_name)) {
      return Set<T>(field, value);
    return false;

  // Sets a (primitive) field to a specific value.
  // Returns true if successful, and false if the expected type doesn't match.
  // Expects `field` to be non-null.
  template <typename T>
  bool Set(const reflection::Field* field, T value) {
    if (field == nullptr) {
      TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Expected non-null field.";
      return false;
    Variant variant_value(value);
    if (!IsMatchingType(field, variant_value)) {
      TC3_LOG(ERROR) << "Type mismatch for field `" << field->name()->str()
                     << "`, expected: " << field->type()->base_type()
                     << ", got: " << variant_value.GetType();
      return false;
    fields_[field] = variant_value;
    return true;

  template <typename T>
  bool Set(const FlatbufferFieldPath* path, T value) {
    ReflectiveFlatbuffer* parent;
    const reflection::Field* field;
    if (!GetFieldWithParent(path, &parent, &field)) {
      return false;
    return parent->Set<T>(field, value);

  // Sets a (primitive) field to a specific value.
  // Parses the string value according to the field type.
  bool ParseAndSet(const reflection::Field* field, const std::string& value);
  bool ParseAndSet(const FlatbufferFieldPath* path, const std::string& value);

  // Gets the reflective flatbuffer for a table field.
  // Returns nullptr if the field was not found, or the field type was not a
  // table.
  ReflectiveFlatbuffer* Mutable(StringPiece field_name);
  ReflectiveFlatbuffer* Mutable(const reflection::Field* field);

  // Gets the reflective flatbuffer for a repeated field.
  // Returns nullptr if the field was not found, or the field type was not a
  // vector.
  RepeatedField* Repeated(StringPiece field_name);
  RepeatedField* Repeated(const reflection::Field* field);

  template <typename T>
  TypedRepeatedField<T>* Repeated(const reflection::Field* field) {
    return static_cast<TypedRepeatedField<T>*>(Repeated(field));

  template <typename T>
  TypedRepeatedField<T>* Repeated(StringPiece field_name) {
    return static_cast<TypedRepeatedField<T>*>(Repeated(field_name));

  // Serializes the flatbuffer.
  flatbuffers::uoffset_t Serialize(
      flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder* builder) const;
  std::string Serialize() const;

  // Merges the fields from the given flatbuffer table into this flatbuffer.
  // Scalar fields will be overwritten, if present in `from`.
  // Embedded messages will be merged.
  bool MergeFrom(const flatbuffers::Table* from);
  bool MergeFromSerializedFlatbuffer(StringPiece from);

  // Flattens the flatbuffer as a flat map.
  // (Nested) fields names are joined by `key_separator`.
  std::map<std::string, Variant> AsFlatMap(
      const std::string& key_separator = ".") const {
    std::map<std::string, Variant> result;
    AsFlatMap(key_separator, /*key_prefix=*/"", &result);
    return result;

  const reflection::Schema* const schema_;
  const reflection::Object* const type_;

  // Cached primitive fields (scalars and strings).
  std::map<const reflection::Field*, Variant> fields_;

  // Cached sub-messages.
  std::map<const reflection::Field*, std::unique_ptr<ReflectiveFlatbuffer>>

  // Cached repeated fields.
  std::map<const reflection::Field*, std::unique_ptr<RepeatedField>>

  // Flattens the flatbuffer as a flat map.
  // (Nested) fields names are joined by `key_separator` and prefixed by
  // `key_prefix`.
  void AsFlatMap(const std::string& key_separator,
                 const std::string& key_prefix,
                 std::map<std::string, Variant>* result) const;

// A helper class to build flatbuffers based on schema reflection data.
// Can be used to a `ReflectiveFlatbuffer` for the root message of the
// schema, or any defined table via name.
class ReflectiveFlatbufferBuilder {
  explicit ReflectiveFlatbufferBuilder(const reflection::Schema* schema)
      : schema_(schema) {}

  // Starts a new root table message.
  std::unique_ptr<ReflectiveFlatbuffer> NewRoot() const;

  // Starts a new table message. Returns nullptr if no table with given name is
  // found in the schema.
  std::unique_ptr<ReflectiveFlatbuffer> NewTable(
      const StringPiece table_name) const;

  const reflection::Schema* const schema_;

}  // namespace libtextclassifier3