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# Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Constants and interfaces of the Beta API of gRPC Python."""

import abc

import six

import grpc

ChannelConnectivity = grpc.ChannelConnectivity
# FATAL_FAILURE was a Beta-API name for SHUTDOWN
ChannelConnectivity.FATAL_FAILURE = ChannelConnectivity.SHUTDOWN

StatusCode = grpc.StatusCode

class GRPCCallOptions(object):
    """A value encapsulating gRPC-specific options passed on RPC invocation.

  This class and its instances have no supported interface - it exists to
  define the type of its instances and its instances exist to be passed to
  other functions.

    def __init__(self, disable_compression, subcall_of, credentials):
        self.disable_compression = disable_compression
        self.subcall_of = subcall_of
        self.credentials = credentials

def grpc_call_options(disable_compression=False, credentials=None):
    """Creates a GRPCCallOptions value to be passed at RPC invocation.

  All parameters are optional and should always be passed by keyword.

    disable_compression: A boolean indicating whether or not compression should
      be disabled for the request object of the RPC. Only valid for
      request-unary RPCs.
    credentials: A CallCredentials object to use for the invoked RPC.
    return GRPCCallOptions(disable_compression, None, credentials)

GRPCAuthMetadataContext = grpc.AuthMetadataContext
GRPCAuthMetadataPluginCallback = grpc.AuthMetadataPluginCallback
GRPCAuthMetadataPlugin = grpc.AuthMetadataPlugin

class GRPCServicerContext(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)):
    """Exposes gRPC-specific options and behaviors to code servicing RPCs."""

    def peer(self):
        """Identifies the peer that invoked the RPC being serviced.

      A string identifying the peer that invoked the RPC being serviced.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def disable_next_response_compression(self):
        """Disables compression of the next response passed by the application."""
        raise NotImplementedError()

class GRPCInvocationContext(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)):
    """Exposes gRPC-specific options and behaviors to code invoking RPCs."""

    def disable_next_request_compression(self):
        """Disables compression of the next request passed by the application."""
        raise NotImplementedError()

class Server(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)):
    """Services RPCs."""

    def add_insecure_port(self, address):
        """Reserves a port for insecure RPC service once this Server becomes active.

    This method may only be called before calling this Server's start method is

      address: The address for which to open a port.

      An integer port on which RPCs will be serviced after this link has been
        started. This is typically the same number as the port number contained
        in the passed address, but will likely be different if the port number
        contained in the passed address was zero.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def add_secure_port(self, address, server_credentials):
        """Reserves a port for secure RPC service after this Server becomes active.

    This method may only be called before calling this Server's start method is

      address: The address for which to open a port.
      server_credentials: A ServerCredentials.

      An integer port on which RPCs will be serviced after this link has been
        started. This is typically the same number as the port number contained
        in the passed address, but will likely be different if the port number
        contained in the passed address was zero.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def start(self):
        """Starts this Server's service of RPCs.

    This method may only be called while the server is not serving RPCs (i.e. it
    is not idempotent).
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def stop(self, grace):
        """Stops this Server's service of RPCs.

    All calls to this method immediately stop service of new RPCs. When existing
    RPCs are aborted is controlled by the grace period parameter passed to this

    This method may be called at any time and is idempotent. Passing a smaller
    grace value than has been passed in a previous call will have the effect of
    stopping the Server sooner. Passing a larger grace value than has been
    passed in a previous call will not have the effect of stopping the server

      grace: A duration of time in seconds to allow existing RPCs to complete
        before being aborted by this Server's stopping. May be zero for
        immediate abortion of all in-progress RPCs.

      A threading.Event that will be set when this Server has completely
      stopped. The returned event may not be set until after the full grace
      period (if some ongoing RPC continues for the full length of the period)
      of it may be set much sooner (such as if this Server had no RPCs underway
      at the time it was stopped or if all RPCs that it had underway completed
      very early in the grace period).
        raise NotImplementedError()