// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2008 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@inria.fr>
// Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoit.1@gmail.com>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
namespace Eigen {
namespace internal {
// * implement other kind of vectorization
// * factorize code
* Part 1 : the logic deciding a strategy for vectorization and unrolling
template<typename Func, typename Derived>
struct redux_traits
typedef typename find_best_packet<typename Derived::Scalar,Derived::SizeAtCompileTime>::type PacketType;
enum {
PacketSize = unpacket_traits<PacketType>::size,
InnerMaxSize = int(Derived::IsRowMajor)
? Derived::MaxColsAtCompileTime
: Derived::MaxRowsAtCompileTime
enum {
MightVectorize = (int(Derived::Flags)&ActualPacketAccessBit)
&& (functor_traits<Func>::PacketAccess),
MayLinearVectorize = bool(MightVectorize) && (int(Derived::Flags)&LinearAccessBit),
MaySliceVectorize = bool(MightVectorize) && int(InnerMaxSize)>=3*PacketSize
enum {
Traversal = int(MayLinearVectorize) ? int(LinearVectorizedTraversal)
: int(MaySliceVectorize) ? int(SliceVectorizedTraversal)
: int(DefaultTraversal)
enum {
Cost = Derived::SizeAtCompileTime == Dynamic ? HugeCost
: Derived::SizeAtCompileTime * Derived::CoeffReadCost + (Derived::SizeAtCompileTime-1) * functor_traits<Func>::Cost,
UnrollingLimit = EIGEN_UNROLLING_LIMIT * (int(Traversal) == int(DefaultTraversal) ? 1 : int(PacketSize))
enum {
Unrolling = Cost <= UnrollingLimit ? CompleteUnrolling : NoUnrolling
static void debug()
std::cerr << "Xpr: " << typeid(typename Derived::XprType).name() << std::endl;
std::cerr.setf(std::ios::hex, std::ios::basefield);
std::cerr << std::endl;
* Part 2 : unrollers
/*** no vectorization ***/
template<typename Func, typename Derived, int Start, int Length>
struct redux_novec_unroller
enum {
HalfLength = Length/2
typedef typename Derived::Scalar Scalar;
static EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Scalar run(const Derived &mat, const Func& func)
return func(redux_novec_unroller<Func, Derived, Start, HalfLength>::run(mat,func),
redux_novec_unroller<Func, Derived, Start+HalfLength, Length-HalfLength>::run(mat,func));
template<typename Func, typename Derived, int Start>
struct redux_novec_unroller<Func, Derived, Start, 1>
enum {
outer = Start / Derived::InnerSizeAtCompileTime,
inner = Start % Derived::InnerSizeAtCompileTime
typedef typename Derived::Scalar Scalar;
static EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Scalar run(const Derived &mat, const Func&)
return mat.coeffByOuterInner(outer, inner);
// This is actually dead code and will never be called. It is required
// to prevent false warnings regarding failed inlining though
// for 0 length run() will never be called at all.
template<typename Func, typename Derived, int Start>
struct redux_novec_unroller<Func, Derived, Start, 0>
typedef typename Derived::Scalar Scalar;
static EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Scalar run(const Derived&, const Func&) { return Scalar(); }
/*** vectorization ***/
template<typename Func, typename Derived, int Start, int Length>
struct redux_vec_unroller
enum {
PacketSize = redux_traits<Func, Derived>::PacketSize,
HalfLength = Length/2
typedef typename Derived::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename redux_traits<Func, Derived>::PacketType PacketScalar;
static EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE PacketScalar run(const Derived &mat, const Func& func)
return func.packetOp(
redux_vec_unroller<Func, Derived, Start, HalfLength>::run(mat,func),
redux_vec_unroller<Func, Derived, Start+HalfLength, Length-HalfLength>::run(mat,func) );
template<typename Func, typename Derived, int Start>
struct redux_vec_unroller<Func, Derived, Start, 1>
enum {
index = Start * redux_traits<Func, Derived>::PacketSize,
outer = index / int(Derived::InnerSizeAtCompileTime),
inner = index % int(Derived::InnerSizeAtCompileTime),
alignment = Derived::Alignment
typedef typename Derived::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename redux_traits<Func, Derived>::PacketType PacketScalar;
static EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE PacketScalar run(const Derived &mat, const Func&)
return mat.template packetByOuterInner<alignment,PacketScalar>(outer, inner);
* Part 3 : implementation of all cases
template<typename Func, typename Derived,
int Traversal = redux_traits<Func, Derived>::Traversal,
int Unrolling = redux_traits<Func, Derived>::Unrolling
struct redux_impl;
template<typename Func, typename Derived>
struct redux_impl<Func, Derived, DefaultTraversal, NoUnrolling>
typedef typename Derived::Scalar Scalar;
static EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Scalar run(const Derived &mat, const Func& func)
eigen_assert(mat.rows()>0 && mat.cols()>0 && "you are using an empty matrix");
Scalar res;
res = mat.coeffByOuterInner(0, 0);
for(Index i = 1; i < mat.innerSize(); ++i)
res = func(res, mat.coeffByOuterInner(0, i));
for(Index i = 1; i < mat.outerSize(); ++i)
for(Index j = 0; j < mat.innerSize(); ++j)
res = func(res, mat.coeffByOuterInner(i, j));
return res;
template<typename Func, typename Derived>
struct redux_impl<Func,Derived, DefaultTraversal, CompleteUnrolling>
: public redux_novec_unroller<Func,Derived, 0, Derived::SizeAtCompileTime>
template<typename Func, typename Derived>
struct redux_impl<Func, Derived, LinearVectorizedTraversal, NoUnrolling>
typedef typename Derived::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename redux_traits<Func, Derived>::PacketType PacketScalar;
static Scalar run(const Derived &mat, const Func& func)
const Index size = mat.size();
const Index packetSize = redux_traits<Func, Derived>::PacketSize;
const int packetAlignment = unpacket_traits<PacketScalar>::alignment;
enum {
alignment0 = (bool(Derived::Flags & DirectAccessBit) && bool(packet_traits<Scalar>::AlignedOnScalar)) ? int(packetAlignment) : int(Unaligned),
alignment = EIGEN_PLAIN_ENUM_MAX(alignment0, Derived::Alignment)
const Index alignedStart = internal::first_default_aligned(mat.nestedExpression());
const Index alignedSize2 = ((size-alignedStart)/(2*packetSize))*(2*packetSize);
const Index alignedSize = ((size-alignedStart)/(packetSize))*(packetSize);
const Index alignedEnd2 = alignedStart + alignedSize2;
const Index alignedEnd = alignedStart + alignedSize;
Scalar res;
PacketScalar packet_res0 = mat.template packet<alignment,PacketScalar>(alignedStart);
if(alignedSize>packetSize) // we have at least two packets to partly unroll the loop
PacketScalar packet_res1 = mat.template packet<alignment,PacketScalar>(alignedStart+packetSize);
for(Index index = alignedStart + 2*packetSize; index < alignedEnd2; index += 2*packetSize)
packet_res0 = func.packetOp(packet_res0, mat.template packet<alignment,PacketScalar>(index));
packet_res1 = func.packetOp(packet_res1, mat.template packet<alignment,PacketScalar>(index+packetSize));
packet_res0 = func.packetOp(packet_res0,packet_res1);
packet_res0 = func.packetOp(packet_res0, mat.template packet<alignment,PacketScalar>(alignedEnd2));
res = func.predux(packet_res0);
for(Index index = 0; index < alignedStart; ++index)
res = func(res,mat.coeff(index));
for(Index index = alignedEnd; index < size; ++index)
res = func(res,mat.coeff(index));
else // too small to vectorize anything.
// since this is dynamic-size hence inefficient anyway for such small sizes, don't try to optimize.
res = mat.coeff(0);
for(Index index = 1; index < size; ++index)
res = func(res,mat.coeff(index));
return res;
// NOTE: for SliceVectorizedTraversal we simply bypass unrolling
template<typename Func, typename Derived, int Unrolling>
struct redux_impl<Func, Derived, SliceVectorizedTraversal, Unrolling>
typedef typename Derived::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename redux_traits<Func, Derived>::PacketType PacketType;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC static Scalar run(const Derived &mat, const Func& func)
eigen_assert(mat.rows()>0 && mat.cols()>0 && "you are using an empty matrix");
const Index innerSize = mat.innerSize();
const Index outerSize = mat.outerSize();
enum {
packetSize = redux_traits<Func, Derived>::PacketSize
const Index packetedInnerSize = ((innerSize)/packetSize)*packetSize;
Scalar res;
PacketType packet_res = mat.template packet<Unaligned,PacketType>(0,0);
for(Index j=0; j<outerSize; ++j)
for(Index i=(j==0?packetSize:0); i<packetedInnerSize; i+=Index(packetSize))
packet_res = func.packetOp(packet_res, mat.template packetByOuterInner<Unaligned,PacketType>(j,i));
res = func.predux(packet_res);
for(Index j=0; j<outerSize; ++j)
for(Index i=packetedInnerSize; i<innerSize; ++i)
res = func(res, mat.coeffByOuterInner(j,i));
else // too small to vectorize anything.
// since this is dynamic-size hence inefficient anyway for such small sizes, don't try to optimize.
res = redux_impl<Func, Derived, DefaultTraversal, NoUnrolling>::run(mat, func);
return res;
template<typename Func, typename Derived>
struct redux_impl<Func, Derived, LinearVectorizedTraversal, CompleteUnrolling>
typedef typename Derived::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename redux_traits<Func, Derived>::PacketType PacketScalar;
enum {
PacketSize = redux_traits<Func, Derived>::PacketSize,
Size = Derived::SizeAtCompileTime,
VectorizedSize = (Size / PacketSize) * PacketSize
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC static EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Scalar run(const Derived &mat, const Func& func)
eigen_assert(mat.rows()>0 && mat.cols()>0 && "you are using an empty matrix");
if (VectorizedSize > 0) {
Scalar res = func.predux(redux_vec_unroller<Func, Derived, 0, Size / PacketSize>::run(mat,func));
if (VectorizedSize != Size)
res = func(res,redux_novec_unroller<Func, Derived, VectorizedSize, Size-VectorizedSize>::run(mat,func));
return res;
else {
return redux_novec_unroller<Func, Derived, 0, Size>::run(mat,func);
// evaluator adaptor
template<typename _XprType>
class redux_evaluator
typedef _XprType XprType;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC explicit redux_evaluator(const XprType &xpr) : m_evaluator(xpr), m_xpr(xpr) {}
typedef typename XprType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename XprType::CoeffReturnType CoeffReturnType;
typedef typename XprType::PacketScalar PacketScalar;
typedef typename XprType::PacketReturnType PacketReturnType;
enum {
MaxRowsAtCompileTime = XprType::MaxRowsAtCompileTime,
MaxColsAtCompileTime = XprType::MaxColsAtCompileTime,
// TODO we should not remove DirectAccessBit and rather find an elegant way to query the alignment offset at runtime from the evaluator
Flags = evaluator<XprType>::Flags & ~DirectAccessBit,
IsRowMajor = XprType::IsRowMajor,
SizeAtCompileTime = XprType::SizeAtCompileTime,
InnerSizeAtCompileTime = XprType::InnerSizeAtCompileTime,
CoeffReadCost = evaluator<XprType>::CoeffReadCost,
Alignment = evaluator<XprType>::Alignment
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC Index rows() const { return m_xpr.rows(); }
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC Index cols() const { return m_xpr.cols(); }
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC Index size() const { return m_xpr.size(); }
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC Index innerSize() const { return m_xpr.innerSize(); }
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC Index outerSize() const { return m_xpr.outerSize(); }
CoeffReturnType coeff(Index row, Index col) const
{ return m_evaluator.coeff(row, col); }
CoeffReturnType coeff(Index index) const
{ return m_evaluator.coeff(index); }
template<int LoadMode, typename PacketType>
PacketType packet(Index row, Index col) const
{ return m_evaluator.template packet<LoadMode,PacketType>(row, col); }
template<int LoadMode, typename PacketType>
PacketType packet(Index index) const
{ return m_evaluator.template packet<LoadMode,PacketType>(index); }
CoeffReturnType coeffByOuterInner(Index outer, Index inner) const
{ return m_evaluator.coeff(IsRowMajor ? outer : inner, IsRowMajor ? inner : outer); }
template<int LoadMode, typename PacketType>
PacketType packetByOuterInner(Index outer, Index inner) const
{ return m_evaluator.template packet<LoadMode,PacketType>(IsRowMajor ? outer : inner, IsRowMajor ? inner : outer); }
const XprType & nestedExpression() const { return m_xpr; }
internal::evaluator<XprType> m_evaluator;
const XprType &m_xpr;
} // end namespace internal
* Part 4 : public API
/** \returns the result of a full redux operation on the whole matrix or vector using \a func
* The template parameter \a BinaryOp is the type of the functor \a func which must be
* an associative operator. Both current C++98 and C++11 functor styles are handled.
* \sa DenseBase::sum(), DenseBase::minCoeff(), DenseBase::maxCoeff(), MatrixBase::colwise(), MatrixBase::rowwise()
template<typename Derived>
template<typename Func>
typename internal::traits<Derived>::Scalar
DenseBase<Derived>::redux(const Func& func) const
eigen_assert(this->rows()>0 && this->cols()>0 && "you are using an empty matrix");
typedef typename internal::redux_evaluator<Derived> ThisEvaluator;
ThisEvaluator thisEval(derived());
return internal::redux_impl<Func, ThisEvaluator>::run(thisEval, func);
/** \returns the minimum of all coefficients of \c *this.
* \warning the result is undefined if \c *this contains NaN.
template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE typename internal::traits<Derived>::Scalar
DenseBase<Derived>::minCoeff() const
return derived().redux(Eigen::internal::scalar_min_op<Scalar,Scalar>());
/** \returns the maximum of all coefficients of \c *this.
* \warning the result is undefined if \c *this contains NaN.
template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE typename internal::traits<Derived>::Scalar
DenseBase<Derived>::maxCoeff() const
return derived().redux(Eigen::internal::scalar_max_op<Scalar,Scalar>());
/** \returns the sum of all coefficients of \c *this
* If \c *this is empty, then the value 0 is returned.
* \sa trace(), prod(), mean()
template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE typename internal::traits<Derived>::Scalar
DenseBase<Derived>::sum() const
if(SizeAtCompileTime==0 || (SizeAtCompileTime==Dynamic && size()==0))
return Scalar(0);
return derived().redux(Eigen::internal::scalar_sum_op<Scalar,Scalar>());
/** \returns the mean of all coefficients of *this
* \sa trace(), prod(), sum()
template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE typename internal::traits<Derived>::Scalar
DenseBase<Derived>::mean() const
#pragma warning push
#pragma warning ( disable : 2259 )
return Scalar(derived().redux(Eigen::internal::scalar_sum_op<Scalar,Scalar>())) / Scalar(this->size());
#pragma warning pop
/** \returns the product of all coefficients of *this
* Example: \include MatrixBase_prod.cpp
* Output: \verbinclude MatrixBase_prod.out
* \sa sum(), mean(), trace()
template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE typename internal::traits<Derived>::Scalar
DenseBase<Derived>::prod() const
if(SizeAtCompileTime==0 || (SizeAtCompileTime==Dynamic && size()==0))
return Scalar(1);
return derived().redux(Eigen::internal::scalar_product_op<Scalar>());
/** \returns the trace of \c *this, i.e. the sum of the coefficients on the main diagonal.
* \c *this can be any matrix, not necessarily square.
* \sa diagonal(), sum()
template<typename Derived>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE typename internal::traits<Derived>::Scalar
MatrixBase<Derived>::trace() const
return derived().diagonal().sum();
} // end namespace Eigen
#endif // EIGEN_REDUX_H