C++程序  |  2366行  |  48.83 KB

// Copyright 2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated
// All Rights Reserved.
// NOTICE:	Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in
// accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.

/* $Id: //mondo/dng_sdk_1_4/dng_sdk/source/dng_lens_correction.cpp#1 $ */ 
/* $DateTime: 2012/05/30 13:28:51 $ */
/* $Change: 832332 $ */
/* $Author: tknoll $ */


#include <cfloat>
#include <limits.h>

#include "dng_1d_table.h"
#include "dng_assertions.h"
#include "dng_bottlenecks.h"
#include "dng_exceptions.h"
#include "dng_filter_task.h"
#include "dng_globals.h"
#include "dng_host.h"
#include "dng_image.h"
#include "dng_lens_correction.h"
#include "dng_negative.h"
#include "dng_safe_arithmetic.h"
#include "dng_sdk_limits.h"
#include "dng_tag_values.h"
#include "dng_utils.h"


dng_warp_params::dng_warp_params ()

	:	fPlanes (1)
	,	fCenter (0.5, 0.5)




dng_warp_params::dng_warp_params (uint32 planes,
								  const dng_point_real64 &center)

	:	fPlanes (planes)
	,	fCenter (center)

	DNG_ASSERT (planes >= 1,			   "Too few planes." );
	DNG_ASSERT (planes <= kMaxColorPlanes, "Too many planes.");

	DNG_ASSERT (fCenter.h >= 0.0 && fCenter.h <= 1.0, 
				"Center (horizontal) out of range.");

	DNG_ASSERT (fCenter.v >= 0.0 && fCenter.v <= 1.0, 
				"Center (vertical) out of range.");



dng_warp_params::~dng_warp_params ()


bool dng_warp_params::IsNOPAll () const

	return IsRadNOPAll () && 
		   IsTanNOPAll ();


bool dng_warp_params::IsNOP (uint32 plane) const

	return IsRadNOP (plane) &&
		   IsTanNOP (plane);



bool dng_warp_params::IsRadNOPAll () const
	for (uint32 plane = 0; plane < fPlanes; plane++)
		if (!IsRadNOP (plane))
			return false;

	return true;


bool dng_warp_params::IsRadNOP (uint32 /* plane */) const

	return false;



bool dng_warp_params::IsTanNOPAll () const
	for (uint32 plane = 0; plane < fPlanes; plane++)
		if (!IsTanNOP (plane))
			return false;

	return true;


bool dng_warp_params::IsTanNOP (uint32 /* plane */) const

	return false;



bool dng_warp_params::IsValid () const

	if (fPlanes < 1 || fPlanes > kMaxColorPlanes)

		return false;


	if (fCenter.h < 0.0 || 
		fCenter.h > 1.0 ||
		fCenter.v < 0.0 ||
		fCenter.v > 1.0)

		return false;


	return true;



bool dng_warp_params::IsValidForNegative (const dng_negative &negative) const

	if (!IsValid ())
		return false;
	if ((fPlanes != 1) &&
		(fPlanes != negative.ColorChannels ()))
		return false;

	return true;



real64 dng_warp_params::EvaluateInverse (uint32 plane,
										 real64 y) const
	const uint32 kMaxIterations = 30;
	const real64 kNearZero		= 1.0e-10;
	real64 x0 = 0.0;
	real64 y0 = Evaluate (plane,
	real64 x1 = 1.0;
	real64 y1 = Evaluate (plane,
	for (uint32 iteration = 0; iteration < kMaxIterations; iteration++)		
		if (Abs_real64 (y1 - y0) < kNearZero)
		const real64 x2 = Pin_real64 (0.0, 
									  x1 + (y - y1) * (x1 - x0) / (y1 - y0),
		const real64 y2 = Evaluate (plane,
		x0 = x1;
		y0 = y1;
		x1 = x2;
		y1 = y2;
	return x1;


dng_point_real64 dng_warp_params::EvaluateTangential2 (uint32 plane,
													   const dng_point_real64 &diff) const
	const real64 dvdv = diff.v * diff.v;
	const real64 dhdh = diff.h * diff.h;

	const real64 rr = dvdv + dhdh;

	dng_point_real64 diffSqr (dvdv,

	return EvaluateTangential (plane,

dng_point_real64 dng_warp_params::EvaluateTangential3 (uint32 plane,
													   real64 r2,
													   const dng_point_real64 &diff) const
	dng_point_real64 diffSqr (diff.v * diff.v,
							  diff.h * diff.h);

	return EvaluateTangential (plane,


void dng_warp_params::Dump () const

	#if qDNGValidate

	printf ("Planes: %u\n", (unsigned) fPlanes);

	printf ("  Optical center:\n"
			"    h = %.6lf\n"
			"    v = %.6lf\n",



dng_warp_params_rectilinear::dng_warp_params_rectilinear ()

	:	dng_warp_params ()


	for (uint32 plane = 0; plane < kMaxColorPlanes; plane++)

		fRadParams [plane] = dng_vector (4);
		fTanParams [plane] = dng_vector (2);

		fRadParams [plane][0] = 1.0;



dng_warp_params_rectilinear::dng_warp_params_rectilinear (uint32 planes,
														  const dng_vector radParams [],
														  const dng_vector tanParams [],
														  const dng_point_real64 &center)

	:	dng_warp_params (planes, 

	for (uint32 i = 0; i < fPlanes; i++)
		fRadParams [i] = radParams [i];
		fTanParams [i] = tanParams [i];


dng_warp_params_rectilinear::~dng_warp_params_rectilinear ()


bool dng_warp_params_rectilinear::IsRadNOP (uint32 plane) const
	DNG_ASSERT (plane < fPlanes, "plane out of range.");

	const dng_vector &r = fRadParams [plane];

	return (r [0] == 1.0 &&
			r [1] == 0.0 &&
			r [2] == 0.0 &&
			r [3] == 0.0);


bool dng_warp_params_rectilinear::IsTanNOP (uint32 plane) const
	DNG_ASSERT (plane < fPlanes, "plane out of range.");

	const dng_vector &t = fTanParams [plane];

	return (t [0] == 0.0 &&
			t [1] == 0.0);


bool dng_warp_params_rectilinear::IsValid () const

	for (uint32 plane = 0; plane < fPlanes; plane++)
		if (fRadParams [plane].Count () != 4)
			return false;
		if (fTanParams [plane].Count () < 2)
			return false;

	return dng_warp_params::IsValid ();


void dng_warp_params_rectilinear::PropagateToAllPlanes (uint32 totalPlanes)
	for (uint32 plane = fPlanes; plane < totalPlanes; plane++)

		fRadParams [plane] = fRadParams [0];
		fTanParams [plane] = fTanParams [0];




real64 dng_warp_params_rectilinear::Evaluate (uint32 plane,
											  real64 x) const

	const dng_vector &K = fRadParams [plane]; // Coefficients.

	const real64 x2 = x * x;
	return x * (K [0] + x2 * (K [1] + x2 * (K [2] + x2 * K [3])));


real64 dng_warp_params_rectilinear::EvaluateRatio (uint32 plane,
												   real64 r2) const
	const dng_vector &K = fRadParams [plane]; // Coefficients.

	return K [0] + r2 * (K [1] + r2 * (K [2] + r2 * K [3]));

dng_point_real64 dng_warp_params_rectilinear::EvaluateTangential (uint32 plane,
																  real64 r2,
																  const dng_point_real64 &diff,
																  const dng_point_real64 &diff2) const
	const real64 kt0 = fTanParams [plane][0];
	const real64 kt1 = fTanParams [plane][1];

	const real64 dh = diff.h;
	const real64 dv = diff.v;

	const real64 dhdh = diff2.h;
	const real64 dvdv = diff2.v;
	return dng_point_real64 (kt0 * (r2 + 2.0 * dvdv) + (2.0 * kt1 * dh * dv),  // v
							 kt1 * (r2 + 2.0 * dhdh) + (2.0 * kt0 * dh * dv)); // h


real64 dng_warp_params_rectilinear::MaxSrcRadiusGap (real64 maxDstGap) const
	real64 maxSrcGap = 0.0;

	for (uint32 plane = 0; plane < fPlanes; plane++)

		const dng_vector &coefs = fRadParams [plane];
		const real64 k3 = coefs [1];
		const real64 k5 = coefs [2];
		const real64 k7 = coefs [3];

		//	Let f (r) be the radius warp function. Consider the function
		//	  gap (r) = f (r + maxDstGap) - f (r)
		//	We wish to maximize gap (r) over the domain [0, 1 - maxDstGap]. This will
		//	give us a reasonable upper bound on the src tile size, independent of
		//	dstBounds.
		//	As usual, we maximize gap (r) by examining its critical points, i.e., by
		//	considering the roots of its derivative which lie in the domain [0, 1 -
		//	maxDstGap]. gap' (r) is a 5th-order polynomial. One of its roots is
		//	-maxDstGap / 2, which is negative and hence lies outside the domain of
		//	interest. This leaves 4 other possible roots. We solve for these
		//	analytically below.

		real64 roots [4];
		uint32 numRoots = 0;

		if (k7 == 0.0)
			if (k5 == 0.0)
				// No roots in [0,1].

				// k7 is zero, but k5 is non-zero. At most two real roots. 

				const real64 discrim = 25.0 * (-6.0 * k3 * k5 - 5.0 * k5 * maxDstGap * maxDstGap);

				if (discrim >= 0.0)
					// Two real roots.

					const real64 scale	  =	 0.1 * k5;
					const real64 offset	  = -5.0 * maxDstGap * k5;
					const real64 sDiscrim =	 sqrt (discrim);

					roots [numRoots++] = scale * (offset + sDiscrim);
					roots [numRoots++] = scale * (offset - sDiscrim);

			// k7 is non-zero. Up to 4 real roots.

			const real64 d	= maxDstGap;
			const real64 d2 = d	 * d;
			const real64 d4 = d2 * d2;

			const real64 discrim = 25.0 * k5 * k5 
								 - 63.0 * k3 * k7 
								 + 35.0 * d2 * k5 * k7 
								 + 49.0 * d4 * k7 * k7;
			if (discrim >= 0.0)
				const real64 sDiscrim = 4.0 * k7 * sqrt (discrim);

				const real64 offset = -20.0 * k5 * k7 - 35.0 * d2 * k7 * k7;

				const real64 discrim1 = offset - sDiscrim;
				const real64 discrim2 = offset + sDiscrim;
				const real64 scale = sqrt (21.0) / (42.0 * k7);

				if (discrim1 >= 0.0)
					const real64 offset1 = -d * 0.5;
					const real64 sDiscrim1 = scale * sqrt (discrim1);

					roots [numRoots++] = offset1 + sDiscrim1;
					roots [numRoots++] = offset1 - sDiscrim1;
				if (discrim2 >= 0.0)
					const real64 offset2 = -d * 0.5;
					const real64 sDiscrim2 = scale * sqrt (discrim2);

					roots [numRoots++] = offset2 + sDiscrim2;
					roots [numRoots++] = offset2 - sDiscrim2;


		real64 planeMaxSrcGap = 0.0;

		// Examine the endpoints.


			// Check left endpoint: f (maxDstGap) - f (0). Remember that f (0) == 0.
			const real64 gap1 = Evaluate (plane, maxDstGap);
			planeMaxSrcGap = Max_real64 (planeMaxSrcGap, gap1);

			// Check right endpoint: f (1) - f (1 - maxDstGap).
			const real64 gap2 = Evaluate (plane, 1.0)
							  - Evaluate (plane, 1.0 - maxDstGap);
			planeMaxSrcGap = Max_real64 (planeMaxSrcGap, gap2);


		// Examine the roots we found, if any.

		for (uint32 i = 0; i < numRoots; i++)
			const real64 r = roots [i];

			if (r > 0.0 && r < 1.0 - maxDstGap)
				const real64 gap = Evaluate (plane, r + maxDstGap)
								 - Evaluate (plane, r);
				planeMaxSrcGap = Max_real64 (planeMaxSrcGap, gap);

		maxSrcGap = Max_real64 (maxSrcGap,


	return maxSrcGap;


dng_point_real64 dng_warp_params_rectilinear::MaxSrcTanGap (dng_point_real64 minDst,
															dng_point_real64 maxDst) const
	const real64 v [] = { minDst.v, maxDst.v, 0.0 };
	const real64 h [] = { minDst.h, maxDst.h, 0.0 };

	dng_point_real64 maxGap;

	for (uint32 plane = 0; plane < fPlanes; plane++)

		real64 hMin = +FLT_MAX;
		real64 hMax = -FLT_MAX;

		real64 vMin = +FLT_MAX;
		real64 vMax = -FLT_MAX;

		for (uint32 i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			for (uint32 j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				dng_point_real64 dstDiff (v [i], 
										  h [j]);

				dng_point_real64 srcDiff = EvaluateTangential2 (plane,

				hMin = Min_real64 (hMin, srcDiff.h);
				hMax = Max_real64 (hMax, srcDiff.h);
				vMin = Min_real64 (vMin, srcDiff.v);
				vMax = Max_real64 (vMax, srcDiff.v);

		const real64 hGap = hMax - hMin;
		const real64 vGap = vMax - vMin;

		maxGap.h = Max_real64 (maxGap.h, hGap);
		maxGap.v = Max_real64 (maxGap.v, vGap);


	return maxGap;

void dng_warp_params_rectilinear::Dump () const
	#if qDNGValidate

	dng_warp_params::Dump ();

	for (uint32 plane = 0; plane < fPlanes; plane++)

		printf ("  Plane %u:\n", (unsigned) plane);

		printf ("    Radial params:     %.6lf, %.6lf, %.6lf, %.6lf\n",
				fRadParams [plane][0],
				fRadParams [plane][1],
				fRadParams [plane][2],
				fRadParams [plane][3]);

		printf ("    Tangential params: %.6lf, %.6lf\n",
				fTanParams [plane][0],
				fTanParams [plane][1]);




dng_warp_params_fisheye::dng_warp_params_fisheye ()

	:	dng_warp_params ()


	for (uint32 plane = 0; plane < kMaxColorPlanes; plane++)

		fRadParams [plane] = dng_vector (4);



dng_warp_params_fisheye::dng_warp_params_fisheye (uint32 planes,
												  const dng_vector radParams [],
												  const dng_point_real64 &center)

	:	dng_warp_params (planes, center)

	for (uint32 i = 0; i < fPlanes; i++)

		fRadParams [i] = radParams [i];



dng_warp_params_fisheye::~dng_warp_params_fisheye ()


bool dng_warp_params_fisheye::IsRadNOP (uint32 /* plane */) const
	return false;


bool dng_warp_params_fisheye::IsTanNOP (uint32 /* plane */) const
	return true;


bool dng_warp_params_fisheye::IsValid () const

	for (uint32 plane = 0; plane < fPlanes; plane++)
		if (fRadParams [plane].Count () != 4)
			return false;

	return dng_warp_params::IsValid ();


void dng_warp_params_fisheye::PropagateToAllPlanes (uint32 totalPlanes)
	for (uint32 plane = fPlanes; plane < totalPlanes; plane++)

		fRadParams [plane] = fRadParams [0];




real64 dng_warp_params_fisheye::Evaluate (uint32 plane,
										  real64 r) const

	const real64 t = atan (r);

	const dng_vector &K = fRadParams [plane];

	const real64 t2 = t * t;
	return t * (K [0] + t2 * (K [1] + t2 * (K [2] + t2 * K [3])));


real64 dng_warp_params_fisheye::EvaluateRatio (uint32 plane,
											   real64 rSqr) const

	const real64 eps = 1.0e-12;

	if (rSqr < eps)
		// r is very close to zero.

		return 1.0;

	const real64 r = sqrt (rSqr);

	return Evaluate (plane, r) / r;


dng_point_real64 dng_warp_params_fisheye::EvaluateTangential (uint32 /* plane */,
															  real64 /* r2 */,
															  const dng_point_real64 & /* diff */,
															  const dng_point_real64 & /* diff2 */) const
	// This fisheye model does not support tangential warping.

	ThrowProgramError ();

	return dng_point_real64 (0.0, 0.0);


real64 dng_warp_params_fisheye::MaxSrcRadiusGap (real64 maxDstGap) const
	//	Let f (r) be the radius warp function. Consider the function
	//	  gap (r) = f (r + maxDstGap) - f (r)
	//	We wish to maximize gap (r) over the domain [0, 1 - maxDstGap]. This will
	//	give us a reasonable upper bound on the src tile size, independent of
	//	dstBounds.
	//	Ideally, we'd like to maximize gap (r) by examining its critical points,
	//	i.e., by considering the roots of its derivative which lie in the domain [0,
	//	1 - maxDstGap]. However, gap' (r) is too complex to find its roots
	//	analytically.

	real64 maxSrcGap = 0.0;

	DNG_REQUIRE (maxDstGap > 0.0, "maxDstGap must be positive.");

	const real64 kMaxValue = 1.0 - maxDstGap;

	const uint32 kSteps = 128;
	const real64 kNorm = kMaxValue / real64 (kSteps - 1);

	for (uint32 plane = 0; plane < fPlanes; plane++)

		for (uint32 i = 0; i < kSteps; i++)
			const real64 tt = i * kNorm;

			const real64 gap = Evaluate (plane, tt + maxDstGap)
							 - Evaluate (plane, tt);

			maxSrcGap = Max_real64 (maxSrcGap,


	return maxSrcGap;


dng_point_real64 dng_warp_params_fisheye::MaxSrcTanGap (dng_point_real64 /* minDst */,
														dng_point_real64 /* maxDst */) const

	// This fisheye model does not support tangential distortion.

	return dng_point_real64 (0.0, 0.0);


void dng_warp_params_fisheye::Dump () const
	#if qDNGValidate

	dng_warp_params::Dump ();

	for (uint32 plane = 0; plane < fPlanes; plane++)

		printf ("  Plane %u:\n", (unsigned) plane);

		printf ("    Radial params:     %.6lf, %.6lf, %.6lf, %.6lf\n",
				fRadParams [plane][0],
				fRadParams [plane][1],
				fRadParams [plane][2],
				fRadParams [plane][3]);



class dng_filter_warp: public dng_filter_task

		AutoPtr<dng_warp_params> fParams;

		dng_point_real64 fCenter;
		dng_resample_weights_2d fWeights;

		real64 fNormRadius;
		real64 fInvNormRadius;

		bool fIsRadNOP;
		bool fIsTanNOP;

		const real64 fPixelScaleV;
		const real64 fPixelScaleVInv;

		dng_filter_warp (const dng_image &srcImage,
						 dng_image &dstImage,
						 const dng_negative &negative,
						 AutoPtr<dng_warp_params> &params);

		virtual void Initialize (dng_host &host);

		virtual dng_rect SrcArea (const dng_rect &dstArea);

		virtual dng_point SrcTileSize (const dng_point &dstTileSize);

		virtual void ProcessArea (uint32 threadIndex,
								  dng_pixel_buffer &srcBuffer,
								  dng_pixel_buffer &dstBuffer);

		virtual dng_point_real64 GetSrcPixelPosition (const dng_point_real64 &dst,
													  uint32 plane);



dng_filter_warp::dng_filter_warp (const dng_image &srcImage,
								  dng_image &dstImage,
								  const dng_negative &negative,
								  AutoPtr<dng_warp_params> &params)

	:	dng_filter_task (srcImage,

	,	fParams			(params.Release ())

	,	fCenter			()

	,	fWeights		()

	,	fNormRadius		(1.0)
	,	fInvNormRadius	(1.0)

	,	fIsRadNOP		(false)
	,	fIsTanNOP		(false)

	,	fPixelScaleV	(1.0 / negative.PixelAspectRatio ())
	,	fPixelScaleVInv (1.0 / fPixelScaleV)


	// Force float processing.

	fSrcPixelType = ttFloat;
	fDstPixelType = ttFloat;

	fIsRadNOP = fParams->IsRadNOPAll ();
	fIsTanNOP = fParams->IsTanNOPAll ();

	const uint32 negPlanes = negative.ColorChannels ();

	DNG_ASSERT (negPlanes >= 1,				  "Too few planes." );
	DNG_ASSERT (negPlanes <= kMaxColorPlanes, "Too many planes.");

	(void) negPlanes;
	// At least one set of params must do something interesting.

	if (fIsRadNOP && fIsTanNOP)
		ThrowProgramError ();

	// Make sure the warp params are valid for this negative.

	if (!fParams->IsValidForNegative (negative))
		ThrowBadFormat ();

	// Compute center.

	const dng_rect bounds = srcImage.Bounds ();

	fCenter.h = Lerp_real64 ((real64) bounds.l,
							 (real64) bounds.r,

	fCenter.v = Lerp_real64 ((real64) bounds.t,
							 (real64) bounds.b,

	// Compute max pixel radius and derive various normalized radius values. Note
	// that when computing the max pixel radius, we must take into account the pixel
	// aspect ratio.


		dng_rect squareBounds (bounds);

		squareBounds.b = squareBounds.t + 
						 Round_int32 (fPixelScaleV * (real64) squareBounds.H ());

		const dng_point_real64 squareCenter (Lerp_real64 ((real64) squareBounds.t,
														  (real64) squareBounds.b,

											 Lerp_real64 ((real64) squareBounds.l,
														  (real64) squareBounds.r,

		fNormRadius = MaxDistancePointToRect (squareCenter,

		fInvNormRadius = 1.0 / fNormRadius;


	// Propagate warp params to other planes.

	fParams->PropagateToAllPlanes (fDstPlanes);



void dng_filter_warp::Initialize (dng_host &host)

	// Make resample weights.

	const dng_resample_function &kernel = dng_resample_bicubic::Get ();
	fWeights.Initialize (kernel,
						 host.Allocator ());

dng_rect dng_filter_warp::SrcArea (const dng_rect &dstArea)
	// Walk each pixel of the boundary of dstArea, map it to the uncorrected src
	// pixel position, and return the rectangle that contains all such src pixels.

	int32 xMin = INT_MAX;
	int32 xMax = INT_MIN;
	int32 yMin = INT_MAX;
	int32 yMax = INT_MIN;

	for (uint32 plane = 0; plane < fDstPlanes; plane++)

		// Top and bottom edges.
		for (int32 c = dstArea.l; c < dstArea.r; c++)
			// Top edge.

				const dng_point_real64 dst (dstArea.t, c);

				const dng_point_real64 src = GetSrcPixelPosition (dst, plane);

				const int32 y = ConvertDoubleToInt32 (floor (src.v));
				yMin = Min_int32 (yMin, y);


			// Bottom edge.

				const dng_point_real64 dst (dstArea.b - 1, c);

				const dng_point_real64 src = GetSrcPixelPosition (dst, plane);

				const int32 y = ConvertDoubleToInt32 (ceil (src.v));
				yMax = Max_int32 (yMax, y);
		// Left and right edges.
		for (int32 r = dstArea.t; r < dstArea.b; r++)

			// Left edge.

				const dng_point_real64 dst (r, dstArea.l);

				const dng_point_real64 src = GetSrcPixelPosition (dst, plane);

				const int32 x = ConvertDoubleToInt32 (floor (src.h));
				xMin = Min_int32 (xMin, x);

			// Right edge.

				const dng_point_real64 dst (r, dstArea.r - 1);

				const dng_point_real64 src = GetSrcPixelPosition (dst, plane);

				const int32 x = ConvertDoubleToInt32 (ceil (src.h));
				xMax = Max_int32 (xMax, x);


	// Pad each side by filter radius.

	const int32 pad = ConvertUint32ToInt32(fWeights.Radius());

	xMin = SafeInt32Sub(xMin, pad);
	yMin = SafeInt32Sub(yMin, pad);
	xMax = SafeInt32Add(xMax, pad);
	yMax = SafeInt32Add(yMax, pad);

	xMax = SafeInt32Add(xMax, 1);
	yMax = SafeInt32Add(yMax, 1);

	const dng_rect srcArea (yMin,

	return srcArea;


dng_point dng_filter_warp::SrcTileSize (const dng_point &dstTileSize)

	// Obtain an upper bound on the source tile size. We'll do this by considering
	// upper bounds on the radial and tangential warp components separately, then add
	// them together. This is not a tight bound but is good enough because the
	// tangential terms are usually quite small.

	// Get upper bound on src tile size from radial warp.

	DNG_REQUIRE (dstTileSize.v > 0, "Invalid tile height.");
	DNG_REQUIRE (dstTileSize.h > 0, "Invalid tile width.");

	const real64 maxDstGap = fInvNormRadius * hypot ((real64) dstTileSize.h,
													 (real64) dstTileSize.v);

	dng_point srcTileSize;

	if (maxDstGap >= 1.0)

		// The proposed tile size is unusually large, i.e., its hypotenuse is larger
		// than the maximum radius. Bite the bullet and just return a tile size big
		// enough to process the whole image.

		srcTileSize = SrcArea (fDstImage.Bounds ()).Size ();


		// maxDstGap < 1.0.

		const real64 maxSrcGap = fParams->MaxSrcRadiusGap (maxDstGap);

		const int32 dim = ConvertDoubleToInt32 (ceil (maxSrcGap * fNormRadius));

		srcTileSize = dng_point (dim, dim);


	srcTileSize.h += ConvertUint32ToInt32(fWeights.Width());
	srcTileSize.v += ConvertUint32ToInt32(fWeights.Width());

	// Get upper bound on src tile size from tangential warp.

	const dng_rect_real64 bounds (fSrcImage.Bounds ());

	const dng_point_real64 minDst ((bounds.t - fCenter.v) * fInvNormRadius,
								   (bounds.l - fCenter.h) * fInvNormRadius);
	const dng_point_real64 maxDst ((bounds.b - 1.0 - fCenter.v) * fInvNormRadius,
								   (bounds.r - 1.0 - fCenter.h) * fInvNormRadius);
	const dng_point_real64 srcTanGap = fParams->MaxSrcTanGap (minDst,

	// Add the two bounds together.

	srcTileSize.v += ConvertDoubleToInt32 (ceil (srcTanGap.v * fNormRadius));
	srcTileSize.h += ConvertDoubleToInt32 (ceil (srcTanGap.h * fNormRadius));
	return srcTileSize;


void dng_filter_warp::ProcessArea (uint32 /* threadIndex */,
								   dng_pixel_buffer &srcBuffer,
								   dng_pixel_buffer &dstBuffer)

	// Prepare resample constants.

	const int32 wCount = fWeights.Width ();

	const dng_point srcOffset (fWeights.Offset (),
							   fWeights.Offset ());

	const real64 numSubsamples = (real64) kResampleSubsampleCount2D;

	// Prepare area and step constants.

	const dng_rect srcArea = srcBuffer.fArea;
	const dng_rect dstArea = dstBuffer.fArea;

	const int32 srcRowStep = (int32) srcBuffer.RowStep ();

	const int32 hMin = srcArea.l;
	const int32 hMax = SafeInt32Sub (SafeInt32Sub (srcArea.r, wCount), 1);

	const int32 vMin = srcArea.t;
	const int32 vMax = SafeInt32Sub (SafeInt32Sub (srcArea.b, wCount), 1);

	if (hMax < hMin || vMax < vMin)
		ThrowBadFormat ("Empty source area in dng_filter_warp.");

	// Warp each plane.

	for (uint32 plane = 0; plane < dstBuffer.fPlanes; plane++)
		real32 *dPtr = dstBuffer.DirtyPixel_real32 (dstArea.t, 

		for (int32 dstRow = dstArea.t; dstRow < dstArea.b; dstRow++)

			uint32 dstIndex = 0;
			for (int32 dstCol = dstArea.l; dstCol < dstArea.r; dstCol++, dstIndex++)

				// Get destination (corrected) pixel position.

				const dng_point_real64 dPos ((real64) dstRow,
											 (real64) dstCol);

				// Warp to source (uncorrected) pixel position.

				const dng_point_real64 sPos = GetSrcPixelPosition (dPos,

				// Decompose into integer and fractional parts.

				dng_point sInt (ConvertDoubleToInt32 (floor (sPos.v)),
								ConvertDoubleToInt32 (floor (sPos.h)));

				dng_point sFct (ConvertDoubleToInt32 ((sPos.v - (real64) sInt.v) * numSubsamples),
								ConvertDoubleToInt32 ((sPos.h - (real64) sInt.h) * numSubsamples));

				// Add resample offset.

				sInt = sInt + srcOffset;

				// Clip.
				if (sInt.h < hMin)
					sInt.h = hMin;
					sFct.h = 0;

				else if (sInt.h > hMax)
					sInt.h = hMax;
					sFct.h = 0;

				if (sInt.v < vMin)
					sInt.v = vMin;
					sFct.v = 0;

				else if (sInt.v > vMax)
					sInt.v = vMax;
					sFct.v = 0;

				// Perform 2D resample.

				const real32 *w = fWeights.Weights32 (sFct);

				const real32 *s = srcBuffer.ConstPixel_real32 (sInt.v,

				real32 total = 0.0f;

				for (int32 i = 0; i < wCount; i++)
					for (int32 j = 0; j < wCount; j++)
						total += w [j] * s [j];

					w += wCount;
					s += srcRowStep;

				// Store final pixel value.

				dPtr [dstIndex] = Pin_real32 (total);

			// Advance to next row.

			dPtr += dstBuffer.RowStep ();





dng_point_real64 dng_filter_warp::GetSrcPixelPosition (const dng_point_real64 &dst,
													   uint32 plane)

	const dng_point_real64 diff = dst - fCenter;

	const dng_point_real64 diffNorm (diff.v * fInvNormRadius,
									 diff.h * fInvNormRadius);

	const dng_point_real64 diffNormScaled (diffNorm.v * fPixelScaleV,

	const dng_point_real64 diffNormSqr (diffNormScaled.v * diffNormScaled.v,
										diffNormScaled.h * diffNormScaled.h);

	const real64 rr = Min_real64 (diffNormSqr.v + diffNormSqr.h,

	dng_point_real64 dSrc;

	if (fIsTanNOP)

		// Radial only.
		const real64 ratio = fParams->EvaluateRatio (plane,

		dSrc.h = diff.h * ratio;
		dSrc.v = diff.v * ratio;

	else if (fIsRadNOP)

		// Tangential only.

		const dng_point_real64 tan = fParams->EvaluateTangential (plane,

		dSrc.h = diff.h + (fNormRadius * tan.h);
		dSrc.v = diff.v + (fNormRadius * tan.v * fPixelScaleVInv);


		// Radial and tangential.

		const real64 ratio = fParams->EvaluateRatio (plane,

		const dng_point_real64 tan = fParams->EvaluateTangential (plane,

		dSrc.h = fNormRadius * (diffNorm.h * ratio + tan.h);
		dSrc.v = fNormRadius * (diffNorm.v * ratio + tan.v * fPixelScaleVInv);


	return fCenter + dSrc;


dng_opcode_WarpRectilinear::dng_opcode_WarpRectilinear (const dng_warp_params_rectilinear &params,
														uint32 flags)

	:	dng_opcode (dngOpcode_WarpRectilinear,

	,	fWarpParams (params)


	if (!params.IsValid ())
		ThrowBadFormat ();


dng_opcode_WarpRectilinear::dng_opcode_WarpRectilinear (dng_stream &stream)

	:	dng_opcode (dngOpcode_WarpRectilinear,

	,	fWarpParams ()


	// Grab the size in bytes.

	const uint32 bytes = stream.Get_uint32 ();

	// Grab the number of planes to warp.

	fWarpParams.fPlanes = stream.Get_uint32 ();

	// Verify number of planes.

	if (fWarpParams.fPlanes == 0 ||
		fWarpParams.fPlanes > kMaxColorPlanes)
		ThrowBadFormat ();

	// Verify the size.

	if (bytes != ParamBytes (fWarpParams.fPlanes))
		ThrowBadFormat ();

	// Read warp parameters for each plane.

	for (uint32 plane = 0; plane < fWarpParams.fPlanes; plane++)

		fWarpParams.fRadParams [plane][0] = stream.Get_real64 ();
		fWarpParams.fRadParams [plane][1] = stream.Get_real64 ();
		fWarpParams.fRadParams [plane][2] = stream.Get_real64 ();
		fWarpParams.fRadParams [plane][3] = stream.Get_real64 ();
		fWarpParams.fTanParams [plane][0] = stream.Get_real64 ();
		fWarpParams.fTanParams [plane][1] = stream.Get_real64 ();


	// Read the image center.

	fWarpParams.fCenter.h = stream.Get_real64 ();
	fWarpParams.fCenter.v = stream.Get_real64 ();
	#if qDNGValidate
	if (gVerbose)

		fWarpParams.Dump ();


	if (!fWarpParams.IsValid ())
		ThrowBadFormat ();

bool dng_opcode_WarpRectilinear::IsNOP () const

	return fWarpParams.IsNOPAll ();


bool dng_opcode_WarpRectilinear::IsValidForNegative (const dng_negative &negative) const

	return fWarpParams.IsValidForNegative (negative);


void dng_opcode_WarpRectilinear::PutData (dng_stream &stream) const

	const uint32 bytes = ParamBytes (fWarpParams.fPlanes);
	stream.Put_uint32 (bytes);

	stream.Put_uint32 (fWarpParams.fPlanes);

	for (uint32 plane = 0; plane < fWarpParams.fPlanes; plane++)

		stream.Put_real64 (fWarpParams.fRadParams [plane][0]);
		stream.Put_real64 (fWarpParams.fRadParams [plane][1]);
		stream.Put_real64 (fWarpParams.fRadParams [plane][2]);
		stream.Put_real64 (fWarpParams.fRadParams [plane][3]);
		stream.Put_real64 (fWarpParams.fTanParams [plane][0]);
		stream.Put_real64 (fWarpParams.fTanParams [plane][1]);


	stream.Put_real64 (fWarpParams.fCenter.h);
	stream.Put_real64 (fWarpParams.fCenter.v);


void dng_opcode_WarpRectilinear::Apply (dng_host &host,
										dng_negative &negative,
										AutoPtr<dng_image> &image)

	#if qDNGValidate

	dng_timer timer ("WarpRectilinear time");


	// Allocate destination image.
	AutoPtr<dng_image> dstImage (host.Make_dng_image (image->Bounds	   (),
													  image->Planes	   (),
													  image->PixelType ()));
	// Warp the image.

	AutoPtr<dng_warp_params> params (new dng_warp_params_rectilinear (fWarpParams));
	dng_filter_warp filter (*image,

	filter.Initialize (host);
	host.PerformAreaTask (filter,
						  image->Bounds ());
	// Return the new image.
	image.Reset (dstImage.Release ());


uint32 dng_opcode_WarpRectilinear::ParamBytes (uint32 planes)
	return (1 * (uint32) sizeof (uint32)		 ) +  // Number of planes.
		   (6 * (uint32) sizeof (real64) * planes) +  // Warp coefficients.
		   (2 * (uint32) sizeof (real64)		 );	  // Optical center.


dng_opcode_WarpFisheye::dng_opcode_WarpFisheye (const dng_warp_params_fisheye &params,
												uint32 flags)

	:	dng_opcode (dngOpcode_WarpFisheye,

	,	fWarpParams (params)


	if (!params.IsValid ())
		ThrowBadFormat ();


dng_opcode_WarpFisheye::dng_opcode_WarpFisheye (dng_stream &stream)

	:	dng_opcode (dngOpcode_WarpFisheye,

	,	fWarpParams ()


	// Grab the size in bytes.

	const uint32 bytes = stream.Get_uint32 ();

	// Grab the number of planes to warp.

	fWarpParams.fPlanes = stream.Get_uint32 ();

	// Verify number of planes.

	if (fWarpParams.fPlanes == 0 ||
		fWarpParams.fPlanes > kMaxColorPlanes)
		ThrowBadFormat ();

	// Verify the size.

	if (bytes != ParamBytes (fWarpParams.fPlanes))
		ThrowBadFormat ();

	// Read warp parameters for each plane.

	for (uint32 plane = 0; plane < fWarpParams.fPlanes; plane++)

		fWarpParams.fRadParams [plane][0] = stream.Get_real64 ();
		fWarpParams.fRadParams [plane][1] = stream.Get_real64 ();
		fWarpParams.fRadParams [plane][2] = stream.Get_real64 ();
		fWarpParams.fRadParams [plane][3] = stream.Get_real64 ();


	// Read the image center.

	fWarpParams.fCenter.h = stream.Get_real64 ();
	fWarpParams.fCenter.v = stream.Get_real64 ();
	#if qDNGValidate
	if (gVerbose)

		fWarpParams.Dump ();


	if (!fWarpParams.IsValid ())
		ThrowBadFormat ();

bool dng_opcode_WarpFisheye::IsNOP () const

	return fWarpParams.IsNOPAll ();


bool dng_opcode_WarpFisheye::IsValidForNegative (const dng_negative &negative) const

	return fWarpParams.IsValidForNegative (negative);


void dng_opcode_WarpFisheye::PutData (dng_stream &stream) const

	const uint32 bytes = ParamBytes (fWarpParams.fPlanes);
	stream.Put_uint32 (bytes);

	// Write the number of planes.

	stream.Put_uint32 (fWarpParams.fPlanes);

	// Write the warp coefficients.

	for (uint32 plane = 0; plane < fWarpParams.fPlanes; plane++)

		stream.Put_real64 (fWarpParams.fRadParams [plane][0]);
		stream.Put_real64 (fWarpParams.fRadParams [plane][1]);
		stream.Put_real64 (fWarpParams.fRadParams [plane][2]);
		stream.Put_real64 (fWarpParams.fRadParams [plane][3]);


	// Write the optical center.

	stream.Put_real64 (fWarpParams.fCenter.h);
	stream.Put_real64 (fWarpParams.fCenter.v);


void dng_opcode_WarpFisheye::Apply (dng_host &host,
									dng_negative &negative,
									AutoPtr<dng_image> &image)

	#if qDNGValidate

	dng_timer timer ("WarpFisheye time");


	// Allocate destination image.
	AutoPtr<dng_image> dstImage (host.Make_dng_image (image->Bounds	   (),
													  image->Planes	   (),
													  image->PixelType ()));
	// Warp the image.
	AutoPtr<dng_warp_params> params (new dng_warp_params_fisheye (fWarpParams));
	dng_filter_warp filter (*image,

	filter.Initialize (host);
	host.PerformAreaTask (filter,
						  image->Bounds ());
	// Return the new image.
	image.Reset (dstImage.Release ());


uint32 dng_opcode_WarpFisheye::ParamBytes (uint32 planes)
	return (1 * (uint32) sizeof (uint32)		 ) +	// Number of planes.
		   (4 * (uint32) sizeof (real64) * planes) +	// Warp coefficients.
		   (2 * (uint32) sizeof (real64)		 );		// Optical center.


dng_vignette_radial_params::dng_vignette_radial_params ()

	:	fParams (kNumTerms)
	,	fCenter (0.5, 0.5)



dng_vignette_radial_params::dng_vignette_radial_params (const dng_std_vector<real64> &params,
														const dng_point_real64 &center)

	:	fParams (params)
	,	fCenter (center)



bool dng_vignette_radial_params::IsNOP () const

	for (uint32 i = 0; i < fParams.size (); i++)
		if (fParams [i] != 0.0)
			return false;

	return true;



bool dng_vignette_radial_params::IsValid () const

	if (fParams.size () != kNumTerms)
		return false;

	if (fCenter.h < 0.0 || 
		fCenter.h > 1.0 ||
		fCenter.v < 0.0 ||
		fCenter.v > 1.0)
		return false;

	return true;


void dng_vignette_radial_params::Dump () const
	#if qDNGValidate

	printf ("  Radial vignette params: ");

	for (uint32 i = 0; i < fParams.size (); i++)

		printf ("%s%.6lf",
				(i == 0) ? "" : ", ",
				fParams [i]);


	printf ("\n");

	printf ("  Optical center:\n"
			"	 h = %.6lf\n"
			"	 v = %.6lf\n",



class dng_vignette_radial_function: public dng_1d_function

		const dng_vignette_radial_params fParams;


		explicit dng_vignette_radial_function (const dng_vignette_radial_params &params)

			:	fParams (params)



		// x represents r^2, where r is the normalized Euclidean distance from the
		// optical center to a pixel. r lies in [0,1], so r^2 (and hence x) also lies
		// in [0,1].

		virtual real64 Evaluate (real64 x) const

			DNG_REQUIRE (fParams.fParams.size () == dng_vignette_radial_params::kNumTerms,
						 "Bad number of vignette opcode coefficients.");

			real64 sum = 0.0;

			const dng_std_vector<real64> &v = fParams.fParams;

			for (dng_std_vector<real64>::const_reverse_iterator i = v.rbegin (); i != v.rend (); i++)
				sum = x * ((*i) + sum);

			sum += 1.0;

			return sum;



dng_opcode_FixVignetteRadial::dng_opcode_FixVignetteRadial (const dng_vignette_radial_params &params,
															uint32 flags)

	: 	dng_inplace_opcode (dngOpcode_FixVignetteRadial,

	,	fParams (params)

	,	fImagePlanes (1)

	,	fSrcOriginH (0)
	,	fSrcOriginV (0)
	,	fSrcStepH (0)
	,	fSrcStepV (0)
	,	fTableInputBits  (0)
	,	fTableOutputBits (0)
	,	fGainTable ()

	if (!params.IsValid ())
		ThrowBadFormat ();

dng_opcode_FixVignetteRadial::dng_opcode_FixVignetteRadial (dng_stream &stream)

	:	dng_inplace_opcode (dngOpcode_FixVignetteRadial,

	,	fParams ()

	,	fImagePlanes (1)

	,	fSrcOriginH (0)
	,	fSrcOriginV (0)
	,	fSrcStepH (0)
	,	fSrcStepV (0)
	,	fTableInputBits  (0)
	,	fTableOutputBits (0)

	,	fGainTable ()
	// Grab the size in bytes.

	const uint32 bytes = stream.Get_uint32 ();

	// Verify the size.

	if (bytes != ParamBytes ())
		ThrowBadFormat ();

	// Read vignette coefficients.

	fParams.fParams = dng_std_vector<real64> (dng_vignette_radial_params::kNumTerms);

	for (uint32 i = 0; i < dng_vignette_radial_params::kNumTerms; i++)
		fParams.fParams [i] = stream.Get_real64 ();

	// Read the image center.

	fParams.fCenter.h = stream.Get_real64 ();
	fParams.fCenter.v = stream.Get_real64 ();

	// Debug.
	#if qDNGValidate
	if (gVerbose)

		fParams.Dump ();


	if (!fParams.IsValid ())
		ThrowBadFormat ();

bool dng_opcode_FixVignetteRadial::IsNOP () const
	return fParams.IsNOP ();

bool dng_opcode_FixVignetteRadial::IsValidForNegative (const dng_negative & /* negative */) const
	return fParams.IsValid ();

void dng_opcode_FixVignetteRadial::PutData (dng_stream &stream) const
	const uint32 bytes = ParamBytes ();
	stream.Put_uint32 (bytes);

	DNG_REQUIRE (fParams.fParams.size () == dng_vignette_radial_params::kNumTerms,
				 "Bad number of vignette opcode coefficients.");

	for (uint32 i = 0; i < dng_vignette_radial_params::kNumTerms; i++)
		stream.Put_real64 (fParams.fParams [i]);

	stream.Put_real64 (fParams.fCenter.h);
	stream.Put_real64 (fParams.fCenter.v);


void dng_opcode_FixVignetteRadial::Prepare (dng_negative &negative,
											uint32 threadCount,
											const dng_point &tileSize,
											const dng_rect &imageBounds,
											uint32 imagePlanes,
											uint32 bufferPixelType,
											dng_memory_allocator &allocator)

	// This opcode is restricted to 32-bit images.
	if (bufferPixelType != ttFloat)
		ThrowBadFormat ();

	// Sanity check number of planes.

	DNG_ASSERT (imagePlanes >= 1 && imagePlanes <= kMaxColorPlanes, 
				"Bad number of planes.");

	if (imagePlanes < 1 || imagePlanes > kMaxColorPlanes)
		ThrowProgramError ();
	fImagePlanes = imagePlanes;

	// Set the vignette correction curve.

	const dng_vignette_radial_function curve (fParams);

	// Grab the destination image area.

	const dng_rect_real64 bounds (imageBounds);

	// Determine the optical center and maximum radius in pixel coordinates.

	const dng_point_real64 centerPixel (Lerp_real64 (bounds.t,

										Lerp_real64 (bounds.l,

	const real64 pixelScaleV = 1.0 / negative.PixelAspectRatio ();

	const real64 maxRadius = hypot (Max_real64 (Abs_real64 (centerPixel.v - bounds.t),
												Abs_real64 (centerPixel.v - bounds.b)) * pixelScaleV,

									Max_real64 (Abs_real64 (centerPixel.h - bounds.l),
												Abs_real64 (centerPixel.h - bounds.r)));

	const dng_point_real64 radius (maxRadius,

	// Find origin and scale.

	const real64 pixelScaleH = 1.0;
	fSrcOriginH = Real64ToFixed64 (-centerPixel.h * pixelScaleH / radius.h);
	fSrcOriginV = Real64ToFixed64 (-centerPixel.v * pixelScaleV / radius.v);
	fSrcStepH = Real64ToFixed64 (pixelScaleH / radius.h);
	fSrcStepV = Real64ToFixed64 (pixelScaleV / radius.v);
	// Adjust for pixel centers.
	fSrcOriginH += fSrcStepH >> 1;
	fSrcOriginV += fSrcStepV >> 1;
	// Evaluate 32-bit vignette correction table.
	dng_1d_table table32;
	table32.Initialize (allocator,
	// Find maximum scale factor.
	const real64 maxScale = Max_real32 (table32.Interpolate (0.0f),
										table32.Interpolate (1.0f));
	// Find table input bits.
	fTableInputBits = 16;
	// Find table output bits.
	fTableOutputBits = 15;
	while ((1 << fTableOutputBits) * maxScale > 65535.0)
	// Allocate 16-bit scale table.
	const uint32 tableEntries = (1 << fTableInputBits) + 1;
	fGainTable.Reset (allocator.Allocate (tableEntries * (uint32) sizeof (uint16)));
	uint16 *table16 = fGainTable->Buffer_uint16 ();
	// Interpolate 32-bit table into 16-bit table.
	const real32 scale0 = 1.0f / (1 << fTableInputBits );
	const real32 scale1 = 1.0f * (1 << fTableOutputBits);
	for (uint32 index = 0; index < tableEntries; index++)
		real32 x = index * scale0;
		real32 y = table32.Interpolate (x) * scale1;
		table16 [index] = (uint16) Round_uint32 (y);

	// Prepare vignette mask buffers.


		const uint32 pixelType = ttShort;
		const uint32 bufferSize = ComputeBufferSize(pixelType, tileSize,
													imagePlanes, pad16Bytes);
		for (uint32 threadIndex = 0; threadIndex < threadCount; threadIndex++)
			fMaskBuffers [threadIndex] . Reset (allocator.Allocate (bufferSize));



void dng_opcode_FixVignetteRadial::ProcessArea (dng_negative & /* negative */,
												uint32 threadIndex,
												dng_pixel_buffer &buffer,
												const dng_rect &dstArea,
												const dng_rect & /* imageBounds */)

	// Setup mask pixel buffer.
	dng_pixel_buffer maskPixelBuffer(dstArea, 0, fImagePlanes, ttShort,
									 fMaskBuffers [threadIndex]->Buffer ());

	// Compute mask.

	DoVignetteMask16 (maskPixelBuffer.DirtyPixel_uint16 (dstArea.t, dstArea.l),
					  dstArea.H (),
					  dstArea.W (),
					  maskPixelBuffer.RowStep (),
					  fSrcOriginH + fSrcStepH * dstArea.l,
					  fSrcOriginV + fSrcStepV * dstArea.t,
					  fGainTable->Buffer_uint16 ());

	// Apply mask.

	DoVignette32 (buffer.DirtyPixel_real32 (dstArea.t, dstArea.l),
				  maskPixelBuffer.ConstPixel_uint16 (dstArea.t, dstArea.l),
				  dstArea.H (),
				  dstArea.W (),
				  buffer.RowStep (),
				  buffer.PlaneStep (),
				  maskPixelBuffer.RowStep (),



uint32 dng_opcode_FixVignetteRadial::ParamBytes ()

	const uint32 N = dng_vignette_radial_params::kNumTerms;
	return ((N * sizeof (real64)) +	 // Vignette coefficients.
			(2 * sizeof (real64)));	 // Optical center.
