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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE supplementalData SYSTEM "../../common/dtd/ldmlSupplemental.dtd">
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	<version number="$Revision: 12263 $"/>
		<transform source="zh_Latn_PINYIN" target="ru" direction="forward" alias="ru-t-zh-latn-pinyin">
# Cyrillization of Mandarin Chinese from Pinyin into Russian (Palladius system).
# References:
#   http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Транскрипционная_система_Палладия
#   http://www.omniglot.com/writing/mandarin_pts.htm
#   http://www.pinyin.info/romanization/russian/index.html
# These differ in the treatment of some syllables (e.g. <jue>) from the rules
# below.
# Further commentary:
#   http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=604
# Remove tone marks.

:: NFD (NFC);
[\u0304\u0301\u030C\u0300\u0306] → ;
:: NFC (NFD);
# Syllabify. Add apostrophes to disambiguate whether <n> and <g> belong to the
# coda or onset of a syllable.

:: Null ();
ng } [aeou] → n\'g;
ng → ng\';
n } [aeiouü] → \'n;
n → n\';
# Main pass.

:: Null ();

Ai → Ай;
A  → А;
B  → Б;
Ch → Ч;
Ci → Цы;
C  → Ц;
D  → Д;
E  → Э;
F  → Ф;
G  → Г;
H  → Х;
Ju → Цз | ü;
J  → Цз;
K  → К;
L  → Л;
M  → М;
N  → Н;
O  → О;
P  → П;
Qu → Ц | ü;
Q  → Ц;
R  → Ж;
Sh → Ш;
Si → Сы;
S  → С;
T  → Т;
Wu → У;
W  → В;
Xu → С | ü;
X  → С;
Yai → Яй;
Ya → Я;
Ye → Е;
Yi → И;
You → Ю;
Yo } ng → Ю;
Yo → Ё;
Yu → Ю | v;
Zh → Чж;
Zi → Цзы;
Z  → Цз;

[$] { n → н;
\'n → н;
\'  → ;

ai → ай;
a  → а;
b  → б;
ch → ч;
ci → цы;
c  → ц;
d  → д;
ei → эй;
e  → э;
f  → ф;
g  → г;
h  → х;
ia → я;
ie → е;
io } ng → ю;
iu → ю;
i  → и;
ju → цз | ü;
j  → цз;
k  → к;
l  → л;
m  → м;
ng → н;
n  → нь;
o } ng → у;
o  → о;
p  → п;
qu → ц | ü;
q  → ц;
r } [^aeiou] → р;
r  → ж;
sh → ш;
si → сы;
s  → с;
t  → т;
[Хх] { ui → уэй;  # special exception
ui → уй;
uo → о;
u  → у;
ü  → ю | v;
# We use the dummy symbol <v> to signal that an <ü> or equivalent character has
# just been processed.

ve → э;
#alternative: ve → е;

v } [an] → ;
v  → й;
wu → у;
w  → в;
xu → с | ü;
x  → с;
yai → яй;
ya → я;
ye → е;
yi → и;
you → ю;
yo } ng → ю;
yo → ё;
yu → ю | v;
zh → чж;
zi → цзы;
z  → цз;
# Final pass: Make sure that the output consists entirely of Cyrillic letters.

:: NFC ();