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# Copyright 2009 Google Inc. Released under the GPL v2

This file contains the implementation of a host object for the local machine.
import distutils.core
import glob
import os
import platform
import shutil
import sys

import common
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import hosts, error
from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils

class LocalHost(hosts.Host):
    """This class represents a host running locally on the host."""

    def _initialize(self, hostname=None, bootloader=None, *args, **dargs):
        super(LocalHost, self)._initialize(*args, **dargs)

        # hostname will be an actual hostname when this client was created
        # by an autoserv process
        if not hostname:
            hostname = platform.node()
        self.hostname = hostname
        self.bootloader = bootloader
        self.tmp_dirs = []

    def close(self):
        """Cleanup after we're done."""
        for tmp_dir in self.tmp_dirs:
            self.run('rm -rf "%s"' % (utils.sh_escape(tmp_dir)),

    def wait_up(self, timeout=None):
        # a local host is always up
        return True

    def run(self, command, timeout=3600, ignore_status=False,
            stdout_tee=utils.TEE_TO_LOGS, stderr_tee=utils.TEE_TO_LOGS,
            stdin=None, args=(), **kwargs):
        @see common_lib.hosts.Host.run()
            return utils.run(
                command, timeout=timeout, ignore_status=ignore_status,
                ignore_timeout=ignore_timeout, stdout_tee=stdout_tee,
                stderr_tee=stderr_tee, stdin=stdin, args=args)
        except error.CmdTimeoutError as e:
            # CmdTimeoutError is a subclass of CmdError, so must be caught first
            new_error = error.AutotestHostRunTimeoutError(
                    e.command, e.result_obj, additional_text=e.additional_text)
            raise error.AutotestHostRunTimeoutError, new_error, \
        except error.CmdError as e:
            new_error = error.AutotestHostRunCmdError(
                    e.command, e.result_obj, additional_text=e.additional_text)
            raise error.AutotestHostRunCmdError, new_error, sys.exc_info()[2]

    def list_files_glob(self, path_glob):
        Get a list of files on a remote host given a glob pattern path.
        return glob.glob(path_glob)

    def symlink_closure(self, paths):
        Given a sequence of path strings, return the set of all paths that
        can be reached from the initial set by following symlinks.

        @param paths: sequence of path strings.
        @return: a sequence of path strings that are all the unique paths that
                can be reached from the given ones after following symlinks.
        paths = set(paths)
        closure = set()

        while paths:
            path = paths.pop()
            if not os.path.exists(path):
            if os.path.islink(path):
                link_to = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path),
                if link_to not in closure:

        return closure

    def _copy_file(self, source, dest, delete_dest=False, preserve_perm=False,
        """Copy files from source to dest, will be the base for {get,send}_file.

        If source is a directory and ends with a trailing slash, only the
        contents of the source directory will be copied to dest, otherwise
        source itself will be copied under dest.

        @param source: The file/directory on localhost to copy.
        @param dest: The destination path on localhost to copy to.
        @param delete_dest: A flag set to choose whether or not to delete
                            dest if it exists.
        @param preserve_perm: Tells get_file() to try to preserve the sources
                              permissions on files and dirs.
        @param preserve_symlinks: Try to preserve symlinks instead of
                                  transforming them into files/dirs on copy.
        # We copy dest under source if either:
        #  1. Source is a directory and doesn't end with /.
        #  2. Source is a file and dest is a directory.
        source_is_dir = os.path.isdir(source)
        if ((source_is_dir and not source.endswith(os.sep)) or
            (not source_is_dir and os.path.isdir(dest))):
            dest = os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(source))

        if delete_dest and os.path.exists(dest):
            # Check if it's a file or a dir and use proper remove method.
            if os.path.isdir(dest):

        if preserve_symlinks and os.path.islink(source):
            os.symlink(os.readlink(source), dest)
        # If source is a dir, use distutils.dir_util.copytree since
        # shutil.copy_tree has weird limitations.
        elif os.path.isdir(source):
            distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(source, dest,
            shutil.copyfile(source, dest)

        if preserve_perm:
            shutil.copymode(source, dest)

    def get_file(self, source, dest, delete_dest=False, preserve_perm=True,
        """Copy files from source to dest.

        If source is a directory and ends with a trailing slash, only the
        contents of the source directory will be copied to dest, otherwise
        source itself will be copied under dest. This is to match the
        behavior of AbstractSSHHost.get_file().

        @param source: The file/directory on localhost to copy.
        @param dest: The destination path on localhost to copy to.
        @param delete_dest: A flag set to choose whether or not to delete
                            dest if it exists.
        @param preserve_perm: Tells get_file() to try to preserve the sources
                              permissions on files and dirs.
        @param preserve_symlinks: Try to preserve symlinks instead of
                                  transforming them into files/dirs on copy.
        self._copy_file(source, dest, delete_dest=delete_dest,

    def send_file(self, source, dest, delete_dest=False,
                  preserve_symlinks=False, excludes=None):
        """Copy files from source to dest.

        If source is a directory and ends with a trailing slash, only the
        contents of the source directory will be copied to dest, otherwise
        source itself will be copied under dest. This is to match the
        behavior of AbstractSSHHost.send_file().

        @param source: The file/directory on the drone to send to the device.
        @param dest: The destination path on the device to copy to.
        @param delete_dest: A flag set to choose whether or not to delete
                            dest on the device if it exists.
        @param preserve_symlinks: Controls if symlinks on the source will be
                                  copied as such on the destination or
                                  transformed into the referenced
        @param excludes: A list of file pattern that matches files not to be
                         sent. `send_file` will fail if exclude is set, since
                         local copy does not support --exclude.
        if excludes:
            raise error.AutotestHostRunError(
                    '--exclude is not supported in LocalHost.send_file method. '
                    'excludes: %s' % ','.join(excludes), None)
        self._copy_file(source, dest, delete_dest=delete_dest,

    def get_tmp_dir(self, parent='/tmp'):
        Return the pathname of a directory on the host suitable
        for temporary file storage.

        The directory and its content will be deleted automatically
        on the destruction of the Host object that was used to obtain

        @param parent: The leading path to make the tmp dir.
        self.run('mkdir -p "%s"' % parent)
        tmp_dir = self.run('mktemp -d -p "%s"' % parent).stdout.rstrip()
        return tmp_dir