#include "../test.h"
#include <rxcpp/operators/rx-take.hpp>
#include <rxcpp/operators/rx-map.hpp>
#include <rxcpp/operators/rx-observe_on.hpp>
const int static_onnextcalls = 100000;
SCENARIO("range observed on new_thread", "[!hide][range][observe_on_debug][observe_on][long][perf]"){
const int& onnextcalls = static_onnextcalls;
GIVEN("a range"){
WHEN("multicasting a million ints"){
using namespace std::chrono;
typedef steady_clock clock;
auto el = rx::observe_on_new_thread();
for (int n = 0; n < 10; n++)
std::atomic_bool disposed;
std::atomic_bool done;
auto c = std::make_shared<int>(0);
rx::composite_subscription cs;
if (!done) {abort();}
disposed = true;
auto start = clock::now();
done = true;
auto expected = onnextcalls;
REQUIRE(*c == expected);
auto finish = clock::now();
auto msElapsed = duration_cast<milliseconds>(finish-start);
std::cout << "range -> observe_on new_thread : " << (*c) << " on_next calls, " << msElapsed.count() << "ms elapsed, int-per-second " << *c / (msElapsed.count() / 1000.0) << std::endl;
SCENARIO("observe_on", "[observe][observe_on]"){
GIVEN("a source"){
auto sc = rxsc::make_test();
auto so = rx::synchronize_in_one_worker(sc);
auto w = sc.create_worker();
const rxsc::test::messages<int> on;
auto xs = sc.make_hot_observable({
on.next(150, 1),
on.next(210, 2),
on.next(240, 3),
WHEN("subscribe_on is specified"){
auto res = w.start(
[so, xs]() {
return xs
THEN("the output contains items sent while subscribed"){
auto required = rxu::to_vector({
on.next(211, 2),
on.next(241, 3),
auto actual = res.get_observer().messages();
REQUIRE(required == actual);
THEN("there was 1 subscription/unsubscription to the source"){
auto required = rxu::to_vector({
on.subscribe(200, 300)
auto actual = xs.subscriptions();
REQUIRE(required == actual);
SCENARIO("stream observe_on", "[observe][observe_on]"){
GIVEN("a source"){
auto sc = rxsc::make_test();
auto so = rx::synchronize_in_one_worker(sc);
auto w = sc.create_worker();
const rxsc::test::messages<int> on;
auto xs = sc.make_hot_observable({
on.next(150, 1),
on.next(210, 2),
on.next(240, 3),
WHEN("observe_on is specified"){
auto res = w.start(
[so, xs]() {
return xs
| rxo::observe_on(so);
THEN("the output contains items sent while subscribed"){
auto required = rxu::to_vector({
on.next(211, 2),
on.next(241, 3),
auto actual = res.get_observer().messages();
REQUIRE(required == actual);
THEN("there was 1 subscription/unsubscription to the source"){
auto required = rxu::to_vector({
on.subscribe(200, 300)
auto actual = xs.subscriptions();
REQUIRE(required == actual);
class nocompare {
int v;
SCENARIO("observe_on no-comparison", "[observe][observe_on]"){
GIVEN("a source"){
auto sc = rxsc::make_test();
auto so = rx::observe_on_one_worker(sc);
auto w = sc.create_worker();
const rxsc::test::messages<nocompare> in;
const rxsc::test::messages<int> out;
auto xs = sc.make_hot_observable({
in.next(150, nocompare{1}),
in.next(210, nocompare{2}),
in.next(240, nocompare{3}),
WHEN("observe_on is specified"){
auto res = w.start(
[so, xs]() {
return xs
| rxo::observe_on(so)
| rxo::map([](nocompare v){ return v.v; })
| rxo::as_dynamic();
THEN("the output contains items sent while subscribed"){
auto required = rxu::to_vector({
out.next(211, 2),
out.next(241, 3),
auto actual = res.get_observer().messages();
REQUIRE(required == actual);
THEN("there was 1 subscription/unsubscription to the source"){
auto required = rxu::to_vector({
out.subscribe(200, 300)
auto actual = xs.subscriptions();
REQUIRE(required == actual);