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// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package java

import (



var d8 = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("d8",
		Command: `rm -rf "$outDir" && mkdir -p "$outDir" && ` +
			`${config.D8Cmd} ${config.DexFlags} --output $outDir $d8Flags $in && ` +
			`${config.SoongZipCmd} $zipFlags -o $outDir/classes.dex.jar -C $outDir -f "$outDir/classes*.dex" && ` +
			`${config.MergeZipsCmd} -D -stripFile "**/*.class" $out $outDir/classes.dex.jar $in`,
		CommandDeps: []string{
	"outDir", "d8Flags", "zipFlags")

var r8 = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("r8",
		Command: `rm -rf "$outDir" && mkdir -p "$outDir" && ` +
			`rm -f "$outDict" && ` +
			`${config.R8Cmd} ${config.DexFlags} -injars $in --output $outDir ` +
			`--force-proguard-compatibility ` +
			`--no-data-resources ` +
			`-printmapping $outDict ` +
			`$r8Flags && ` +
			`touch "$outDict" && ` +
			`${config.SoongZipCmd} $zipFlags -o $outDir/classes.dex.jar -C $outDir -f "$outDir/classes*.dex" && ` +
			`${config.MergeZipsCmd} -D -stripFile "**/*.class" $out $outDir/classes.dex.jar $in`,
		CommandDeps: []string{
	"outDir", "outDict", "r8Flags", "zipFlags")

func (j *Module) dexCommonFlags(ctx android.ModuleContext) []string {
	flags := j.deviceProperties.Dxflags
	// Translate all the DX flags to D8 ones until all the build files have been migrated
	// to D8 flags. See: b/69377755
	flags = android.RemoveListFromList(flags,
		[]string{"--core-library", "--dex", "--multi-dex"})

	if ctx.Config().Getenv("NO_OPTIMIZE_DX") != "" {
		flags = append(flags, "--debug")

	if ctx.Config().Getenv("GENERATE_DEX_DEBUG") != "" {
		flags = append(flags,

	minSdkVersion, err := sdkVersionToNumberAsString(ctx, j.minSdkVersion())
	if err != nil {
		ctx.PropertyErrorf("min_sdk_version", "%s", err)

	flags = append(flags, "--min-api "+minSdkVersion)
	return flags

func (j *Module) d8Flags(ctx android.ModuleContext, flags javaBuilderFlags) ([]string, android.Paths) {
	d8Flags := j.dexCommonFlags(ctx)

	d8Flags = append(d8Flags, flags.bootClasspath.FormTurbineClasspath("--lib ")...)
	d8Flags = append(d8Flags, flags.classpath.FormTurbineClasspath("--lib ")...)

	var d8Deps android.Paths
	d8Deps = append(d8Deps, flags.bootClasspath...)
	d8Deps = append(d8Deps, flags.classpath...)

	return d8Flags, d8Deps

func (j *Module) r8Flags(ctx android.ModuleContext, flags javaBuilderFlags) (r8Flags []string, r8Deps android.Paths) {
	opt := j.deviceProperties.Optimize

	// When an app contains references to APIs that are not in the SDK specified by
	// its LOCAL_SDK_VERSION for example added by support library or by runtime
	// classes added by desugaring, we artifically raise the "SDK version" "linked" by
	// ProGuard, to
	// - suppress ProGuard warnings of referencing symbols unknown to the lower SDK version.
	// - prevent ProGuard stripping subclass in the support library that extends class added in the higher SDK version.
	// See b/20667396
	var proguardRaiseDeps classpath
	ctx.VisitDirectDepsWithTag(proguardRaiseTag, func(dep android.Module) {
		proguardRaiseDeps = append(proguardRaiseDeps, dep.(Dependency).HeaderJars()...)

	r8Flags = append(r8Flags, j.dexCommonFlags(ctx)...)

	r8Flags = append(r8Flags, proguardRaiseDeps.FormJavaClassPath("-libraryjars"))
	r8Flags = append(r8Flags, flags.bootClasspath.FormJavaClassPath("-libraryjars"))
	r8Flags = append(r8Flags, flags.classpath.FormJavaClassPath("-libraryjars"))
	r8Flags = append(r8Flags, "-forceprocessing")

	r8Deps = append(r8Deps, proguardRaiseDeps...)
	r8Deps = append(r8Deps, flags.bootClasspath...)
	r8Deps = append(r8Deps, flags.classpath...)

	flagFiles := android.Paths{
		android.PathForSource(ctx, "build/make/core/proguard.flags"),

	if j.shouldInstrumentStatic(ctx) {
		flagFiles = append(flagFiles,
			android.PathForSource(ctx, "build/make/core/proguard.jacoco.flags"))

	flagFiles = append(flagFiles, j.extraProguardFlagFiles...)
	// TODO(ccross): static android library proguard files

	flagFiles = append(flagFiles, android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, j.deviceProperties.Optimize.Proguard_flags_files)...)

	r8Flags = append(r8Flags, android.JoinWithPrefix(flagFiles.Strings(), "-include "))
	r8Deps = append(r8Deps, flagFiles...)

	// TODO(b/70942988): This is included from build/make/core/proguard.flags
	r8Deps = append(r8Deps, android.PathForSource(ctx,

	r8Flags = append(r8Flags, j.deviceProperties.Optimize.Proguard_flags...)

	// TODO(ccross): Don't shrink app instrumentation tests by default.
	if !Bool(opt.Shrink) {
		r8Flags = append(r8Flags, "-dontshrink")

	if !Bool(opt.Optimize) {
		r8Flags = append(r8Flags, "-dontoptimize")

	// TODO(ccross): error if obufscation + app instrumentation test.
	if !Bool(opt.Obfuscate) {
		r8Flags = append(r8Flags, "-dontobfuscate")
	// TODO(ccross): if this is an instrumentation test of an obfuscated app, use the
	// dictionary of the app and move the app from libraryjars to injars.

	// Don't strip out debug information for eng builds.
	if ctx.Config().Eng() {
		r8Flags = append(r8Flags, "--debug")

	return r8Flags, r8Deps

func (j *Module) compileDex(ctx android.ModuleContext, flags javaBuilderFlags,
	classesJar android.Path, jarName string) android.ModuleOutPath {

	useR8 := j.deviceProperties.EffectiveOptimizeEnabled()

	// Compile classes.jar into classes.dex and then javalib.jar
	javalibJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "dex", jarName)
	outDir := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "dex")

	zipFlags := "--ignore_missing_files"
	if j.deviceProperties.UncompressDex {
		zipFlags += " -L 0"

	if useR8 {
		proguardDictionary := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "proguard_dictionary")
		j.proguardDictionary = proguardDictionary
		r8Flags, r8Deps := j.r8Flags(ctx, flags)
		ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
			Rule:           r8,
			Description:    "r8",
			Output:         javalibJar,
			ImplicitOutput: proguardDictionary,
			Input:          classesJar,
			Implicits:      r8Deps,
			Args: map[string]string{
				"r8Flags":  strings.Join(r8Flags, " "),
				"zipFlags": zipFlags,
				"outDict":  j.proguardDictionary.String(),
				"outDir":   outDir.String(),
	} else {
		d8Flags, d8Deps := j.d8Flags(ctx, flags)
		ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
			Rule:        d8,
			Description: "d8",
			Output:      javalibJar,
			Input:       classesJar,
			Implicits:   d8Deps,
			Args: map[string]string{
				"d8Flags":  strings.Join(d8Flags, " "),
				"zipFlags": zipFlags,
				"outDir":   outDir.String(),
	if j.deviceProperties.UncompressDex {
		alignedJavalibJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "aligned", jarName)
		TransformZipAlign(ctx, alignedJavalibJar, javalibJar)
		javalibJar = alignedJavalibJar

	return javalibJar