/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "ueventd_parser.h" #include <android-base/file.h> #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <private/android_filesystem_config.h> namespace android { namespace init { void TestSubsystems(const Subsystem& expected, const Subsystem& test) { EXPECT_EQ(expected.name_, test.name_); EXPECT_EQ(expected.devname_source_, test.devname_source_) << expected.name_; EXPECT_EQ(expected.dir_name_, test.dir_name_) << expected.name_; } void TestPermissions(const Permissions& expected, const Permissions& test) { EXPECT_EQ(expected.name_, test.name_); EXPECT_EQ(expected.perm_, test.perm_) << expected.name_; EXPECT_EQ(expected.uid_, test.uid_) << expected.name_; EXPECT_EQ(expected.gid_, test.gid_) << expected.name_; EXPECT_EQ(expected.prefix_, test.prefix_) << expected.name_; EXPECT_EQ(expected.wildcard_, test.wildcard_) << expected.name_; } void TestSysfsPermissions(const SysfsPermissions& expected, const SysfsPermissions& test) { TestPermissions(expected, test); EXPECT_EQ(expected.attribute_, test.attribute_); } template <typename T, typename F> void TestVector(const T& expected, const T& test, F function) { ASSERT_EQ(expected.size(), test.size()); auto expected_it = expected.begin(); auto test_it = test.begin(); for (; expected_it != expected.end(); ++expected_it, ++test_it) { function(*expected_it, *test_it); } } void TestUeventdFile(const std::string& content, const UeventdConfiguration& expected) { TemporaryFile tf; ASSERT_TRUE(tf.fd != -1); ASSERT_TRUE(android::base::WriteStringToFd(content, tf.fd)); auto result = ParseConfig({tf.path}); TestVector(expected.subsystems, result.subsystems, TestSubsystems); TestVector(expected.sysfs_permissions, result.sysfs_permissions, TestSysfsPermissions); TestVector(expected.dev_permissions, result.dev_permissions, TestPermissions); EXPECT_EQ(expected.firmware_directories, result.firmware_directories); } TEST(ueventd_parser, EmptyFile) { TestUeventdFile("", {}); } TEST(ueventd_parser, Subsystems) { auto ueventd_file = R"( subsystem test_devname devname uevent_devname subsystem test_devpath_no_dirname devname uevent_devpath subsystem test_devname2 devname uevent_devname subsystem test_devpath_dirname devname uevent_devpath dirname /dev/graphics )"; auto subsystems = std::vector<Subsystem>{ {"test_devname", Subsystem::DEVNAME_UEVENT_DEVNAME, "/dev"}, {"test_devpath_no_dirname", Subsystem::DEVNAME_UEVENT_DEVPATH, "/dev"}, {"test_devname2", Subsystem::DEVNAME_UEVENT_DEVNAME, "/dev"}, {"test_devpath_dirname", Subsystem::DEVNAME_UEVENT_DEVPATH, "/dev/graphics"}}; TestUeventdFile(ueventd_file, {subsystems, {}, {}, {}}); } TEST(ueventd_parser, Permissions) { auto ueventd_file = R"( /dev/rtc0 0640 system system /dev/graphics/* 0660 root graphics /dev/*/test 0660 root system /sys/devices/platform/trusty.* trusty_version 0440 root log /sys/devices/virtual/input/input enable 0660 root input /sys/devices/virtual/*/input poll_delay 0660 root input )"; auto permissions = std::vector<Permissions>{ {"/dev/rtc0", 0640, AID_SYSTEM, AID_SYSTEM}, {"/dev/graphics/*", 0660, AID_ROOT, AID_GRAPHICS}, {"/dev/*/test", 0660, AID_ROOT, AID_SYSTEM}, }; auto sysfs_permissions = std::vector<SysfsPermissions>{ {"/sys/devices/platform/trusty.*", "trusty_version", 0440, AID_ROOT, AID_LOG}, {"/sys/devices/virtual/input/input", "enable", 0660, AID_ROOT, AID_INPUT}, {"/sys/devices/virtual/*/input", "poll_delay", 0660, AID_ROOT, AID_INPUT}, }; TestUeventdFile(ueventd_file, {{}, sysfs_permissions, permissions, {}}); } TEST(ueventd_parser, FirmwareDirectories) { auto ueventd_file = R"( firmware_directories /first/ /second /third firmware_directories /more )"; auto firmware_directories = std::vector<std::string>{ "/first/", "/second", "/third", "/more", }; TestUeventdFile(ueventd_file, {{}, {}, {}, firmware_directories}); } TEST(ueventd_parser, UeventSocketRcvbufSize) { auto ueventd_file = R"( uevent_socket_rcvbuf_size 8k uevent_socket_rcvbuf_size 8M )"; TestUeventdFile(ueventd_file, {{}, {}, {}, {}, false, 8 * 1024 * 1024}); } TEST(ueventd_parser, AllTogether) { auto ueventd_file = R"( /dev/rtc0 0640 system system firmware_directories /first/ /second /third /sys/devices/platform/trusty.* trusty_version 0440 root log subsystem test_devname devname uevent_devname /dev/graphics/* 0660 root graphics subsystem test_devpath_no_dirname devname uevent_devpath /sys/devices/virtual/input/input enable 0660 root input ## this is a comment subsystem test_devname2 ## another comment devname uevent_devname subsystem test_devpath_dirname devname uevent_devpath dirname /dev/graphics /dev/*/test 0660 root system /sys/devices/virtual/*/input poll_delay 0660 root input firmware_directories /more uevent_socket_rcvbuf_size 6M #ending comment )"; auto subsystems = std::vector<Subsystem>{ {"test_devname", Subsystem::DEVNAME_UEVENT_DEVNAME, "/dev"}, {"test_devpath_no_dirname", Subsystem::DEVNAME_UEVENT_DEVPATH, "/dev"}, {"test_devname2", Subsystem::DEVNAME_UEVENT_DEVNAME, "/dev"}, {"test_devpath_dirname", Subsystem::DEVNAME_UEVENT_DEVPATH, "/dev/graphics"}}; auto permissions = std::vector<Permissions>{ {"/dev/rtc0", 0640, AID_SYSTEM, AID_SYSTEM}, {"/dev/graphics/*", 0660, AID_ROOT, AID_GRAPHICS}, {"/dev/*/test", 0660, AID_ROOT, AID_SYSTEM}, }; auto sysfs_permissions = std::vector<SysfsPermissions>{ {"/sys/devices/platform/trusty.*", "trusty_version", 0440, AID_ROOT, AID_LOG}, {"/sys/devices/virtual/input/input", "enable", 0660, AID_ROOT, AID_INPUT}, {"/sys/devices/virtual/*/input", "poll_delay", 0660, AID_ROOT, AID_INPUT}, }; auto firmware_directories = std::vector<std::string>{ "/first/", "/second", "/third", "/more", }; size_t uevent_socket_rcvbuf_size = 6 * 1024 * 1024; TestUeventdFile(ueventd_file, {subsystems, sysfs_permissions, permissions, firmware_directories, false, uevent_socket_rcvbuf_size}); } // All of these lines are ill-formed, so test that there is 0 output. TEST(ueventd_parser, ParseErrors) { auto ueventd_file = R"( /dev/rtc0 badmode baduidbad system /dev/rtc0 0640 baduidbad system /dev/rtc0 0640 system baduidbad firmware_directories #no directory listed /sys/devices/platform/trusty.* trusty_version badmode root log /sys/devices/platform/trusty.* trusty_version 0440 baduidbad log /sys/devices/platform/trusty.* trusty_version 0440 root baduidbad uevent_socket_rcvbuf_size blah subsystem #no name )"; TestUeventdFile(ueventd_file, {}); } } // namespace init } // namespace android