/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <general_test/test.h> #include <shared/abort.h> #include <shared/send_message.h> #include <shared/time_util.h> #include <chre.h> using nanoapp_testing::sendFatalFailureToHost; using nanoapp_testing::sendFatalFailureToHostUint8; namespace general_test { Test::Test(uint32_t minSupportedVersion) : mApiVersion(chreGetApiVersion()) , mIsSupported(mApiVersion >= minSupportedVersion) { } void Test::testSetUp(uint32_t messageSize, const void *message) { if (mIsSupported) { setUp(messageSize, message); } else { sendMessageToHost(nanoapp_testing::MessageType::kSkipped); } } void Test::testHandleEvent(uint32_t senderInstanceId, uint16_t eventType, const void *eventData) { if (mIsSupported) { handleEvent(senderInstanceId, eventType, eventData); } } void Test::unexpectedEvent(uint16_t eventType) { uint32_t localEvent = eventType; sendFatalFailureToHost("Test received unexpected event:", &localEvent); } void Test::validateChreAsyncResult(const chreAsyncResult *result, const chreAsyncRequest& request) { if (!result->success) { sendFatalFailureToHostUint8( "chre async result error: %d", result->errorCode); } if (result->success && result->errorCode != CHRE_ERROR_NONE) { sendFatalFailureToHostUint8( "Request was successfully processed, but got errorCode: %d", result->errorCode); } if (result->reserved != 0) { sendFatalFailureToHostUint8( "reserved should be 0, got: %d", result->reserved); } if (result->cookie != request.cookie) { chreLog(CHRE_LOG_ERROR, "Request cookie is %p, got %p", request.cookie, result->cookie); sendFatalFailureToHost("Request cookie mismatch"); } if (result->requestType != request.requestType) { chreLog(CHRE_LOG_ERROR, "Request requestType is %d, got %d", request.requestType, result->requestType); sendFatalFailureToHost("Request requestType mismatch"); } if (chreGetTime() - request.requestTimeNs > request.timeoutNs) { nanoapp_testing::sendFatalFailureToHostUint8( "Did not receive chreWifiAsyncEvent within %d seconds.", request.timeoutNs / nanoapp_testing::kOneSecondInNanoseconds); } } const void *Test::getMessageDataFromHostEvent(uint32_t senderInstanceId, uint16_t eventType, const void* eventData, nanoapp_testing::MessageType expectedMessageType, uint32_t expectedMessageSize) { if (senderInstanceId != CHRE_INSTANCE_ID) { sendFatalFailureToHost("Unexpected sender ID:", &senderInstanceId); } if (eventType != CHRE_EVENT_MESSAGE_FROM_HOST) { unexpectedEvent(eventType); } if (eventData == nullptr) { sendFatalFailureToHost("NULL eventData given"); } auto data = static_cast<const chreMessageFromHostData*>(eventData); if (data->reservedMessageType != uint32_t(expectedMessageType)) { sendFatalFailureToHost("Unexpected reservedMessageType:", &(data->reservedMessageType)); } if (data->messageSize != expectedMessageSize) { sendFatalFailureToHost("Unexpected messageSize:", &(data->messageSize)); } return data->message; } } // namespace general_test