// // Copyright 2015 Google, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at: // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // #include "service/hal/fake_bluetooth_interface.h" namespace bluetooth { namespace hal { namespace { FakeBluetoothInterface::Manager g_hal_manager; int FakeHALEnable() { return g_hal_manager.enable_succeed ? BT_STATUS_SUCCESS : BT_STATUS_FAIL; } int FakeHALDisable() { return g_hal_manager.disable_succeed ? BT_STATUS_SUCCESS : BT_STATUS_FAIL; } int FakeHALGetAdapterProperties() { return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } int FakeHALSetAdapterProperty(const bt_property_t* /* property */) { LOG(INFO) << __func__; return (g_hal_manager.set_property_succeed ? BT_STATUS_SUCCESS : BT_STATUS_FAIL); } bt_interface_t fake_bt_iface = { sizeof(bt_interface_t), nullptr, /* init */ FakeHALEnable, FakeHALDisable, nullptr, /* cleanup */ FakeHALGetAdapterProperties, nullptr, /* get_adapter_property */ FakeHALSetAdapterProperty, nullptr, /* get_remote_device_properties */ nullptr, /* get_remote_device_property */ nullptr, /* set_remote_device_property */ nullptr, /* get_remote_service_record */ nullptr, /* get_remote_services */ nullptr, /* start_discovery */ nullptr, /* cancel_discovery */ nullptr, /* create_bond */ nullptr, /* create_bond_out_of_band */ nullptr, /* remove_bond */ nullptr, /* cancel_bond */ nullptr, /* get_connection_state */ nullptr, /* pin_reply */ nullptr, /* ssp_reply */ nullptr, /* get_profile_interface */ nullptr, /* dut_mode_configure */ nullptr, /* dut_more_send */ nullptr, /* le_test_mode */ nullptr, /* set_os_callouts */ nullptr, /* read_energy_info */ nullptr, /* dump */ nullptr, /* dumpMetrics */ nullptr, /* config clear */ nullptr, /* interop_database_clear */ nullptr, /* interop_database_add */ nullptr, /* get_avrcp_service */ nullptr, /* obfuscate_address */ }; } // namespace // static FakeBluetoothInterface::Manager* FakeBluetoothInterface::GetManager() { return &g_hal_manager; } FakeBluetoothInterface::Manager::Manager() : enable_succeed(false), disable_succeed(false), set_property_succeed(false) {} void FakeBluetoothInterface::NotifyAdapterStateChanged(bt_state_t state) { for (auto& observer : observers_) { observer.AdapterStateChangedCallback(state); } } void FakeBluetoothInterface::NotifyAdapterPropertiesChanged( int num_properties, bt_property_t* properties) { for (auto& observer : observers_) { observer.AdapterPropertiesCallback(BT_STATUS_SUCCESS, num_properties, properties); } } void FakeBluetoothInterface::NotifyAdapterNamePropertyChanged( const std::string& name) { bt_bdname_t hal_name; strncpy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(hal_name.name), name.c_str(), std::min(sizeof(hal_name) - 1, name.length())); reinterpret_cast<char*>(hal_name.name)[name.length()] = '\0'; bt_property_t property; property.len = sizeof(hal_name); property.val = &hal_name; property.type = BT_PROPERTY_BDNAME; NotifyAdapterPropertiesChanged(1, &property); } void FakeBluetoothInterface::NotifyAdapterAddressPropertyChanged( const RawAddress* address) { bt_property_t property; property.len = RawAddress::kLength; property.val = (void*)address->address; property.type = BT_PROPERTY_BDADDR; NotifyAdapterPropertiesChanged(1, &property); } void FakeBluetoothInterface::NotifyAdapterLocalLeFeaturesPropertyChanged( const bt_local_le_features_t* features) { bt_property_t property; property.len = sizeof(*features); property.val = (void*)features; property.type = BT_PROPERTY_LOCAL_LE_FEATURES; NotifyAdapterPropertiesChanged(1, &property); } void FakeBluetoothInterface::NotifyAclStateChangedCallback( bt_status_t status, const RawAddress& remote_bdaddr, bt_acl_state_t state) { for (auto& observer : observers_) { observer.AclStateChangedCallback(status, remote_bdaddr, state); } } void FakeBluetoothInterface::AddObserver(Observer* observer) { observers_.AddObserver(observer); } void FakeBluetoothInterface::RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) { observers_.RemoveObserver(observer); } const bt_interface_t* FakeBluetoothInterface::GetHALInterface() const { return &fake_bt_iface; } bt_callbacks_t* FakeBluetoothInterface::GetHALCallbacks() const { return nullptr; } } // namespace hal } // namespace bluetooth