 * Copyright 2015, The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * Binder IPC interface for interacting with Bluetooth GATT client-role
 * features.
 * TODO(armansito): Not yet supported.
interface IBluetoothGattClient {
   * Registers a client application with this interface. This creates a unique
   * GATT client instance for the application. Returns true on success; false
   * otherwise. If successful, the caller will be assigned a "client_id" which
   * will be reported asynchronously via
   * IBluetoothGattClientCallback.onRegistered. This ID is required to make
   * calls to the functions defined below.
  boolean registerClient(in IBluetoothGattClientCallback callback);

   * Unregisters a previously registered client with interface ID |client_id|.
  void unregisterClient(in int client_id);

   * Unregisters all previously registered clients.
  void unregisterAll();

   * Refreshes the local client-side attribute cache that mirrors the attribute
   * database of remote device with address |device_address|. Returns false in
   * case of an error. |client_id| is the identifier obtained via
   * registerClient.
  boolean refreshDevice(in int client_id, in String device_address);

   * Returns the GATT services, characteristics, and descriptors on the remote
   * device with address |device_address| asynchronously via the corresponding
   * IBluetoothGattClientCallback callbacks. Based on the current connection and
   * bonding state, either GATT service discovery will be initiated or the
   * results will be returned from the attribute cache. Returns false in case of
   * an error. |client_id| is the identifier obtained via registerClient.
  boolean discoverServices(in int client_id, in String device_address);

   * Initiate a read request for the remote characteristic with identifier
   * |characteristic_id|. The result will be asynchronously reported in
   * IBluetoothGattClientCallback.onCharacteristicRead. Returns false if the
   * request cannot be started, e.g. if a read is already pending on this remote
   * device. If the read request fails due to characteristic permissions,
   * this function will try to raise the connection security level based on the
   * characteristic's permission requirements. If that operation fails, then the
   * |status| parameter of the onCharacteristicRead callback will contain the
   * appropriate ATT protocol error code. |client_id| is obtained via
   * registerClient.
  boolean readCharacteristic(in int client_id,
                             in GattIdentifier characteristic_id);

   * Initiate a write request for the remote characteristic with identifier
   * |characteristic_id| with the value |value|. The |write_type| parameter
   * indicates which of the following GATT write procedure should be used:
   *   - WRITE_TYPE_DEFAULT (0x02): Regular Write Procedure
   *   - WRITE_TYPE_NO_RESPONSE (0x01): Write Without Response procedure
   *   - WRITE_TYPE_SIGNED (0x04): Signed Write Without Response procedure.
   * The result will be asynchronously reported in
   * IBluetoothGattClientCallback.onCharacteristicWrite. Returns false if the
   * request cannot be started. If the write request fails due to attribute
   * permissions, this function will try to raise the connection security level
   * based on the characteristic's permission requirements. If that operation
   * fails, then the |status| parameter of the onCharacteristicWrite callback
   * will contain the appropriate ATT protocol error code. |client_id| is
   * obtained via registerClient.
  boolean writeCharacteristic(in int client_id,
                              in GattIdentifier characteristic_id,
                              in int write_type,
                              in byte[] value);

   * Initiate a read request for the remote descriptor with identifier
   * |descriptor_id|. The result will be asynchronously reported in
   * IBluetoothGattClientCallback.onDescriptorRead. Returns false if the
   * request cannot be started, e.g. if a read is already pending on this remote
   * device. If the read request fails due to descriptor permissions,
   * this function will try to raise the connection security level based on the
   * descriptor's permission requirements. If that operation fails, then the
   * |status| parameter of the onDescriptorRead callback will contain the
   * appropriate ATT protocol error code. |client_id| is obtained via
   * registerClient.
  boolean readDescriptor(in int client_id,
                         in GattIdentifier descriptor_id);

   * Initiate a write request for the remote descriptor with identifier
   * |descriptor_id| with the value |value|. The |write_type| parameter
   * indicates which of the following GATT write procedure should be used:
   *   - WRITE_TYPE_DEFAULT (0x02): Regular write procedure
   *   - WRITE_TYPE_NO_RESPONSE (0x01): Write without response procedure
   *   - WRITE_TYPE_SIGNED (0x04): Authenticated-signed write procedure
   * The result will be asynchronously reported in
   * IBluetoothGattClientCallback.onDescriptorWrite. Returns false if the
   * request cannot be started. If the write request fails due to attribute
   * permissions, this function will try to raise the connection security level
   * based on the descriptor's permission requirements. If that operation fails,
   * then the |status| parameter of the onDescriptorWrite callback will contain
   * the appropriate ATT protocol error code. |client_id| is obtained via
   * registerClient.
  boolean writeDescriptor(in int client_id,
                          in GattIdentifier descriptor_id,
                          in int write_type,
                          in byte[] value);

   * Enables handle-value notifications from the remote characteristic with ID
   * |characteristic_id|. If successful, notifications will be signaled via
   * IBluetoothGattClientCallback.onNotify. Returns false if the request cannot
   * be initiated. |client_id| is obtained via registerClient.
  boolean registerForNotifications(in int client_id,
                                   in GattIdentifier characteristic_id);

   * Disables handle-value notifications from the remote characteristic with ID
   * |characteristic_id|. Returns false if the request cannot be initiated, e.g.
   * if notifications from this characteristic have not been enabled.
   * |client_id| is obtained via registerClient.
  boolean unregisterForNotifications(in int client_id,
                                     in GattIdentifier characteristic_id);

   * Initiates a reliable write procedure for the remote device with address
   * |device_address|. Once a reliable write transaction has been initiated, all
   * calls to writeCharacteristic are sent to the remote device for verification
   * and queued up for atomic execution. The application can verify each write
   * payload using the IBluetoothGattClientCallback.onCharacteristicWrite
   * callback and abort reliable write in case of a mismatch. The queued writes
   * will be processed atomically by the remote device after calling
   * endReliableWrite. Returns false if the procedure cannot be started, e.g. if
   * it has already been started earlier. |client_id| is obtained via
   * registerClient.
  boolean beginReliableWrite(in int client_id, in String device_address);

   * Ends a previously started reliable write procedure for the remote device
   * with address |device_address|. If |execute| is true, then a request will be
   * sent to execute the queued writes, else a request will be sent to abort the
   * queued writes. Returns false in case of a failure, e.g. if a reliable write
   * procedure was not started. IBluetoothGattClientCallback.onExecuteWrite will
   * be used to asynchronously report the result of the execute write request.
   * |client_id| is obtained via registerClient.
  boolean endReliableWrite(in int client_id, in String device_address,
                           in boolean execute);