cc_defaults {
    name: "fluoride_osi_defaults",
    defaults: ["fluoride_defaults"],
    include_dirs: [

// Static libraries required by other modules
// ========================================================
cc_test_library {
    name: "libosi-AllocationTestHarness",
    defaults: ["fluoride_osi_defaults"],
    srcs: [
    host_supported: true,
    shared: {
        enabled: false

cc_test_library {
    name: "libosi-AlarmTestHarness",
    defaults: ["fluoride_osi_defaults"],
    srcs: [
    host_supported: true,
    shared: {
        enabled: false

// libosi static library for target
// ========================================================
cc_library_static {
    name: "libosi",
    defaults: ["fluoride_osi_defaults"],
    // TODO(mcchou): Remove socket_utils sources after platform specific
    // dependencies are abstracted.
    srcs: [
    shared_libs: [
    static_libs: ["libbt-protos-lite"],
    host_supported: true,
    // TODO(armansito): Setting _GNU_SOURCE isn't very platform-independent but
    // should be compatible for a Linux host OS. We should figure out what to do for
    // a non-Linux host OS.
    target: {
        linux_glibc: {
            cflags: [

// libosi unit tests for target and host
// ========================================================
cc_test {
    name: "net_test_osi",
    test_suites: ["device-tests"],
    defaults: ["fluoride_osi_defaults"],
    host_supported: true,
    srcs: [
    shared_libs: [
    static_libs: [
    target: {
        linux_glibc: {
            cflags: ["-DOS_GENERIC"],
    sanitize: {
        cfi: false,