/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ANDROID_INCLUDE_BT_GATT_CLIENT_H #define ANDROID_INCLUDE_BT_GATT_CLIENT_H #include <stdint.h> #include <vector> #include "bt_common_types.h" #include "bt_gatt_types.h" #include <bluetooth/uuid.h> __BEGIN_DECLS /** * Buffer sizes for maximum attribute length and maximum read/write * operation buffer size. */ #define BTGATT_MAX_ATTR_LEN 600 /** Buffer type for unformatted reads/writes */ typedef struct { uint8_t value[BTGATT_MAX_ATTR_LEN]; uint16_t len; } btgatt_unformatted_value_t; /** Parameters for GATT read operations */ typedef struct { uint16_t handle; btgatt_unformatted_value_t value; uint16_t value_type; uint8_t status; } btgatt_read_params_t; /** Parameters for GATT write operations */ typedef struct { btgatt_srvc_id_t srvc_id; btgatt_gatt_id_t char_id; btgatt_gatt_id_t descr_id; uint8_t status; } btgatt_write_params_t; /** Attribute change notification parameters */ typedef struct { uint8_t value[BTGATT_MAX_ATTR_LEN]; RawAddress bda; uint16_t handle; uint16_t len; uint8_t is_notify; } btgatt_notify_params_t; typedef struct { RawAddress* bda1; bluetooth::Uuid* uuid1; uint16_t u1; uint16_t u2; uint16_t u3; uint16_t u4; uint16_t u5; } btgatt_test_params_t; /* BT GATT client error codes */ typedef enum { BT_GATTC_COMMAND_SUCCESS = 0, /* 0 Command succeeded */ BT_GATTC_COMMAND_STARTED, /* 1 Command started OK. */ BT_GATTC_COMMAND_BUSY, /* 2 Device busy with another command */ BT_GATTC_COMMAND_STORED, /* 3 request is stored in control block */ BT_GATTC_NO_RESOURCES, /* 4 No resources to issue command */ BT_GATTC_MODE_UNSUPPORTED, /* 5 Request for 1 or more unsupported modes */ BT_GATTC_ILLEGAL_VALUE, /* 6 Illegal command /parameter value */ BT_GATTC_INCORRECT_STATE, /* 7 Device in wrong state for request */ BT_GATTC_UNKNOWN_ADDR, /* 8 Unknown remote BD address */ BT_GATTC_DEVICE_TIMEOUT, /* 9 Device timeout */ BT_GATTC_INVALID_CONTROLLER_OUTPUT, /* 10 An incorrect value was received from HCI */ BT_GATTC_SECURITY_ERROR, /* 11 Authorization or security failure or not authorized */ BT_GATTC_DELAYED_ENCRYPTION_CHECK, /*12 Delayed encryption check */ BT_GATTC_ERR_PROCESSING /* 12 Generic error */ } btgattc_error_t; /** BT-GATT Client callback structure. */ /** Callback invoked in response to register_client */ typedef void (*register_client_callback)(int status, int client_if, const bluetooth::Uuid& app_uuid); /** GATT open callback invoked in response to open */ typedef void (*connect_callback)(int conn_id, int status, int client_if, const RawAddress& bda); /** Callback invoked in response to close */ typedef void (*disconnect_callback)(int conn_id, int status, int client_if, const RawAddress& bda); /** * Invoked in response to search_service when the GATT service search * has been completed. */ typedef void (*search_complete_callback)(int conn_id, int status); /** Callback invoked in response to [de]register_for_notification */ typedef void (*register_for_notification_callback)(int conn_id, int registered, int status, uint16_t handle); /** * Remote device notification callback, invoked when a remote device sends * a notification or indication that a client has registered for. */ typedef void (*notify_callback)(int conn_id, const btgatt_notify_params_t& p_data); /** Reports result of a GATT read operation */ typedef void (*read_characteristic_callback)(int conn_id, int status, btgatt_read_params_t* p_data); /** GATT write characteristic operation callback */ typedef void (*write_characteristic_callback)(int conn_id, int status, uint16_t handle); /** GATT execute prepared write callback */ typedef void (*execute_write_callback)(int conn_id, int status); /** Callback invoked in response to read_descriptor */ typedef void (*read_descriptor_callback)(int conn_id, int status, const btgatt_read_params_t& p_data); /** Callback invoked in response to write_descriptor */ typedef void (*write_descriptor_callback)(int conn_id, int status, uint16_t handle); /** Callback triggered in response to read_remote_rssi */ typedef void (*read_remote_rssi_callback)(int client_if, const RawAddress& bda, int rssi, int status); /** Callback invoked when the MTU for a given connection changes */ typedef void (*configure_mtu_callback)(int conn_id, int status, int mtu); /** * Callback notifying an application that a remote device connection is * currently congested and cannot receive any more data. An application should * avoid sending more data until a further callback is received indicating the * congestion status has been cleared. */ typedef void (*congestion_callback)(int conn_id, bool congested); /** GATT get database callback */ typedef void (*get_gatt_db_callback)(int conn_id, const btgatt_db_element_t* db, int count); /** GATT services between start_handle and end_handle were removed */ typedef void (*services_removed_callback)(int conn_id, uint16_t start_handle, uint16_t end_handle); /** GATT services were added */ typedef void (*services_added_callback)(int conn_id, const btgatt_db_element_t& added, int added_count); /** Callback invoked when the PHY for a given connection changes */ typedef void (*phy_updated_callback)(int conn_id, uint8_t tx_phy, uint8_t rx_phy, uint8_t status); /** Callback invoked when the connection parameters for a given connection * changes */ typedef void (*conn_updated_callback)(int conn_id, uint16_t interval, uint16_t latency, uint16_t timeout, uint8_t status); typedef struct { register_client_callback register_client_cb; connect_callback open_cb; disconnect_callback close_cb; search_complete_callback search_complete_cb; register_for_notification_callback register_for_notification_cb; notify_callback notify_cb; read_characteristic_callback read_characteristic_cb; write_characteristic_callback write_characteristic_cb; read_descriptor_callback read_descriptor_cb; write_descriptor_callback write_descriptor_cb; execute_write_callback execute_write_cb; read_remote_rssi_callback read_remote_rssi_cb; configure_mtu_callback configure_mtu_cb; congestion_callback congestion_cb; get_gatt_db_callback get_gatt_db_cb; services_removed_callback services_removed_cb; services_added_callback services_added_cb; phy_updated_callback phy_updated_cb; conn_updated_callback conn_updated_cb; } btgatt_client_callbacks_t; /** Represents the standard BT-GATT client interface. */ typedef struct { /** Registers a GATT client application with the stack */ bt_status_t (*register_client)(const bluetooth::Uuid& uuid); /** Unregister a client application from the stack */ bt_status_t (*unregister_client)(int client_if); /** Create a connection to a remote LE or dual-mode device */ bt_status_t (*connect)(int client_if, const RawAddress& bd_addr, bool is_direct, int transport, bool opportunistic, int initiating_phys); /** Disconnect a remote device or cancel a pending connection */ bt_status_t (*disconnect)(int client_if, const RawAddress& bd_addr, int conn_id); /** Clear the attribute cache for a given device */ bt_status_t (*refresh)(int client_if, const RawAddress& bd_addr); /** * Enumerate all GATT services on a connected device. * Optionally, the results can be filtered for a given UUID. */ bt_status_t (*search_service)(int conn_id, const bluetooth::Uuid* filter_uuid); /** * Sead "Find service by UUID" request. Used only for PTS tests. */ void (*btif_gattc_discover_service_by_uuid)(int conn_id, const bluetooth::Uuid& uuid); /** Read a characteristic on a remote device */ bt_status_t (*read_characteristic)(int conn_id, uint16_t handle, int auth_req); /** Read a characteristic on a remote device */ bt_status_t (*read_using_characteristic_uuid)(int conn_id, const bluetooth::Uuid& uuid, uint16_t s_handle, uint16_t e_handle, int auth_req); /** Write a remote characteristic */ bt_status_t (*write_characteristic)(int conn_id, uint16_t handle, int write_type, int auth_req, std::vector<uint8_t> value); /** Read the descriptor for a given characteristic */ bt_status_t (*read_descriptor)(int conn_id, uint16_t handle, int auth_req); /** Write a remote descriptor for a given characteristic */ bt_status_t (*write_descriptor)(int conn_id, uint16_t handle, int auth_req, std::vector<uint8_t> value); /** Execute a prepared write operation */ bt_status_t (*execute_write)(int conn_id, int execute); /** * Register to receive notifications or indications for a given * characteristic */ bt_status_t (*register_for_notification)(int client_if, const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint16_t handle); /** Deregister a previous request for notifications/indications */ bt_status_t (*deregister_for_notification)(int client_if, const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint16_t handle); /** Request RSSI for a given remote device */ bt_status_t (*read_remote_rssi)(int client_if, const RawAddress& bd_addr); /** Determine the type of the remote device (LE, BR/EDR, Dual-mode) */ int (*get_device_type)(const RawAddress& bd_addr); /** Configure the MTU for a given connection */ bt_status_t (*configure_mtu)(int conn_id, int mtu); /** Request a connection parameter update */ bt_status_t (*conn_parameter_update)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, int min_interval, int max_interval, int latency, int timeout, uint16_t min_ce_len, uint16_t max_ce_len); bt_status_t (*set_preferred_phy)(const RawAddress& bd_addr, uint8_t tx_phy, uint8_t rx_phy, uint16_t phy_options); bt_status_t (*read_phy)( const RawAddress& bd_addr, base::Callback<void(uint8_t tx_phy, uint8_t rx_phy, uint8_t status)> cb); /** Test mode interface */ bt_status_t (*test_command)(int command, const btgatt_test_params_t& params); /** Get gatt db content */ bt_status_t (*get_gatt_db)(int conn_id); } btgatt_client_interface_t; __END_DECLS #endif /* ANDROID_INCLUDE_BT_GATT_CLIENT_H */