/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2017 Google, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "btif/include/btif_profile_queue.h" #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <base/bind.h> #include <base/callback.h> #include <base/location.h> #include "stack_manager.h" #include "types/raw_address.h" typedef void(tBTIF_CBACK)(uint16_t event, char* p_param); typedef void(tBTIF_COPY_CBACK)(uint16_t event, char* p_dest, char* p_src); // NOTE: Local re-implementation of functions to avoid thread context switching static bool sStackRunning; bool get_stack_is_running(void) { return sStackRunning; } static stack_manager_t sStackManager = {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, get_stack_is_running}; const stack_manager_t* stack_manager_get_interface() { return &sStackManager; } bt_status_t do_in_jni_thread(const base::Location& from_here, base::OnceClosure task) { std::move(task).Run(); return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } bool is_on_jni_thread() { return true; } enum ResultType { NOT_SET = 0, UNKNOWN, UUID1_ADDR1, UUID1_ADDR2, UUID2_ADDR1, UUID2_ADDR2 }; static ResultType sResult; class BtifProfileQueueTest : public ::testing::Test { public: static const uint16_t kTestUuid1 = 0x9527; static const uint16_t kTestUuid2 = 0x819F; static const RawAddress kTestAddr1; static const RawAddress kTestAddr2; protected: void SetUp() override { sStackRunning = true; sResult = NOT_SET; }; void TearDown() override { btif_queue_release(); }; }; const RawAddress BtifProfileQueueTest::kTestAddr1{ {0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66}}; const RawAddress BtifProfileQueueTest::kTestAddr2{ {0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56}}; static bt_status_t test_connect_cb(RawAddress* bda, uint16_t uuid) { sResult = UNKNOWN; if (*bda == BtifProfileQueueTest::kTestAddr1) { if (uuid == BtifProfileQueueTest::kTestUuid1) { sResult = UUID1_ADDR1; } else if (uuid == BtifProfileQueueTest::kTestUuid2) { sResult = UUID2_ADDR1; } } else if (*bda == BtifProfileQueueTest::kTestAddr2) { if (uuid == BtifProfileQueueTest::kTestUuid1) { sResult = UUID1_ADDR2; } else if (uuid == BtifProfileQueueTest::kTestUuid2) { sResult = UUID2_ADDR2; } } return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } TEST_F(BtifProfileQueueTest, test_connect) { sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_connect(kTestUuid1, &kTestAddr1, test_connect_cb); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, UUID1_ADDR1); } TEST_F(BtifProfileQueueTest, test_connect_same_uuid_do_not_repeat) { sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_connect(kTestUuid1, &kTestAddr1, test_connect_cb); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, UUID1_ADDR1); // Second connection request on the same UUID do not repeat sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_connect(kTestUuid1, &kTestAddr1, test_connect_cb); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, NOT_SET); // Not even after we advance the queue sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_advance(); btif_queue_connect_next(); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, NOT_SET); } TEST_F(BtifProfileQueueTest, test_multiple_connects) { // First item is executed sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_connect(kTestUuid1, &kTestAddr1, test_connect_cb); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, UUID1_ADDR1); // Second item with advance is executed sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_advance(); btif_queue_connect(kTestUuid2, &kTestAddr1, test_connect_cb); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, UUID2_ADDR1); } TEST_F(BtifProfileQueueTest, test_multiple_connects_without_advance) { // First item is executed sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_connect(kTestUuid1, &kTestAddr1, test_connect_cb); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, UUID1_ADDR1); // Second item without advance is not executed sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_connect(kTestUuid2, &kTestAddr1, test_connect_cb); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, NOT_SET); // Third item for same UUID1, but different address ADDR2 sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_connect(kTestUuid1, &kTestAddr2, test_connect_cb); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, NOT_SET); // Fourth item for same UUID2, but different address ADDR2 sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_connect(kTestUuid2, &kTestAddr2, test_connect_cb); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, NOT_SET); // Connect next doesn't work sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_connect_next(); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, NOT_SET); // Advance moves queue to execute second item sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_advance(); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, UUID2_ADDR1); // Advance moves queue to execute third item sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_advance(); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, UUID1_ADDR2); // Advance moves queue to execute fourth item sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_advance(); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, UUID2_ADDR2); } TEST_F(BtifProfileQueueTest, test_cleanup_first_allow_second) { // First item is executed sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_connect(kTestUuid1, &kTestAddr1, test_connect_cb); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, UUID1_ADDR1); // Second item without advance is not executed sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_connect(kTestUuid2, &kTestAddr1, test_connect_cb); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, NOT_SET); // Connect next doesn't work sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_connect_next(); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, NOT_SET); // Cleanup UUID1 allows the next profile connection to be executed sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_cleanup(kTestUuid1); btif_queue_connect_next(); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, UUID2_ADDR1); } TEST_F(BtifProfileQueueTest, test_cleanup_both) { // First item is executed sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_connect(kTestUuid1, &kTestAddr1, test_connect_cb); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, UUID1_ADDR1); // Second item without advance is not executed sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_connect(kTestUuid2, &kTestAddr1, test_connect_cb); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, NOT_SET); // Connect next doesn't work sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_connect_next(); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, NOT_SET); // Cleanup both leaves nothing to execute sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_cleanup(kTestUuid1); btif_queue_cleanup(kTestUuid2); btif_queue_connect_next(); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, NOT_SET); } TEST_F(BtifProfileQueueTest, test_cleanup_both_reverse_order) { // First item is executed sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_connect(kTestUuid1, &kTestAddr1, test_connect_cb); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, UUID1_ADDR1); // Second item without advance is not executed sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_connect(kTestUuid2, &kTestAddr1, test_connect_cb); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, NOT_SET); // Connect next doesn't work sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_connect_next(); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, NOT_SET); // Cleanup both in reverse order leaves nothing to execute sResult = NOT_SET; btif_queue_cleanup(kTestUuid2); btif_queue_cleanup(kTestUuid1); btif_queue_connect_next(); EXPECT_EQ(sResult, NOT_SET); }