/* * Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "V4L2Camera" #include "v4l2_camera.h" #include <cstdlib> #include <fcntl.h> #include <camera/CameraMetadata.h> #include <hardware/camera3.h> #include <linux/videodev2.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include "common.h" #include "function_thread.h" #include "metadata/metadata_common.h" #include "stream_format.h" #include "v4l2_metadata_factory.h" #define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(*(a))) namespace v4l2_camera_hal { V4L2Camera* V4L2Camera::NewV4L2Camera(int id, const std::string path) { HAL_LOG_ENTER(); std::shared_ptr<V4L2Wrapper> v4l2_wrapper(V4L2Wrapper::NewV4L2Wrapper(path)); if (!v4l2_wrapper) { HAL_LOGE("Failed to initialize V4L2 wrapper."); return nullptr; } std::unique_ptr<Metadata> metadata; int res = GetV4L2Metadata(v4l2_wrapper, &metadata); if (res) { HAL_LOGE("Failed to initialize V4L2 metadata: %d", res); return nullptr; } return new V4L2Camera(id, std::move(v4l2_wrapper), std::move(metadata)); } V4L2Camera::V4L2Camera(int id, std::shared_ptr<V4L2Wrapper> v4l2_wrapper, std::unique_ptr<Metadata> metadata) : default_camera_hal::Camera(id), device_(std::move(v4l2_wrapper)), metadata_(std::move(metadata)), buffer_enqueuer_(new FunctionThread( std::bind(&V4L2Camera::enqueueRequestBuffers, this))), buffer_dequeuer_(new FunctionThread( std::bind(&V4L2Camera::dequeueRequestBuffers, this))), max_input_streams_(0), max_output_streams_({{0, 0, 0}}) { HAL_LOG_ENTER(); } V4L2Camera::~V4L2Camera() { HAL_LOG_ENTER(); } int V4L2Camera::connect() { HAL_LOG_ENTER(); if (connection_) { HAL_LOGE("Already connected. Please disconnect and try again."); return -EIO; } connection_.reset(new V4L2Wrapper::Connection(device_)); if (connection_->status()) { HAL_LOGE("Failed to connect to device."); return connection_->status(); } // TODO(b/29185945): confirm this is a supported device. // This is checked by the HAL, but the device at |device_|'s path may // not be the same one that was there when the HAL was loaded. // (Alternatively, better hotplugging support may make this unecessary // by disabling cameras that get disconnected and checking newly connected // cameras, so connect() is never called on an unsupported camera) // TODO(b/29158098): Inform service of any flashes that are no longer // available because this camera is in use. return 0; } void V4L2Camera::disconnect() { HAL_LOG_ENTER(); connection_.reset(); // TODO(b/29158098): Inform service of any flashes that are available again // because this camera is no longer in use. } int V4L2Camera::flushBuffers() { HAL_LOG_ENTER(); return device_->StreamOff(); } int V4L2Camera::initStaticInfo(android::CameraMetadata* out) { HAL_LOG_ENTER(); int res = metadata_->FillStaticMetadata(out); if (res) { HAL_LOGE("Failed to get static metadata."); return res; } // Extract max streams for use in verifying stream configs. res = SingleTagValue( *out, ANDROID_REQUEST_MAX_NUM_INPUT_STREAMS, &max_input_streams_); if (res) { HAL_LOGE("Failed to get max num input streams from static metadata."); return res; } res = SingleTagValue( *out, ANDROID_REQUEST_MAX_NUM_OUTPUT_STREAMS, &max_output_streams_); if (res) { HAL_LOGE("Failed to get max num output streams from static metadata."); return res; } return 0; } int V4L2Camera::initTemplate(int type, android::CameraMetadata* out) { HAL_LOG_ENTER(); return metadata_->GetRequestTemplate(type, out); } void V4L2Camera::initDeviceInfo(camera_info_t* info) { HAL_LOG_ENTER(); // TODO(b/31044975): move this into device interface. // For now, just constants. info->resource_cost = 100; info->conflicting_devices = nullptr; info->conflicting_devices_length = 0; } int V4L2Camera::initDevice() { HAL_LOG_ENTER(); // Start the buffer enqueue/dequeue threads if they're not already running. if (!buffer_enqueuer_->isRunning()) { android::status_t res = buffer_enqueuer_->run("Enqueue buffers"); if (res != android::OK) { HAL_LOGE("Failed to start buffer enqueue thread: %d", res); return -ENODEV; } } if (!buffer_dequeuer_->isRunning()) { android::status_t res = buffer_dequeuer_->run("Dequeue buffers"); if (res != android::OK) { HAL_LOGE("Failed to start buffer dequeue thread: %d", res); return -ENODEV; } } return 0; } int V4L2Camera::enqueueRequest( std::shared_ptr<default_camera_hal::CaptureRequest> request) { HAL_LOG_ENTER(); // Assume request validated before calling this function. // (For now, always exactly 1 output buffer, no inputs). { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(request_queue_lock_); request_queue_.push(request); requests_available_.notify_one(); } return 0; } std::shared_ptr<default_camera_hal::CaptureRequest> V4L2Camera::dequeueRequest() { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(request_queue_lock_); while (request_queue_.empty()) { requests_available_.wait(lock); } std::shared_ptr<default_camera_hal::CaptureRequest> request = request_queue_.front(); request_queue_.pop(); return request; } bool V4L2Camera::enqueueRequestBuffers() { // Get a request from the queue (blocks this thread until one is available). std::shared_ptr<default_camera_hal::CaptureRequest> request = dequeueRequest(); // Assume request validated before being added to the queue // (For now, always exactly 1 output buffer, no inputs). // Setting and getting settings are best effort here, // since there's no way to know through V4L2 exactly what // settings are used for a buffer unless we were to enqueue them // one at a time, which would be too slow. // Set the requested settings int res = metadata_->SetRequestSettings(request->settings); if (res) { HAL_LOGE("Failed to set settings."); completeRequest(request, res); return true; } // Replace the requested settings with a snapshot of // the used settings/state immediately before enqueue. res = metadata_->FillResultMetadata(&request->settings); if (res) { // Note: since request is a shared pointer, this may happen if another // thread has already decided to complete the request (e.g. via flushing), // since that locks the metadata (in that case, this failing is fine, // and completeRequest will simply do nothing). HAL_LOGE("Failed to fill result metadata."); completeRequest(request, res); return true; } // Actually enqueue the buffer for capture. res = device_->EnqueueRequest(request); if (res) { HAL_LOGE("Device failed to enqueue buffer."); completeRequest(request, res); return true; } // Make sure the stream is on (no effect if already on). res = device_->StreamOn(); if (res) { HAL_LOGE("Device failed to turn on stream."); // Don't really want to send an error for only the request here, // since this is a full device error. // TODO: Should trigger full flush. return true; } std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(in_flight_lock_); in_flight_buffer_count_++; buffers_in_flight_.notify_one(); return true; } bool V4L2Camera::dequeueRequestBuffers() { // Dequeue a buffer. std::shared_ptr<default_camera_hal::CaptureRequest> request; int res; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(in_flight_lock_); res = device_->DequeueRequest(&request); if (!res) { if (request) { completeRequest(request, res); in_flight_buffer_count_--; } return true; } } if (res == -EAGAIN) { // EAGAIN just means nothing to dequeue right now. // Wait until something is available before looping again. std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(in_flight_lock_); while (in_flight_buffer_count_ == 0) { buffers_in_flight_.wait(lock); } } else { HAL_LOGW("Device failed to dequeue buffer: %d", res); } return true; } bool V4L2Camera::validateDataspacesAndRotations( const camera3_stream_configuration_t* stream_config) { HAL_LOG_ENTER(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < stream_config->num_streams; ++i) { if (stream_config->streams[i]->rotation != CAMERA3_STREAM_ROTATION_0) { HAL_LOGV("Rotation %d for stream %d not supported", stream_config->streams[i]->rotation, i); return false; } // Accept all dataspaces, as it will just be overwritten below anyways. } return true; } int V4L2Camera::setupStreams(camera3_stream_configuration_t* stream_config) { HAL_LOG_ENTER(); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(in_flight_lock_); // The framework should be enforcing this, but doesn't hurt to be safe. if (device_->GetInFlightBufferCount() != 0) { HAL_LOGE("Can't set device format while frames are in flight."); return -EINVAL; } in_flight_buffer_count_ = 0; // stream_config should have been validated; assume at least 1 stream. camera3_stream_t* stream = stream_config->streams[0]; int format = stream->format; uint32_t width = stream->width; uint32_t height = stream->height; if (stream_config->num_streams > 1) { // TODO(b/29939583): V4L2 doesn't actually support more than 1 // stream at a time. If not all streams are the same format // and size, error. Note that this means the HAL is not spec-compliant. // Technically, this error should be thrown during validation, but // since it isn't a spec-valid error validation isn't set up to check it. for (uint32_t i = 1; i < stream_config->num_streams; ++i) { stream = stream_config->streams[i]; if (stream->format != format || stream->width != width || stream->height != height) { HAL_LOGE( "V4L2 only supports 1 stream configuration at a time " "(stream 0 is format %d, width %u, height %u, " "stream %d is format %d, width %u, height %u).", format, width, height, i, stream->format, stream->width, stream->height); return -EINVAL; } } } // Ensure the stream is off. int res = device_->StreamOff(); if (res) { HAL_LOGE("Device failed to turn off stream for reconfiguration: %d.", res); return -ENODEV; } StreamFormat stream_format(format, width, height); uint32_t max_buffers = 0; res = device_->SetFormat(stream_format, &max_buffers); if (res) { HAL_LOGE("Failed to set device to correct format for stream: %d.", res); return -ENODEV; } // Sanity check. if (max_buffers < 1) { HAL_LOGE("Setting format resulted in an invalid maximum of %u buffers.", max_buffers); return -ENODEV; } // Set all the streams dataspaces, usages, and max buffers. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < stream_config->num_streams; ++i) { stream = stream_config->streams[i]; // Override HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED format. if (stream->format == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED) { stream->format = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888; } // Max buffers as reported by the device. stream->max_buffers = max_buffers; // Usage: currently using sw graphics. switch (stream->stream_type) { case CAMERA3_STREAM_INPUT: stream->usage = GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_READ_OFTEN; break; case CAMERA3_STREAM_OUTPUT: stream->usage = GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_WRITE_OFTEN; break; case CAMERA3_STREAM_BIDIRECTIONAL: stream->usage = GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_READ_OFTEN | GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_WRITE_OFTEN; break; default: // nothing to do. break; } // Doesn't matter what was requested, we always use dataspace V0_JFIF. // Note: according to camera3.h, this isn't allowed, but the camera // framework team claims it's underdocumented; the implementation lets the // HAL overwrite it. If this is changed, change the validation above. stream->data_space = HAL_DATASPACE_V0_JFIF; } return 0; } bool V4L2Camera::isValidRequestSettings( const android::CameraMetadata& settings) { if (!metadata_->IsValidRequest(settings)) { HAL_LOGE("Invalid request settings."); return false; } return true; } } // namespace v4l2_camera_hal