/* * Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "Swappy.h" #define LOG_TAG "Swappy" #include <cmath> #include <thread> #include <cstdlib> #include <cinttypes> #include "Settings.h" #include "Thread.h" #include "ChoreographerFilter.h" #include "ChoreographerThread.h" #include "EGL.h" #include "FrameStatistics.h" #include "SystemProperties.h" // uncomment below line to enable ALOGV messages //#define SWAPPY_DEBUG #include "Log.h" #include "Trace.h" namespace swappy { using std::chrono::milliseconds; using std::chrono::nanoseconds; std::mutex Swappy::sInstanceMutex; std::unique_ptr<Swappy> Swappy::sInstance; // NB These are only needed for C++14 constexpr std::chrono::nanoseconds Swappy::FrameDuration::MAX_DURATION; constexpr std::chrono::nanoseconds Swappy::FRAME_HYSTERESIS; void Swappy::init(JNIEnv *env, jobject jactivity) { jclass activityClass = env->FindClass("android/app/NativeActivity"); jclass windowManagerClass = env->FindClass("android/view/WindowManager"); jclass displayClass = env->FindClass("android/view/Display"); jmethodID getWindowManager = env->GetMethodID( activityClass, "getWindowManager", "()Landroid/view/WindowManager;"); jmethodID getDefaultDisplay = env->GetMethodID( windowManagerClass, "getDefaultDisplay", "()Landroid/view/Display;"); jobject wm = env->CallObjectMethod(jactivity, getWindowManager); jobject display = env->CallObjectMethod(wm, getDefaultDisplay); jmethodID getRefreshRate = env->GetMethodID( displayClass, "getRefreshRate", "()F"); const float refreshRateHz = env->CallFloatMethod(display, getRefreshRate); jmethodID getAppVsyncOffsetNanos = env->GetMethodID( displayClass, "getAppVsyncOffsetNanos", "()J"); // getAppVsyncOffsetNanos was only added in API 21. // Return gracefully if this device doesn't support it. if (getAppVsyncOffsetNanos == 0 || env->ExceptionOccurred()) { env->ExceptionClear(); return; } const long appVsyncOffsetNanos = env->CallLongMethod(display, getAppVsyncOffsetNanos); jmethodID getPresentationDeadlineNanos = env->GetMethodID( displayClass, "getPresentationDeadlineNanos", "()J"); const long vsyncPresentationDeadlineNanos = env->CallLongMethod( display, getPresentationDeadlineNanos); const long ONE_MS_IN_NS = 1000000; const long ONE_S_IN_NS = ONE_MS_IN_NS * 1000; const long vsyncPeriodNanos = static_cast<long>(ONE_S_IN_NS / refreshRateHz); const long sfVsyncOffsetNanos = vsyncPeriodNanos - (vsyncPresentationDeadlineNanos - ONE_MS_IN_NS); using std::chrono::nanoseconds; JavaVM *vm; env->GetJavaVM(&vm); Swappy::init( vm, nanoseconds(vsyncPeriodNanos), nanoseconds(appVsyncOffsetNanos), nanoseconds(sfVsyncOffsetNanos)); } void Swappy::init(JavaVM *vm, nanoseconds refreshPeriod, nanoseconds appOffset, nanoseconds sfOffset) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(sInstanceMutex); if (sInstance) { ALOGE("Attempted to initialize Swappy twice"); return; } sInstance = std::make_unique<Swappy>(vm, refreshPeriod, appOffset, sfOffset, ConstructorTag{}); } void Swappy::onChoreographer(int64_t frameTimeNanos) { TRACE_CALL(); Swappy *swappy = getInstance(); if (!swappy) { ALOGE("Failed to get Swappy instance in swap"); return; } if (!swappy->mUsingExternalChoreographer) { swappy->mUsingExternalChoreographer = true; swappy->mChoreographerThread = ChoreographerThread::createChoreographerThread( ChoreographerThread::Type::App, nullptr, [swappy] { swappy->handleChoreographer(); }); } swappy->mChoreographerThread->postFrameCallbacks(); } bool Swappy::swap(EGLDisplay display, EGLSurface surface) { TRACE_CALL(); Swappy *swappy = getInstance(); if (!swappy) { ALOGE("Failed to get Swappy instance in swap"); return EGL_FALSE; } if (swappy->enabled()) { return swappy->swapInternal(display, surface); } else { return eglSwapBuffers(display, surface) == EGL_TRUE; } } bool Swappy::swapInternal(EGLDisplay display, EGLSurface surface) { if (!mUsingExternalChoreographer) { mChoreographerThread->postFrameCallbacks(); } // for non pipeline mode where both cpu and gpu work is done at the same stage // wait for next frame will happen after swap const bool needToSetPresentationTime = mPipelineMode ? waitForNextFrame(display) : (mAutoSwapInterval <= mAutoSwapIntervalThreshold); mSwapTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); if (needToSetPresentationTime) { bool setPresentationTimeResult = setPresentationTime(display, surface); if (!setPresentationTimeResult) { return setPresentationTimeResult; } } resetSyncFence(display); preSwapBuffersCallbacks(); bool swapBuffersResult = (eglSwapBuffers(display, surface) == EGL_TRUE); postSwapBuffersCallbacks(); if (updateSwapInterval()) { swapIntervalChangedCallbacks(); } updateSwapDuration(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - mSwapTime); if (!mPipelineMode) { waitForNextFrame(display); } startFrame(); return swapBuffersResult; } void Swappy::addTracer(const SwappyTracer *tracer) { Swappy *swappy = getInstance(); if (!swappy) { ALOGE("Failed to get Swappy instance in addTracer"); return; } swappy->addTracerCallbacks(*tracer); } uint64_t Swappy::getSwapIntervalNS() { Swappy *swappy = getInstance(); if (!swappy) { ALOGE("Failed to get Swappy instance in getSwapIntervalNS"); return -1; } std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(swappy->mFrameDurationsMutex); return swappy->mAutoSwapInterval.load() * swappy->mRefreshPeriod.count(); }; void Swappy::setAutoSwapInterval(bool enabled) { Swappy *swappy = getInstance(); if (!swappy) { ALOGE("Failed to get Swappy instance in setAutoSwapInterval"); return; } std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(swappy->mFrameDurationsMutex); swappy->mAutoSwapIntervalEnabled = enabled; // non pipeline mode is not supported when auto mode is disabled if (!enabled) { swappy->mPipelineMode = true; } } void Swappy::setAutoPipelineMode(bool enabled) { Swappy *swappy = getInstance(); if (!swappy) { ALOGE("Failed to get Swappy instance in setAutoPipelineMode"); return; } std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(swappy->mFrameDurationsMutex); swappy->mPipelineModeAutoMode = enabled; if (!enabled) { swappy->mPipelineMode = true; } } void Swappy::enableStats(bool enabled) { Swappy *swappy = getInstance(); if (!swappy) { ALOGE("Failed to get Swappy instance in enableStats"); return; } if (!swappy->enabled()) { return; } if (!swappy->getEgl()->statsSupported()) { ALOGI("stats are not suppored on this platform"); return; } if (enabled && swappy->mFrameStatistics == nullptr) { swappy->mFrameStatistics = std::make_unique<FrameStatistics>( swappy->mEgl, swappy->mRefreshPeriod); ALOGI("Enabling stats"); } else { swappy->mFrameStatistics = nullptr; ALOGI("Disabling stats"); } } void Swappy::recordFrameStart(EGLDisplay display, EGLSurface surface) { TRACE_CALL(); Swappy *swappy = getInstance(); if (!swappy) { ALOGE("Failed to get Swappy instance in recordFrameStart"); return; } if (swappy->mFrameStatistics) swappy->mFrameStatistics->capture(display, surface); } void Swappy::getStats(Swappy_Stats *stats) { Swappy *swappy = getInstance(); if (!swappy) { ALOGE("Failed to get Swappy instance in getStats"); return; } if (swappy->mFrameStatistics) *stats = swappy->mFrameStatistics->getStats(); } Swappy *Swappy::getInstance() { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(sInstanceMutex); return sInstance.get(); } bool Swappy::isEnabled() { Swappy *swappy = getInstance(); if (!swappy) { ALOGE("Failed to get Swappy instance in getStats"); return false; } return swappy->enabled(); } void Swappy::destroyInstance() { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(sInstanceMutex); sInstance.reset(); } template<typename Tracers, typename Func> void addToTracers(Tracers& tracers, Func func, void *userData) { if (func != nullptr) { tracers.push_back([func, userData](auto... params) { func(userData, params...); }); } } void Swappy::addTracerCallbacks(SwappyTracer tracer) { addToTracers(mInjectedTracers.preWait, tracer.preWait, tracer.userData); addToTracers(mInjectedTracers.postWait, tracer.postWait, tracer.userData); addToTracers(mInjectedTracers.preSwapBuffers, tracer.preSwapBuffers, tracer.userData); addToTracers(mInjectedTracers.postSwapBuffers, tracer.postSwapBuffers, tracer.userData); addToTracers(mInjectedTracers.startFrame, tracer.startFrame, tracer.userData); addToTracers(mInjectedTracers.swapIntervalChanged, tracer.swapIntervalChanged, tracer.userData); } template<typename T, typename ...Args> void executeTracers(T& tracers, Args... args) { for (const auto& tracer : tracers) { tracer(std::forward<Args>(args)...); } } void Swappy::preSwapBuffersCallbacks() { executeTracers(mInjectedTracers.preSwapBuffers); } void Swappy::postSwapBuffersCallbacks() { executeTracers(mInjectedTracers.postSwapBuffers, (long) mPresentationTime.time_since_epoch().count()); } void Swappy::preWaitCallbacks() { executeTracers(mInjectedTracers.preWait); } void Swappy::postWaitCallbacks() { executeTracers(mInjectedTracers.postWait); } void Swappy::startFrameCallbacks() { executeTracers(mInjectedTracers.startFrame, mCurrentFrame, (long) mCurrentFrameTimestamp.time_since_epoch().count()); } void Swappy::swapIntervalChangedCallbacks() { executeTracers(mInjectedTracers.swapIntervalChanged); } EGL *Swappy::getEgl() { static thread_local EGL *egl = nullptr; if (!egl) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mEglMutex); egl = mEgl.get(); } return egl; } Swappy::Swappy(JavaVM *vm, nanoseconds refreshPeriod, nanoseconds appOffset, nanoseconds sfOffset, ConstructorTag /*tag*/) : mRefreshPeriod(refreshPeriod), mFrameStatistics(nullptr), mSfOffset(sfOffset), mSwapDuration(std::chrono::nanoseconds(0)), mSwapInterval(1), mAutoSwapInterval(1) { mDisableSwappy = getSystemPropViaGetAsBool("swappy.disable", false); if (!enabled()) { ALOGI("Swappy is disabled"); return; } std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mEglMutex); mEgl = EGL::create(refreshPeriod); if (!mEgl) { ALOGE("Failed to load EGL functions"); mDisableSwappy = true; return; } mChoreographerFilter = std::make_unique<ChoreographerFilter>(refreshPeriod, sfOffset - appOffset, [this]() { return wakeClient(); }); mChoreographerThread = ChoreographerThread::createChoreographerThread( ChoreographerThread::Type::Swappy, vm, [this]{ handleChoreographer(); }); Settings::getInstance()->addListener([this]() { onSettingsChanged(); }); mAutoSwapIntervalThreshold = (1e9f / mRefreshPeriod.count()) / 20; // 20FPS mFrameDurations.reserve(mFrameDurationSamples); ALOGI("Initialized Swappy with refreshPeriod=%lld, appOffset=%lld, sfOffset=%lld" , (long long)refreshPeriod.count(), (long long)appOffset.count(), (long long)sfOffset.count()); } void Swappy::onSettingsChanged() { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mFrameDurationsMutex); int32_t newSwapInterval = ::round(float(Settings::getInstance()->getSwapIntervalNS()) / float(mRefreshPeriod.count())); if (mSwapInterval != newSwapInterval || mAutoSwapInterval != newSwapInterval) { mSwapInterval = newSwapInterval; mAutoSwapInterval = mSwapInterval.load(); mFrameDurations.clear(); mFrameDurationsSum = {}; } } void Swappy::handleChoreographer() { mChoreographerFilter->onChoreographer(); } std::chrono::nanoseconds Swappy::wakeClient() { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mWaitingMutex); ++mCurrentFrame; // We're attempting to align with SurfaceFlinger's vsync, but it's always better to be a little // late than a little early (since a little early could cause our frame to be picked up // prematurely), so we pad by an additional millisecond. mCurrentFrameTimestamp = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + mSwapDuration.load() + 1ms; mWaitingCondition.notify_all(); return mSwapDuration; } void Swappy::startFrame() { TRACE_CALL(); int32_t currentFrame; std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point currentFrameTimestamp; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mWaitingMutex); currentFrame = mCurrentFrame; currentFrameTimestamp = mCurrentFrameTimestamp; } startFrameCallbacks(); mTargetFrame = currentFrame + mAutoSwapInterval; const int intervals = (mPipelineMode) ? 2 : 1; // We compute the target time as now // + the time the buffer will be on the GPU and in the queue to the compositor (1 swap period) mPresentationTime = currentFrameTimestamp + (mAutoSwapInterval * intervals) * mRefreshPeriod; mStartFrameTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); } void Swappy::waitUntil(int32_t frameNumber) { TRACE_CALL(); std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mWaitingMutex); mWaitingCondition.wait(lock, [&]() { return mCurrentFrame >= frameNumber; }); } void Swappy::waitOneFrame() { TRACE_CALL(); std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mWaitingMutex); const int32_t target = mCurrentFrame + 1; mWaitingCondition.wait(lock, [&]() { return mCurrentFrame >= target; }); } void Swappy::addFrameDuration(FrameDuration duration) { ALOGV("cpuTime = %.2f", duration.getCpuTime().count() / 1e6f); ALOGV("gpuTime = %.2f", duration.getGpuTime().count() / 1e6f); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mFrameDurationsMutex); // keep a sliding window of mFrameDurationSamples if (mFrameDurations.size() == mFrameDurationSamples) { mFrameDurationsSum -= mFrameDurations.front(); mFrameDurations.erase(mFrameDurations.begin()); } mFrameDurations.push_back(duration); mFrameDurationsSum += duration; } int32_t Swappy::nanoToSwapInterval(std::chrono::nanoseconds nano) { int32_t interval = nano / mRefreshPeriod; // round the number based on the nearest if (nano.count() - (interval * mRefreshPeriod.count()) > mRefreshPeriod.count() / 2) { return interval + 1; } else { return interval; } } bool Swappy::waitForNextFrame(EGLDisplay display) { preWaitCallbacks(); int lateFrames = 0; bool needToSetPresentationTime; std::chrono::nanoseconds cpuTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - mStartFrameTime; std::chrono::nanoseconds gpuTime; // if we are running slower than the threshold there is no point to sleep, just let the // app run as fast as it can if (mAutoSwapInterval <= mAutoSwapIntervalThreshold) { waitUntil(mTargetFrame); // wait for the previous frame to be rendered while (!getEgl()->lastFrameIsComplete(display)) { gamesdk::ScopedTrace trace("lastFrameIncomplete"); ALOGV("lastFrameIncomplete"); lateFrames++; waitOneFrame(); } gpuTime = getEgl()->getFencePendingTime(); mPresentationTime += lateFrames * mRefreshPeriod; needToSetPresentationTime = true; } else { needToSetPresentationTime = false; gpuTime = getEgl()->getFencePendingTime(); } addFrameDuration({cpuTime, gpuTime}); postWaitCallbacks(); return needToSetPresentationTime; } void Swappy::swapSlower(const FrameDuration& averageFrameTime, const std::chrono::nanoseconds& upperBound, const std::chrono::nanoseconds& lowerBound, const int32_t& newSwapInterval) { ALOGV("Rendering takes too much time for the given config"); if (!mPipelineMode && averageFrameTime.getTime(true) <= upperBound) { ALOGV("turning on pipelining"); mPipelineMode = true; } else { mAutoSwapInterval = newSwapInterval; ALOGV("Changing Swap interval to %d", mAutoSwapInterval.load()); // since we changed the swap interval, we may be able to turn off pipeline mode nanoseconds newBound = mRefreshPeriod * mAutoSwapInterval.load(); newBound -= (FRAME_HYSTERESIS * 2); if (mPipelineModeAutoMode && averageFrameTime.getTime(false) < newBound) { ALOGV("Turning off pipelining"); mPipelineMode = false; } else { ALOGV("Turning on pipelining"); mPipelineMode = true; } } } void Swappy::swapFaster(const FrameDuration& averageFrameTime, const std::chrono::nanoseconds& upperBound, const std::chrono::nanoseconds& lowerBound, const int32_t& newSwapInterval) { ALOGV("Rendering is much shorter for the given config"); mAutoSwapInterval = newSwapInterval; ALOGV("Changing Swap interval to %d", mAutoSwapInterval.load()); // since we changed the swap interval, we may need to turn on pipeline mode nanoseconds newBound = mRefreshPeriod * mAutoSwapInterval.load(); newBound -= FRAME_HYSTERESIS; if (!mPipelineModeAutoMode || averageFrameTime.getTime(false) > newBound) { ALOGV("Turning on pipelining"); mPipelineMode = true; } else { ALOGV("Turning off pipelining"); mPipelineMode = false; } } bool Swappy::updateSwapInterval() { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mFrameDurationsMutex); if (!mAutoSwapIntervalEnabled) return false; if (mFrameDurations.size() < mFrameDurationSamples) return false; const auto averageFrameTime = mFrameDurationsSum / mFrameDurations.size(); // define lower and upper bound based on the swap duration nanoseconds upperBound = mRefreshPeriod * mAutoSwapInterval.load(); nanoseconds lowerBound = mRefreshPeriod * (mAutoSwapInterval - 1); // to be on the conservative side, lower bounds by FRAME_HYSTERESIS upperBound -= FRAME_HYSTERESIS; lowerBound -= FRAME_HYSTERESIS; // add the hysteresis to one of the bounds to avoid going back and forth when frames // are exactly at the edge. lowerBound -= FRAME_HYSTERESIS; auto div_result = ::div((averageFrameTime.getTime(true) + FRAME_HYSTERESIS).count(), mRefreshPeriod.count()); auto framesPerRefresh = div_result.quot; auto framesPerRefreshRemainder = div_result.rem; const int32_t newSwapInterval = framesPerRefresh + (framesPerRefreshRemainder ? 1 : 0); ALOGV("mPipelineMode = %d", mPipelineMode); ALOGV("Average cpu frame time = %.2f", (averageFrameTime.getCpuTime().count()) / 1e6f); ALOGV("Average gpu frame time = %.2f", (averageFrameTime.getGpuTime().count()) / 1e6f); ALOGV("upperBound = %.2f", upperBound.count() / 1e6f); ALOGV("lowerBound = %.2f", lowerBound.count() / 1e6f); bool configChanged = false; if (averageFrameTime.getTime(mPipelineMode) > upperBound) { swapSlower(averageFrameTime, upperBound, lowerBound, newSwapInterval); configChanged = true; } else if (mSwapInterval < mAutoSwapInterval && (averageFrameTime.getTime(true) < lowerBound)) { swapFaster(averageFrameTime, upperBound, lowerBound, newSwapInterval); configChanged = true; } else if (mPipelineModeAutoMode && mPipelineMode && averageFrameTime.getTime(false) < upperBound - FRAME_HYSTERESIS) { ALOGV("Rendering time fits the current swap interval without pipelining"); mPipelineMode = false; configChanged = true; } if (configChanged) { mFrameDurationsSum = {}; mFrameDurations.clear(); } return configChanged; } void Swappy::resetSyncFence(EGLDisplay display) { getEgl()->resetSyncFence(display); } bool Swappy::setPresentationTime(EGLDisplay display, EGLSurface surface) { TRACE_CALL(); // if we are too close to the vsync, there is no need to set presentation time if ((mPresentationTime - std::chrono::steady_clock::now()) < (mRefreshPeriod - mSfOffset)) { return EGL_TRUE; } return getEgl()->setPresentationTime(display, surface, mPresentationTime); } void Swappy::updateSwapDuration(std::chrono::nanoseconds duration) { // TODO: The exponential smoothing factor here is arbitrary mSwapDuration = (mSwapDuration.load() * 4 / 5) + duration / 5; // Clamp the swap duration to half the refresh period // // We do this since the swap duration can be a bit noisy during periods such as app startup, // which can cause some stuttering as the smoothing catches up with the actual duration. By // clamping, we reduce the maximum error which reduces the calibration time. if (mSwapDuration.load() > (mRefreshPeriod / 2)) mSwapDuration = mRefreshPeriod / 2; } } // namespace swappy