import java.nio.file.Paths
import org.gradle.internal.logging.text.StyledTextOutput;
import org.gradle.internal.logging.text.StyledTextOutputFactory;
import static org.gradle.internal.logging.text.StyledTextOutput.Style;
import org.gradle.internal.os.OperatingSystem;
import org.gradle.api.Project;

defaultTasks 'cleanPath', 'archiveZip'

def protobufInstallDir() {
    return new File("./third_party/protobuf-3.0.0/install/linux-x86").getCanonicalPath()

def joinPath(String first, String... more) {
    return Paths.get(first, more).toString()

task prepare_proto_before {
    def protocBinDir = protobufInstallDir() + "/bin"
    doLast {
        // Install python-protobuf
        exec {
            workingDir "./third_party/protobuf-3.0.0/python"
            environment 'PATH', "$protocBinDir:${environment.PATH}"
            commandLine "python", "", "install", "--user"
        // Generate nano-pb requirements
        exec {
            workingDir getExternalPath() + '/nanopb-c/generator/proto'
            environment 'PATH', "$protocBinDir:${environment.PATH}"
            commandLine 'make'

task prepare_proto(dependsOn: prepare_proto_before) {
    doLast {
        exec {
            commandLine "python"
            args = [""]
        exec {
            commandLine "dpkg-query"
            args = ["--list", "*env*"]

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''

allprojects {
    buildDir = getOutPath()
    repositories {

abstract class Toolchain {
    protected String androidVersion_;
    protected String ndkVersion_;
    abstract String getAndroidNDKPath();
    abstract String getCMakePath();
    abstract String getNinjaPath();
    public String getAndroidVersion() { return androidVersion_; }
    public String getNdkVersion() { return ndkVersion_; }
    public String getBuildKey(String arch, String stl) {
        return arch + '_SDK' + androidVersion_ + "_NDK" + ndkVersion_ + '_' + stl
    protected String getNdkVersionFromPropertiesFile() {
        def f = new File(getAndroidNDKPath(), '')
        if (!f.exists()) {
            println "Warning: can't get NDK version"
            return "UNKNOWN"
        else {
            Properties props = new Properties()
            f.withInputStream {
            def ver = props."Pkg.Revision"
            def parts = ver.findAll("[^.]+")
            if (parts.size()>1)
                return parts[0] + "." + parts[1]
                return parts[0]
class SpecificToolchain extends Toolchain {
    SpecificToolchain(String androidVersion, String ndkVersion) {
        androidVersion_ = androidVersion
        ndkVersion_ = ndkVersion
    public String getAndroidNDKPath() {
        return new File("../prebuilts/ndk/" + ndkVersion_).getCanonicalPath()
    public String getCMakePath() {
        return new File("../prebuilts/cmake/linux-x86/bin/cmake").getCanonicalPath()
    public String getNinjaPath() {
        return new File("../prebuilts/cmake/linux-x86/bin/ninja").getCanonicalPath()
class LocalToolchain extends Toolchain {
    Project project_;
    String sdkPath_;
    String ndkPath_;
    String cmakePath_;
    String ninjaPath_;
    String adbPath_;
    LocalToolchain(Project project, String androidVersion) {
        project_ = project
        androidVersion_ = androidVersion
        sdkPath_ = System.getenv("ANDROID_HOME")
        if(sdkPath_ == null) {
            Properties properties = new Properties()
            sdkPath_ = properties.getProperty('sdk.dir')
        if(sdkPath_ == null)
            throw new GradleException('Must set ANDROID_HOME or sdk.dir in')

        ndkPath_ = System.getenv("ANDROID_NDK")
        if(ndkPath_ == null) {
            ndkPath_ = project_.joinPath(sdkPath_, 'ndk-bundle')
            if (!project_.file(ndkPath_).exists())
                throw new GradleException('No NDK found in SDK: must set ANDROID_NDK')
        ndkVersion_ = getNdkVersionFromPropertiesFile()
        cmakePath_ = findCMakeTool("CMAKE", "cmake")
        ninjaPath_ = findCMakeTool("NINJA", "ninja")
        adbPath_ = project_.joinPath(sdkPath_, 'platform-tools', 'adb')
    String getAndroidNDKPath() {
        return ndkPath_;
    String getCMakePath() {
        return cmakePath_;
    String getNinjaPath() {
        return ninjaPath_;
    String getAdbPath() {
        return adbPath_;
    String findCMakeTool(String envVar, String name) {
        def tool = System.getenv(envVar);
        if (tool) {
            return tool;
        def osname = OperatingSystem.current().isWindows() ? name + '.exe' : name
        def tools = project_.fileTree( dir: project_.joinPath(sdkPath_, 'cmake'), include: ['**/bin/'+osname] )
        if (tools==null || tools.size() == 0) {
            throw new GradleException('No ' + osname + ' found in ' + sdkPath_ + '/cmake')
        return tools.getFiles().last().toString();

def getBuildPath() {
    return new File("./build").getCanonicalPath()

def getOutPath() {
    return new File("../out").getCanonicalPath()

def getPackagePath() {
    return new File("../package").getCanonicalPath()

def getTempPath() {
    return new File("../.temp").getCanonicalPath()

def getExternalPath() {
    def f =  new File("../external/");
    if ( !f.exists() )
        f = new File("../../../external/");
    return f.getCanonicalPath()

def useNinja() {
    return true;

def cmake(projectFolder, workingFolder, outputFolder, arch, toolchain, stl,
          threadChecks, buildTuningFork) {
    def ndkPath = toolchain.getAndroidNDKPath()
    def toolchainFilePath = ndkPath + "/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake"
    def externalPath = getExternalPath();
    def androidVersion = toolchain.getAndroidVersion()
    def ninjaPath = toolchain.getNinjaPath()
    def buildtfval = buildTuningFork ? "ON" : "OFF"
    def protocBinDir = protobufInstallDir() + "/bin"
    mkdir workingFolder
    mkdir outputFolder

    def threadFlags = ""
    if (threadChecks) {
        threadFlags = "-DGAMESDK_THREAD_CHECKS=1"
    } else {
        threadFlags = "-DGAMESDK_THREAD_CHECKS=0"

    def cmdLine = [toolchain.getCMakePath(),
    if (useNinja()) {
        cmdLine += ["-DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=" + "$ninjaPath",
    exec {
        environment "PATH", "$protocBinDir:${environment.PATH}"
        workingDir workingFolder
        commandLine cmdLine

def buildNativeModules(arch, Toolchain toolchain, stl, threadChecks, buildtf, subdir = "src") {
    def buildKey = toolchain.getBuildKey(arch, stl)
    def workingFolder = joinPath(getTempPath(), buildKey, '.cmake')
    def outputFolder = joinPath(getOutPath(), buildKey)
    def cmakeProjectLocation = joinPath("$projectDir", subdir)

    cmake(cmakeProjectLocation, workingFolder, outputFolder, arch, toolchain,
          stl, threadChecks, buildtf)

    def cmdLine = useNinja() ? [toolchain.getNinjaPath()] : ["make", "-j"]
    exec {
        workingDir workingFolder
        commandLine cmdLine
    return [arch: arch, buildKey: buildKey]

def buildNativeModules(arch, androidVersion, ndkVersion, stl, threadChecks,
                       buildtf) {
    return buildNativeModules(arch,
                              new SpecificToolchain(androidVersion, ndkVersion),
                              stl, threadChecks, buildtf)

task cleanPath(type: Delete) {
    delete getOutPath()
    delete getPackagePath()
    delete getTempPath()
    delete getBuildPath()

// Create outAr from the contents of inArs
// All files taken/created in dir
def repackArchives(dir, inArs, outAr) {
    def cmd = /pushd $dir &&/
    inArs.each {
        cmd <<= /ar -x $it &&/
    cmd <<= /ar -qc $outAr *.o && rm *.o && popd/
    ['/bin/bash', '-c', cmd.toString()].execute().waitFor()

def sdkCopy(buildInfo, outFolder, all = true, staticToo = false,
            useFullBuildKey = false, flattenLibDirs = false, shared = true) {
    def arch = buildInfo.arch
    def buildKey = buildInfo.buildKey
    def cmakeFolder = joinPath(getTempPath(), buildKey, '.cmake')
    def buildFolder = joinPath(getPackagePath(), outFolder)
    def libBuildFolder = joinPath(buildFolder, 'libs',
                                  useFullBuildKey ? buildKey : arch, 'lib')

    if (shared) {
        copy {
            from file(cmakeFolder)
            include all ? "*/lib*.so" : "swappy*/lib*.so"
            into file(libBuildFolder)
            includeEmptyDirs = false
            if (flattenLibDirs) {
                eachFile {
                    path = name
    if (staticToo) {
        def staticsFolder = joinPath(getOutPath(), buildKey)
        def staticLibsBuildFolder = joinPath(buildFolder, 'libs', buildKey)
        def staticLibs = ['libswappy_static.a',
        if (all)
            staticLibs += 'libtuningfork_static.a'
        repackArchives(staticsFolder, staticLibs, 'libgamesdk.a')
        copy {
            from file(staticsFolder)
            include "libgamesdk.a"
            into file(staticLibsBuildFolder)

def copyExtras(outFolder, all = true) {
    def buildFolder = getPackagePath() + '/' + outFolder
    def headerFolder = './include'
    def aarFolder = joinPath(getOutPath(), 'outputs', 'aar')
    def includeBuildFolder = joinPath(buildFolder, 'include')
    def aarBuildFolder = joinPath(buildFolder, 'aar')

    copy {
        from file(headerFolder)
        include all ? "*/*.h" : "swappy*/*.h"
        into file(includeBuildFolder)
        includeEmptyDirs = false
    copy {
        from file(aarFolder)
        into file(aarBuildFolder)
        includeEmptyDirs = false

// The latest Unity is using NDK 16b and SDK 21 with gnu stl
def defaultAbis() { return ["armeabi-v7a", "arm64-v8a", "x86", "x86_64"] }

def unityNativeBuild(withTuningFork=false) {
    def threadChecks = false
    return defaultAbis().collect {
        buildNativeModules(it, "21", "r16", "gnustl_static", threadChecks, withTuningFork)

def sdkNativeBuild(withTuningFork = true) {
    def threadChecks = false
    return defaultAbis().collectMany {
        [ buildNativeModules(it, "26", "r16", "gnustl_static", threadChecks, withTuningFork) ] +
        [ buildNativeModules(it, "28", "r17", "gnustl_static", threadChecks, withTuningFork) ] +
        [ buildNativeModules(it, "28", "r17", "c++_static", threadChecks, withTuningFork) ]

def getLocalToolchain() {
    def kLocalMinSdk = project.hasProperty("GAMESDK_ANDROID_SDK_VERSION") ?
        project.GAMESDK_ANDROID_SDK_VERSION : "26"
    return new LocalToolchain(project, kLocalMinSdk)

def localNativeBuild(withTuningFork = false, subdir = "src") {
    def toolchain = getLocalToolchain();
    def stl = "c++_static"
    def threadChecks = true
    return defaultAbis().collect {
        buildNativeModules(it, toolchain , stl, threadChecks, withTuningFork, subdir)

class BuildTask extends DefaultTask {

// Just build swappy shared libraries
task swappyUnityBuild(type: BuildTask) {
    dependsOn ':extras:assembleRelease'
    ext.packageName = 'swappyUnity'
    ext.flattenLibs = true
    ext.withTuningFork = false
    ext.withSharedLibs = true
    ext.withStaticLibs = true
    ext.withFullBuildKey = false
    ext.nativeBuild = { tf -> unityNativeBuild(tf) }

// Full build including tuning fork for unity, shared libraries only
task unityBuild(type: BuildTask) {
    dependsOn ':extras:assembleRelease', prepare_proto
    ext.packageName = 'unity'
    ext.flattenLibs = true
    ext.withTuningFork = true
    ext.withSharedLibs = true
    ext.withStaticLibs = false
    ext.withFullBuildKey = false
    ext.nativeBuild = { tf -> unityNativeBuild(tf) }

// Build everything
task sdkBuild(type: BuildTask) {
    dependsOn ':extras:assembleRelease', prepare_proto
    ext.packageName = 'gamesdk'
    ext.flattenLibs = false
    ext.withTuningFork = true
    ext.withSharedLibs = true
    ext.withStaticLibs = true
    ext.withFullBuildKey = true
    ext.nativeBuild = { tf -> sdkNativeBuild(tf) }

// Build using local SDK, no tuning fork
task localBuild(type: BuildTask) {
    dependsOn ':extras:assembleRelease'
    ext.packageName = 'local'
    ext.flattenLibs = false
    ext.withTuningFork = false;
    ext.withSharedLibs = true
    ext.withStaticLibs = true;
    ext.withFullBuildKey = false;
    ext.nativeBuild = { tf -> localNativeBuild(tf) }

// Build using local SDK, with tuning fork
task localTfBuild(type: BuildTask) {
    dependsOn ':extras:assembleRelease', prepare_proto
    ext.packageName = 'localtf'
    ext.flattenLibs = false
    ext.withTuningFork = true;
    ext.withSharedLibs = true
    ext.withStaticLibs = true;
    ext.withFullBuildKey = false;
    ext.nativeBuild = { tf -> localNativeBuild(tf) }

tasks.withType(BuildTask) {
    doLast {
        nativeBuild(withTuningFork).each {
            sdkCopy(it, packageName, withTuningFork, withStaticLibs,
                    withFullBuildKey, flattenLibs, withSharedLibs)
        copyExtras(packageName, withTuningFork)

task localUnitTests {
    // These unit tests require a connected ARM64 device to run
    doLast {
        def buildInfo = localNativeBuild(true, "test")
        def buildKey = buildInfo.buildKey.findAll{it.contains('arm64-v8a')}[0]
        def cmakeFolder = getTempPath() + '/' + buildKey + '/.cmake/tuningfork'
        def toolchain = getLocalToolchain();
        def adb = toolchain.getAdbPath();
        exec {
            workingDir cmakeFolder
            commandLine adb, "push", "tuningfork_test", "/data/local/tmp"
        exec {
            workingDir cmakeFolder
            commandLine adb, "shell", "/data/local/tmp/tuningfork_test"

// Zipping things up
def addZipTask(name, buildTask, zipName, rootName = "gamesdk") {
    def packPath = buildTask.packageName
    tasks.register(name, Zip) {
        dependsOn buildTask
        def buildFolder = joinPath(getPackagePath(), packPath)
        baseName = joinPath(buildFolder, zipName)

        from fileTree(buildFolder)
        exclude "*.zip"

        into rootName

        doLast {
            def outFolder = getBuildPath();
            mkdir outFolder;

            copy {
                from file(baseName + '.zip')
                into outFolder

            def out = services.get(StyledTextOutputFactory).create("output")
  '\n' + rootName +'.zip is in ')
                .println(baseName + '.zip' );


addZipTask("swappyUnityZip", swappyUnityBuild, "builds")
addZipTask("unityZip", unityBuild, "builds")
addZipTask("archiveZip", localBuild, "gamesdk")
addZipTask("archiveTfZip", localTfBuild, "gamesdk")
addZipTask("gamesdkZip", sdkBuild, "gamesdk")