/* * Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "NuPlayer2" #include <inttypes.h> #include <utils/Log.h> #include "NuPlayer2.h" #include "HTTPLiveSource2.h" #include "JMediaPlayer2Utils.h" #include "NuPlayer2CCDecoder.h" #include "NuPlayer2Decoder.h" #include "NuPlayer2DecoderBase.h" #include "NuPlayer2DecoderPassThrough.h" #include "NuPlayer2Driver.h" #include "NuPlayer2Renderer.h" #include "NuPlayer2Source.h" #include "RTSPSource2.h" #include "GenericSource2.h" #include "TextDescriptions2.h" #include "ATSParser.h" #include <cutils/properties.h> #include <media/AudioParameter.h> #include <media/AudioResamplerPublic.h> #include <media/AVSyncSettings.h> #include <media/DataSourceDesc.h> #include <media/MediaCodecBuffer.h> #include <media/NdkWrapper.h> #include <media/stagefright/foundation/hexdump.h> #include <media/stagefright/foundation/ABuffer.h> #include <media/stagefright/foundation/ADebug.h> #include <media/stagefright/foundation/AMessage.h> #include <media/stagefright/foundation/avc_utils.h> #include <media/stagefright/MediaBuffer.h> #include <media/stagefright/MediaClock.h> #include <media/stagefright/MediaDefs.h> #include <media/stagefright/MediaErrors.h> #include <media/stagefright/MetaData.h> #include "ESDS.h" #include <media/stagefright/Utils.h> #include <system/window.h> namespace android { static status_t sendMetaDataToHal(sp<MediaPlayer2Interface::AudioSink>& sink, const sp<MetaData>& meta) { int32_t sampleRate = 0; int32_t bitRate = 0; int32_t channelMask = 0; int32_t delaySamples = 0; int32_t paddingSamples = 0; AudioParameter param = AudioParameter(); if (meta->findInt32(kKeySampleRate, &sampleRate)) { param.addInt(String8(AUDIO_OFFLOAD_CODEC_SAMPLE_RATE), sampleRate); } if (meta->findInt32(kKeyChannelMask, &channelMask)) { param.addInt(String8(AUDIO_OFFLOAD_CODEC_NUM_CHANNEL), channelMask); } if (meta->findInt32(kKeyBitRate, &bitRate)) { param.addInt(String8(AUDIO_OFFLOAD_CODEC_AVG_BIT_RATE), bitRate); } if (meta->findInt32(kKeyEncoderDelay, &delaySamples)) { param.addInt(String8(AUDIO_OFFLOAD_CODEC_DELAY_SAMPLES), delaySamples); } if (meta->findInt32(kKeyEncoderPadding, &paddingSamples)) { param.addInt(String8(AUDIO_OFFLOAD_CODEC_PADDING_SAMPLES), paddingSamples); } ALOGV("sendMetaDataToHal: bitRate %d, sampleRate %d, chanMask %d," "delaySample %d, paddingSample %d", bitRate, sampleRate, channelMask, delaySamples, paddingSamples); sink->setParameters(param.toString()); return OK; } struct NuPlayer2::Action : public RefBase { Action() {} virtual void execute(NuPlayer2 *player) = 0; private: DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(Action); }; struct NuPlayer2::SeekAction : public Action { explicit SeekAction(int64_t seekTimeUs, MediaPlayer2SeekMode mode) : mSeekTimeUs(seekTimeUs), mMode(mode) { } virtual void execute(NuPlayer2 *player) { player->performSeek(mSeekTimeUs, mMode); } private: int64_t mSeekTimeUs; MediaPlayer2SeekMode mMode; DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(SeekAction); }; struct NuPlayer2::ResumeDecoderAction : public Action { explicit ResumeDecoderAction(bool needNotify) : mNeedNotify(needNotify) { } virtual void execute(NuPlayer2 *player) { player->performResumeDecoders(mNeedNotify); } private: bool mNeedNotify; DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(ResumeDecoderAction); }; struct NuPlayer2::SetSurfaceAction : public Action { explicit SetSurfaceAction(const sp<ANativeWindowWrapper> &nww) : mNativeWindow(nww) { } virtual void execute(NuPlayer2 *player) { player->performSetSurface(mNativeWindow); } private: sp<ANativeWindowWrapper> mNativeWindow; DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(SetSurfaceAction); }; struct NuPlayer2::FlushDecoderAction : public Action { FlushDecoderAction(FlushCommand audio, FlushCommand video) : mAudio(audio), mVideo(video) { } virtual void execute(NuPlayer2 *player) { player->performDecoderFlush(mAudio, mVideo); } private: FlushCommand mAudio; FlushCommand mVideo; DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(FlushDecoderAction); }; struct NuPlayer2::PostMessageAction : public Action { explicit PostMessageAction(const sp<AMessage> &msg) : mMessage(msg) { } virtual void execute(NuPlayer2 *) { mMessage->post(); } private: sp<AMessage> mMessage; DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(PostMessageAction); }; // Use this if there's no state necessary to save in order to execute // the action. struct NuPlayer2::SimpleAction : public Action { typedef void (NuPlayer2::*ActionFunc)(); explicit SimpleAction(ActionFunc func) : mFunc(func) { } virtual void execute(NuPlayer2 *player) { (player->*mFunc)(); } private: ActionFunc mFunc; DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(SimpleAction); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NuPlayer2::NuPlayer2( pid_t pid, uid_t uid, const sp<MediaClock> &mediaClock, const sp<JObjectHolder> &context) : mPID(pid), mUID(uid), mMediaClock(mediaClock), mOffloadAudio(false), mAudioDecoderGeneration(0), mVideoDecoderGeneration(0), mRendererGeneration(0), mEOSMonitorGeneration(0), mLastStartedPlayingTimeNs(0), mPreviousSeekTimeUs(0), mAudioEOS(false), mVideoEOS(false), mScanSourcesPending(false), mScanSourcesGeneration(0), mPollDurationGeneration(0), mTimedTextGeneration(0), mFlushingAudio(NONE), mFlushingVideo(NONE), mResumePending(false), mVideoScalingMode(NATIVE_WINDOW_SCALING_MODE_SCALE_TO_WINDOW), mPlaybackSettings(AUDIO_PLAYBACK_RATE_DEFAULT), mVideoFpsHint(-1.f), mStarted(false), mPrepared(false), mResetting(false), mSourceStarted(false), mAudioDecoderError(false), mVideoDecoderError(false), mPaused(false), mPausedByClient(true), mPausedForBuffering(false), mContext(context) { CHECK(mediaClock != NULL); clearFlushComplete(); } NuPlayer2::~NuPlayer2() { } void NuPlayer2::setDriver(const wp<NuPlayer2Driver> &driver) { mDriver = driver; } static bool IsHTTPLiveURL(const char *url) { if (!strncasecmp("http://", url, 7) || !strncasecmp("https://", url, 8) || !strncasecmp("file://", url, 7)) { size_t len = strlen(url); if (len >= 5 && !strcasecmp(".m3u8", &url[len - 5])) { return true; } if (strstr(url,"m3u8")) { return true; } } return false; } status_t NuPlayer2::createNuPlayer2Source(const sp<DataSourceDesc> &dsd, sp<Source> *source, DATA_SOURCE_TYPE *dataSourceType) { status_t err = NO_ERROR; sp<AMessage> notify = new AMessage(kWhatSourceNotify, this); notify->setInt64("srcId", dsd->mId); switch (dsd->mType) { case DataSourceDesc::TYPE_URL: { const char *url = dsd->mUrl.c_str(); size_t len = strlen(url); const sp<MediaHTTPService> &httpService = dsd->mHttpService; KeyedVector<String8, String8> *headers = &(dsd->mHeaders); if (IsHTTPLiveURL(url)) { *source = new HTTPLiveSource2(notify, httpService, url, headers); ALOGV("createNuPlayer2Source HTTPLiveSource2 %s", url); *dataSourceType = DATA_SOURCE_TYPE_HTTP_LIVE; } else if (!strncasecmp(url, "rtsp://", 7)) { *source = new RTSPSource2( notify, httpService, url, headers, mUID); ALOGV("createNuPlayer2Source RTSPSource2 %s", url); *dataSourceType = DATA_SOURCE_TYPE_RTSP; } else if ((!strncasecmp(url, "http://", 7) || !strncasecmp(url, "https://", 8)) && ((len >= 4 && !strcasecmp(".sdp", &url[len - 4])) || strstr(url, ".sdp?"))) { *source = new RTSPSource2( notify, httpService, url, headers, mUID, true); ALOGV("createNuPlayer2Source RTSPSource2 http/https/.sdp %s", url); *dataSourceType = DATA_SOURCE_TYPE_RTSP; } else { ALOGV("createNuPlayer2Source GenericSource2 %s", url); sp<GenericSource2> genericSource = new GenericSource2(notify, mUID, mMediaClock); err = genericSource->setDataSource(url, headers); if (err == OK) { *source = genericSource; } else { *source = NULL; ALOGE("Failed to create NuPlayer2Source!"); } // regardless of success/failure *dataSourceType = DATA_SOURCE_TYPE_GENERIC_URL; } break; } case DataSourceDesc::TYPE_FD: { sp<GenericSource2> genericSource = new GenericSource2(notify, mUID, mMediaClock); ALOGV("createNuPlayer2Source fd %d/%lld/%lld source: %p", dsd->mFD, (long long)dsd->mFDOffset, (long long)dsd->mFDLength, genericSource.get()); err = genericSource->setDataSource(dsd->mFD, dsd->mFDOffset, dsd->mFDLength); if (err != OK) { ALOGE("Failed to create NuPlayer2Source!"); *source = NULL; } else { *source = genericSource; } *dataSourceType = DATA_SOURCE_TYPE_GENERIC_FD; break; } case DataSourceDesc::TYPE_CALLBACK: { sp<GenericSource2> genericSource = new GenericSource2(notify, mUID, mMediaClock); err = genericSource->setDataSource(dsd->mCallbackSource); if (err != OK) { ALOGE("Failed to create NuPlayer2Source!"); *source = NULL; } else { *source = genericSource; } *dataSourceType = DATA_SOURCE_TYPE_MEDIA; break; } default: err = BAD_TYPE; *source = NULL; *dataSourceType = DATA_SOURCE_TYPE_NONE; ALOGE("invalid data source type!"); break; } return err; } void NuPlayer2::setDataSourceAsync(const sp<DataSourceDesc> &dsd) { DATA_SOURCE_TYPE dataSourceType; sp<Source> source; createNuPlayer2Source(dsd, &source, &dataSourceType); // TODO: currently NuPlayer2Driver makes blocking call to setDataSourceAsync // and expects notifySetDataSourceCompleted regardless of success or failure. // This will be changed since setDataSource should be asynchronous at JAVA level. // When it succeeds, app will get onInfo notification. Otherwise, onError // will be called. /* if (err != OK) { notifyListener(dsd->mId, MEDIA2_ERROR, MEDIA2_ERROR_FAILED_TO_SET_DATA_SOURCE, err); return; } // Now, source != NULL. */ mCurrentSourceInfo.mDataSourceType = dataSourceType; sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatSetDataSource, this); msg->setObject("source", source); msg->setInt64("srcId", dsd->mId); msg->setInt64("startTimeUs", dsd->mStartPositionMs * 1000); msg->setInt64("endTimeUs", dsd->mEndPositionMs * 1000); msg->post(); } void NuPlayer2::prepareNextDataSourceAsync(const sp<DataSourceDesc> &dsd) { DATA_SOURCE_TYPE dataSourceType; sp<Source> source; createNuPlayer2Source(dsd, &source, &dataSourceType); /* if (err != OK) { notifyListener(dsd->mId, MEDIA2_ERROR, MEDIA2_ERROR_FAILED_TO_SET_DATA_SOURCE, err); return; } // Now, source != NULL. */ mNextSourceInfo.mDataSourceType = dataSourceType; sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatPrepareNextDataSource, this); msg->setObject("source", source); msg->setInt64("srcId", dsd->mId); msg->setInt64("startTimeUs", dsd->mStartPositionMs * 1000); msg->setInt64("endTimeUs", dsd->mEndPositionMs * 1000); msg->post(); } void NuPlayer2::playNextDataSource(int64_t srcId) { disconnectSource(); sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatPlayNextDataSource, this); msg->setInt64("srcId", srcId); msg->post(); } status_t NuPlayer2::getBufferingSettings( BufferingSettings *buffering /* nonnull */) { sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatGetBufferingSettings, this); sp<AMessage> response; status_t err = msg->postAndAwaitResponse(&response); if (err == OK && response != NULL) { CHECK(response->findInt32("err", &err)); if (err == OK) { readFromAMessage(response, buffering); } } return err; } status_t NuPlayer2::setBufferingSettings(const BufferingSettings& buffering) { sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatSetBufferingSettings, this); writeToAMessage(msg, buffering); sp<AMessage> response; status_t err = msg->postAndAwaitResponse(&response); if (err == OK && response != NULL) { CHECK(response->findInt32("err", &err)); } return err; } void NuPlayer2::prepareAsync() { ALOGV("prepareAsync"); (new AMessage(kWhatPrepare, this))->post(); } void NuPlayer2::setVideoSurfaceTextureAsync(const sp<ANativeWindowWrapper> &nww) { sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatSetVideoSurface, this); if (nww == NULL || nww->getANativeWindow() == NULL) { msg->setObject("surface", NULL); } else { msg->setObject("surface", nww); } msg->post(); } void NuPlayer2::setAudioSink(const sp<MediaPlayer2Interface::AudioSink> &sink) { sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatSetAudioSink, this); msg->setObject("sink", sink); msg->post(); } void NuPlayer2::start() { (new AMessage(kWhatStart, this))->post(); } status_t NuPlayer2::setPlaybackSettings(const AudioPlaybackRate &rate) { // do some cursory validation of the settings here. audio modes are // only validated when set on the audiosink. if (rate.mSpeed < AUDIO_TIMESTRETCH_SPEED_MIN || rate.mSpeed > AUDIO_TIMESTRETCH_SPEED_MAX || rate.mPitch < AUDIO_TIMESTRETCH_SPEED_MIN || rate.mPitch > AUDIO_TIMESTRETCH_SPEED_MAX) { return BAD_VALUE; } sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatConfigPlayback, this); writeToAMessage(msg, rate); sp<AMessage> response; status_t err = msg->postAndAwaitResponse(&response); if (err == OK && response != NULL) { CHECK(response->findInt32("err", &err)); } return err; } status_t NuPlayer2::getPlaybackSettings(AudioPlaybackRate *rate /* nonnull */) { sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatGetPlaybackSettings, this); sp<AMessage> response; status_t err = msg->postAndAwaitResponse(&response); if (err == OK && response != NULL) { CHECK(response->findInt32("err", &err)); if (err == OK) { readFromAMessage(response, rate); } } return err; } status_t NuPlayer2::setSyncSettings(const AVSyncSettings &sync, float videoFpsHint) { sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatConfigSync, this); writeToAMessage(msg, sync, videoFpsHint); sp<AMessage> response; status_t err = msg->postAndAwaitResponse(&response); if (err == OK && response != NULL) { CHECK(response->findInt32("err", &err)); } return err; } status_t NuPlayer2::getSyncSettings( AVSyncSettings *sync /* nonnull */, float *videoFps /* nonnull */) { sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatGetSyncSettings, this); sp<AMessage> response; status_t err = msg->postAndAwaitResponse(&response); if (err == OK && response != NULL) { CHECK(response->findInt32("err", &err)); if (err == OK) { readFromAMessage(response, sync, videoFps); } } return err; } void NuPlayer2::pause() { (new AMessage(kWhatPause, this))->post(); } void NuPlayer2::resetAsync() { disconnectSource(); (new AMessage(kWhatReset, this))->post(); } void NuPlayer2::disconnectSource() { sp<Source> source; { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mSourceLock); source = mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource; } if (source != NULL) { // During a reset, the data source might be unresponsive already, we need to // disconnect explicitly so that reads exit promptly. // We can't queue the disconnect request to the looper, as it might be // queued behind a stuck read and never gets processed. // Doing a disconnect outside the looper to allows the pending reads to exit // (either successfully or with error). source->disconnect(); } } status_t NuPlayer2::notifyAt(int64_t mediaTimeUs) { sp<AMessage> notify = new AMessage(kWhatNotifyTime, this); notify->setInt64("timerUs", mediaTimeUs); mMediaClock->addTimer(notify, mediaTimeUs); return OK; } void NuPlayer2::seekToAsync(int64_t seekTimeUs, MediaPlayer2SeekMode mode, bool needNotify) { sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatSeek, this); msg->setInt64("seekTimeUs", seekTimeUs); msg->setInt32("mode", mode); msg->setInt32("needNotify", needNotify); msg->post(); } void NuPlayer2::rewind() { sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatRewind, this); msg->post(); } void NuPlayer2::writeTrackInfo( PlayerMessage* reply, const sp<AMessage>& format) const { if (format == NULL) { ALOGE("NULL format"); return; } int32_t trackType; if (!format->findInt32("type", &trackType)) { ALOGE("no track type"); return; } AString mime; if (!format->findString("mime", &mime)) { // Java MediaPlayer only uses mimetype for subtitle and timedtext tracks. // If we can't find the mimetype here it means that we wouldn't be needing // the mimetype on the Java end. We still write a placeholder mime to keep the // (de)serialization logic simple. if (trackType == MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_AUDIO) { mime = "audio/"; } else if (trackType == MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO) { mime = "video/"; } else { ALOGE("unknown track type: %d", trackType); return; } } AString lang; if (!format->findString("language", &lang)) { ALOGE("no language"); return; } reply->add_values()->set_int32_value(trackType); reply->add_values()->set_string_value(mime.c_str()); reply->add_values()->set_string_value(lang.c_str()); if (trackType == MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_SUBTITLE) { int32_t isAuto, isDefault, isForced; CHECK(format->findInt32("auto", &isAuto)); CHECK(format->findInt32("default", &isDefault)); CHECK(format->findInt32("forced", &isForced)); reply->add_values()->set_int32_value(isAuto); reply->add_values()->set_int32_value(isDefault); reply->add_values()->set_int32_value(isForced); } } void NuPlayer2::onMessageReceived(const sp<AMessage> &msg) { switch (msg->what()) { case kWhatSetDataSource: { ALOGV("kWhatSetDataSource"); CHECK(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource == NULL); status_t err = OK; sp<RefBase> obj; CHECK(msg->findObject("source", &obj)); if (obj != NULL) { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mSourceLock); CHECK(msg->findInt64("srcId", &mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId)); CHECK(msg->findInt64("startTimeUs", &mCurrentSourceInfo.mStartTimeUs)); CHECK(msg->findInt64("endTimeUs", &mCurrentSourceInfo.mEndTimeUs)); mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource = static_cast<Source *>(obj.get()); } else { err = UNKNOWN_ERROR; ALOGE("kWhatSetDataSource, source should not be NULL"); } CHECK(mDriver != NULL); sp<NuPlayer2Driver> driver = mDriver.promote(); if (driver != NULL) { driver->notifySetDataSourceCompleted(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, err); } break; } case kWhatPrepareNextDataSource: { ALOGV("kWhatPrepareNextDataSource"); status_t err = OK; sp<RefBase> obj; CHECK(msg->findObject("source", &obj)); if (obj != NULL) { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mSourceLock); CHECK(msg->findInt64("srcId", &mNextSourceInfo.mSrcId)); CHECK(msg->findInt64("startTimeUs", &mNextSourceInfo.mStartTimeUs)); CHECK(msg->findInt64("endTimeUs", &mNextSourceInfo.mEndTimeUs)); mNextSourceInfo.mSource = static_cast<Source *>(obj.get()); mNextSourceInfo.mSource->prepareAsync(mNextSourceInfo.mStartTimeUs); } else { err = UNKNOWN_ERROR; } break; } case kWhatPlayNextDataSource: { ALOGV("kWhatPlayNextDataSource"); int64_t srcId; CHECK(msg->findInt64("srcId", &srcId)); if (srcId != mNextSourceInfo.mSrcId) { notifyListener(srcId, MEDIA2_ERROR, MEDIA2_ERROR_UNKNOWN, 0); return; } mResetting = true; stopPlaybackTimer("kWhatPlayNextDataSource"); stopRebufferingTimer(true); mDeferredActions.push_back( new FlushDecoderAction( FLUSH_CMD_SHUTDOWN /* audio */, FLUSH_CMD_SHUTDOWN /* video */)); mDeferredActions.push_back( new SimpleAction(&NuPlayer2::performPlayNextDataSource)); processDeferredActions(); break; } case kWhatEOSMonitor: { int32_t generation; CHECK(msg->findInt32("generation", &generation)); int32_t reason; CHECK(msg->findInt32("reason", &reason)); if (generation != mEOSMonitorGeneration || reason != MediaClock::TIMER_REASON_REACHED) { break; // stale or reset } ALOGV("kWhatEOSMonitor"); notifyListener(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_PLAYBACK_COMPLETE, 0, 0); break; } case kWhatGetBufferingSettings: { sp<AReplyToken> replyID; CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID)); ALOGV("kWhatGetBufferingSettings"); BufferingSettings buffering; status_t err = OK; if (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource != NULL) { err = mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getBufferingSettings(&buffering); } else { err = INVALID_OPERATION; } sp<AMessage> response = new AMessage; if (err == OK) { writeToAMessage(response, buffering); } response->setInt32("err", err); response->postReply(replyID); break; } case kWhatSetBufferingSettings: { sp<AReplyToken> replyID; CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID)); ALOGV("kWhatSetBufferingSettings"); BufferingSettings buffering; readFromAMessage(msg, &buffering); status_t err = OK; if (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource != NULL) { err = mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->setBufferingSettings(buffering); } else { err = INVALID_OPERATION; } sp<AMessage> response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", err); response->postReply(replyID); break; } case kWhatPrepare: { ALOGV("onMessageReceived kWhatPrepare"); mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->prepareAsync(mCurrentSourceInfo.mStartTimeUs); break; } case kWhatGetTrackInfo: { sp<AReplyToken> replyID; CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID)); int64_t srcId; CHECK(msg->findInt64("srcId", (int64_t*)&srcId)); PlayerMessage* reply; CHECK(msg->findPointer("reply", (void**)&reply)); // TODO: use correct source info based on srcId. size_t inbandTracks = 0; if (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource != NULL) { inbandTracks = mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getTrackCount(); } size_t ccTracks = 0; if (mCCDecoder != NULL) { ccTracks = mCCDecoder->getTrackCount(); } // total track count reply->add_values()->set_int32_value(inbandTracks + ccTracks); // write inband tracks for (size_t i = 0; i < inbandTracks; ++i) { writeTrackInfo(reply, mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getTrackInfo(i)); } // write CC track for (size_t i = 0; i < ccTracks; ++i) { writeTrackInfo(reply, mCCDecoder->getTrackInfo(i)); } sp<AMessage> response = new AMessage; response->postReply(replyID); break; } case kWhatGetSelectedTrack: { int64_t srcId; CHECK(msg->findInt64("srcId", (int64_t*)&srcId)); int32_t type32; CHECK(msg->findInt32("type", (int32_t*)&type32)); media_track_type type = (media_track_type)type32; // TODO: use correct source info based on srcId. size_t inbandTracks = 0; status_t err = INVALID_OPERATION; ssize_t selectedTrack = -1; if (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource != NULL) { err = OK; inbandTracks = mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getTrackCount(); selectedTrack = mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getSelectedTrack(type); } if (selectedTrack == -1 && mCCDecoder != NULL) { err = OK; selectedTrack = mCCDecoder->getSelectedTrack(type); if (selectedTrack != -1) { selectedTrack += inbandTracks; } } PlayerMessage* reply; CHECK(msg->findPointer("reply", (void**)&reply)); reply->add_values()->set_int32_value(selectedTrack); sp<AMessage> response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", err); sp<AReplyToken> replyID; CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID)); response->postReply(replyID); break; } case kWhatSelectTrack: { sp<AReplyToken> replyID; CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID)); int64_t srcId; size_t trackIndex; int32_t select; int64_t timeUs; CHECK(msg->findInt64("srcId", (int64_t*)&srcId)); CHECK(msg->findSize("trackIndex", &trackIndex)); CHECK(msg->findInt32("select", &select)); CHECK(msg->findInt64("timeUs", &timeUs)); status_t err = INVALID_OPERATION; // TODO: use correct source info based on srcId. size_t inbandTracks = 0; if (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource != NULL) { inbandTracks = mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getTrackCount(); } size_t ccTracks = 0; if (mCCDecoder != NULL) { ccTracks = mCCDecoder->getTrackCount(); } if (trackIndex < inbandTracks) { err = mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->selectTrack(trackIndex, select, timeUs); if (!select && err == OK) { int32_t type; sp<AMessage> info = mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getTrackInfo(trackIndex); if (info != NULL && info->findInt32("type", &type) && type == MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_TIMEDTEXT) { ++mTimedTextGeneration; } } } else { trackIndex -= inbandTracks; if (trackIndex < ccTracks) { err = mCCDecoder->selectTrack(trackIndex, select); } } sp<AMessage> response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", err); response->postReply(replyID); break; } case kWhatPollDuration: { int32_t generation; CHECK(msg->findInt32("generation", &generation)); if (generation != mPollDurationGeneration) { // stale break; } int64_t durationUs; if (mDriver != NULL && mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getDuration(&durationUs) == OK) { sp<NuPlayer2Driver> driver = mDriver.promote(); if (driver != NULL) { driver->notifyDuration(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, durationUs); } } msg->post(1000000LL); // poll again in a second. break; } case kWhatSetVideoSurface: { sp<RefBase> obj; CHECK(msg->findObject("surface", &obj)); sp<ANativeWindowWrapper> nww = static_cast<ANativeWindowWrapper *>(obj.get()); ALOGD("onSetVideoSurface(%p, %s video decoder)", (nww == NULL ? NULL : nww->getANativeWindow()), (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource != NULL && mStarted && mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getFormat(false /* audio */) != NULL && mVideoDecoder != NULL) ? "have" : "no"); // Need to check mStarted before calling mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getFormat // because NuPlayer2 might be in preparing state and it could take long time. // When mStarted is true, mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource must have been set. if (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource == NULL || !mStarted || mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getFormat(false /* audio */) == NULL // NOTE: mVideoDecoder's mNativeWindow is always non-null || (mVideoDecoder != NULL && mVideoDecoder->setVideoSurface(nww) == OK)) { performSetSurface(nww); break; } mDeferredActions.push_back( new FlushDecoderAction( (obj != NULL ? FLUSH_CMD_FLUSH : FLUSH_CMD_NONE) /* audio */, FLUSH_CMD_SHUTDOWN /* video */)); mDeferredActions.push_back(new SetSurfaceAction(nww)); if (obj != NULL) { if (mStarted) { // Issue a seek to refresh the video screen only if started otherwise // the extractor may not yet be started and will assert. // If the video decoder is not set (perhaps audio only in this case) // do not perform a seek as it is not needed. int64_t currentPositionUs = 0; if (getCurrentPosition(¤tPositionUs) == OK) { mDeferredActions.push_back( new SeekAction(currentPositionUs, MediaPlayer2SeekMode::SEEK_PREVIOUS_SYNC /* mode */)); } } // If there is a new surface texture, instantiate decoders // again if possible. mDeferredActions.push_back( new SimpleAction(&NuPlayer2::performScanSources)); // After a flush without shutdown, decoder is paused. // Don't resume it until source seek is done, otherwise it could // start pulling stale data too soon. mDeferredActions.push_back( new ResumeDecoderAction(false /* needNotify */)); } processDeferredActions(); break; } case kWhatSetAudioSink: { ALOGV("kWhatSetAudioSink"); sp<RefBase> obj; CHECK(msg->findObject("sink", &obj)); mAudioSink = static_cast<MediaPlayer2Interface::AudioSink *>(obj.get()); break; } case kWhatStart: { ALOGV("kWhatStart"); if (mStarted) { // do not resume yet if the source is still buffering if (!mPausedForBuffering) { onResume(); } } else { onStart(true /* play */); } mPausedByClient = false; notifyListener(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_STARTED, 0, 0); break; } case kWhatConfigPlayback: { sp<AReplyToken> replyID; CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID)); AudioPlaybackRate rate /* sanitized */; readFromAMessage(msg, &rate); status_t err = OK; if (mRenderer != NULL) { // AudioSink allows only 1.f and 0.f for offload mode. // For other speed, switch to non-offload mode. if (mOffloadAudio && (rate.mSpeed != 1.f || rate.mPitch != 1.f)) { int64_t currentPositionUs; if (getCurrentPosition(¤tPositionUs) != OK) { currentPositionUs = mPreviousSeekTimeUs; } // Set mPlaybackSettings so that the new audio decoder can // be created correctly. mPlaybackSettings = rate; if (!mPaused) { mRenderer->pause(); } restartAudio( currentPositionUs, true /* forceNonOffload */, true /* needsToCreateAudioDecoder */); if (!mPaused) { mRenderer->resume(); } } err = mRenderer->setPlaybackSettings(rate); } if (err == OK) { mPlaybackSettings = rate; if (mVideoDecoder != NULL) { sp<AMessage> params = new AMessage(); params->setFloat("playback-speed", mPlaybackSettings.mSpeed); mVideoDecoder->setParameters(params); } } sp<AMessage> response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", err); response->postReply(replyID); break; } case kWhatGetPlaybackSettings: { sp<AReplyToken> replyID; CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID)); AudioPlaybackRate rate = mPlaybackSettings; status_t err = OK; if (mRenderer != NULL) { err = mRenderer->getPlaybackSettings(&rate); } if (err == OK) { // get playback settings used by renderer, as it may be // slightly off due to audiosink not taking small changes. mPlaybackSettings = rate; } sp<AMessage> response = new AMessage; if (err == OK) { writeToAMessage(response, rate); } response->setInt32("err", err); response->postReply(replyID); break; } case kWhatConfigSync: { sp<AReplyToken> replyID; CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID)); ALOGV("kWhatConfigSync"); AVSyncSettings sync; float videoFpsHint; readFromAMessage(msg, &sync, &videoFpsHint); status_t err = OK; if (mRenderer != NULL) { err = mRenderer->setSyncSettings(sync, videoFpsHint); } if (err == OK) { mSyncSettings = sync; mVideoFpsHint = videoFpsHint; } sp<AMessage> response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("err", err); response->postReply(replyID); break; } case kWhatGetSyncSettings: { sp<AReplyToken> replyID; CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID)); AVSyncSettings sync = mSyncSettings; float videoFps = mVideoFpsHint; status_t err = OK; if (mRenderer != NULL) { err = mRenderer->getSyncSettings(&sync, &videoFps); if (err == OK) { mSyncSettings = sync; mVideoFpsHint = videoFps; } } sp<AMessage> response = new AMessage; if (err == OK) { writeToAMessage(response, sync, videoFps); } response->setInt32("err", err); response->postReply(replyID); break; } case kWhatScanSources: { int32_t generation; CHECK(msg->findInt32("generation", &generation)); if (generation != mScanSourcesGeneration) { // Drop obsolete msg. break; } mScanSourcesPending = false; ALOGV("scanning sources haveAudio=%d, haveVideo=%d", mAudioDecoder != NULL, mVideoDecoder != NULL); bool mHadAnySourcesBefore = (mAudioDecoder != NULL) || (mVideoDecoder != NULL); bool rescan = false; // initialize video before audio because successful initialization of // video may change deep buffer mode of audio. if (mNativeWindow != NULL && mNativeWindow->getANativeWindow() != NULL) { if (instantiateDecoder(false, &mVideoDecoder) == -EWOULDBLOCK) { rescan = true; } } // Don't try to re-open audio sink if there's an existing decoder. if (mAudioSink != NULL && mAudioDecoder == NULL) { if (instantiateDecoder(true, &mAudioDecoder) == -EWOULDBLOCK) { rescan = true; } } if (!mHadAnySourcesBefore && (mAudioDecoder != NULL || mVideoDecoder != NULL)) { // This is the first time we've found anything playable. if (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSourceFlags & Source::FLAG_DYNAMIC_DURATION) { schedulePollDuration(); } } status_t err; if ((err = mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->feedMoreTSData()) != OK) { if (mAudioDecoder == NULL && mVideoDecoder == NULL) { // We're not currently decoding anything (no audio or // video tracks found) and we just ran out of input data. if (err == ERROR_END_OF_STREAM) { notifyListener(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_PLAYBACK_COMPLETE, 0, 0); } else { notifyListener( mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_ERROR, MEDIA2_ERROR_UNKNOWN, err); } } break; } if (rescan) { msg->post(100000LL); mScanSourcesPending = true; } break; } case kWhatVideoNotify: case kWhatAudioNotify: { bool audio = msg->what() == kWhatAudioNotify; int32_t currentDecoderGeneration = (audio? mAudioDecoderGeneration : mVideoDecoderGeneration); int32_t requesterGeneration = currentDecoderGeneration - 1; CHECK(msg->findInt32("generation", &requesterGeneration)); if (requesterGeneration != currentDecoderGeneration) { ALOGV("got message from old %s decoder, generation(%d:%d)", audio ? "audio" : "video", requesterGeneration, currentDecoderGeneration); sp<AMessage> reply; if (!(msg->findMessage("reply", &reply))) { return; } reply->setInt32("err", INFO_DISCONTINUITY); reply->post(); return; } int32_t what; CHECK(msg->findInt32("what", &what)); if (what == DecoderBase::kWhatInputDiscontinuity) { int32_t formatChange; CHECK(msg->findInt32("formatChange", &formatChange)); ALOGV("%s discontinuity: formatChange %d", audio ? "audio" : "video", formatChange); if (formatChange) { mDeferredActions.push_back( new FlushDecoderAction( audio ? FLUSH_CMD_SHUTDOWN : FLUSH_CMD_NONE, audio ? FLUSH_CMD_NONE : FLUSH_CMD_SHUTDOWN)); } mDeferredActions.push_back( new SimpleAction( &NuPlayer2::performScanSources)); processDeferredActions(); } else if (what == DecoderBase::kWhatEOS) { int32_t err; CHECK(msg->findInt32("err", &err)); if (err == ERROR_END_OF_STREAM) { ALOGV("got %s decoder EOS", audio ? "audio" : "video"); } else { ALOGV("got %s decoder EOS w/ error %d", audio ? "audio" : "video", err); } mRenderer->queueEOS(audio, err); } else if (what == DecoderBase::kWhatFlushCompleted) { ALOGV("decoder %s flush completed", audio ? "audio" : "video"); handleFlushComplete(audio, true /* isDecoder */); finishFlushIfPossible(); } else if (what == DecoderBase::kWhatVideoSizeChanged) { sp<AMessage> format; CHECK(msg->findMessage("format", &format)); sp<AMessage> inputFormat = mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getFormat(false /* audio */); setVideoScalingMode(mVideoScalingMode); updateVideoSize(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, inputFormat, format); } else if (what == DecoderBase::kWhatShutdownCompleted) { ALOGV("%s shutdown completed", audio ? "audio" : "video"); if (audio) { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mDecoderLock); mAudioDecoder.clear(); mAudioDecoderError = false; ++mAudioDecoderGeneration; CHECK_EQ((int)mFlushingAudio, (int)SHUTTING_DOWN_DECODER); mFlushingAudio = SHUT_DOWN; } else { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mDecoderLock); mVideoDecoder.clear(); mVideoDecoderError = false; ++mVideoDecoderGeneration; CHECK_EQ((int)mFlushingVideo, (int)SHUTTING_DOWN_DECODER); mFlushingVideo = SHUT_DOWN; } finishFlushIfPossible(); } else if (what == DecoderBase::kWhatResumeCompleted) { finishResume(); } else if (what == DecoderBase::kWhatError) { status_t err; if (!msg->findInt32("err", &err) || err == OK) { err = UNKNOWN_ERROR; } // Decoder errors can be due to Source (e.g. from streaming), // or from decoding corrupted bitstreams, or from other decoder // MediaCodec operations (e.g. from an ongoing reset or seek). // They may also be due to openAudioSink failure at // decoder start or after a format change. // // We try to gracefully shut down the affected decoder if possible, // rather than trying to force the shutdown with something // similar to performReset(). This method can lead to a hang // if MediaCodec functions block after an error, but they should // typically return INVALID_OPERATION instead of blocking. FlushStatus *flushing = audio ? &mFlushingAudio : &mFlushingVideo; ALOGE("received error(%#x) from %s decoder, flushing(%d), now shutting down", err, audio ? "audio" : "video", *flushing); switch (*flushing) { case NONE: mDeferredActions.push_back( new FlushDecoderAction( audio ? FLUSH_CMD_SHUTDOWN : FLUSH_CMD_NONE, audio ? FLUSH_CMD_NONE : FLUSH_CMD_SHUTDOWN)); processDeferredActions(); break; case FLUSHING_DECODER: *flushing = FLUSHING_DECODER_SHUTDOWN; // initiate shutdown after flush. break; // Wait for flush to complete. case FLUSHING_DECODER_SHUTDOWN: break; // Wait for flush to complete. case SHUTTING_DOWN_DECODER: break; // Wait for shutdown to complete. case FLUSHED: getDecoder(audio)->initiateShutdown(); // In the middle of a seek. *flushing = SHUTTING_DOWN_DECODER; // Shut down. break; case SHUT_DOWN: finishFlushIfPossible(); // Should not occur. break; // Finish anyways. } if (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource != nullptr) { if (audio) { if (mVideoDecoderError || mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getFormat(false /* audio */) == NULL || mNativeWindow == NULL || mNativeWindow->getANativeWindow() == NULL || mVideoDecoder == NULL) { // When both audio and video have error, or this stream has only audio // which has error, notify client of error. notifyListener( mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_ERROR, MEDIA2_ERROR_UNKNOWN, err); } else { // Only audio track has error. Video track could be still good to play. notifyListener( mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_INFO, MEDIA2_INFO_PLAY_AUDIO_ERROR, err); } mAudioDecoderError = true; } else { if (mAudioDecoderError || mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getFormat(true /* audio */) == NULL || mAudioSink == NULL || mAudioDecoder == NULL) { // When both audio and video have error, or this stream has only video // which has error, notify client of error. notifyListener( mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_ERROR, MEDIA2_ERROR_UNKNOWN, err); } else { // Only video track has error. Audio track could be still good to play. notifyListener( mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_INFO, MEDIA2_INFO_PLAY_VIDEO_ERROR, err); } mVideoDecoderError = true; } } } else { ALOGV("Unhandled decoder notification %d '%c%c%c%c'.", what, what >> 24, (what >> 16) & 0xff, (what >> 8) & 0xff, what & 0xff); } break; } case kWhatRendererNotify: { int32_t requesterGeneration = mRendererGeneration - 1; CHECK(msg->findInt32("generation", &requesterGeneration)); if (requesterGeneration != mRendererGeneration) { ALOGV("got message from old renderer, generation(%d:%d)", requesterGeneration, mRendererGeneration); return; } int32_t what; CHECK(msg->findInt32("what", &what)); if (what == Renderer::kWhatEOS) { int32_t audio; CHECK(msg->findInt32("audio", &audio)); int32_t finalResult; CHECK(msg->findInt32("finalResult", &finalResult)); if (audio) { mAudioEOS = true; } else { mVideoEOS = true; } if (finalResult == ERROR_END_OF_STREAM) { ALOGV("reached %s EOS", audio ? "audio" : "video"); } else { ALOGE("%s track encountered an error (%d)", audio ? "audio" : "video", finalResult); notifyListener( mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_ERROR, MEDIA2_ERROR_UNKNOWN, finalResult); } if ((mAudioEOS || mAudioDecoder == NULL) && (mVideoEOS || mVideoDecoder == NULL)) { notifyListener(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_PLAYBACK_COMPLETE, 0, 0); } } else if (what == Renderer::kWhatFlushComplete) { int32_t audio; CHECK(msg->findInt32("audio", &audio)); if (audio) { mAudioEOS = false; } else { mVideoEOS = false; } ALOGV("renderer %s flush completed.", audio ? "audio" : "video"); if (audio && (mFlushingAudio == NONE || mFlushingAudio == FLUSHED || mFlushingAudio == SHUT_DOWN)) { // Flush has been handled by tear down. break; } handleFlushComplete(audio, false /* isDecoder */); finishFlushIfPossible(); } else if (what == Renderer::kWhatVideoRenderingStart) { notifyListener(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_INFO, MEDIA2_INFO_VIDEO_RENDERING_START, 0); } else if (what == Renderer::kWhatMediaRenderingStart) { ALOGV("media rendering started"); notifyListener(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_STARTED, 0, 0); } else if (what == Renderer::kWhatAudioTearDown) { int32_t reason; CHECK(msg->findInt32("reason", &reason)); ALOGV("Tear down audio with reason %d.", reason); if (reason == Renderer::kDueToTimeout && !(mPaused && mOffloadAudio)) { // TimeoutWhenPaused is only for offload mode. ALOGW("Receive a stale message for teardown."); break; } int64_t positionUs; if (!msg->findInt64("positionUs", &positionUs)) { positionUs = mPreviousSeekTimeUs; } restartAudio( positionUs, reason == Renderer::kForceNonOffload /* forceNonOffload */, reason != Renderer::kDueToTimeout /* needsToCreateAudioDecoder */); } break; } case kWhatMoreDataQueued: { break; } case kWhatReset: { ALOGV("kWhatReset"); mResetting = true; stopPlaybackTimer("kWhatReset"); stopRebufferingTimer(true); mDeferredActions.push_back( new FlushDecoderAction( FLUSH_CMD_SHUTDOWN /* audio */, FLUSH_CMD_SHUTDOWN /* video */)); mDeferredActions.push_back( new SimpleAction(&NuPlayer2::performReset)); processDeferredActions(); break; } case kWhatNotifyTime: { ALOGV("kWhatNotifyTime"); int64_t timerUs; CHECK(msg->findInt64("timerUs", &timerUs)); notifyListener(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_NOTIFY_TIME, timerUs, 0); break; } case kWhatSeek: { int64_t seekTimeUs; int32_t mode; int32_t needNotify; CHECK(msg->findInt64("seekTimeUs", &seekTimeUs)); CHECK(msg->findInt32("mode", &mode)); CHECK(msg->findInt32("needNotify", &needNotify)); ALOGV("kWhatSeek seekTimeUs=%lld us, mode=%d, needNotify=%d", (long long)seekTimeUs, mode, needNotify); if (!mStarted) { if (!mSourceStarted) { mSourceStarted = true; mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->start(); } if (seekTimeUs > 0) { performSeek(seekTimeUs, (MediaPlayer2SeekMode)mode); } if (needNotify) { notifyDriverSeekComplete(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId); } break; } // seeks can take a while, so we essentially paused notifyListener(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_PAUSED, 0, 0); mDeferredActions.push_back( new FlushDecoderAction(FLUSH_CMD_FLUSH /* audio */, FLUSH_CMD_FLUSH /* video */)); mDeferredActions.push_back( new SeekAction(seekTimeUs, (MediaPlayer2SeekMode)mode)); // After a flush without shutdown, decoder is paused. // Don't resume it until source seek is done, otherwise it could // start pulling stale data too soon. mDeferredActions.push_back( new ResumeDecoderAction(needNotify)); processDeferredActions(); break; } case kWhatRewind: { ALOGV("kWhatRewind"); int64_t seekTimeUs = mCurrentSourceInfo.mStartTimeUs; int32_t mode = MediaPlayer2SeekMode::SEEK_CLOSEST; if (!mStarted) { if (!mSourceStarted) { mSourceStarted = true; mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->start(); } performSeek(seekTimeUs, (MediaPlayer2SeekMode)mode); break; } // seeks can take a while, so we essentially paused notifyListener(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_PAUSED, 0, 0); mDeferredActions.push_back( new FlushDecoderAction(FLUSH_CMD_FLUSH /* audio */, FLUSH_CMD_FLUSH /* video */)); mDeferredActions.push_back( new SeekAction(seekTimeUs, (MediaPlayer2SeekMode)mode)); // After a flush without shutdown, decoder is paused. // Don't resume it until source seek is done, otherwise it could // start pulling stale data too soon. mDeferredActions.push_back( new ResumeDecoderAction(false /* needNotify */)); processDeferredActions(); break; } case kWhatPause: { if (!mStarted) { onStart(false /* play */); } onPause(); notifyListener(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_PAUSED, 0, 0); mPausedByClient = true; break; } case kWhatSourceNotify: { onSourceNotify(msg); break; } case kWhatClosedCaptionNotify: { onClosedCaptionNotify(msg); break; } case kWhatPrepareDrm: { status_t status = onPrepareDrm(msg); sp<AMessage> response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("status", status); sp<AReplyToken> replyID; CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID)); response->postReply(replyID); break; } case kWhatReleaseDrm: { status_t status = onReleaseDrm(msg); sp<AMessage> response = new AMessage; response->setInt32("status", status); sp<AReplyToken> replyID; CHECK(msg->senderAwaitsResponse(&replyID)); response->postReply(replyID); break; } default: TRESPASS(); break; } } void NuPlayer2::onResume() { if (!mPaused || mResetting) { ALOGD_IF(mResetting, "resetting, onResume discarded"); return; } mPaused = false; if (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource != NULL) { mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->resume(); } else { ALOGW("resume called when source is gone or not set"); } // |mAudioDecoder| may have been released due to the pause timeout, so re-create it if // needed. if (audioDecoderStillNeeded() && mAudioDecoder == NULL) { instantiateDecoder(true /* audio */, &mAudioDecoder); } if (mRenderer != NULL) { mRenderer->resume(); } else { ALOGW("resume called when renderer is gone or not set"); } startPlaybackTimer("onresume"); } void NuPlayer2::onStart(bool play) { ALOGV("onStart: mCrypto: %p", mCurrentSourceInfo.mCrypto.get()); if (!mSourceStarted) { mSourceStarted = true; mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->start(); } mOffloadAudio = false; mAudioEOS = false; mVideoEOS = false; mStarted = true; mPaused = false; uint32_t flags = 0; if (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->isRealTime()) { flags |= Renderer::FLAG_REAL_TIME; } bool hasAudio = (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getFormat(true /* audio */) != NULL); bool hasVideo = (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getFormat(false /* audio */) != NULL); if (!hasAudio && !hasVideo) { ALOGE("no metadata for either audio or video source"); mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->stop(); mSourceStarted = false; notifyListener(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_ERROR, MEDIA2_ERROR_UNKNOWN, ERROR_MALFORMED); return; } ALOGV_IF(!hasAudio, "no metadata for audio source"); // video only stream sp<MetaData> audioMeta = mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getFormatMeta(true /* audio */); audio_stream_type_t streamType = AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC; if (mAudioSink != NULL) { streamType = mAudioSink->getAudioStreamType(); } mOffloadAudio = JMediaPlayer2Utils::isOffloadedAudioPlaybackSupported( audioMeta, hasVideo, mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->isStreaming(), streamType) && (mPlaybackSettings.mSpeed == 1.f && mPlaybackSettings.mPitch == 1.f); // Modular DRM: Disabling audio offload if the source is protected if (mOffloadAudio && mCurrentSourceInfo.mIsDrmProtected) { mOffloadAudio = false; ALOGV("onStart: Disabling mOffloadAudio now that the source is protected."); } if (mOffloadAudio) { flags |= Renderer::FLAG_OFFLOAD_AUDIO; } sp<AMessage> notify = new AMessage(kWhatRendererNotify, this); ++mRendererGeneration; notify->setInt32("generation", mRendererGeneration); mRenderer = new Renderer(mAudioSink, mMediaClock, notify, mContext, flags); mRendererLooper = new ALooper; mRendererLooper->setName("NuPlayer2Renderer"); mRendererLooper->start(false, true, ANDROID_PRIORITY_AUDIO); mRendererLooper->registerHandler(mRenderer); status_t err = mRenderer->setPlaybackSettings(mPlaybackSettings); if (err != OK) { mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->stop(); mSourceStarted = false; notifyListener(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_ERROR, MEDIA2_ERROR_UNKNOWN, err); return; } float rate = getFrameRate(); if (rate > 0) { mRenderer->setVideoFrameRate(rate); } addEndTimeMonitor(); // Renderer is created in paused state. if (play) { mRenderer->resume(); } if (mVideoDecoder != NULL) { mVideoDecoder->setRenderer(mRenderer); } if (mAudioDecoder != NULL) { mAudioDecoder->setRenderer(mRenderer); } startPlaybackTimer("onstart"); notifyListener(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_INFO, MEDIA2_INFO_DATA_SOURCE_START, 0); postScanSources(); } void NuPlayer2::addEndTimeMonitor() { ++mEOSMonitorGeneration; if (mCurrentSourceInfo.mEndTimeUs == DataSourceDesc::kMaxTimeUs) { return; } sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatEOSMonitor, this); msg->setInt32("generation", mEOSMonitorGeneration); mMediaClock->addTimer(msg, mCurrentSourceInfo.mEndTimeUs); } void NuPlayer2::startPlaybackTimer(const char *where) { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mPlayingTimeLock); if (mLastStartedPlayingTimeNs == 0) { mLastStartedPlayingTimeNs = systemTime(); ALOGV("startPlaybackTimer() time %20" PRId64 " (%s)", mLastStartedPlayingTimeNs, where); } } void NuPlayer2::stopPlaybackTimer(const char *where) { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mPlayingTimeLock); ALOGV("stopPlaybackTimer() time %20" PRId64 " (%s)", mLastStartedPlayingTimeNs, where); if (mLastStartedPlayingTimeNs != 0) { sp<NuPlayer2Driver> driver = mDriver.promote(); if (driver != NULL) { int64_t now = systemTime(); int64_t played = now - mLastStartedPlayingTimeNs; ALOGV("stopPlaybackTimer() log %20" PRId64 "", played); if (played > 0) { driver->notifyMorePlayingTimeUs(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, (played+500)/1000); } } mLastStartedPlayingTimeNs = 0; } } void NuPlayer2::startRebufferingTimer() { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mPlayingTimeLock); if (mLastStartedRebufferingTimeNs == 0) { mLastStartedRebufferingTimeNs = systemTime(); ALOGV("startRebufferingTimer() time %20" PRId64 "", mLastStartedRebufferingTimeNs); } } void NuPlayer2::stopRebufferingTimer(bool exitingPlayback) { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mPlayingTimeLock); ALOGV("stopRebufferTimer() time %20" PRId64 " (exiting %d)", mLastStartedRebufferingTimeNs, exitingPlayback); if (mLastStartedRebufferingTimeNs != 0) { sp<NuPlayer2Driver> driver = mDriver.promote(); if (driver != NULL) { int64_t now = systemTime(); int64_t rebuffered = now - mLastStartedRebufferingTimeNs; ALOGV("stopRebufferingTimer() log %20" PRId64 "", rebuffered); if (rebuffered > 0) { driver->notifyMoreRebufferingTimeUs( mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, (rebuffered+500)/1000); if (exitingPlayback) { driver->notifyRebufferingWhenExit(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, true); } } } mLastStartedRebufferingTimeNs = 0; } } void NuPlayer2::onPause() { stopPlaybackTimer("onPause"); if (mPaused) { return; } mPaused = true; if (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource != NULL) { mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->pause(); } else { ALOGW("pause called when source is gone or not set"); } if (mRenderer != NULL) { mRenderer->pause(); } else { ALOGW("pause called when renderer is gone or not set"); } } bool NuPlayer2::audioDecoderStillNeeded() { // Audio decoder is no longer needed if it's in shut/shutting down status. return ((mFlushingAudio != SHUT_DOWN) && (mFlushingAudio != SHUTTING_DOWN_DECODER)); } void NuPlayer2::handleFlushComplete(bool audio, bool isDecoder) { // We wait for both the decoder flush and the renderer flush to complete // before entering either the FLUSHED or the SHUTTING_DOWN_DECODER state. mFlushComplete[audio][isDecoder] = true; if (!mFlushComplete[audio][!isDecoder]) { return; } FlushStatus *state = audio ? &mFlushingAudio : &mFlushingVideo; switch (*state) { case FLUSHING_DECODER: { *state = FLUSHED; break; } case FLUSHING_DECODER_SHUTDOWN: { *state = SHUTTING_DOWN_DECODER; ALOGV("initiating %s decoder shutdown", audio ? "audio" : "video"); getDecoder(audio)->initiateShutdown(); break; } default: // decoder flush completes only occur in a flushing state. LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(isDecoder, "decoder flush in invalid state %d", *state); break; } } void NuPlayer2::finishFlushIfPossible() { if (mFlushingAudio != NONE && mFlushingAudio != FLUSHED && mFlushingAudio != SHUT_DOWN) { return; } if (mFlushingVideo != NONE && mFlushingVideo != FLUSHED && mFlushingVideo != SHUT_DOWN) { return; } ALOGV("both audio and video are flushed now."); mFlushingAudio = NONE; mFlushingVideo = NONE; clearFlushComplete(); processDeferredActions(); } void NuPlayer2::postScanSources() { if (mScanSourcesPending) { return; } sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatScanSources, this); msg->setInt32("generation", mScanSourcesGeneration); msg->post(); mScanSourcesPending = true; } void NuPlayer2::tryOpenAudioSinkForOffload( const sp<AMessage> &format, const sp<MetaData> &audioMeta, bool hasVideo) { // Note: This is called early in NuPlayer2 to determine whether offloading // is possible; otherwise the decoders call the renderer openAudioSink directly. status_t err = mRenderer->openAudioSink( format, true /* offloadOnly */, hasVideo, AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_NONE, &mOffloadAudio, mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->isStreaming()); if (err != OK) { // Any failure we turn off mOffloadAudio. mOffloadAudio = false; } else if (mOffloadAudio) { sendMetaDataToHal(mAudioSink, audioMeta); } } void NuPlayer2::closeAudioSink() { mRenderer->closeAudioSink(); } void NuPlayer2::restartAudio( int64_t currentPositionUs, bool forceNonOffload, bool needsToCreateAudioDecoder) { if (mAudioDecoder != NULL) { mAudioDecoder->pause(); Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mDecoderLock); mAudioDecoder.clear(); mAudioDecoderError = false; ++mAudioDecoderGeneration; } if (mFlushingAudio == FLUSHING_DECODER) { mFlushComplete[1 /* audio */][1 /* isDecoder */] = true; mFlushingAudio = FLUSHED; finishFlushIfPossible(); } else if (mFlushingAudio == FLUSHING_DECODER_SHUTDOWN || mFlushingAudio == SHUTTING_DOWN_DECODER) { mFlushComplete[1 /* audio */][1 /* isDecoder */] = true; mFlushingAudio = SHUT_DOWN; finishFlushIfPossible(); needsToCreateAudioDecoder = false; } if (mRenderer == NULL) { return; } closeAudioSink(); mRenderer->flush(true /* audio */, false /* notifyComplete */); if (mVideoDecoder != NULL) { mDeferredActions.push_back( new FlushDecoderAction(FLUSH_CMD_NONE /* audio */, FLUSH_CMD_FLUSH /* video */)); mDeferredActions.push_back( new SeekAction(currentPositionUs, MediaPlayerSeekMode::SEEK_PREVIOUS_SYNC /* mode */)); // After a flush without shutdown, decoder is paused. // Don't resume it until source seek is done, otherwise it could // start pulling stale data too soon. mDeferredActions.push_back(new ResumeDecoderAction(false)); processDeferredActions(); } else { performSeek(currentPositionUs, MediaPlayerSeekMode::SEEK_PREVIOUS_SYNC /* mode */); } if (forceNonOffload) { mRenderer->signalDisableOffloadAudio(); mOffloadAudio = false; } if (needsToCreateAudioDecoder) { instantiateDecoder(true /* audio */, &mAudioDecoder, !forceNonOffload); } } void NuPlayer2::determineAudioModeChange(const sp<AMessage> &audioFormat) { if (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource == NULL || mAudioSink == NULL) { return; } if (mRenderer == NULL) { ALOGW("No renderer can be used to determine audio mode. Use non-offload for safety."); mOffloadAudio = false; return; } sp<MetaData> audioMeta = mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getFormatMeta(true /* audio */); sp<AMessage> videoFormat = mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getFormat(false /* audio */); audio_stream_type_t streamType = mAudioSink->getAudioStreamType(); const bool hasVideo = (videoFormat != NULL); bool canOffload = JMediaPlayer2Utils::isOffloadedAudioPlaybackSupported( audioMeta, hasVideo, mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->isStreaming(), streamType) && (mPlaybackSettings.mSpeed == 1.f && mPlaybackSettings.mPitch == 1.f); // Modular DRM: Disabling audio offload if the source is protected if (canOffload && mCurrentSourceInfo.mIsDrmProtected) { canOffload = false; ALOGV("determineAudioModeChange: Disabling mOffloadAudio b/c the source is protected."); } if (canOffload) { if (!mOffloadAudio) { mRenderer->signalEnableOffloadAudio(); } // open audio sink early under offload mode. tryOpenAudioSinkForOffload(audioFormat, audioMeta, hasVideo); } else { if (mOffloadAudio) { mRenderer->signalDisableOffloadAudio(); mOffloadAudio = false; } } } status_t NuPlayer2::instantiateDecoder( bool audio, sp<DecoderBase> *decoder, bool checkAudioModeChange) { // The audio decoder could be cleared by tear down. If still in shut down // process, no need to create a new audio decoder. if (*decoder != NULL || (audio && mFlushingAudio == SHUT_DOWN)) { return OK; } sp<AMessage> format = mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getFormat(audio); if (format == NULL) { return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } else { status_t err; if (format->findInt32("err", &err) && err) { return err; } } format->setInt32("priority", 0 /* realtime */); if (!audio) { AString mime; CHECK(format->findString("mime", &mime)); sp<AMessage> ccNotify = new AMessage(kWhatClosedCaptionNotify, this); if (mCCDecoder == NULL) { mCCDecoder = new CCDecoder(ccNotify); } if (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSourceFlags & Source::FLAG_SECURE) { format->setInt32("secure", true); } if (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSourceFlags & Source::FLAG_PROTECTED) { format->setInt32("protected", true); } float rate = getFrameRate(); if (rate > 0) { format->setFloat("operating-rate", rate * mPlaybackSettings.mSpeed); } } Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mDecoderLock); if (audio) { sp<AMessage> notify = new AMessage(kWhatAudioNotify, this); ++mAudioDecoderGeneration; notify->setInt32("generation", mAudioDecoderGeneration); if (checkAudioModeChange) { determineAudioModeChange(format); } if (mOffloadAudio) { mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->setOffloadAudio(true /* offload */); const bool hasVideo = (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getFormat(false /*audio */) != NULL); format->setInt32("has-video", hasVideo); *decoder = new DecoderPassThrough(notify, mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource, mRenderer); ALOGV("instantiateDecoder audio DecoderPassThrough hasVideo: %d", hasVideo); } else { mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->setOffloadAudio(false /* offload */); *decoder = new Decoder(notify, mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource, mPID, mUID, mRenderer); ALOGV("instantiateDecoder audio Decoder"); } mAudioDecoderError = false; } else { sp<AMessage> notify = new AMessage(kWhatVideoNotify, this); ++mVideoDecoderGeneration; notify->setInt32("generation", mVideoDecoderGeneration); *decoder = new Decoder( notify, mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource, mPID, mUID, mRenderer, mNativeWindow, mCCDecoder); mVideoDecoderError = false; // enable FRC if high-quality AV sync is requested, even if not // directly queuing to display, as this will even improve textureview // playback. { if (property_get_bool("persist.sys.media.avsync", false)) { format->setInt32("auto-frc", 1); } } } (*decoder)->init(); // Modular DRM if (mCurrentSourceInfo.mIsDrmProtected) { format->setObject("crypto", mCurrentSourceInfo.mCrypto); ALOGV("instantiateDecoder: mCrypto: %p isSecure: %d", mCurrentSourceInfo.mCrypto.get(), (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSourceFlags & Source::FLAG_SECURE) != 0); } (*decoder)->configure(format); if (!audio) { sp<AMessage> params = new AMessage(); float rate = getFrameRate(); if (rate > 0) { params->setFloat("frame-rate-total", rate); } sp<MetaData> fileMeta = getFileMeta(); if (fileMeta != NULL) { int32_t videoTemporalLayerCount; if (fileMeta->findInt32(kKeyTemporalLayerCount, &videoTemporalLayerCount) && videoTemporalLayerCount > 0) { params->setInt32("temporal-layer-count", videoTemporalLayerCount); } } if (params->countEntries() > 0) { (*decoder)->setParameters(params); } } return OK; } void NuPlayer2::updateVideoSize( int64_t srcId, const sp<AMessage> &inputFormat, const sp<AMessage> &outputFormat) { if (inputFormat == NULL) { ALOGW("Unknown video size, reporting 0x0!"); notifyListener(srcId, MEDIA2_SET_VIDEO_SIZE, 0, 0); return; } int32_t err = OK; inputFormat->findInt32("err", &err); if (err == -EWOULDBLOCK) { ALOGW("Video meta is not available yet!"); return; } if (err != OK) { ALOGW("Something is wrong with video meta!"); return; } int32_t displayWidth, displayHeight; if (outputFormat != NULL) { int32_t width, height; CHECK(outputFormat->findInt32("width", &width)); CHECK(outputFormat->findInt32("height", &height)); int32_t cropLeft, cropTop, cropRight, cropBottom; CHECK(outputFormat->findRect( "crop", &cropLeft, &cropTop, &cropRight, &cropBottom)); displayWidth = cropRight - cropLeft + 1; displayHeight = cropBottom - cropTop + 1; ALOGV("Video output format changed to %d x %d " "(crop: %d x %d @ (%d, %d))", width, height, displayWidth, displayHeight, cropLeft, cropTop); } else { CHECK(inputFormat->findInt32("width", &displayWidth)); CHECK(inputFormat->findInt32("height", &displayHeight)); ALOGV("Video input format %d x %d", displayWidth, displayHeight); } // Take into account sample aspect ratio if necessary: int32_t sarWidth, sarHeight; if (inputFormat->findInt32("sar-width", &sarWidth) && inputFormat->findInt32("sar-height", &sarHeight) && sarWidth > 0 && sarHeight > 0) { ALOGV("Sample aspect ratio %d : %d", sarWidth, sarHeight); displayWidth = (displayWidth * sarWidth) / sarHeight; ALOGV("display dimensions %d x %d", displayWidth, displayHeight); } else { int32_t width, height; if (inputFormat->findInt32("display-width", &width) && inputFormat->findInt32("display-height", &height) && width > 0 && height > 0 && displayWidth > 0 && displayHeight > 0) { if (displayHeight * (int64_t)width / height > (int64_t)displayWidth) { displayHeight = (int32_t)(displayWidth * (int64_t)height / width); } else { displayWidth = (int32_t)(displayHeight * (int64_t)width / height); } ALOGV("Video display width and height are overridden to %d x %d", displayWidth, displayHeight); } } int32_t rotationDegrees; if (!inputFormat->findInt32("rotation-degrees", &rotationDegrees)) { rotationDegrees = 0; } if (rotationDegrees == 90 || rotationDegrees == 270) { int32_t tmp = displayWidth; displayWidth = displayHeight; displayHeight = tmp; } notifyListener( srcId, MEDIA2_SET_VIDEO_SIZE, displayWidth, displayHeight); } void NuPlayer2::notifyListener( int64_t srcId, int msg, int ext1, int ext2, const PlayerMessage *in) { if (mDriver == NULL) { return; } sp<NuPlayer2Driver> driver = mDriver.promote(); if (driver == NULL) { return; } driver->notifyListener(srcId, msg, ext1, ext2, in); } void NuPlayer2::flushDecoder(bool audio, bool needShutdown) { ALOGV("[%s] flushDecoder needShutdown=%d", audio ? "audio" : "video", needShutdown); const sp<DecoderBase> &decoder = getDecoder(audio); if (decoder == NULL) { ALOGI("flushDecoder %s without decoder present", audio ? "audio" : "video"); return; } // Make sure we don't continue to scan sources until we finish flushing. ++mScanSourcesGeneration; if (mScanSourcesPending) { if (!needShutdown) { mDeferredActions.push_back( new SimpleAction(&NuPlayer2::performScanSources)); } mScanSourcesPending = false; } decoder->signalFlush(); FlushStatus newStatus = needShutdown ? FLUSHING_DECODER_SHUTDOWN : FLUSHING_DECODER; mFlushComplete[audio][false /* isDecoder */] = (mRenderer == NULL); mFlushComplete[audio][true /* isDecoder */] = false; if (audio) { ALOGE_IF(mFlushingAudio != NONE, "audio flushDecoder() is called in state %d", mFlushingAudio); mFlushingAudio = newStatus; } else { ALOGE_IF(mFlushingVideo != NONE, "video flushDecoder() is called in state %d", mFlushingVideo); mFlushingVideo = newStatus; } } void NuPlayer2::queueDecoderShutdown( bool audio, bool video, const sp<AMessage> &reply) { ALOGI("queueDecoderShutdown audio=%d, video=%d", audio, video); mDeferredActions.push_back( new FlushDecoderAction( audio ? FLUSH_CMD_SHUTDOWN : FLUSH_CMD_NONE, video ? FLUSH_CMD_SHUTDOWN : FLUSH_CMD_NONE)); mDeferredActions.push_back( new SimpleAction(&NuPlayer2::performScanSources)); mDeferredActions.push_back(new PostMessageAction(reply)); processDeferredActions(); } status_t NuPlayer2::setVideoScalingMode(int32_t mode) { mVideoScalingMode = mode; if (mNativeWindow != NULL && mNativeWindow->getANativeWindow() != NULL) { status_t ret = native_window_set_scaling_mode( mNativeWindow->getANativeWindow(), mVideoScalingMode); if (ret != OK) { ALOGE("Failed to set scaling mode (%d): %s", -ret, strerror(-ret)); return ret; } } return OK; } status_t NuPlayer2::getTrackInfo(int64_t srcId, PlayerMessage* reply) const { sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatGetTrackInfo, this); msg->setInt64("srcId", srcId); msg->setPointer("reply", reply); sp<AMessage> response; status_t err = msg->postAndAwaitResponse(&response); return err; } status_t NuPlayer2::getSelectedTrack(int64_t srcId, int32_t type, PlayerMessage* reply) const { sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatGetSelectedTrack, this); msg->setPointer("reply", reply); msg->setInt64("srcId", srcId); msg->setInt32("type", type); sp<AMessage> response; status_t err = msg->postAndAwaitResponse(&response); if (err == OK && response != NULL) { CHECK(response->findInt32("err", &err)); } return err; } status_t NuPlayer2::selectTrack(int64_t srcId, size_t trackIndex, bool select, int64_t timeUs) { sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatSelectTrack, this); msg->setInt64("srcId", srcId); msg->setSize("trackIndex", trackIndex); msg->setInt32("select", select); msg->setInt64("timeUs", timeUs); sp<AMessage> response; status_t err = msg->postAndAwaitResponse(&response); if (err != OK) { return err; } if (!response->findInt32("err", &err)) { err = OK; } return err; } status_t NuPlayer2::getCurrentPosition(int64_t *mediaUs) { sp<Renderer> renderer = mRenderer; if (renderer == NULL) { return NO_INIT; } return renderer->getCurrentPosition(mediaUs); } void NuPlayer2::getStats(Vector<sp<AMessage> > *mTrackStats) { CHECK(mTrackStats != NULL); mTrackStats->clear(); Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mDecoderLock); if (mVideoDecoder != NULL) { mTrackStats->push_back(mVideoDecoder->getStats()); } if (mAudioDecoder != NULL) { mTrackStats->push_back(mAudioDecoder->getStats()); } } sp<MetaData> NuPlayer2::getFileMeta() { return mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getFileFormatMeta(); } float NuPlayer2::getFrameRate() { sp<MetaData> meta = mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getFormatMeta(false /* audio */); if (meta == NULL) { return 0; } int32_t rate; if (!meta->findInt32(kKeyFrameRate, &rate)) { // fall back to try file meta sp<MetaData> fileMeta = getFileMeta(); if (fileMeta == NULL) { ALOGW("source has video meta but not file meta"); return -1; } int32_t fileMetaRate; if (!fileMeta->findInt32(kKeyFrameRate, &fileMetaRate)) { return -1; } return fileMetaRate; } return rate; } void NuPlayer2::schedulePollDuration() { sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatPollDuration, this); msg->setInt32("generation", mPollDurationGeneration); msg->post(); } void NuPlayer2::cancelPollDuration() { ++mPollDurationGeneration; } void NuPlayer2::processDeferredActions() { while (!mDeferredActions.empty()) { // We won't execute any deferred actions until we're no longer in // an intermediate state, i.e. one more more decoders are currently // flushing or shutting down. if (mFlushingAudio != NONE || mFlushingVideo != NONE) { // We're currently flushing, postpone the reset until that's // completed. ALOGV("postponing action mFlushingAudio=%d, mFlushingVideo=%d", mFlushingAudio, mFlushingVideo); break; } sp<Action> action = *mDeferredActions.begin(); mDeferredActions.erase(mDeferredActions.begin()); action->execute(this); } } void NuPlayer2::performSeek(int64_t seekTimeUs, MediaPlayer2SeekMode mode) { ALOGV("performSeek seekTimeUs=%lld us (%.2f secs), mode=%d", (long long)seekTimeUs, seekTimeUs / 1E6, mode); if (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource == NULL) { // This happens when reset occurs right before the loop mode // asynchronously seeks to the start of the stream. LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(mAudioDecoder != NULL || mVideoDecoder != NULL, "mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource is NULL and decoders not NULL audio(%p) video(%p)", mAudioDecoder.get(), mVideoDecoder.get()); return; } mPreviousSeekTimeUs = seekTimeUs; mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->seekTo(seekTimeUs, mode); ++mTimedTextGeneration; // everything's flushed, continue playback. } void NuPlayer2::performDecoderFlush(FlushCommand audio, FlushCommand video) { ALOGV("performDecoderFlush audio=%d, video=%d", audio, video); if ((audio == FLUSH_CMD_NONE || mAudioDecoder == NULL) && (video == FLUSH_CMD_NONE || mVideoDecoder == NULL)) { return; } if (audio != FLUSH_CMD_NONE && mAudioDecoder != NULL) { flushDecoder(true /* audio */, (audio == FLUSH_CMD_SHUTDOWN)); } if (video != FLUSH_CMD_NONE && mVideoDecoder != NULL) { flushDecoder(false /* audio */, (video == FLUSH_CMD_SHUTDOWN)); } } void NuPlayer2::performReset() { ALOGV("performReset"); CHECK(mAudioDecoder == NULL); CHECK(mVideoDecoder == NULL); stopPlaybackTimer("performReset"); stopRebufferingTimer(true); cancelPollDuration(); ++mScanSourcesGeneration; mScanSourcesPending = false; if (mRendererLooper != NULL) { if (mRenderer != NULL) { mRendererLooper->unregisterHandler(mRenderer->id()); } mRendererLooper->stop(); mRendererLooper.clear(); } mRenderer.clear(); ++mRendererGeneration; resetSourceInfo(mCurrentSourceInfo); resetSourceInfo(mNextSourceInfo); if (mDriver != NULL) { sp<NuPlayer2Driver> driver = mDriver.promote(); if (driver != NULL) { driver->notifyResetComplete(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId); } } mStarted = false; mPrepared = false; mResetting = false; mSourceStarted = false; } void NuPlayer2::performPlayNextDataSource() { ALOGV("performPlayNextDataSource"); CHECK(mAudioDecoder == NULL); CHECK(mVideoDecoder == NULL); stopPlaybackTimer("performPlayNextDataSource"); stopRebufferingTimer(true); cancelPollDuration(); ++mScanSourcesGeneration; mScanSourcesPending = false; ++mRendererGeneration; if (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource != NULL) { mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->stop(); } long previousSrcId; { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mSourceLock); previousSrcId = mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId; mCurrentSourceInfo = mNextSourceInfo; mNextSourceInfo = SourceInfo(); mNextSourceInfo.mSrcId = ~mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId; // to distinguish the two sources. } if (mDriver != NULL) { sp<NuPlayer2Driver> driver = mDriver.promote(); if (driver != NULL) { notifyListener(previousSrcId, MEDIA2_INFO, MEDIA2_INFO_DATA_SOURCE_END, 0); int64_t durationUs; if (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getDuration(&durationUs) == OK) { driver->notifyDuration(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, durationUs); } notifyListener( mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_INFO, MEDIA2_INFO_DATA_SOURCE_START, 0); } } mStarted = false; mPrepared = true; // TODO: what if it's not prepared mResetting = false; mSourceStarted = false; addEndTimeMonitor(); if (mRenderer != NULL) { mRenderer->resume(); } onStart(true /* play */); mPausedByClient = false; notifyListener(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_STARTED, 0, 0); } void NuPlayer2::performScanSources() { ALOGV("performScanSources"); if (!mStarted) { return; } if (mAudioDecoder == NULL || mVideoDecoder == NULL) { postScanSources(); } } void NuPlayer2::performSetSurface(const sp<ANativeWindowWrapper> &nww) { ALOGV("performSetSurface"); mNativeWindow = nww; // XXX - ignore error from setVideoScalingMode for now setVideoScalingMode(mVideoScalingMode); if (mDriver != NULL) { sp<NuPlayer2Driver> driver = mDriver.promote(); if (driver != NULL) { driver->notifySetSurfaceComplete(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId); } } } void NuPlayer2::performResumeDecoders(bool needNotify) { if (needNotify) { mResumePending = true; if (mVideoDecoder == NULL) { // if audio-only, we can notify seek complete now, // as the resume operation will be relatively fast. finishResume(); } } if (mVideoDecoder != NULL) { // When there is continuous seek, MediaPlayer will cache the seek // position, and send down new seek request when previous seek is // complete. Let's wait for at least one video output frame before // notifying seek complete, so that the video thumbnail gets updated // when seekbar is dragged. mVideoDecoder->signalResume(needNotify); } if (mAudioDecoder != NULL) { mAudioDecoder->signalResume(false /* needNotify */); } } void NuPlayer2::finishResume() { if (mResumePending) { mResumePending = false; notifyDriverSeekComplete(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId); } } void NuPlayer2::notifyDriverSeekComplete(int64_t srcId) { if (mDriver != NULL) { sp<NuPlayer2Driver> driver = mDriver.promote(); if (driver != NULL) { driver->notifySeekComplete(srcId); } } } void NuPlayer2::onSourceNotify(const sp<AMessage> &msg) { int32_t what; CHECK(msg->findInt32("what", &what)); int64_t srcId; CHECK(msg->findInt64("srcId", &srcId)); switch (what) { case Source::kWhatPrepared: { ALOGV("NuPlayer2::onSourceNotify Source::kWhatPrepared source:%p, Id(%lld)", mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource.get(), (long long)srcId); if (srcId == mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId) { if (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource == NULL) { // This is a stale notification from a source that was // asynchronously preparing when the client called reset(). // We handled the reset, the source is gone. break; } int32_t err; CHECK(msg->findInt32("err", &err)); if (err != OK) { // shut down potential secure codecs in case client never calls reset mDeferredActions.push_back( new FlushDecoderAction(FLUSH_CMD_SHUTDOWN /* audio */, FLUSH_CMD_SHUTDOWN /* video */)); processDeferredActions(); } else { mPrepared = true; } sp<NuPlayer2Driver> driver = mDriver.promote(); if (driver != NULL) { // notify duration first, so that it's definitely set when // the app received the "prepare complete" callback. int64_t durationUs; if (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getDuration(&durationUs) == OK) { driver->notifyDuration(srcId, durationUs); } driver->notifyPrepareCompleted(srcId, err); } } else if (srcId == mNextSourceInfo.mSrcId) { if (mNextSourceInfo.mSource == NULL) { break; // stale } sp<NuPlayer2Driver> driver = mDriver.promote(); if (driver != NULL) { int32_t err; CHECK(msg->findInt32("err", &err)); driver->notifyPrepareCompleted(srcId, err); } } break; } // Modular DRM case Source::kWhatDrmInfo: { PlayerMessage playerMsg; sp<ABuffer> drmInfo; CHECK(msg->findBuffer("drmInfo", &drmInfo)); playerMsg.ParseFromArray(drmInfo->data(), drmInfo->size()); ALOGV("onSourceNotify() kWhatDrmInfo MEDIA2_DRM_INFO drmInfo: %p playerMsg size: %d", drmInfo.get(), playerMsg.ByteSize()); notifyListener(srcId, MEDIA2_DRM_INFO, 0 /* ext1 */, 0 /* ext2 */, &playerMsg); break; } case Source::kWhatFlagsChanged: { uint32_t flags; CHECK(msg->findInt32("flags", (int32_t *)&flags)); sp<NuPlayer2Driver> driver = mDriver.promote(); if (driver != NULL) { ALOGV("onSourceNotify() kWhatFlagsChanged FLAG_CAN_PAUSE: %d " "FLAG_CAN_SEEK_BACKWARD: %d \n\t\t\t\t FLAG_CAN_SEEK_FORWARD: %d " "FLAG_CAN_SEEK: %d FLAG_DYNAMIC_DURATION: %d \n" "\t\t\t\t FLAG_SECURE: %d FLAG_PROTECTED: %d", (flags & Source::FLAG_CAN_PAUSE) != 0, (flags & Source::FLAG_CAN_SEEK_BACKWARD) != 0, (flags & Source::FLAG_CAN_SEEK_FORWARD) != 0, (flags & Source::FLAG_CAN_SEEK) != 0, (flags & Source::FLAG_DYNAMIC_DURATION) != 0, (flags & Source::FLAG_SECURE) != 0, (flags & Source::FLAG_PROTECTED) != 0); if ((flags & NuPlayer2::Source::FLAG_CAN_SEEK) == 0) { driver->notifyListener( srcId, MEDIA2_INFO, MEDIA2_INFO_NOT_SEEKABLE, 0); } if (srcId == mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId) { driver->notifyFlagsChanged(srcId, flags); } } if (srcId == mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId) { if ((mCurrentSourceInfo.mSourceFlags & Source::FLAG_DYNAMIC_DURATION) && (!(flags & Source::FLAG_DYNAMIC_DURATION))) { cancelPollDuration(); } else if (!(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSourceFlags & Source::FLAG_DYNAMIC_DURATION) && (flags & Source::FLAG_DYNAMIC_DURATION) && (mAudioDecoder != NULL || mVideoDecoder != NULL)) { schedulePollDuration(); } mCurrentSourceInfo.mSourceFlags = flags; } else if (srcId == mNextSourceInfo.mSrcId) { // TODO: handle duration polling for next source. mNextSourceInfo.mSourceFlags = flags; } break; } case Source::kWhatVideoSizeChanged: { sp<AMessage> format; CHECK(msg->findMessage("format", &format)); updateVideoSize(srcId, format); break; } case Source::kWhatBufferingUpdate: { int32_t percentage; CHECK(msg->findInt32("percentage", &percentage)); notifyListener(srcId, MEDIA2_BUFFERING_UPDATE, percentage, 0); break; } case Source::kWhatPauseOnBufferingStart: { // ignore if not playing if (mStarted) { ALOGI("buffer low, pausing..."); startRebufferingTimer(); mPausedForBuffering = true; onPause(); } notifyListener(srcId, MEDIA2_INFO, MEDIA2_INFO_BUFFERING_START, 0); break; } case Source::kWhatResumeOnBufferingEnd: { // ignore if not playing if (mStarted) { ALOGI("buffer ready, resuming..."); stopRebufferingTimer(false); mPausedForBuffering = false; // do not resume yet if client didn't unpause if (!mPausedByClient) { onResume(); } } notifyListener(srcId, MEDIA2_INFO, MEDIA2_INFO_BUFFERING_END, 0); break; } case Source::kWhatCacheStats: { int32_t kbps; CHECK(msg->findInt32("bandwidth", &kbps)); notifyListener(srcId, MEDIA2_INFO, MEDIA2_INFO_NETWORK_BANDWIDTH, kbps); break; } case Source::kWhatSubtitleData: { sp<ABuffer> buffer; CHECK(msg->findBuffer("buffer", &buffer)); sendSubtitleData(buffer, 0 /* baseIndex */); break; } case Source::kWhatTimedMetaData: { sp<ABuffer> buffer; if (!msg->findBuffer("buffer", &buffer)) { notifyListener(srcId, MEDIA2_INFO, MEDIA2_INFO_METADATA_UPDATE, 0); } else { sendTimedMetaData(buffer); } break; } case Source::kWhatTimedTextData: { int32_t generation; if (msg->findInt32("generation", &generation) && generation != mTimedTextGeneration) { break; } sp<ABuffer> buffer; CHECK(msg->findBuffer("buffer", &buffer)); sp<NuPlayer2Driver> driver = mDriver.promote(); if (driver == NULL) { break; } int64_t posMs; int64_t timeUs, posUs; driver->getCurrentPosition(&posMs); posUs = posMs * 1000LL; CHECK(buffer->meta()->findInt64("timeUs", &timeUs)); if (posUs < timeUs) { if (!msg->findInt32("generation", &generation)) { msg->setInt32("generation", mTimedTextGeneration); } msg->post(timeUs - posUs); } else { sendTimedTextData(buffer); } break; } case Source::kWhatQueueDecoderShutdown: { int32_t audio, video; CHECK(msg->findInt32("audio", &audio)); CHECK(msg->findInt32("video", &video)); sp<AMessage> reply; CHECK(msg->findMessage("reply", &reply)); queueDecoderShutdown(audio, video, reply); break; } case Source::kWhatDrmNoLicense: { notifyListener(srcId, MEDIA2_ERROR, MEDIA2_ERROR_UNKNOWN, ERROR_DRM_NO_LICENSE); break; } default: TRESPASS(); } } void NuPlayer2::onClosedCaptionNotify(const sp<AMessage> &msg) { int32_t what; CHECK(msg->findInt32("what", &what)); switch (what) { case NuPlayer2::CCDecoder::kWhatClosedCaptionData: { sp<ABuffer> buffer; CHECK(msg->findBuffer("buffer", &buffer)); size_t inbandTracks = 0; if (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource != NULL) { inbandTracks = mCurrentSourceInfo.mSource->getTrackCount(); } sendSubtitleData(buffer, inbandTracks); break; } case NuPlayer2::CCDecoder::kWhatTrackAdded: { notifyListener(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_INFO, MEDIA2_INFO_METADATA_UPDATE, 0); break; } default: TRESPASS(); } } void NuPlayer2::sendSubtitleData(const sp<ABuffer> &buffer, int32_t baseIndex) { int32_t trackIndex; int64_t timeUs, durationUs; CHECK(buffer->meta()->findInt32(AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_TRACK_INDEX, &trackIndex)); CHECK(buffer->meta()->findInt64("timeUs", &timeUs)); CHECK(buffer->meta()->findInt64("durationUs", &durationUs)); PlayerMessage playerMsg; playerMsg.add_values()->set_int32_value(trackIndex + baseIndex); playerMsg.add_values()->set_int64_value(timeUs); playerMsg.add_values()->set_int64_value(durationUs); playerMsg.add_values()->set_bytes_value(buffer->data(), buffer->size()); notifyListener(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_SUBTITLE_DATA, 0, 0, &playerMsg); } void NuPlayer2::sendTimedMetaData(const sp<ABuffer> &buffer) { int64_t timeUs; CHECK(buffer->meta()->findInt64("timeUs", &timeUs)); PlayerMessage playerMsg; playerMsg.add_values()->set_int64_value(timeUs); playerMsg.add_values()->set_bytes_value(buffer->data(), buffer->size()); notifyListener(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_META_DATA, 0, 0, &playerMsg); } void NuPlayer2::sendTimedTextData(const sp<ABuffer> &buffer) { const void *data; size_t size = 0; int64_t timeUs; int32_t flag = TextDescriptions2::IN_BAND_TEXT_3GPP; AString mime; CHECK(buffer->meta()->findString("mime", &mime)); CHECK(strcasecmp(mime.c_str(), MEDIA_MIMETYPE_TEXT_3GPP) == 0); data = buffer->data(); size = buffer->size(); PlayerMessage playerMsg; if (size > 0) { CHECK(buffer->meta()->findInt64("timeUs", &timeUs)); int32_t global = 0; if (buffer->meta()->findInt32("global", &global) && global) { flag |= TextDescriptions2::GLOBAL_DESCRIPTIONS; } else { flag |= TextDescriptions2::LOCAL_DESCRIPTIONS; } TextDescriptions2::getPlayerMessageOfDescriptions( (const uint8_t *)data, size, flag, timeUs / 1000, &playerMsg); } if (playerMsg.values_size() > 0) { notifyListener(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_TIMED_TEXT, 0, 0, &playerMsg); } else { // send an empty timed text notifyListener(mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId, MEDIA2_TIMED_TEXT, 0, 0); } } const char *NuPlayer2::getDataSourceType() { switch (mCurrentSourceInfo.mDataSourceType) { case DATA_SOURCE_TYPE_HTTP_LIVE: return "HTTPLive"; case DATA_SOURCE_TYPE_RTSP: return "RTSP"; case DATA_SOURCE_TYPE_GENERIC_URL: return "GenURL"; case DATA_SOURCE_TYPE_GENERIC_FD: return "GenFD"; case DATA_SOURCE_TYPE_MEDIA: return "Media"; case DATA_SOURCE_TYPE_NONE: default: return "None"; } } NuPlayer2::SourceInfo* NuPlayer2::getSourceInfoByIdInMsg(const sp<AMessage> &msg) { int64_t srcId; CHECK(msg->findInt64("srcId", &srcId)); if (mCurrentSourceInfo.mSrcId == srcId) { return &mCurrentSourceInfo; } else if (mNextSourceInfo.mSrcId == srcId) { return &mNextSourceInfo; } else { return NULL; } } void NuPlayer2::resetSourceInfo(NuPlayer2::SourceInfo &srcInfo) { if (srcInfo.mSource != NULL) { srcInfo.mSource->stop(); Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mSourceLock); srcInfo.mSource.clear(); } // Modular DRM ALOGD("performReset mCrypto: %p", srcInfo.mCrypto.get()); srcInfo.mCrypto.clear(); srcInfo.mIsDrmProtected = false; } // Modular DRM begin status_t NuPlayer2::prepareDrm( int64_t srcId, const uint8_t uuid[16], const Vector<uint8_t> &drmSessionId) { ALOGV("prepareDrm "); // Passing to the looper anyway; called in a pre-config prepared state so no race on mCrypto sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatPrepareDrm, this); // synchronous call so just passing the address but with local copies of "const" args uint8_t UUID[16]; memcpy(UUID, uuid, sizeof(UUID)); Vector<uint8_t> sessionId = drmSessionId; msg->setInt64("srcId", srcId); msg->setPointer("uuid", (void*)UUID); msg->setPointer("drmSessionId", (void*)&sessionId); sp<AMessage> response; status_t status = msg->postAndAwaitResponse(&response); if (status == OK && response != NULL) { CHECK(response->findInt32("status", &status)); ALOGV("prepareDrm ret: %d ", status); } else { ALOGE("prepareDrm err: %d", status); } return status; } status_t NuPlayer2::releaseDrm(int64_t srcId) { ALOGV("releaseDrm "); sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage(kWhatReleaseDrm, this); msg->setInt64("srcId", srcId); sp<AMessage> response; status_t status = msg->postAndAwaitResponse(&response); if (status == OK && response != NULL) { CHECK(response->findInt32("status", &status)); ALOGV("releaseDrm ret: %d ", status); } else { ALOGE("releaseDrm err: %d", status); } return status; } status_t NuPlayer2::onPrepareDrm(const sp<AMessage> &msg) { // TODO change to ALOGV ALOGD("onPrepareDrm "); status_t status = INVALID_OPERATION; SourceInfo *srcInfo = getSourceInfoByIdInMsg(msg); if (srcInfo == NULL) { return status; } int64_t srcId = srcInfo->mSrcId; if (srcInfo->mSource == NULL) { ALOGE("onPrepareDrm: srcInfo(%lld) No source. onPrepareDrm failed with %d.", (long long)srcId, status); return status; } uint8_t *uuid; Vector<uint8_t> *drmSessionId; CHECK(msg->findPointer("uuid", (void**)&uuid)); CHECK(msg->findPointer("drmSessionId", (void**)&drmSessionId)); status = OK; sp<AMediaCryptoWrapper> crypto = NULL; status = srcInfo->mSource->prepareDrm(uuid, *drmSessionId, &crypto); if (crypto == NULL) { ALOGE("onPrepareDrm: srcInfo(%lld).mSource->prepareDrm failed. status: %d", (long long)srcId, status); return status; } ALOGV("onPrepareDrm: srcInfo(%lld).mSource->prepareDrm succeeded", (long long)srcId); if (srcInfo->mCrypto != NULL) { ALOGE("onPrepareDrm: srcInfo(%lld) Unexpected. Already having mCrypto: %p", (long long)srcId, srcInfo->mCrypto.get()); srcInfo->mCrypto.clear(); } srcInfo->mCrypto = crypto; srcInfo->mIsDrmProtected = true; // TODO change to ALOGV ALOGD("onPrepareDrm: mCrypto: %p", srcInfo->mCrypto.get()); return status; } status_t NuPlayer2::onReleaseDrm(const sp<AMessage> &msg) { // TODO change to ALOGV ALOGD("onReleaseDrm "); SourceInfo *srcInfo = getSourceInfoByIdInMsg(msg);; if (srcInfo == NULL) { return INVALID_OPERATION; } int64_t srcId = srcInfo->mSrcId; if (!srcInfo->mIsDrmProtected) { ALOGW("onReleaseDrm: srcInfo(%lld) Unexpected. mIsDrmProtected is already false.", (long long)srcId); } srcInfo->mIsDrmProtected = false; status_t status; if (srcInfo->mCrypto != NULL) { // notifying the source first before removing crypto from codec if (srcInfo->mSource != NULL) { srcInfo->mSource->releaseDrm(); } status=OK; // first making sure the codecs have released their crypto reference const sp<DecoderBase> &videoDecoder = getDecoder(false/*audio*/); if (videoDecoder != NULL) { status = videoDecoder->releaseCrypto(); ALOGV("onReleaseDrm: video decoder ret: %d", status); } const sp<DecoderBase> &audioDecoder = getDecoder(true/*audio*/); if (audioDecoder != NULL) { status_t status_audio = audioDecoder->releaseCrypto(); if (status == OK) { // otherwise, returning the first error status = status_audio; } ALOGV("onReleaseDrm: audio decoder ret: %d", status_audio); } // TODO change to ALOGV ALOGD("onReleaseDrm: mCrypto: %p", srcInfo->mCrypto.get()); srcInfo->mCrypto.clear(); } else { // srcInfo->mCrypto == NULL ALOGE("onReleaseDrm: Unexpected. There is no crypto."); status = INVALID_OPERATION; } return status; } // Modular DRM end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sp<AMessage> NuPlayer2::Source::getFormat(bool audio) { sp<MetaData> meta = getFormatMeta(audio); if (meta == NULL) { return NULL; } sp<AMessage> msg = new AMessage; if(convertMetaDataToMessage(meta, &msg) == OK) { return msg; } return NULL; } void NuPlayer2::Source::notifyFlagsChanged(uint32_t flags) { sp<AMessage> notify = dupNotify(); notify->setInt32("what", kWhatFlagsChanged); notify->setInt32("flags", flags); notify->post(); } void NuPlayer2::Source::notifyVideoSizeChanged(const sp<AMessage> &format) { sp<AMessage> notify = dupNotify(); notify->setInt32("what", kWhatVideoSizeChanged); notify->setMessage("format", format); notify->post(); } void NuPlayer2::Source::notifyPrepared(status_t err) { ALOGV("Source::notifyPrepared %d", err); sp<AMessage> notify = dupNotify(); notify->setInt32("what", kWhatPrepared); notify->setInt32("err", err); notify->post(); } void NuPlayer2::Source::notifyDrmInfo(const sp<ABuffer> &drmInfoBuffer) { ALOGV("Source::notifyDrmInfo"); sp<AMessage> notify = dupNotify(); notify->setInt32("what", kWhatDrmInfo); notify->setBuffer("drmInfo", drmInfoBuffer); notify->post(); } void NuPlayer2::Source::onMessageReceived(const sp<AMessage> & /* msg */) { TRESPASS(); } NuPlayer2::SourceInfo::SourceInfo() : mDataSourceType(DATA_SOURCE_TYPE_NONE), mSrcId(0), mSourceFlags(0), mStartTimeUs(0), mEndTimeUs(DataSourceDesc::kMaxTimeUs) { } NuPlayer2::SourceInfo & NuPlayer2::SourceInfo::operator=(const NuPlayer2::SourceInfo &other) { mSource = other.mSource; mCrypto = other.mCrypto; mDataSourceType = (DATA_SOURCE_TYPE)other.mDataSourceType; mSrcId = other.mSrcId; mSourceFlags = other.mSourceFlags; mStartTimeUs = other.mStartTimeUs; mEndTimeUs = other.mEndTimeUs; mIsDrmProtected = other.mIsDrmProtected; return *this; } } // namespace android