/* * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "DPFrequency" //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #include <log/log.h> #include "DPFrequency.h" #include <algorithm> #include <sys/param.h> namespace dp_fx { using Eigen::MatrixXd; #define MAX_BLOCKSIZE 16384 //For this implementation #define MIN_BLOCKSIZE 8 #define CIRCULAR_BUFFER_UPSAMPLE 4 //4 times buffer size static constexpr float MIN_ENVELOPE = 1e-6f; //-120 dB static constexpr float EPSILON = 0.0000001f; static inline bool isZero(float f) { return fabs(f) <= EPSILON; } template <class T> bool compareEquality(T a, T b) { return (a == b); } template <> bool compareEquality<float>(float a, float b) { return isZero(a - b); } //TODO: avoid using macro for estimating change and assignment. #define IS_CHANGED(c, a, b) { c |= !compareEquality(a,b); \ (a) = (b); } //ChannelBuffers helper void ChannelBuffer::initBuffers(unsigned int blockSize, unsigned int overlapSize, unsigned int halfFftSize, unsigned int samplingRate, DPBase &dpBase) { ALOGV("ChannelBuffer::initBuffers blockSize %d, overlap %d, halfFft %d", blockSize, overlapSize, halfFftSize); mSamplingRate = samplingRate; mBlockSize = blockSize; cBInput.resize(mBlockSize * CIRCULAR_BUFFER_UPSAMPLE); cBOutput.resize(mBlockSize * CIRCULAR_BUFFER_UPSAMPLE); //temp vectors input.resize(mBlockSize); output.resize(mBlockSize); outTail.resize(overlapSize); //module vectors mPreEqFactorVector.resize(halfFftSize, 1.0); mPostEqFactorVector.resize(halfFftSize, 1.0); mPreEqBands.resize(dpBase.getPreEqBandCount()); mMbcBands.resize(dpBase.getMbcBandCount()); mPostEqBands.resize(dpBase.getPostEqBandCount()); ALOGV("mPreEqBands %zu, mMbcBands %zu, mPostEqBands %zu",mPreEqBands.size(), mMbcBands.size(), mPostEqBands.size()); DPChannel *pChannel = dpBase.getChannel(0); if (pChannel != nullptr) { mPreEqInUse = pChannel->getPreEq()->isInUse(); mMbcInUse = pChannel->getMbc()->isInUse(); mPostEqInUse = pChannel->getPostEq()->isInUse(); mLimiterInUse = pChannel->getLimiter()->isInUse(); } mLimiterParams.linkGroup = -1; //no group. } void ChannelBuffer::computeBinStartStop(BandParams &bp, size_t binStart) { bp.binStart = binStart; bp.binStop = (int)(0.5 + bp.freqCutoffHz * mBlockSize / mSamplingRate); } //== LinkedLimiters Helper void LinkedLimiters::reset() { mGroupsMap.clear(); } void LinkedLimiters::update(int32_t group, int index) { mGroupsMap[group].push_back(index); } void LinkedLimiters::remove(int index) { //check all groups and if index is found, remove it. //if group is empty afterwards, remove it. for (auto it = mGroupsMap.begin(); it != mGroupsMap.end(); ) { for (auto itIndex = it->second.begin(); itIndex != it->second.end(); ) { if (*itIndex == index) { itIndex = it->second.erase(itIndex); } else { ++itIndex; } } if (it->second.size() == 0) { it = mGroupsMap.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } } //== DPFrequency void DPFrequency::reset() { } size_t DPFrequency::getMinBockSize() { return MIN_BLOCKSIZE; } size_t DPFrequency::getMaxBockSize() { return MAX_BLOCKSIZE; } void DPFrequency::configure(size_t blockSize, size_t overlapSize, size_t samplingRate) { ALOGV("configure"); mBlockSize = blockSize; if (mBlockSize > MAX_BLOCKSIZE) { mBlockSize = MAX_BLOCKSIZE; } else if (mBlockSize < MIN_BLOCKSIZE) { mBlockSize = MIN_BLOCKSIZE; } else { if (!powerof2(blockSize)) { //find next highest power of 2. mBlockSize = 1 << (32 - __builtin_clz(blockSize)); } } mHalfFFTSize = 1 + mBlockSize / 2; //including Nyquist bin mOverlapSize = std::min(overlapSize, mBlockSize/2); int channelcount = getChannelCount(); mSamplingRate = samplingRate; mChannelBuffers.resize(channelcount); for (int ch = 0; ch < channelcount; ch++) { mChannelBuffers[ch].initBuffers(mBlockSize, mOverlapSize, mHalfFFTSize, mSamplingRate, *this); } //effective number of frames processed per second mBlocksPerSecond = (float)mSamplingRate / (mBlockSize - mOverlapSize); fill_window(mVWindow, RDSP_WINDOW_HANNING_FLAT_TOP, mBlockSize, mOverlapSize); //split window into analysis and synthesis. Both are the sqrt() of original //window Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXf> eWindow(&mVWindow[0], mVWindow.size()); eWindow = eWindow.array().sqrt(); //compute window rms for energy compensation mWindowRms = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < mVWindow.size(); i++) { mWindowRms += mVWindow[i] * mVWindow[i]; } //Making sure window rms is not zero. mWindowRms = std::max(sqrt(mWindowRms / mVWindow.size()), MIN_ENVELOPE); } void DPFrequency::updateParameters(ChannelBuffer &cb, int channelIndex) { DPChannel *pChannel = getChannel(channelIndex); if (pChannel == nullptr) { ALOGE("Error: updateParameters null DPChannel %d", channelIndex); return; } //===Input Gain and preEq { bool changed = false; IS_CHANGED(changed, cb.inputGainDb, pChannel->getInputGain()); //===EqPre if (cb.mPreEqInUse) { DPEq *pPreEq = pChannel->getPreEq(); if (pPreEq == nullptr) { ALOGE("Error: updateParameters null PreEq for channel: %d", channelIndex); return; } IS_CHANGED(changed, cb.mPreEqEnabled, pPreEq->isEnabled()); if (cb.mPreEqEnabled) { for (unsigned int b = 0; b < getPreEqBandCount(); b++) { DPEqBand *pEqBand = pPreEq->getBand(b); if (pEqBand == nullptr) { ALOGE("Error: updateParameters null PreEqBand for band %d", b); return; //failed. } ChannelBuffer::EqBandParams *pEqBandParams = &cb.mPreEqBands[b]; IS_CHANGED(changed, pEqBandParams->enabled, pEqBand->isEnabled()); IS_CHANGED(changed, pEqBandParams->freqCutoffHz, pEqBand->getCutoffFrequency()); IS_CHANGED(changed, pEqBandParams->gainDb, pEqBand->getGain()); } } } if (changed) { float inputGainFactor = dBtoLinear(cb.inputGainDb); if (cb.mPreEqInUse && cb.mPreEqEnabled) { ALOGV("preEq changed, recomputing! channel %d", channelIndex); size_t binNext = 0; for (unsigned int b = 0; b < getPreEqBandCount(); b++) { ChannelBuffer::EqBandParams *pEqBandParams = &cb.mPreEqBands[b]; //frequency translation cb.computeBinStartStop(*pEqBandParams, binNext); binNext = pEqBandParams->binStop + 1; float factor = dBtoLinear(pEqBandParams->gainDb); if (!pEqBandParams->enabled) { factor = inputGainFactor; } for (size_t k = pEqBandParams->binStart; k <= pEqBandParams->binStop && k < mHalfFFTSize; k++) { cb.mPreEqFactorVector[k] = factor * inputGainFactor; } } } else { ALOGV("only input gain changed, recomputing!"); //populate PreEq factor with input gain factor. for (size_t k = 0; k < mHalfFFTSize; k++) { cb.mPreEqFactorVector[k] = inputGainFactor; } } } } //inputGain and preEq //===EqPost if (cb.mPostEqInUse) { bool changed = false; DPEq *pPostEq = pChannel->getPostEq(); if (pPostEq == nullptr) { ALOGE("Error: updateParameters null postEq for channel: %d", channelIndex); return; //failed. } IS_CHANGED(changed, cb.mPostEqEnabled, pPostEq->isEnabled()); if (cb.mPostEqEnabled) { for (unsigned int b = 0; b < getPostEqBandCount(); b++) { DPEqBand *pEqBand = pPostEq->getBand(b); if (pEqBand == nullptr) { ALOGE("Error: updateParameters PostEqBand NULL for band %d", b); return; //failed. } ChannelBuffer::EqBandParams *pEqBandParams = &cb.mPostEqBands[b]; IS_CHANGED(changed, pEqBandParams->enabled, pEqBand->isEnabled()); IS_CHANGED(changed, pEqBandParams->freqCutoffHz, pEqBand->getCutoffFrequency()); IS_CHANGED(changed, pEqBandParams->gainDb, pEqBand->getGain()); } if (changed) { ALOGV("postEq changed, recomputing! channel %d", channelIndex); size_t binNext = 0; for (unsigned int b = 0; b < getPostEqBandCount(); b++) { ChannelBuffer::EqBandParams *pEqBandParams = &cb.mPostEqBands[b]; //frequency translation cb.computeBinStartStop(*pEqBandParams, binNext); binNext = pEqBandParams->binStop + 1; float factor = dBtoLinear(pEqBandParams->gainDb); if (!pEqBandParams->enabled) { factor = 1.0; } for (size_t k = pEqBandParams->binStart; k <= pEqBandParams->binStop && k < mHalfFFTSize; k++) { cb.mPostEqFactorVector[k] = factor; } } } } //enabled } //===MBC if (cb.mMbcInUse) { DPMbc *pMbc = pChannel->getMbc(); if (pMbc == nullptr) { ALOGE("Error: updateParameters Mbc NULL for channel: %d", channelIndex); return; } cb.mMbcEnabled = pMbc->isEnabled(); if (cb.mMbcEnabled) { bool changed = false; for (unsigned int b = 0; b < getMbcBandCount(); b++) { DPMbcBand *pMbcBand = pMbc->getBand(b); if (pMbcBand == nullptr) { ALOGE("Error: updateParameters MbcBand NULL for band %d", b); return; //failed. } ChannelBuffer::MbcBandParams *pMbcBandParams = &cb.mMbcBands[b]; pMbcBandParams->enabled = pMbcBand->isEnabled(); IS_CHANGED(changed, pMbcBandParams->freqCutoffHz, pMbcBand->getCutoffFrequency()); pMbcBandParams->gainPreDb = pMbcBand->getPreGain(); pMbcBandParams->gainPostDb = pMbcBand->getPostGain(); pMbcBandParams->attackTimeMs = pMbcBand->getAttackTime(); pMbcBandParams->releaseTimeMs = pMbcBand->getReleaseTime(); pMbcBandParams->ratio = pMbcBand->getRatio(); pMbcBandParams->thresholdDb = pMbcBand->getThreshold(); pMbcBandParams->kneeWidthDb = pMbcBand->getKneeWidth(); pMbcBandParams->noiseGateThresholdDb = pMbcBand->getNoiseGateThreshold(); pMbcBandParams->expanderRatio = pMbcBand->getExpanderRatio(); } if (changed) { ALOGV("mbc changed, recomputing! channel %d", channelIndex); size_t binNext= 0; for (unsigned int b = 0; b < getMbcBandCount(); b++) { ChannelBuffer::MbcBandParams *pMbcBandParams = &cb.mMbcBands[b]; pMbcBandParams->previousEnvelope = 0; //frequency translation cb.computeBinStartStop(*pMbcBandParams, binNext); binNext = pMbcBandParams->binStop + 1; } } } } //===Limiter if (cb.mLimiterInUse) { bool changed = false; DPLimiter *pLimiter = pChannel->getLimiter(); if (pLimiter == nullptr) { ALOGE("Error: updateParameters Limiter NULL for channel: %d", channelIndex); return; } cb.mLimiterEnabled = pLimiter->isEnabled(); if (cb.mLimiterEnabled) { IS_CHANGED(changed, cb.mLimiterParams.linkGroup , (int32_t)pLimiter->getLinkGroup()); cb.mLimiterParams.attackTimeMs = pLimiter->getAttackTime(); cb.mLimiterParams.releaseTimeMs = pLimiter->getReleaseTime(); cb.mLimiterParams.ratio = pLimiter->getRatio(); cb.mLimiterParams.thresholdDb = pLimiter->getThreshold(); cb.mLimiterParams.postGainDb = pLimiter->getPostGain(); } if (changed) { ALOGV("limiter changed, recomputing linkGroups for %d", channelIndex); mLinkedLimiters.remove(channelIndex); //in case it was already there. mLinkedLimiters.update(cb.mLimiterParams.linkGroup, channelIndex); } } //=== Output Gain cb.outputGainDb = pChannel->getOutputGain(); } size_t DPFrequency::processSamples(const float *in, float *out, size_t samples) { const float *pIn = in; float *pOut = out; int channelCount = mChannelBuffers.size(); if (channelCount < 1) { ALOGW("warning: no Channels ready for processing"); return 0; } //**Check if parameters have changed and update for (int ch = 0; ch < channelCount; ch++) { updateParameters(mChannelBuffers[ch], ch); } //**separate into channels for (size_t k = 0; k < samples; k += channelCount) { for (int ch = 0; ch < channelCount; ch++) { mChannelBuffers[ch].cBInput.write(*pIn++); } } //**process all channelBuffers processChannelBuffers(mChannelBuffers); //** estimate how much data is available in ALL channels size_t available = mChannelBuffers[0].cBOutput.availableToRead(); for (int ch = 1; ch < channelCount; ch++) { available = std::min(available, mChannelBuffers[ch].cBOutput.availableToRead()); } //** make sure to output just what the buffer can handle if (available > samples/channelCount) { available = samples/channelCount; } //**Prepend zeroes if necessary size_t fill = samples - (channelCount * available); for (size_t k = 0; k < fill; k++) { *pOut++ = 0; } //**interleave channels for (size_t k = 0; k < available; k++) { for (int ch = 0; ch < channelCount; ch++) { *pOut++ = mChannelBuffers[ch].cBOutput.read(); } } return samples; } size_t DPFrequency::processChannelBuffers(CBufferVector &channelBuffers) { const int channelCount = channelBuffers.size(); size_t processedSamples = 0; size_t processFrames = mBlockSize - mOverlapSize; size_t available = channelBuffers[0].cBInput.availableToRead(); for (int ch = 1; ch < channelCount; ch++) { available = std::min(available, channelBuffers[ch].cBInput.availableToRead()); } while (available >= processFrames) { //First pass for (int ch = 0; ch < channelCount; ch++) { ChannelBuffer * pCb = &channelBuffers[ch]; //move tail of previous std::copy(pCb->input.begin() + processFrames, pCb->input.end(), pCb->input.begin()); //read new available data for (unsigned int k = 0; k < processFrames; k++) { pCb->input[mOverlapSize + k] = pCb->cBInput.read(); } //first stages: fft, preEq, mbc, postEq and start of Limiter processedSamples += processFirstStages(*pCb); } //**compute linked limiters and update levels if needed processLinkedLimiters(channelBuffers); //final pass. for (int ch = 0; ch < channelCount; ch++) { ChannelBuffer * pCb = &channelBuffers[ch]; //linked limiter and ifft processLastStages(*pCb); //mix tail (and capture new tail for (unsigned int k = 0; k < mOverlapSize; k++) { pCb->output[k] += pCb->outTail[k]; pCb->outTail[k] = pCb->output[processFrames + k]; //new tail } //output data for (unsigned int k = 0; k < processFrames; k++) { pCb->cBOutput.write(pCb->output[k]); } } available -= processFrames; } return processedSamples; } size_t DPFrequency::processFirstStages(ChannelBuffer &cb) { //##apply window Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXf> eWindow(&mVWindow[0], mVWindow.size()); Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXf> eInput(&cb.input[0], cb.input.size()); Eigen::VectorXf eWin = eInput.cwiseProduct(eWindow); //apply window //##fft //Note: we are using eigen with the default scaling, which ensures that // IFFT( FFT(x) ) = x. // TODO: optimize by using the noscale option, and compensate with dB scale offsets mFftServer.fwd(cb.complexTemp, eWin); size_t cSize = cb.complexTemp.size(); size_t maxBin = std::min(cSize/2, mHalfFFTSize); //== EqPre (always runs) for (size_t k = 0; k < maxBin; k++) { cb.complexTemp[k] *= cb.mPreEqFactorVector[k]; } //== MBC if (cb.mMbcInUse && cb.mMbcEnabled) { for (size_t band = 0; band < cb.mMbcBands.size(); band++) { ChannelBuffer::MbcBandParams *pMbcBandParams = &cb.mMbcBands[band]; float fEnergySum = 0; //apply pre gain. float preGainFactor = dBtoLinear(pMbcBandParams->gainPreDb); float preGainSquared = preGainFactor * preGainFactor; for (size_t k = pMbcBandParams->binStart; k <= pMbcBandParams->binStop; k++) { fEnergySum += std::norm(cb.complexTemp[k]) * preGainSquared; //mag squared } //Eigen FFT is full spectrum, even if the source was real data. // Each half spectrum has half the energy. This is taken into account with the * 2 // factor in the energy computations. // energy = sqrt(sum_components_squared) number_points // in here, the fEnergySum is duplicated to account for the second half spectrum, // and the windowRms is used to normalize by the expected energy reduction // caused by the window used (expected for steady state signals) fEnergySum = sqrt(fEnergySum * 2) / (mBlockSize * mWindowRms); // updates computed per frame advance. float fTheta = 0.0; float fFAttSec = pMbcBandParams->attackTimeMs / 1000; //in seconds float fFRelSec = pMbcBandParams->releaseTimeMs / 1000; //in seconds if (fEnergySum > pMbcBandParams->previousEnvelope) { fTheta = exp(-1.0 / (fFAttSec * mBlocksPerSecond)); } else { fTheta = exp(-1.0 / (fFRelSec * mBlocksPerSecond)); } float fEnv = (1.0 - fTheta) * fEnergySum + fTheta * pMbcBandParams->previousEnvelope; //preserve for next iteration pMbcBandParams->previousEnvelope = fEnv; if (fEnv < MIN_ENVELOPE) { fEnv = MIN_ENVELOPE; } const float envDb = linearToDb(fEnv); float newLevelDb = envDb; //using shorter variables for code clarity const float thresholdDb = pMbcBandParams->thresholdDb; const float ratio = pMbcBandParams->ratio; const float kneeWidthDbHalf = pMbcBandParams->kneeWidthDb / 2; const float noiseGateThresholdDb = pMbcBandParams->noiseGateThresholdDb; const float expanderRatio = pMbcBandParams->expanderRatio; //find segment if (envDb > thresholdDb + kneeWidthDbHalf) { //compression segment newLevelDb = envDb + ((1 / ratio) - 1) * (envDb - thresholdDb); } else if (envDb > thresholdDb - kneeWidthDbHalf) { //knee-compression segment float temp = (envDb - thresholdDb + kneeWidthDbHalf); newLevelDb = envDb + ((1 / ratio) - 1) * temp * temp / (kneeWidthDbHalf * 4); } else if (envDb < noiseGateThresholdDb) { //expander segment newLevelDb = noiseGateThresholdDb - expanderRatio * (noiseGateThresholdDb - envDb); } float newFactor = dBtoLinear(newLevelDb - envDb); //apply post gain. newFactor *= dBtoLinear(pMbcBandParams->gainPostDb); //apply to this band for (size_t k = pMbcBandParams->binStart; k <= pMbcBandParams->binStop; k++) { cb.complexTemp[k] *= newFactor; } } //end per band process } //end MBC //== EqPost if (cb.mPostEqInUse && cb.mPostEqEnabled) { for (size_t k = 0; k < maxBin; k++) { cb.complexTemp[k] *= cb.mPostEqFactorVector[k]; } } //== Limiter. First Pass if (cb.mLimiterInUse && cb.mLimiterEnabled) { float fEnergySum = 0; for (size_t k = 0; k < maxBin; k++) { fEnergySum += std::norm(cb.complexTemp[k]); } //see explanation above for energy computation logic fEnergySum = sqrt(fEnergySum * 2) / (mBlockSize * mWindowRms); float fTheta = 0.0; float fFAttSec = cb.mLimiterParams.attackTimeMs / 1000; //in seconds float fFRelSec = cb.mLimiterParams.releaseTimeMs / 1000; //in seconds if (fEnergySum > cb.mLimiterParams.previousEnvelope) { fTheta = exp(-1.0 / (fFAttSec * mBlocksPerSecond)); } else { fTheta = exp(-1.0 / (fFRelSec * mBlocksPerSecond)); } float fEnv = (1.0 - fTheta) * fEnergySum + fTheta * cb.mLimiterParams.previousEnvelope; //preserve for next iteration cb.mLimiterParams.previousEnvelope = fEnv; const float envDb = linearToDb(fEnv); float newFactorDb = 0; //using shorter variables for code clarity const float thresholdDb = cb.mLimiterParams.thresholdDb; const float ratio = cb.mLimiterParams.ratio; if (envDb > thresholdDb) { //limiter segment newFactorDb = ((1 / ratio) - 1) * (envDb - thresholdDb); } float newFactor = dBtoLinear(newFactorDb); cb.mLimiterParams.newFactor = newFactor; } //end Limiter return mBlockSize; } void DPFrequency::processLinkedLimiters(CBufferVector &channelBuffers) { const int channelCount = channelBuffers.size(); for (auto &groupPair : mLinkedLimiters.mGroupsMap) { float minFactor = 1.0; //estimate minfactor for all linked for(int index : groupPair.second) { if (index >= 0 && index < channelCount) { minFactor = std::min(channelBuffers[index].mLimiterParams.newFactor, minFactor); } } //apply minFactor for(int index : groupPair.second) { if (index >= 0 && index < channelCount) { channelBuffers[index].mLimiterParams.linkFactor = minFactor; } } } } size_t DPFrequency::processLastStages(ChannelBuffer &cb) { float outputGainFactor = dBtoLinear(cb.outputGainDb); //== Limiter. last Pass if (cb.mLimiterInUse && cb.mLimiterEnabled) { //compute factor, with post-gain float factor = cb.mLimiterParams.linkFactor * dBtoLinear(cb.mLimiterParams.postGainDb); outputGainFactor *= factor; } //apply to all if != 1.0 if (!compareEquality(outputGainFactor, 1.0f)) { size_t cSize = cb.complexTemp.size(); size_t maxBin = std::min(cSize/2, mHalfFFTSize); for (size_t k = 0; k < maxBin; k++) { cb.complexTemp[k] *= outputGainFactor; } } //##ifft directly to output. Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXf> eOutput(&cb.output[0], cb.output.size()); mFftServer.inv(eOutput, cb.complexTemp); //apply rest of window for resynthesis Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXf> eWindow(&mVWindow[0], mVWindow.size()); eOutput = eOutput.cwiseProduct(eWindow); return mBlockSize; } } //namespace dp_fx