// Copyright 2011 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Features shared by parsing and pre-parsing scanners. #include "src/parsing/scanner.h" #include <stdint.h> #include <cmath> #include "src/ast/ast-value-factory.h" #include "src/char-predicates-inl.h" #include "src/conversions-inl.h" #include "src/objects/bigint.h" #include "src/parsing/duplicate-finder.h" // For Scanner::FindSymbol #include "src/parsing/scanner-inl.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { class Scanner::ErrorState { public: ErrorState(MessageTemplate::Template* message_stack, Scanner::Location* location_stack) : message_stack_(message_stack), old_message_(*message_stack), location_stack_(location_stack), old_location_(*location_stack) { *message_stack_ = MessageTemplate::kNone; *location_stack_ = Location::invalid(); } ~ErrorState() { *message_stack_ = old_message_; *location_stack_ = old_location_; } void MoveErrorTo(TokenDesc* dest) { if (*message_stack_ == MessageTemplate::kNone) { return; } if (dest->invalid_template_escape_message == MessageTemplate::kNone) { dest->invalid_template_escape_message = *message_stack_; dest->invalid_template_escape_location = *location_stack_; } *message_stack_ = MessageTemplate::kNone; *location_stack_ = Location::invalid(); } private: MessageTemplate::Template* const message_stack_; MessageTemplate::Template const old_message_; Scanner::Location* const location_stack_; Scanner::Location const old_location_; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Scanner::LiteralBuffer Handle<String> Scanner::LiteralBuffer::Internalize(Isolate* isolate) const { DCHECK(is_used_); if (is_one_byte()) { return isolate->factory()->InternalizeOneByteString(one_byte_literal()); } return isolate->factory()->InternalizeTwoByteString(two_byte_literal()); } int Scanner::LiteralBuffer::NewCapacity(int min_capacity) { int capacity = Max(min_capacity, backing_store_.length()); int new_capacity = Min(capacity * kGrowthFactory, capacity + kMaxGrowth); return new_capacity; } void Scanner::LiteralBuffer::ExpandBuffer() { Vector<byte> new_store = Vector<byte>::New(NewCapacity(kInitialCapacity)); MemCopy(new_store.start(), backing_store_.start(), position_); backing_store_.Dispose(); backing_store_ = new_store; } void Scanner::LiteralBuffer::ConvertToTwoByte() { DCHECK(is_one_byte_); Vector<byte> new_store; int new_content_size = position_ * kUC16Size; if (new_content_size >= backing_store_.length()) { // Ensure room for all currently read code units as UC16 as well // as the code unit about to be stored. new_store = Vector<byte>::New(NewCapacity(new_content_size)); } else { new_store = backing_store_; } uint8_t* src = backing_store_.start(); uint16_t* dst = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(new_store.start()); for (int i = position_ - 1; i >= 0; i--) { dst[i] = src[i]; } if (new_store.start() != backing_store_.start()) { backing_store_.Dispose(); backing_store_ = new_store; } position_ = new_content_size; is_one_byte_ = false; } void Scanner::LiteralBuffer::AddTwoByteChar(uc32 code_unit) { DCHECK(!is_one_byte_); if (position_ >= backing_store_.length()) ExpandBuffer(); if (code_unit <= static_cast<uc32>(unibrow::Utf16::kMaxNonSurrogateCharCode)) { *reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(&backing_store_[position_]) = code_unit; position_ += kUC16Size; } else { *reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(&backing_store_[position_]) = unibrow::Utf16::LeadSurrogate(code_unit); position_ += kUC16Size; if (position_ >= backing_store_.length()) ExpandBuffer(); *reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(&backing_store_[position_]) = unibrow::Utf16::TrailSurrogate(code_unit); position_ += kUC16Size; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Scanner::BookmarkScope const size_t Scanner::BookmarkScope::kBookmarkAtFirstPos = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() - 2; const size_t Scanner::BookmarkScope::kNoBookmark = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() - 1; const size_t Scanner::BookmarkScope::kBookmarkWasApplied = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(); void Scanner::BookmarkScope::Set() { DCHECK_EQ(bookmark_, kNoBookmark); DCHECK_EQ(scanner_->next_next().token, Token::UNINITIALIZED); // The first token is a bit special, since current_ will still be // uninitialized. In this case, store kBookmarkAtFirstPos and special-case it // when // applying the bookmark. DCHECK_IMPLIES(scanner_->current().token == Token::UNINITIALIZED, scanner_->current().location.beg_pos == scanner_->next().location.beg_pos); bookmark_ = (scanner_->current().token == Token::UNINITIALIZED) ? kBookmarkAtFirstPos : scanner_->location().beg_pos; } void Scanner::BookmarkScope::Apply() { DCHECK(HasBeenSet()); // Caller hasn't called SetBookmark. if (bookmark_ == kBookmarkAtFirstPos) { scanner_->SeekNext(0); } else { scanner_->SeekNext(bookmark_); scanner_->Next(); DCHECK_EQ(scanner_->location().beg_pos, static_cast<int>(bookmark_)); } bookmark_ = kBookmarkWasApplied; } bool Scanner::BookmarkScope::HasBeenSet() { return bookmark_ != kNoBookmark && bookmark_ != kBookmarkWasApplied; } bool Scanner::BookmarkScope::HasBeenApplied() { return bookmark_ == kBookmarkWasApplied; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Scanner Scanner::Scanner(UnicodeCache* unicode_cache, Utf16CharacterStream* source, bool is_module) : unicode_cache_(unicode_cache), source_(source), octal_pos_(Location::invalid()), octal_message_(MessageTemplate::kNone), found_html_comment_(false), allow_harmony_bigint_(false), allow_harmony_numeric_separator_(false), is_module_(is_module) { DCHECK_NOT_NULL(source); } void Scanner::Initialize() { // Need to capture identifiers in order to recognize "get" and "set" // in object literals. Init(); next().after_line_terminator = true; Scan(); } template <bool capture_raw, bool unicode> uc32 Scanner::ScanHexNumber(int expected_length) { DCHECK_LE(expected_length, 4); // prevent overflow int begin = source_pos() - 2; uc32 x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < expected_length; i++) { int d = HexValue(c0_); if (d < 0) { ReportScannerError(Location(begin, begin + expected_length + 2), unicode ? MessageTemplate::kInvalidUnicodeEscapeSequence : MessageTemplate::kInvalidHexEscapeSequence); return -1; } x = x * 16 + d; Advance<capture_raw>(); } return x; } template <bool capture_raw> uc32 Scanner::ScanUnlimitedLengthHexNumber(int max_value, int beg_pos) { uc32 x = 0; int d = HexValue(c0_); if (d < 0) return -1; while (d >= 0) { x = x * 16 + d; if (x > max_value) { ReportScannerError(Location(beg_pos, source_pos() + 1), MessageTemplate::kUndefinedUnicodeCodePoint); return -1; } Advance<capture_raw>(); d = HexValue(c0_); } return x; } // Ensure that tokens can be stored in a byte. STATIC_ASSERT(Token::NUM_TOKENS <= 0x100); // Table of one-character tokens, by character (0x00..0x7F only). // clang-format off static const byte one_char_tokens[] = { Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::LPAREN, // 0x28 Token::RPAREN, // 0x29 Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::COMMA, // 0x2C Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::COLON, // 0x3A Token::SEMICOLON, // 0x3B Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::CONDITIONAL, // 0x3F Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::LBRACK, // 0x5B Token::ILLEGAL, Token::RBRACK, // 0x5D Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::ILLEGAL, Token::LBRACE, // 0x7B Token::ILLEGAL, Token::RBRACE, // 0x7D Token::BIT_NOT, // 0x7E Token::ILLEGAL }; // clang-format on Token::Value Scanner::Next() { if (next().token == Token::EOS) next().location = current().location; // Rotate through tokens. TokenDesc* previous = current_; current_ = next_; // Either we already have the next token lined up, in which case next_next_ // simply becomes next_. In that case we use current_ as new next_next_ and // clear its token to indicate that it wasn't scanned yet. Otherwise we use // current_ as next_ and scan into it, leaving next_next_ uninitialized. if (V8_LIKELY(next_next().token == Token::UNINITIALIZED)) { next_ = previous; next().after_line_terminator = false; Scan(); } else { next_ = next_next_; next_next_ = previous; previous->token = Token::UNINITIALIZED; previous->contextual_token = Token::UNINITIALIZED; DCHECK_NE(Token::UNINITIALIZED, current().token); } return current().token; } Token::Value Scanner::PeekAhead() { DCHECK(next().token != Token::DIV); DCHECK(next().token != Token::ASSIGN_DIV); if (next_next().token != Token::UNINITIALIZED) { return next_next().token; } TokenDesc* temp = next_; next_ = next_next_; next().after_line_terminator = false; Scan(); next_next_ = next_; next_ = temp; return next_next().token; } Token::Value Scanner::SkipSingleHTMLComment() { if (is_module_) { ReportScannerError(source_pos(), MessageTemplate::kHtmlCommentInModule); return Token::ILLEGAL; } return SkipSingleLineComment(); } Token::Value Scanner::SkipSingleLineComment() { // The line terminator at the end of the line is not considered // to be part of the single-line comment; it is recognized // separately by the lexical grammar and becomes part of the // stream of input elements for the syntactic grammar (see // ECMA-262, section 7.4). AdvanceUntil([](uc32 c0_) { return unibrow::IsLineTerminator(c0_); }); return Token::WHITESPACE; } Token::Value Scanner::SkipSourceURLComment() { TryToParseSourceURLComment(); while (c0_ != kEndOfInput && !unibrow::IsLineTerminator(c0_)) { Advance(); } return Token::WHITESPACE; } void Scanner::TryToParseSourceURLComment() { // Magic comments are of the form: //[#@]\s<name>=\s*<value>\s*.* and this // function will just return if it cannot parse a magic comment. DCHECK(!unicode_cache_->IsWhiteSpaceOrLineTerminator(kEndOfInput)); if (!unicode_cache_->IsWhiteSpace(c0_)) return; Advance(); LiteralBuffer name; name.Start(); while (c0_ != kEndOfInput && !unicode_cache_->IsWhiteSpaceOrLineTerminator(c0_) && c0_ != '=') { name.AddChar(c0_); Advance(); } if (!name.is_one_byte()) return; Vector<const uint8_t> name_literal = name.one_byte_literal(); LiteralBuffer* value; if (name_literal == STATIC_CHAR_VECTOR("sourceURL")) { value = &source_url_; } else if (name_literal == STATIC_CHAR_VECTOR("sourceMappingURL")) { value = &source_mapping_url_; } else { return; } if (c0_ != '=') return; value->Drop(); value->Start(); Advance(); while (unicode_cache_->IsWhiteSpace(c0_)) { Advance(); } while (c0_ != kEndOfInput && !unibrow::IsLineTerminator(c0_)) { // Disallowed characters. if (c0_ == '"' || c0_ == '\'') { value->Drop(); return; } if (unicode_cache_->IsWhiteSpace(c0_)) { break; } value->AddChar(c0_); Advance(); } // Allow whitespace at the end. while (c0_ != kEndOfInput && !unibrow::IsLineTerminator(c0_)) { if (!unicode_cache_->IsWhiteSpace(c0_)) { value->Drop(); break; } Advance(); } } Token::Value Scanner::SkipMultiLineComment() { DCHECK_EQ(c0_, '*'); Advance(); while (c0_ != kEndOfInput) { DCHECK(!unibrow::IsLineTerminator(kEndOfInput)); if (!HasLineTerminatorBeforeNext() && unibrow::IsLineTerminator(c0_)) { // Following ECMA-262, section 7.4, a comment containing // a newline will make the comment count as a line-terminator. next().after_line_terminator = true; } while (V8_UNLIKELY(c0_ == '*')) { Advance(); if (c0_ == '/') { Advance(); return Token::WHITESPACE; } } Advance(); } // Unterminated multi-line comment. return Token::ILLEGAL; } Token::Value Scanner::ScanHtmlComment() { // Check for <!-- comments. DCHECK_EQ(c0_, '!'); Advance(); if (c0_ != '-' || Peek() != '-') { PushBack('!'); // undo Advance() return Token::LT; } Advance(); found_html_comment_ = true; return SkipSingleHTMLComment(); } void Scanner::Scan() { next().literal_chars.Drop(); next().raw_literal_chars.Drop(); next().invalid_template_escape_message = MessageTemplate::kNone; Token::Value token; do { if (static_cast<unsigned>(c0_) <= 0x7F) { Token::Value token = static_cast<Token::Value>(one_char_tokens[c0_]); if (token != Token::ILLEGAL) { int pos = source_pos(); next().token = token; next().contextual_token = Token::UNINITIALIZED; next().location.beg_pos = pos; next().location.end_pos = pos + 1; Advance(); return; } } // Remember the position of the next token next().location.beg_pos = source_pos(); switch (c0_) { case '"': case '\'': token = ScanString(); break; case '<': // < <= << <<= <!-- Advance(); if (c0_ == '=') { token = Select(Token::LTE); } else if (c0_ == '<') { token = Select('=', Token::ASSIGN_SHL, Token::SHL); } else if (c0_ == '!') { token = ScanHtmlComment(); } else { token = Token::LT; } break; case '>': // > >= >> >>= >>> >>>= Advance(); if (c0_ == '=') { token = Select(Token::GTE); } else if (c0_ == '>') { // >> >>= >>> >>>= Advance(); if (c0_ == '=') { token = Select(Token::ASSIGN_SAR); } else if (c0_ == '>') { token = Select('=', Token::ASSIGN_SHR, Token::SHR); } else { token = Token::SAR; } } else { token = Token::GT; } break; case '=': // = == === => Advance(); if (c0_ == '=') { token = Select('=', Token::EQ_STRICT, Token::EQ); } else if (c0_ == '>') { token = Select(Token::ARROW); } else { token = Token::ASSIGN; } break; case '!': // ! != !== Advance(); if (c0_ == '=') { token = Select('=', Token::NE_STRICT, Token::NE); } else { token = Token::NOT; } break; case '+': // + ++ += Advance(); if (c0_ == '+') { token = Select(Token::INC); } else if (c0_ == '=') { token = Select(Token::ASSIGN_ADD); } else { token = Token::ADD; } break; case '-': // - -- --> -= Advance(); if (c0_ == '-') { Advance(); if (c0_ == '>' && HasLineTerminatorBeforeNext()) { // For compatibility with SpiderMonkey, we skip lines that // start with an HTML comment end '-->'. token = SkipSingleHTMLComment(); } else { token = Token::DEC; } } else if (c0_ == '=') { token = Select(Token::ASSIGN_SUB); } else { token = Token::SUB; } break; case '*': // * *= Advance(); if (c0_ == '*') { token = Select('=', Token::ASSIGN_EXP, Token::EXP); } else if (c0_ == '=') { token = Select(Token::ASSIGN_MUL); } else { token = Token::MUL; } break; case '%': // % %= token = Select('=', Token::ASSIGN_MOD, Token::MOD); break; case '/': // / // /* /= Advance(); if (c0_ == '/') { uc32 c = Peek(); if (c == '#' || c == '@') { Advance(); Advance(); token = SkipSourceURLComment(); } else { token = SkipSingleLineComment(); } } else if (c0_ == '*') { token = SkipMultiLineComment(); } else if (c0_ == '=') { token = Select(Token::ASSIGN_DIV); } else { token = Token::DIV; } break; case '&': // & && &= Advance(); if (c0_ == '&') { token = Select(Token::AND); } else if (c0_ == '=') { token = Select(Token::ASSIGN_BIT_AND); } else { token = Token::BIT_AND; } break; case '|': // | || |= Advance(); if (c0_ == '|') { token = Select(Token::OR); } else if (c0_ == '=') { token = Select(Token::ASSIGN_BIT_OR); } else { token = Token::BIT_OR; } break; case '^': // ^ ^= token = Select('=', Token::ASSIGN_BIT_XOR, Token::BIT_XOR); break; case '.': // . Number Advance(); if (IsDecimalDigit(c0_)) { token = ScanNumber(true); } else { token = Token::PERIOD; if (c0_ == '.') { if (Peek() == '.') { Advance(); Advance(); token = Token::ELLIPSIS; } } } break; case '`': token = ScanTemplateStart(); break; case '#': token = ScanPrivateName(); break; default: if (unicode_cache_->IsIdentifierStart(c0_) || (CombineSurrogatePair() && unicode_cache_->IsIdentifierStart(c0_))) { token = ScanIdentifierOrKeyword(); } else if (IsDecimalDigit(c0_)) { token = ScanNumber(false); } else if (c0_ == kEndOfInput) { token = Token::EOS; } else { token = SkipWhiteSpace(); if (token == Token::ILLEGAL) Advance(); } break; } // Continue scanning for tokens as long as we're just skipping // whitespace. } while (token == Token::WHITESPACE); next().location.end_pos = source_pos(); if (Token::IsContextualKeyword(token)) { next().token = Token::IDENTIFIER; next().contextual_token = token; } else { next().token = token; next().contextual_token = Token::UNINITIALIZED; } #ifdef DEBUG SanityCheckTokenDesc(current()); SanityCheckTokenDesc(next()); SanityCheckTokenDesc(next_next()); #endif } #ifdef DEBUG void Scanner::SanityCheckTokenDesc(const TokenDesc& token) const { // Most tokens should not have literal_chars or even raw_literal chars. // The rules are: // - UNINITIALIZED: we don't care. // - TEMPLATE_*: need both literal + raw literal chars. // - IDENTIFIERS, STRINGS, etc.: need a literal, but no raw literal. // - all others: should have neither. // Furthermore, only TEMPLATE_* tokens can have a // invalid_template_escape_message. switch (token.token) { case Token::UNINITIALIZED: // token.literal_chars & other members might be garbage. That's ok. break; case Token::TEMPLATE_SPAN: case Token::TEMPLATE_TAIL: DCHECK(token.raw_literal_chars.is_used()); DCHECK(token.literal_chars.is_used()); break; case Token::ESCAPED_KEYWORD: case Token::ESCAPED_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD: case Token::FUTURE_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD: case Token::IDENTIFIER: case Token::NUMBER: case Token::BIGINT: case Token::REGEXP_LITERAL: case Token::SMI: case Token::STRING: case Token::PRIVATE_NAME: DCHECK(token.literal_chars.is_used()); DCHECK(!token.raw_literal_chars.is_used()); DCHECK_EQ(token.invalid_template_escape_message, MessageTemplate::kNone); break; default: DCHECK(!token.literal_chars.is_used()); DCHECK(!token.raw_literal_chars.is_used()); DCHECK_EQ(token.invalid_template_escape_message, MessageTemplate::kNone); break; } DCHECK_IMPLIES(token.token != Token::IDENTIFIER, token.contextual_token == Token::UNINITIALIZED); DCHECK_IMPLIES(token.contextual_token != Token::UNINITIALIZED, token.token == Token::IDENTIFIER && Token::IsContextualKeyword(token.contextual_token)); DCHECK(!Token::IsContextualKeyword(token.token)); } #endif // DEBUG void Scanner::SeekForward(int pos) { // After this call, we will have the token at the given position as // the "next" token. The "current" token will be invalid. if (pos == next().location.beg_pos) return; int current_pos = source_pos(); DCHECK_EQ(next().location.end_pos, current_pos); // Positions inside the lookahead token aren't supported. DCHECK(pos >= current_pos); if (pos != current_pos) { source_->Seek(pos); Advance(); // This function is only called to seek to the location // of the end of a function (at the "}" token). It doesn't matter // whether there was a line terminator in the part we skip. next().after_line_terminator = false; } Scan(); } template <bool capture_raw> bool Scanner::ScanEscape() { uc32 c = c0_; Advance<capture_raw>(); // Skip escaped newlines. DCHECK(!unibrow::IsLineTerminator(kEndOfInput)); if (!capture_raw && unibrow::IsLineTerminator(c)) { // Allow escaped CR+LF newlines in multiline string literals. if (IsCarriageReturn(c) && IsLineFeed(c0_)) Advance(); return true; } switch (c) { case '\'': // fall through case '"' : // fall through case '\\': break; case 'b' : c = '\b'; break; case 'f' : c = '\f'; break; case 'n' : c = '\n'; break; case 'r' : c = '\r'; break; case 't' : c = '\t'; break; case 'u' : { c = ScanUnicodeEscape<capture_raw>(); if (c < 0) return false; break; } case 'v': c = '\v'; break; case 'x': { c = ScanHexNumber<capture_raw>(2); if (c < 0) return false; break; } case '0': // Fall through. case '1': // fall through case '2': // fall through case '3': // fall through case '4': // fall through case '5': // fall through case '6': // fall through case '7': c = ScanOctalEscape<capture_raw>(c, 2); break; } // Other escaped characters are interpreted as their non-escaped version. AddLiteralChar(c); return true; } template <bool capture_raw> uc32 Scanner::ScanOctalEscape(uc32 c, int length) { uc32 x = c - '0'; int i = 0; for (; i < length; i++) { int d = c0_ - '0'; if (d < 0 || d > 7) break; int nx = x * 8 + d; if (nx >= 256) break; x = nx; Advance<capture_raw>(); } // Anything except '\0' is an octal escape sequence, illegal in strict mode. // Remember the position of octal escape sequences so that an error // can be reported later (in strict mode). // We don't report the error immediately, because the octal escape can // occur before the "use strict" directive. if (c != '0' || i > 0 || c0_ == '8' || c0_ == '9') { octal_pos_ = Location(source_pos() - i - 1, source_pos() - 1); octal_message_ = capture_raw ? MessageTemplate::kTemplateOctalLiteral : MessageTemplate::kStrictOctalEscape; } return x; } Token::Value Scanner::ScanString() { uc32 quote = c0_; Advance(); // consume quote LiteralScope literal(this); while (true) { if (c0_ == quote) { literal.Complete(); Advance(); return Token::STRING; } if (c0_ == kEndOfInput || unibrow::IsStringLiteralLineTerminator(c0_)) { return Token::ILLEGAL; } if (c0_ == '\\') { Advance(); // TODO(verwaest): Check whether we can remove the additional check. if (c0_ == kEndOfInput || !ScanEscape<false>()) { return Token::ILLEGAL; } continue; } AddLiteralCharAdvance(); } } Token::Value Scanner::ScanPrivateName() { if (!allow_harmony_private_fields()) { ReportScannerError(source_pos(), MessageTemplate::kInvalidOrUnexpectedToken); return Token::ILLEGAL; } LiteralScope literal(this); DCHECK_EQ(c0_, '#'); DCHECK(!unicode_cache_->IsIdentifierStart(kEndOfInput)); if (!unicode_cache_->IsIdentifierStart(Peek())) { ReportScannerError(source_pos(), MessageTemplate::kInvalidOrUnexpectedToken); return Token::ILLEGAL; } AddLiteralCharAdvance(); Token::Value token = ScanIdentifierOrKeywordInner(&literal); return token == Token::ILLEGAL ? Token::ILLEGAL : Token::PRIVATE_NAME; } Token::Value Scanner::ScanTemplateSpan() { // When scanning a TemplateSpan, we are looking for the following construct: // TEMPLATE_SPAN :: // ` LiteralChars* ${ // | } LiteralChars* ${ // // TEMPLATE_TAIL :: // ` LiteralChars* ` // | } LiteralChar* ` // // A TEMPLATE_SPAN should always be followed by an Expression, while a // TEMPLATE_TAIL terminates a TemplateLiteral and does not need to be // followed by an Expression. // These scoped helpers save and restore the original error state, so that we // can specially treat invalid escape sequences in templates (which are // handled by the parser). ErrorState scanner_error_state(&scanner_error_, &scanner_error_location_); ErrorState octal_error_state(&octal_message_, &octal_pos_); Token::Value result = Token::TEMPLATE_SPAN; LiteralScope literal(this); StartRawLiteral(); const bool capture_raw = true; while (true) { uc32 c = c0_; if (c == '`') { Advance(); // Consume '`' result = Token::TEMPLATE_TAIL; break; } else if (c == '$' && Peek() == '{') { Advance(); // Consume '$' Advance(); // Consume '{' break; } else if (c == '\\') { Advance(); // Consume '\\' DCHECK(!unibrow::IsLineTerminator(kEndOfInput)); if (capture_raw) AddRawLiteralChar('\\'); if (unibrow::IsLineTerminator(c0_)) { // The TV of LineContinuation :: \ LineTerminatorSequence is the empty // code unit sequence. uc32 lastChar = c0_; Advance(); if (lastChar == '\r') { // Also skip \n. if (c0_ == '\n') Advance(); lastChar = '\n'; } if (capture_raw) AddRawLiteralChar(lastChar); } else { bool success = ScanEscape<capture_raw>(); USE(success); DCHECK_EQ(!success, has_error()); // For templates, invalid escape sequence checking is handled in the // parser. scanner_error_state.MoveErrorTo(next_); octal_error_state.MoveErrorTo(next_); } } else if (c < 0) { // Unterminated template literal break; } else { Advance(); // Consume c. // The TRV of LineTerminatorSequence :: <CR> is the CV 0x000A. // The TRV of LineTerminatorSequence :: <CR><LF> is the sequence // consisting of the CV 0x000A. if (c == '\r') { if (c0_ == '\n') Advance(); // Consume '\n' c = '\n'; } if (capture_raw) AddRawLiteralChar(c); AddLiteralChar(c); } } literal.Complete(); next().location.end_pos = source_pos(); next().token = result; next().contextual_token = Token::UNINITIALIZED; return result; } Token::Value Scanner::ScanTemplateStart() { DCHECK_EQ(next_next().token, Token::UNINITIALIZED); DCHECK_EQ(c0_, '`'); next().location.beg_pos = source_pos(); Advance(); // Consume ` return ScanTemplateSpan(); } Handle<String> Scanner::SourceUrl(Isolate* isolate) const { Handle<String> tmp; if (source_url_.length() > 0) { DCHECK(source_url_.is_used()); tmp = source_url_.Internalize(isolate); } return tmp; } Handle<String> Scanner::SourceMappingUrl(Isolate* isolate) const { Handle<String> tmp; if (source_mapping_url_.length() > 0) { DCHECK(source_mapping_url_.is_used()); tmp = source_mapping_url_.Internalize(isolate); } return tmp; } bool Scanner::ScanDigitsWithNumericSeparators(bool (*predicate)(uc32 ch), bool is_check_first_digit) { // we must have at least one digit after 'x'/'b'/'o' if (is_check_first_digit && !predicate(c0_)) return false; bool separator_seen = false; while (predicate(c0_) || c0_ == '_') { if (c0_ == '_') { Advance(); if (c0_ == '_') { ReportScannerError(Location(source_pos(), source_pos() + 1), MessageTemplate::kContinuousNumericSeparator); return false; } separator_seen = true; continue; } separator_seen = false; AddLiteralCharAdvance(); } if (separator_seen) { ReportScannerError(Location(source_pos(), source_pos() + 1), MessageTemplate::kTrailingNumericSeparator); return false; } return true; } bool Scanner::ScanDecimalDigits() { if (allow_harmony_numeric_separator()) { return ScanDigitsWithNumericSeparators(&IsDecimalDigit, false); } while (IsDecimalDigit(c0_)) { AddLiteralCharAdvance(); } return true; } bool Scanner::ScanDecimalAsSmiWithNumericSeparators(uint64_t* value) { bool separator_seen = false; while (IsDecimalDigit(c0_) || c0_ == '_') { if (c0_ == '_') { Advance(); if (c0_ == '_') { ReportScannerError(Location(source_pos(), source_pos() + 1), MessageTemplate::kContinuousNumericSeparator); return false; } separator_seen = true; continue; } separator_seen = false; *value = 10 * *value + (c0_ - '0'); uc32 first_char = c0_; Advance(); AddLiteralChar(first_char); } if (separator_seen) { ReportScannerError(Location(source_pos(), source_pos() + 1), MessageTemplate::kTrailingNumericSeparator); return false; } return true; } bool Scanner::ScanDecimalAsSmi(uint64_t* value) { if (allow_harmony_numeric_separator()) { return ScanDecimalAsSmiWithNumericSeparators(value); } while (IsDecimalDigit(c0_)) { *value = 10 * *value + (c0_ - '0'); uc32 first_char = c0_; Advance(); AddLiteralChar(first_char); } return true; } bool Scanner::ScanBinaryDigits() { if (allow_harmony_numeric_separator()) { return ScanDigitsWithNumericSeparators(&IsBinaryDigit, true); } // we must have at least one binary digit after 'b'/'B' if (!IsBinaryDigit(c0_)) { return false; } while (IsBinaryDigit(c0_)) { AddLiteralCharAdvance(); } return true; } bool Scanner::ScanOctalDigits() { if (allow_harmony_numeric_separator()) { return ScanDigitsWithNumericSeparators(&IsOctalDigit, true); } // we must have at least one octal digit after 'o'/'O' if (!IsOctalDigit(c0_)) { return false; } while (IsOctalDigit(c0_)) { AddLiteralCharAdvance(); } return true; } bool Scanner::ScanImplicitOctalDigits(int start_pos, Scanner::NumberKind* kind) { *kind = IMPLICIT_OCTAL; while (true) { // (possible) octal number if (c0_ == '8' || c0_ == '9') { *kind = DECIMAL_WITH_LEADING_ZERO; return true; } if (c0_ < '0' || '7' < c0_) { // Octal literal finished. octal_pos_ = Location(start_pos, source_pos()); octal_message_ = MessageTemplate::kStrictOctalLiteral; return true; } AddLiteralCharAdvance(); } } bool Scanner::ScanHexDigits() { if (allow_harmony_numeric_separator()) { return ScanDigitsWithNumericSeparators(&IsHexDigit, true); } // we must have at least one hex digit after 'x'/'X' if (!IsHexDigit(c0_)) { return false; } while (IsHexDigit(c0_)) { AddLiteralCharAdvance(); } return true; } bool Scanner::ScanSignedInteger() { if (c0_ == '+' || c0_ == '-') AddLiteralCharAdvance(); // we must have at least one decimal digit after 'e'/'E' if (!IsDecimalDigit(c0_)) return false; return ScanDecimalDigits(); } Token::Value Scanner::ScanNumber(bool seen_period) { DCHECK(IsDecimalDigit(c0_)); // the first digit of the number or the fraction NumberKind kind = DECIMAL; LiteralScope literal(this); bool at_start = !seen_period; int start_pos = source_pos(); // For reporting octal positions. if (seen_period) { // we have already seen a decimal point of the float AddLiteralChar('.'); if (allow_harmony_numeric_separator() && c0_ == '_') { return Token::ILLEGAL; } // we know we have at least one digit if (!ScanDecimalDigits()) return Token::ILLEGAL; } else { // if the first character is '0' we must check for octals and hex if (c0_ == '0') { AddLiteralCharAdvance(); // either 0, 0exxx, 0Exxx, 0.xxx, a hex number, a binary number or // an octal number. if (c0_ == 'x' || c0_ == 'X') { AddLiteralCharAdvance(); kind = HEX; if (!ScanHexDigits()) return Token::ILLEGAL; } else if (c0_ == 'o' || c0_ == 'O') { AddLiteralCharAdvance(); kind = OCTAL; if (!ScanOctalDigits()) return Token::ILLEGAL; } else if (c0_ == 'b' || c0_ == 'B') { AddLiteralCharAdvance(); kind = BINARY; if (!ScanBinaryDigits()) return Token::ILLEGAL; } else if ('0' <= c0_ && c0_ <= '7') { kind = IMPLICIT_OCTAL; if (!ScanImplicitOctalDigits(start_pos, &kind)) { return Token::ILLEGAL; } if (kind == DECIMAL_WITH_LEADING_ZERO) { at_start = false; } } else if (c0_ == '8' || c0_ == '9') { kind = DECIMAL_WITH_LEADING_ZERO; } else if (allow_harmony_numeric_separator() && c0_ == '_') { ReportScannerError(Location(source_pos(), source_pos() + 1), MessageTemplate::kZeroDigitNumericSeparator); return Token::ILLEGAL; } } // Parse decimal digits and allow trailing fractional part. if (kind == DECIMAL || kind == DECIMAL_WITH_LEADING_ZERO) { // This is an optimization for parsing Decimal numbers as Smi's. if (at_start) { uint64_t value = 0; // scan subsequent decimal digits if (!ScanDecimalAsSmi(&value)) { return Token::ILLEGAL; } if (next().literal_chars.one_byte_literal().length() <= 10 && value <= Smi::kMaxValue && c0_ != '.' && !unicode_cache_->IsIdentifierStart(c0_)) { next().smi_value_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(value); literal.Complete(); if (kind == DECIMAL_WITH_LEADING_ZERO) { octal_pos_ = Location(start_pos, source_pos()); octal_message_ = MessageTemplate::kStrictDecimalWithLeadingZero; } return Token::SMI; } } if (!ScanDecimalDigits()) return Token::ILLEGAL; if (c0_ == '.') { seen_period = true; AddLiteralCharAdvance(); if (allow_harmony_numeric_separator() && c0_ == '_') { return Token::ILLEGAL; } if (!ScanDecimalDigits()) return Token::ILLEGAL; } } } bool is_bigint = false; if (allow_harmony_bigint() && c0_ == 'n' && !seen_period && (kind == DECIMAL || kind == HEX || kind == OCTAL || kind == BINARY)) { // Check that the literal is within our limits for BigInt length. // For simplicity, use 4 bits per character to calculate the maximum // allowed literal length. static const int kMaxBigIntCharacters = BigInt::kMaxLengthBits / 4; int length = source_pos() - start_pos - (kind != DECIMAL ? 2 : 0); if (length > kMaxBigIntCharacters) { ReportScannerError(Location(start_pos, source_pos()), MessageTemplate::kBigIntTooBig); return Token::ILLEGAL; } is_bigint = true; Advance(); } else if (c0_ == 'e' || c0_ == 'E') { // scan exponent, if any DCHECK(kind != HEX); // 'e'/'E' must be scanned as part of the hex number if (!(kind == DECIMAL || kind == DECIMAL_WITH_LEADING_ZERO)) return Token::ILLEGAL; // scan exponent AddLiteralCharAdvance(); if (!ScanSignedInteger()) return Token::ILLEGAL; } // The source character immediately following a numeric literal must // not be an identifier start or a decimal digit; see ECMA-262 // section 7.8.3, page 17 (note that we read only one decimal digit // if the value is 0). if (IsDecimalDigit(c0_) || unicode_cache_->IsIdentifierStart(c0_)) { return Token::ILLEGAL; } literal.Complete(); if (kind == DECIMAL_WITH_LEADING_ZERO) { octal_pos_ = Location(start_pos, source_pos()); octal_message_ = MessageTemplate::kStrictDecimalWithLeadingZero; } return is_bigint ? Token::BIGINT : Token::NUMBER; } uc32 Scanner::ScanIdentifierUnicodeEscape() { Advance(); if (c0_ != 'u') return -1; Advance(); return ScanUnicodeEscape<false>(); } template <bool capture_raw> uc32 Scanner::ScanUnicodeEscape() { // Accept both \uxxxx and \u{xxxxxx}. In the latter case, the number of // hex digits between { } is arbitrary. \ and u have already been read. if (c0_ == '{') { int begin = source_pos() - 2; Advance<capture_raw>(); uc32 cp = ScanUnlimitedLengthHexNumber<capture_raw>(0x10FFFF, begin); if (cp < 0 || c0_ != '}') { ReportScannerError(source_pos(), MessageTemplate::kInvalidUnicodeEscapeSequence); return -1; } Advance<capture_raw>(); return cp; } const bool unicode = true; return ScanHexNumber<capture_raw, unicode>(4); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Keyword Matcher #define KEYWORDS(KEYWORD_GROUP, KEYWORD) \ KEYWORD_GROUP('a') \ KEYWORD("arguments", Token::ARGUMENTS) \ KEYWORD("as", Token::AS) \ KEYWORD("async", Token::ASYNC) \ KEYWORD("await", Token::AWAIT) \ KEYWORD("anonymous", Token::ANONYMOUS) \ KEYWORD_GROUP('b') \ KEYWORD("break", Token::BREAK) \ KEYWORD_GROUP('c') \ KEYWORD("case", Token::CASE) \ KEYWORD("catch", Token::CATCH) \ KEYWORD("class", Token::CLASS) \ KEYWORD("const", Token::CONST) \ KEYWORD("constructor", Token::CONSTRUCTOR) \ KEYWORD("continue", Token::CONTINUE) \ KEYWORD_GROUP('d') \ KEYWORD("debugger", Token::DEBUGGER) \ KEYWORD("default", Token::DEFAULT) \ KEYWORD("delete", Token::DELETE) \ KEYWORD("do", Token::DO) \ KEYWORD_GROUP('e') \ KEYWORD("else", Token::ELSE) \ KEYWORD("enum", Token::ENUM) \ KEYWORD("eval", Token::EVAL) \ KEYWORD("export", Token::EXPORT) \ KEYWORD("extends", Token::EXTENDS) \ KEYWORD_GROUP('f') \ KEYWORD("false", Token::FALSE_LITERAL) \ KEYWORD("finally", Token::FINALLY) \ KEYWORD("for", Token::FOR) \ KEYWORD("from", Token::FROM) \ KEYWORD("function", Token::FUNCTION) \ KEYWORD_GROUP('g') \ KEYWORD("get", Token::GET) \ KEYWORD_GROUP('i') \ KEYWORD("if", Token::IF) \ KEYWORD("implements", Token::FUTURE_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD) \ KEYWORD("import", Token::IMPORT) \ KEYWORD("in", Token::IN) \ KEYWORD("instanceof", Token::INSTANCEOF) \ KEYWORD("interface", Token::FUTURE_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD) \ KEYWORD_GROUP('l') \ KEYWORD("let", Token::LET) \ KEYWORD_GROUP('m') \ KEYWORD("meta", Token::META) \ KEYWORD_GROUP('n') \ KEYWORD("name", Token::NAME) \ KEYWORD("new", Token::NEW) \ KEYWORD("null", Token::NULL_LITERAL) \ KEYWORD_GROUP('o') \ KEYWORD("of", Token::OF) \ KEYWORD_GROUP('p') \ KEYWORD("package", Token::FUTURE_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD) \ KEYWORD("private", Token::FUTURE_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD) \ KEYWORD("protected", Token::FUTURE_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD) \ KEYWORD("prototype", Token::PROTOTYPE) \ KEYWORD("public", Token::FUTURE_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD) \ KEYWORD_GROUP('r') \ KEYWORD("return", Token::RETURN) \ KEYWORD_GROUP('s') \ KEYWORD("set", Token::SET) \ KEYWORD("static", Token::STATIC) \ KEYWORD("super", Token::SUPER) \ KEYWORD("switch", Token::SWITCH) \ KEYWORD_GROUP('t') \ KEYWORD("target", Token::TARGET) \ KEYWORD("this", Token::THIS) \ KEYWORD("throw", Token::THROW) \ KEYWORD("true", Token::TRUE_LITERAL) \ KEYWORD("try", Token::TRY) \ KEYWORD("typeof", Token::TYPEOF) \ KEYWORD_GROUP('u') \ KEYWORD("undefined", Token::UNDEFINED) \ KEYWORD_GROUP('v') \ KEYWORD("var", Token::VAR) \ KEYWORD("void", Token::VOID) \ KEYWORD_GROUP('w') \ KEYWORD("while", Token::WHILE) \ KEYWORD("with", Token::WITH) \ KEYWORD_GROUP('y') \ KEYWORD("yield", Token::YIELD) \ KEYWORD_GROUP('_') \ KEYWORD("__proto__", Token::PROTO_UNDERSCORED) \ KEYWORD_GROUP('#') \ KEYWORD("#constructor", Token::PRIVATE_CONSTRUCTOR) static Token::Value KeywordOrIdentifierToken(const uint8_t* input, int input_length) { DCHECK_GE(input_length, 1); const int kMinLength = 2; const int kMaxLength = 12; if (input_length < kMinLength || input_length > kMaxLength) { return Token::IDENTIFIER; } switch (input[0]) { default: #define KEYWORD_GROUP_CASE(ch) \ break; \ case ch: #define KEYWORD(keyword, token) \ { \ /* 'keyword' is a char array, so sizeof(keyword) is */ \ /* strlen(keyword) plus 1 for the NUL char. */ \ const int keyword_length = sizeof(keyword) - 1; \ STATIC_ASSERT(keyword_length >= kMinLength); \ STATIC_ASSERT(keyword_length <= kMaxLength); \ DCHECK_EQ(input[0], keyword[0]); \ DCHECK(token == Token::FUTURE_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD || \ 0 == strncmp(keyword, Token::String(token), sizeof(keyword))); \ if (input_length == keyword_length && input[1] == keyword[1] && \ (keyword_length <= 2 || input[2] == keyword[2]) && \ (keyword_length <= 3 || input[3] == keyword[3]) && \ (keyword_length <= 4 || input[4] == keyword[4]) && \ (keyword_length <= 5 || input[5] == keyword[5]) && \ (keyword_length <= 6 || input[6] == keyword[6]) && \ (keyword_length <= 7 || input[7] == keyword[7]) && \ (keyword_length <= 8 || input[8] == keyword[8]) && \ (keyword_length <= 9 || input[9] == keyword[9]) && \ (keyword_length <= 10 || input[10] == keyword[10])) { \ return token; \ } \ } KEYWORDS(KEYWORD_GROUP_CASE, KEYWORD) } return Token::IDENTIFIER; #undef KEYWORDS #undef KEYWORD #undef KEYWORD_GROUP_CASE } Token::Value Scanner::ScanIdentifierOrKeyword() { LiteralScope literal(this); return ScanIdentifierOrKeywordInner(&literal); } Token::Value Scanner::ScanIdentifierOrKeywordInner(LiteralScope* literal) { DCHECK(unicode_cache_->IsIdentifierStart(c0_)); bool escaped = false; if (IsInRange(c0_, 'a', 'z') || c0_ == '_') { do { AddLiteralChar(static_cast<char>(c0_)); Advance(); } while (IsInRange(c0_, 'a', 'z') || c0_ == '_'); if (IsDecimalDigit(c0_) || IsInRange(c0_, 'A', 'Z') || c0_ == '$') { // Identifier starting with lowercase or _. do { AddLiteralChar(static_cast<char>(c0_)); Advance(); } while (IsAsciiIdentifier(c0_)); if (c0_ <= kMaxAscii && c0_ != '\\') { literal->Complete(); return Token::IDENTIFIER; } } else if (c0_ <= kMaxAscii && c0_ != '\\') { // Only a-z+ or _: could be a keyword or identifier. Vector<const uint8_t> chars = next().literal_chars.one_byte_literal(); Token::Value token = KeywordOrIdentifierToken(chars.start(), chars.length()); if (token == Token::IDENTIFIER || token == Token::FUTURE_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD || Token::IsContextualKeyword(token)) literal->Complete(); return token; } } else if (IsInRange(c0_, 'A', 'Z') || c0_ == '$') { do { AddLiteralChar(static_cast<char>(c0_)); Advance(); } while (IsAsciiIdentifier(c0_)); if (c0_ <= kMaxAscii && c0_ != '\\') { literal->Complete(); return Token::IDENTIFIER; } } else if (c0_ == '\\') { escaped = true; uc32 c = ScanIdentifierUnicodeEscape(); DCHECK(!unicode_cache_->IsIdentifierStart(-1)); if (c == '\\' || !unicode_cache_->IsIdentifierStart(c)) { return Token::ILLEGAL; } AddLiteralChar(c); } while (true) { if (c0_ == '\\') { escaped = true; uc32 c = ScanIdentifierUnicodeEscape(); // Only allow legal identifier part characters. // TODO(verwaest): Make this true. // DCHECK(!unicode_cache_->IsIdentifierPart('\\')); DCHECK(!unicode_cache_->IsIdentifierPart(-1)); if (c == '\\' || !unicode_cache_->IsIdentifierPart(c)) { return Token::ILLEGAL; } AddLiteralChar(c); } else if (unicode_cache_->IsIdentifierPart(c0_) || (CombineSurrogatePair() && unicode_cache_->IsIdentifierPart(c0_))) { AddLiteralCharAdvance(); } else { break; } } if (next().literal_chars.is_one_byte()) { Vector<const uint8_t> chars = next().literal_chars.one_byte_literal(); Token::Value token = KeywordOrIdentifierToken(chars.start(), chars.length()); /* TODO(adamk): YIELD should be handled specially. */ if (token == Token::FUTURE_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD) { literal->Complete(); if (escaped) return Token::ESCAPED_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD; return token; } if (token == Token::IDENTIFIER || Token::IsContextualKeyword(token)) { literal->Complete(); return token; } if (!escaped) return token; literal->Complete(); if (token == Token::LET || token == Token::STATIC) { return Token::ESCAPED_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD; } return Token::ESCAPED_KEYWORD; } literal->Complete(); return Token::IDENTIFIER; } bool Scanner::ScanRegExpPattern() { DCHECK_EQ(Token::UNINITIALIZED, next_next().token); DCHECK(next().token == Token::DIV || next().token == Token::ASSIGN_DIV); // Scan: ('/' | '/=') RegularExpressionBody '/' RegularExpressionFlags bool in_character_class = false; bool seen_equal = (next().token == Token::ASSIGN_DIV); // Previous token is either '/' or '/=', in the second case, the // pattern starts at =. next().location.beg_pos = source_pos() - (seen_equal ? 2 : 1); next().location.end_pos = source_pos() - (seen_equal ? 1 : 0); // Scan regular expression body: According to ECMA-262, 3rd, 7.8.5, // the scanner should pass uninterpreted bodies to the RegExp // constructor. LiteralScope literal(this); if (seen_equal) { AddLiteralChar('='); } while (c0_ != '/' || in_character_class) { if (c0_ == kEndOfInput || unibrow::IsLineTerminator(c0_)) { return false; } if (c0_ == '\\') { // Escape sequence. AddLiteralCharAdvance(); if (c0_ == kEndOfInput || unibrow::IsLineTerminator(c0_)) { return false; } AddLiteralCharAdvance(); // If the escape allows more characters, i.e., \x??, \u????, or \c?, // only "safe" characters are allowed (letters, digits, underscore), // otherwise the escape isn't valid and the invalid character has // its normal meaning. I.e., we can just continue scanning without // worrying whether the following characters are part of the escape // or not, since any '/', '\\' or '[' is guaranteed to not be part // of the escape sequence. // TODO(896): At some point, parse RegExps more thoroughly to capture // octal esacpes in strict mode. } else { // Unescaped character. if (c0_ == '[') in_character_class = true; if (c0_ == ']') in_character_class = false; AddLiteralCharAdvance(); } } Advance(); // consume '/' literal.Complete(); next().token = Token::REGEXP_LITERAL; next().contextual_token = Token::UNINITIALIZED; return true; } Maybe<RegExp::Flags> Scanner::ScanRegExpFlags() { DCHECK_EQ(Token::REGEXP_LITERAL, next().token); // Scan regular expression flags. int flags = 0; while (unicode_cache_->IsIdentifierPart(c0_)) { RegExp::Flags flag = RegExp::kNone; switch (c0_) { case 'g': flag = RegExp::kGlobal; break; case 'i': flag = RegExp::kIgnoreCase; break; case 'm': flag = RegExp::kMultiline; break; case 's': flag = RegExp::kDotAll; break; case 'u': flag = RegExp::kUnicode; break; case 'y': flag = RegExp::kSticky; break; default: return Nothing<RegExp::Flags>(); } if (flags & flag) { return Nothing<RegExp::Flags>(); } Advance(); flags |= flag; } next().location.end_pos = source_pos(); return Just(RegExp::Flags(flags)); } const AstRawString* Scanner::CurrentSymbol( AstValueFactory* ast_value_factory) const { if (is_literal_one_byte()) { return ast_value_factory->GetOneByteString(literal_one_byte_string()); } return ast_value_factory->GetTwoByteString(literal_two_byte_string()); } const AstRawString* Scanner::NextSymbol( AstValueFactory* ast_value_factory) const { if (is_next_literal_one_byte()) { return ast_value_factory->GetOneByteString(next_literal_one_byte_string()); } return ast_value_factory->GetTwoByteString(next_literal_two_byte_string()); } const AstRawString* Scanner::CurrentRawSymbol( AstValueFactory* ast_value_factory) const { if (is_raw_literal_one_byte()) { return ast_value_factory->GetOneByteString(raw_literal_one_byte_string()); } return ast_value_factory->GetTwoByteString(raw_literal_two_byte_string()); } double Scanner::DoubleValue() { DCHECK(is_literal_one_byte()); return StringToDouble( unicode_cache_, literal_one_byte_string(), ALLOW_HEX | ALLOW_OCTAL | ALLOW_IMPLICIT_OCTAL | ALLOW_BINARY); } const char* Scanner::CurrentLiteralAsCString(Zone* zone) const { DCHECK(is_literal_one_byte()); Vector<const uint8_t> vector = literal_one_byte_string(); int length = vector.length(); char* buffer = zone->NewArray<char>(length + 1); memcpy(buffer, vector.start(), length); buffer[length] = '\0'; return buffer; } bool Scanner::IsDuplicateSymbol(DuplicateFinder* duplicate_finder, AstValueFactory* ast_value_factory) const { DCHECK_NOT_NULL(duplicate_finder); DCHECK_NOT_NULL(ast_value_factory); const AstRawString* string = CurrentSymbol(ast_value_factory); return !duplicate_finder->known_symbols_.insert(string).second; } void Scanner::SeekNext(size_t position) { // Use with care: This cleanly resets most, but not all scanner state. // TODO(vogelheim): Fix this, or at least DCHECK the relevant conditions. // To re-scan from a given character position, we need to: // 1, Reset the current_, next_ and next_next_ tokens // (next_ + next_next_ will be overwrittem by Next(), // current_ will remain unchanged, so overwrite it fully.) for (TokenDesc& token : token_storage_) { token.token = Token::UNINITIALIZED; token.contextual_token = Token::UNINITIALIZED; } // 2, reset the source to the desired position, source_->Seek(position); // 3, re-scan, by scanning the look-ahead char + 1 token (next_). c0_ = source_->Advance(); next().after_line_terminator = false; Scan(); DCHECK_EQ(next().location.beg_pos, static_cast<int>(position)); } } // namespace internal } // namespace v8