// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

type Arguments constexpr 'CodeStubArguments*';
type void generates 'void';
type never generates 'void';

type Tagged generates 'TNode<Object>';
type Smi extends Tagged generates 'TNode<Smi>';
type HeapObject extends Tagged generates 'TNode<HeapObject>';
type Object = Smi|HeapObject;
type int32 generates 'TNode<Int32T>' constexpr 'int32_t';
type uint32 generates 'TNode<Uint32T>' constexpr 'uint32_t';
type int64 generates 'TNode<Int64T>' constexpr 'int64_t';
type intptr generates 'TNode<IntPtrT>' constexpr 'intptr_t';
type uintptr generates 'TNode<UintPtrT>' constexpr 'uintptr_t';
type float32 generates 'TNode<Float32T>' constexpr 'float';
type float64 generates 'TNode<Float64T>' constexpr 'double';
type bool generates 'TNode<BoolT>' constexpr 'bool';
type string constexpr 'const char*';

type int31 extends int32 generates 'TNode<Int32T>' constexpr 'int31_t';
type RawPtr generates 'TNode<RawPtrT>' constexpr 'void*';
type AbstractCode extends HeapObject generates 'TNode<AbstractCode>';
type Code extends AbstractCode generates 'TNode<Code>';
type JSReceiver extends HeapObject generates 'TNode<JSReceiver>';
type Context extends HeapObject generates 'TNode<Context>';
type String extends HeapObject generates 'TNode<String>';
type Oddball extends HeapObject generates 'TNode<Oddball>';
type HeapNumber extends HeapObject generates 'TNode<HeapNumber>';
type Number = Smi|HeapNumber;
type BigInt extends HeapObject generates 'TNode<BigInt>';
type Numeric = Number|BigInt;
type Boolean extends Oddball generates 'TNode<Oddball>';
type JSProxy extends JSReceiver generates 'TNode<JSProxy>';
type JSObject extends JSReceiver generates 'TNode<JSObject>';
type JSArray extends JSObject generates 'TNode<JSArray>';
type JSFunction extends JSObject generates 'TNode<JSFunction>';
type JSBoundFunction extends JSObject generates 'TNode<JSBoundFunction>';
type Callable = JSFunction|JSBoundFunction|JSProxy;
type Map extends HeapObject generates 'TNode<Map>';
type FixedArrayBase extends HeapObject generates 'TNode<FixedArrayBase>';
type FixedArray extends FixedArrayBase generates 'TNode<FixedArray>';
type FixedDoubleArray extends FixedArrayBase generates
type FixedTypedArrayBase extends FixedArrayBase generates
type FixedTypedArray extends FixedTypedArrayBase generates
type NumberDictionary extends HeapObject generates 'TNode<NumberDictionary>';

type JSArrayBuffer extends JSObject generates 'TNode<JSArrayBuffer>';
type JSArrayBufferView extends JSObject generates 'TNode<JSArrayBufferView>';
type JSTypedArray extends JSArrayBufferView generates 'TNode<JSTypedArray>';
type JSDataView extends JSArrayBufferView generates 'TNode<JSDataView>';

type InstanceType generates 'TNode<Int32T>' constexpr 'InstanceType';
type ElementsKind generates 'TNode<Int32T>' constexpr 'ElementsKind';
type LanguageMode generates 'TNode<Smi>' constexpr 'LanguageMode';
type ExtractFixedArrayFlags generates
'TNode<Smi>' constexpr 'ExtractFixedArrayFlags';
type ParameterMode generates 'TNode<Int32T>' constexpr 'ParameterMode';
type RootListIndex generates 'TNode<Int32T>' constexpr 'Heap::RootListIndex';
type WriteBarrierMode generates 'TNode<Int32T>' constexpr 'WriteBarrierMode';

type MessageTemplate constexpr 'MessageTemplate::Template';

type ToIntegerTruncationMode constexpr 'ToIntegerTruncationMode';

const NO_ELEMENTS: constexpr ElementsKind generates 'NO_ELEMENTS';

const PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS: constexpr ElementsKind generates
const HOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTS: constexpr ElementsKind generates 'HOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTS';
const PACKED_ELEMENTS: constexpr ElementsKind generates 'PACKED_ELEMENTS';
const HOLEY_ELEMENTS: constexpr ElementsKind generates 'HOLEY_ELEMENTS';
const PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS: constexpr ElementsKind generates
const HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS: constexpr ElementsKind generates
const DICTIONARY_ELEMENTS: constexpr ElementsKind generates

const UINT8_ELEMENTS: constexpr ElementsKind generates 'UINT8_ELEMENTS';
const INT8_ELEMENTS: constexpr ElementsKind generates 'INT8_ELEMENTS';
const UINT16_ELEMENTS: constexpr ElementsKind generates 'UINT16_ELEMENTS';
const INT16_ELEMENTS: constexpr ElementsKind generates 'INT16_ELEMENTS';
const UINT32_ELEMENTS: constexpr ElementsKind generates 'UINT32_ELEMENTS';
const INT32_ELEMENTS: constexpr ElementsKind generates 'INT32_ELEMENTS';
const FLOAT32_ELEMENTS: constexpr ElementsKind generates 'FLOAT32_ELEMENTS';
const FLOAT64_ELEMENTS: constexpr ElementsKind generates 'FLOAT64_ELEMENTS';
const UINT8_CLAMPED_ELEMENTS: constexpr ElementsKind generates
const BIGUINT64_ELEMENTS: constexpr ElementsKind generates 'BIGUINT64_ELEMENTS';
const BIGINT64_ELEMENTS: constexpr ElementsKind generates 'BIGINT64_ELEMENTS';

type FixedUint8Array extends FixedTypedArray;
type FixedInt8Array extends FixedTypedArray;
type FixedUint16Array extends FixedTypedArray;
type FixedInt16Array extends FixedTypedArray;
type FixedUint32Array extends FixedTypedArray;
type FixedInt32Array extends FixedTypedArray;
type FixedFloat32Array extends FixedTypedArray;
type FixedFloat64Array extends FixedTypedArray;
type FixedUint8ClampedArray extends FixedTypedArray;
type FixedBigUint64Array extends FixedTypedArray;
type FixedBigInt64Array extends FixedTypedArray;

const kAllFixedArrays: constexpr ExtractFixedArrayFlags generates
const kFixedArrays: constexpr ExtractFixedArrayFlags generates

const kFixedCOWArrayMapRootIndex: constexpr RootListIndex generates
const kEmptyFixedArrayRootIndex: constexpr RootListIndex generates

const kInvalidArrayLength: constexpr MessageTemplate generates
const kCalledNonCallable: constexpr MessageTemplate generates
const kCalledOnNullOrUndefined: constexpr MessageTemplate generates

const kMaxSafeInteger: constexpr float64 generates 'kMaxSafeInteger';

const kTruncateMinusZero: constexpr ToIntegerTruncationMode generates

const kNotTypedArray: constexpr MessageTemplate generates
const kDetachedOperation: constexpr MessageTemplate generates
const kBadSortComparisonFunction: constexpr MessageTemplate generates
const kIncompatibleMethodReceiver: constexpr MessageTemplate generates
const kInvalidDataViewAccessorOffset: constexpr MessageTemplate generates
const kStrictReadOnlyProperty: constexpr MessageTemplate generates

extern macro TheHoleConstant(): Oddball;
extern macro NullConstant(): Oddball;
extern macro UndefinedConstant(): Oddball;
extern macro TrueConstant(): Boolean;
extern macro FalseConstant(): Boolean;
extern macro Int32TrueConstant(): bool;
extern macro Int32FalseConstant(): bool;

const Hole: Oddball = TheHoleConstant();
const Null: Oddball = NullConstant();
const Undefined: Oddball = UndefinedConstant();
const True: Boolean = TrueConstant();
const False: Boolean = FalseConstant();

const true: constexpr bool generates 'true';
const false: constexpr bool generates 'false';

const kStrict: constexpr LanguageMode generates 'LanguageMode::kStrict';
const kSloppy: constexpr LanguageMode generates 'LanguageMode::kSloppy';

const SMI_PARAMETERS: constexpr ParameterMode generates 'SMI_PARAMETERS';
const INTPTR_PARAMETERS: constexpr ParameterMode generates 'INTPTR_PARAMETERS';

const SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER: constexpr WriteBarrierMode
    generates 'SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER';

extern macro Is64(): constexpr bool;

extern macro SelectBooleanConstant(bool): Boolean;

extern macro Print(constexpr string);
extern macro Print(constexpr string, Object);
extern macro Print(Object);
extern macro DebugBreak();
extern macro ToInteger_Inline(Context, Object): Number;
extern macro ToInteger_Inline(
    Context, Object, constexpr ToIntegerTruncationMode): Number;
extern macro ToLength_Inline(Context, Object): Number;
extern macro ToNumber_Inline(Context, Object): Number;
extern macro ToString_Inline(Context, Object): String;
extern macro GetProperty(Context, Object, Object): Object;
extern builtin SetProperty(Context, Object, Object, Object);
extern builtin DeleteProperty(Context, Object, Object, LanguageMode);
extern builtin HasProperty(Context, JSReceiver, Object): Boolean;

extern macro ThrowRangeError(Context, constexpr MessageTemplate): never;
extern macro ThrowTypeError(Context, constexpr MessageTemplate): never;
extern macro ThrowTypeError(Context, constexpr MessageTemplate, Object): never;
extern macro ThrowTypeError(
    Context, constexpr MessageTemplate, Object, Object, Object): never;
extern macro ArraySpeciesCreate(Context, Object, Number): Object;
extern macro EnsureArrayPushable(Map): ElementsKind labels Bailout;

extern builtin ToObject(Context, Object): JSReceiver;
extern macro ToObject_Inline(Context, Object): JSReceiver;
extern macro IsNullOrUndefined(Object): bool;
extern macro IsTheHole(Object): bool;
extern macro IsString(HeapObject): bool;
extern builtin ToString(Context, Object): String;

extern runtime CreateDataProperty(Context, Object, Object, Object);

extern macro LoadRoot(constexpr RootListIndex): Object;
extern macro StoreRoot(constexpr RootListIndex, Object): Object;
extern macro LoadAndUntagToWord32Root(constexpr RootListIndex): int32;

extern runtime StringEqual(Context, String, String): Oddball;
extern builtin StringLessThan(Context, String, String): Boolean;

extern macro StrictEqual(Object, Object): Boolean;
extern runtime SmiLexicographicCompare(Context, Object, Object): Number;

extern operator '<' macro Int32LessThan(int32, int32): bool;
extern operator '>' macro Int32GreaterThan(int32, int32): bool;
extern operator '<=' macro Int32LessThanOrEqual(int32, int32): bool;
extern operator '>=' macro Int32GreaterThanOrEqual(int32, int32): bool;

extern operator '==' macro SmiEqual(Smi, Smi): bool;
extern operator '!=' macro SmiNotEqual(Smi, Smi): bool;
extern operator '<' macro SmiLessThan(Smi, Smi): bool;
extern operator '<=' macro SmiLessThanOrEqual(Smi, Smi): bool;
extern operator '>' macro SmiGreaterThan(Smi, Smi): bool;
extern operator '>=' macro SmiGreaterThanOrEqual(Smi, Smi): bool;

extern operator '==' macro ElementsKindEqual(
    constexpr ElementsKind, constexpr ElementsKind): constexpr bool;
extern operator '==' macro ElementsKindEqual(ElementsKind, ElementsKind): bool;
extern macro IsFastElementsKind(constexpr ElementsKind): constexpr bool;
extern macro IsDoubleElementsKind(constexpr ElementsKind): constexpr bool;

extern macro SmiAbove(Smi, Smi): bool;

extern operator '==' macro WordEqual(intptr, intptr): bool;
extern operator '==' macro WordEqual(uintptr, uintptr): bool;
extern operator '!=' macro WordNotEqual(intptr, intptr): bool;
extern operator '!=' macro WordNotEqual(uintptr, uintptr): bool;
extern operator '<' macro IntPtrLessThan(intptr, intptr): bool;
extern operator '>' macro IntPtrGreaterThan(intptr, intptr): bool;
extern operator '<=' macro IntPtrLessThanOrEqual(intptr, intptr): bool;
extern operator '>=' macro IntPtrGreaterThanOrEqual(intptr, intptr): bool;
extern operator '>=' macro UintPtrGreaterThanOrEqual(uintptr, uintptr): bool;

extern operator '==' macro Float64Equal(float64, float64): bool;
extern operator '!=' macro Float64NotEqual(float64, float64): bool;

extern operator
'<' macro BranchIfNumberLessThan(Number, Number): never labels Taken, NotTaken;
extern operator
'<=' macro BranchIfNumberLessThanOrEqual(Number, Number): never labels Taken,
extern operator
'>' macro BranchIfNumberGreaterThan(Number, Number): never labels Taken,
extern operator '>=' macro BranchIfNumberGreaterThanOrEqual(Number, Number):
    never labels Taken,

extern operator '==' macro WordEqual(Object, Object): bool;
extern operator '!=' macro WordNotEqual(Object, Object): bool;

extern operator '+' macro SmiAdd(Smi, Smi): Smi;
extern operator '-' macro SmiSub(Smi, Smi): Smi;
extern operator '&' macro SmiAnd(Smi, Smi): Smi;
extern operator '|' macro SmiOr(Smi, Smi): Smi;
extern operator '>>>' macro SmiShr(Smi, constexpr int31): Smi;
extern operator '<<' macro SmiShl(Smi, constexpr int31): Smi;

extern operator '+' macro IntPtrAdd(intptr, intptr): intptr;
extern operator '-' macro IntPtrSub(intptr, intptr): intptr;
extern operator '>>>' macro WordShr(uintptr, uintptr): uintptr;
extern operator '<<' macro WordShl(intptr, intptr): intptr;
extern operator '&' macro WordAnd(intptr, intptr): intptr;
extern operator '&' macro WordAnd(uintptr, uintptr): uintptr;

extern operator '+' macro Int32Add(int32, int32): int32;
extern operator '-' macro Int32Sub(int32, int32): int32;
extern operator '*' macro Int32Mul(int32, int32): int32;
extern operator '%' macro Int32Mod(int32, int32): int32;
extern operator '&' macro Word32And(int32, int32): int32;
extern operator '&' macro Word32And(uint32, uint32): uint32;
extern operator '==' macro
ConstexprInt31Equal(constexpr int31, constexpr int31): constexpr bool;

extern operator '==' macro Word32Equal(int32, int32): bool;
extern operator '==' macro Word32Equal(uint32, uint32): bool;
extern operator '!=' macro Word32NotEqual(int32, int32): bool;
extern operator '!=' macro Word32NotEqual(uint32, uint32): bool;
extern operator '>>>' macro Word32Shr(uint32, uint32): uint32;
extern operator '<<' macro Word32Shl(int32, int32): int32;
extern operator '<<' macro Word32Shl(uint32, uint32): uint32;
extern operator '|' macro Word32Or(int32, int32): int32;
extern operator '|' macro Word32Or(uint32, uint32): uint32;

extern operator '+' macro NumberAdd(Number, Number): Number;
extern operator '-' macro NumberSub(Number, Number): Number;
extern macro NumberMin(Number, Number): Number;
extern macro NumberMax(Number, Number): Number;
macro min(x: Number, y: Number): Number {
  return NumberMin(x, y);
macro max(x: Number, y: Number): Number {
  return NumberMax(x, y);

extern macro SmiMax(Smi, Smi): Smi;
extern macro SmiMin(Smi, Smi): Smi;

extern operator '!' macro ConstexprBoolNot(constexpr bool): constexpr bool;
extern operator '!' macro Word32BinaryNot(bool): bool;
extern operator '!' macro IsFalse(Boolean): bool;

extern operator '.map' macro LoadMap(HeapObject): Map;
extern operator '.map=' macro StoreMap(HeapObject, Map);
extern operator
'.instanceType' macro LoadInstanceType(HeapObject): InstanceType;

extern operator '.length' macro LoadStringLengthAsWord(String): intptr;

extern operator '.length' macro GetArgumentsLength(constexpr Arguments): intptr;
extern operator
'[]' macro GetArgumentValue(constexpr Arguments, intptr): Object;

extern operator 'is<Smi>' macro TaggedIsSmi(Object): bool;
extern operator 'isnt<Smi>' macro TaggedIsNotSmi(Object): bool;
extern macro TaggedIsPositiveSmi(Object): bool;

extern macro HeapObjectToJSDataView(HeapObject): JSDataView labels CastError;
extern macro TaggedToHeapObject(Object): HeapObject labels CastError;
extern macro TaggedToSmi(Object): Smi labels CastError;
extern macro HeapObjectToJSArray(HeapObject): JSArray labels CastError;
extern macro HeapObjectToCallable(HeapObject): Callable labels CastError;
extern macro HeapObjectToFixedArray(HeapObject):
    FixedArray labels CastError;
extern macro HeapObjectToFixedDoubleArray(HeapObject):
    FixedDoubleArray labels CastError;
extern macro TaggedToNumber(Object): Number labels CastError;

macro cast_HeapObject<A : type>(o : HeapObject) : A labels CastError;
cast_HeapObject<HeapObject>(o : HeapObject) : HeapObject labels CastError { return o; }
cast_HeapObject<FixedArray>(o: HeapObject): FixedArray labels CastError {
  return HeapObjectToFixedArray(o) otherwise CastError;
cast_HeapObject<FixedDoubleArray>(o: HeapObject): FixedDoubleArray labels CastError {
  return HeapObjectToFixedDoubleArray(o) otherwise CastError;
cast_HeapObject<JSDataView>(o: HeapObject): JSDataView labels CastError {
  return HeapObjectToJSDataView(o) otherwise CastError;
cast_HeapObject<Callable>(o: HeapObject): Callable labels CastError {
  return HeapObjectToCallable(o) otherwise CastError;
cast_HeapObject<JSArray>(o: HeapObject): JSArray labels CastError {
  return HeapObjectToJSArray(o) otherwise CastError;

macro cast<A : type>(o: HeapObject): A labels CastError {
  return cast_HeapObject<A>(o) otherwise CastError;

// cast_HeapObject allows this default-implementation to be non-recursive.
// Otherwise the generated CSA code might run into infinite recursion.
macro cast<A : type>(o: Object): A labels CastError {
  return cast_HeapObject<A>(
    TaggedToHeapObject(o) otherwise CastError) otherwise CastError;
cast<Smi>(o: Object): Smi labels CastError {
  return TaggedToSmi(o) otherwise CastError;
cast<Number>(o: Object): Number labels CastError {
  return TaggedToNumber(o) otherwise CastError;

extern macro AllocateHeapNumberWithValue(float64): HeapNumber;
extern macro ChangeInt32ToTagged(int32): Number;
extern macro ChangeUint32ToTagged(uint32): Number;
extern macro Unsigned(int32): uint32;
extern macro Unsigned(intptr): uintptr;
extern macro Unsigned(RawPtr): uintptr;
extern macro Signed(uint32): int32;
extern macro Signed(uintptr): intptr;
extern macro Signed(RawPtr): intptr;
extern macro TruncateIntPtrToInt32(intptr): int32;
extern macro SmiTag(intptr): Smi;
extern macro SmiFromInt32(int32): Smi;
extern macro SmiUntag(Smi): intptr;
extern macro SmiToInt32(Smi): int32;
extern macro RoundIntPtrToFloat64(intptr): float64;
extern macro LoadHeapNumberValue(HeapNumber): float64;
extern macro ChangeFloat32ToFloat64(float32): float64;
extern macro ChangeNumberToFloat64(Number): float64;
extern macro ChangeFloat64ToUintPtr(float64): uintptr;
extern macro ChangeInt32ToIntPtr(int32): intptr;   // Sign-extends.
extern macro ChangeUint32ToWord(uint32): uintptr;  // Doesn't sign-extend.

extern macro NumberConstant(constexpr float64): Number;
extern macro NumberConstant(constexpr int32): Number;
extern macro IntPtrConstant(constexpr int31): intptr;
extern macro IntPtrConstant(constexpr int32): intptr;
extern macro Int32Constant(constexpr int31): int31;
extern macro Int32Constant(constexpr int32): int32;
extern macro Float64Constant(constexpr int31): float64;
extern macro SmiConstant(constexpr int31): Smi;
extern macro BoolConstant(constexpr bool): bool;
extern macro StringConstant(constexpr string): String;
extern macro LanguageModeConstant(constexpr LanguageMode): LanguageMode;
extern macro Int32Constant(constexpr ElementsKind): ElementsKind;

macro from_constexpr<A : type>(o: constexpr int31): A;
from_constexpr<intptr>(i: constexpr int31): intptr {
  return IntPtrConstant(i);
from_constexpr<int31>(i: constexpr int31): int31 {
  return Int32Constant(i);
from_constexpr<int32>(i: constexpr int31): int32 {
  return Int32Constant(i);
from_constexpr<uint32>(i: constexpr int31): uint32 {
  return Unsigned(Int32Constant(i));
from_constexpr<uintptr>(i: constexpr int31): uintptr {
  return ChangeUint32ToWord(i);
from_constexpr<Smi>(i: constexpr int31): Smi {
  return SmiConstant(i);
from_constexpr<Number>(i: constexpr int31): Number {
  return SmiConstant(i);
from_constexpr<float64>(i: constexpr int31): float64 {
  return Float64Constant(i);
macro from_constexpr<A : type>(o: constexpr int32): A;
from_constexpr<intptr>(i: constexpr int32): intptr {
  return IntPtrConstant(i);
from_constexpr<int32>(i: constexpr int32): int32 {
  return Int32Constant(i);
from_constexpr<Number>(i: constexpr int32): Number {
  return NumberConstant(i);
macro from_constexpr<A : type>(o: constexpr float64): A;
from_constexpr<Number>(f: constexpr float64): Number {
  return NumberConstant(f);
macro from_constexpr<A : type>(b: constexpr bool): A;
from_constexpr<bool>(b: constexpr bool): bool {
  return BoolConstant(b);
macro from_constexpr<A : type>(l: constexpr LanguageMode): A;
from_constexpr<LanguageMode>(b: constexpr LanguageMode): LanguageMode {
  return LanguageModeConstant(b);
macro from_constexpr<A : type>(e: constexpr ElementsKind): A;
from_constexpr<ElementsKind>(e: constexpr ElementsKind): ElementsKind {
  return Int32Constant(e);
macro from_constexpr<A : type>(s: constexpr string): A;
from_constexpr<String>(s: constexpr string): String {
  return StringConstant(s);
from_constexpr<Object>(s: constexpr string): Object {
  return StringConstant(s);

macro convert<A : type>(i: constexpr int31): A {
  return i;
macro convert<A : type>(i: int32): A;
convert<Number>(i: int32): Number {
  return ChangeInt32ToTagged(i);
convert<intptr>(i: int32): intptr {
  return ChangeInt32ToIntPtr(i);
convert<Smi>(i: int32): Smi {
  return SmiFromInt32(i);
macro convert<A : type>(ui: uint32): A;
convert<Number>(ui: uint32): Number {
  return ChangeUint32ToTagged(ui);
convert<Smi>(ui: uint32): Smi {
  return SmiFromInt32(Signed(ui));
convert<uintptr>(ui: uint32): uintptr {
  return ChangeUint32ToWord(ui);
macro convert<A : type>(i: intptr): A;
convert<int32>(i: intptr): int32 {
  return TruncateIntPtrToInt32(i);
convert<Smi>(i: intptr): Smi {
  return SmiTag(i);
macro convert<A : type>(ui: uintptr): A;
convert<uint32>(ui: uintptr): uint32 {
  return Unsigned(TruncateIntPtrToInt32(Signed(ui)));
macro convert<A : type>(s: Smi): A;
convert<intptr>(s: Smi): intptr {
  return SmiUntag(s);
convert<int32>(s: Smi): int32 {
  return SmiToInt32(s);
macro convert<A : type>(h: HeapNumber): A;
convert<float64>(h: HeapNumber): float64 {
  return LoadHeapNumberValue(h);
macro convert<A : type>(n: Number): A;
convert<float64>(n: Number): float64 {
  return ChangeNumberToFloat64(n);
macro convert<A : type>(f: float32): A;
convert<float64>(f: float32): float64 {
  return ChangeFloat32ToFloat64(f);
macro convert<A : type>(d: float64): A;
convert<Number>(d: float64): Number {
  return AllocateHeapNumberWithValue(d);
convert<uintptr>(d: float64): uintptr {
  return ChangeFloat64ToUintPtr(d);
macro convert<A : type>(r: RawPtr): A;
convert<uintptr>(r: RawPtr): uintptr {
  return Unsigned(r);
convert<intptr>(r: RawPtr): intptr {
  return Signed(r);

extern macro UnsafeCastNumberToHeapNumber(Number): HeapNumber;
extern macro UnsafeCastObjectToFixedArrayBase(Object): FixedArrayBase;
extern macro UnsafeCastObjectToFixedArray(Object): FixedArray;
extern macro UnsafeCastObjectToFixedDoubleArray(Object): FixedDoubleArray;
extern macro UnsafeCastObjectToHeapNumber(Object): HeapNumber;
extern macro UnsafeCastObjectToCallable(Object): Callable;
extern macro UnsafeCastObjectToSmi(Object): Smi;
extern macro UnsafeCastObjectToNumber(Object): Number;
extern macro UnsafeCastObjectToHeapObject(Object): HeapObject;
extern macro UnsafeCastObjectToJSArray(Object): JSArray;
extern macro UnsafeCastObjectToFixedTypedArrayBase(Object): FixedTypedArrayBase;
extern macro UnsafeCastObjectToNumberDictionary(Object): NumberDictionary;
extern macro UnsafeCastObjectToJSReceiver(Object): JSReceiver;
extern macro UnsafeCastObjectToJSObject(Object): JSObject;
extern macro UnsafeCastObjectToMap(Object): Map;

macro unsafe_cast<A : type>(n: Number): A;
unsafe_cast<HeapNumber>(n: Number): HeapNumber {
  return UnsafeCastNumberToHeapNumber(n);
macro unsafe_cast<A : type>(o: Object): A;
unsafe_cast<FixedArray>(o: Object): FixedArray {
  return UnsafeCastObjectToFixedArray(o);
unsafe_cast<FixedDoubleArray>(o: Object): FixedDoubleArray {
  return UnsafeCastObjectToFixedDoubleArray(o);
unsafe_cast<HeapNumber>(o: Object): HeapNumber {
  return UnsafeCastObjectToHeapNumber(o);
unsafe_cast<Callable>(o: Object): Callable {
  return UnsafeCastObjectToCallable(o);
unsafe_cast<Smi>(o: Object): Smi {
  return UnsafeCastObjectToSmi(o);
unsafe_cast<Number>(o: Object): Number {
  return UnsafeCastObjectToNumber(o);
unsafe_cast<HeapObject>(o: Object): HeapObject {
  return UnsafeCastObjectToHeapObject(o);
unsafe_cast<JSArray>(o: Object): JSArray {
  return UnsafeCastObjectToJSArray(o);
unsafe_cast<FixedTypedArrayBase>(o: Object): FixedTypedArrayBase {
  return UnsafeCastObjectToFixedTypedArrayBase(o);
unsafe_cast<NumberDictionary>(o: Object): NumberDictionary {
  return UnsafeCastObjectToNumberDictionary(o);
unsafe_cast<JSReceiver>(o: Object): JSReceiver {
  return UnsafeCastObjectToJSReceiver(o);
unsafe_cast<JSObject>(o: Object): JSObject {
  return UnsafeCastObjectToJSObject(o);
unsafe_cast<Map>(o: Object): Map {
  return UnsafeCastObjectToMap(o);
unsafe_cast<FixedArrayBase>(o: Object): FixedArrayBase {
  return UnsafeCastObjectToFixedArrayBase(o);

const kCOWMap: Map = unsafe_cast<Map>(LoadRoot(kFixedCOWArrayMapRootIndex));
const kEmptyFixedArray: FixedArrayBase =

extern macro BranchIfFastJSArray(Object, Context): never labels Taken, NotTaken;
extern macro BranchIfNotFastJSArray(Object, Context): never labels Taken,

extern macro IsPrototypeInitialArrayPrototype(Context, Map): bool;
extern macro IsNoElementsProtectorCellInvalid(): bool;
extern macro IsArraySpeciesProtectorCellInvalid(): bool;
extern macro IsTypedArraySpeciesProtectorCellInvalid(): bool;
extern macro IsPromiseSpeciesProtectorCellInvalid(): bool;

extern operator
'.buffer' macro LoadTypedArrayBuffer(JSTypedArray): JSArrayBuffer;

extern operator '.data_ptr' macro LoadDataPtr(JSTypedArray): RawPtr;

extern operator '.elements_kind' macro LoadMapElementsKind(Map): ElementsKind;
extern operator
'.elements_kind' macro LoadElementsKind(JSTypedArray): ElementsKind;

extern operator '.elements' macro LoadElements(JSObject): FixedArrayBase;
extern operator '.elements=' macro StoreElements(JSObject, FixedArrayBase);

extern operator '.length' macro LoadTypedArrayLength(JSTypedArray): Smi;
extern operator '.length' macro LoadJSArrayLength(JSArray): Number;
extern operator '.length_fast' macro LoadFastJSArrayLength(JSArray): Smi;
extern operator '.length=' macro StoreJSArrayLength(JSArray, Smi);

extern operator '.length' macro LoadFixedArrayBaseLength(FixedArrayBase): Smi;
extern operator '[]' macro LoadFixedArrayElement(FixedArray, intptr): Object;
extern operator '[]' macro LoadFixedArrayElement(FixedArray, Smi): Object;
extern operator
'[]' macro LoadFixedArrayElement(FixedArray, constexpr int31): Object;
extern operator
'[]=' macro StoreFixedArrayElement(FixedArray, intptr, Object): void;
extern operator
'[]=' macro StoreFixedArrayElement(
    FixedArray, constexpr int31, Object): void;
extern operator
'[]=' macro StoreFixedArrayElementSmi(FixedArray, Smi, Object): void;

extern macro StoreFixedArrayElementSmi(FixedArray, Smi, Object,
  constexpr WriteBarrierMode): void;

extern operator '.instance_type' macro LoadMapInstanceType(Map): int32;

extern macro LoadFixedDoubleArrayElement(FixedDoubleArray, Smi): float64;
extern macro Float64SilenceNaN(float64): float64;

extern macro StoreFixedDoubleArrayElement(
    FixedDoubleArray, Object, float64, constexpr ParameterMode);
macro StoreFixedDoubleArrayElementWithSmiIndex(
    array: FixedDoubleArray, index: Smi, value: float64) {
  StoreFixedDoubleArrayElement(array, index, value, SMI_PARAMETERS);

extern macro BasicLoadNumberDictionaryElement(NumberDictionary, intptr):
    Object labels NotData,
extern macro BasicStoreNumberDictionaryElement(NumberDictionary, intptr, Object)
labels NotData, IfHole, ReadOnly;

extern macro IsFastElementsKind(ElementsKind): bool;
extern macro IsDoubleElementsKind(ElementsKind): bool;
extern macro IsFastSmiOrTaggedElementsKind(ElementsKind): bool;
extern macro IsFastSmiElementsKind(ElementsKind): bool;
extern macro IsHoleyFastElementsKind(ElementsKind): bool;

extern macro AllocateZeroedFixedArray(intptr): FixedArray;
extern macro AllocateZeroedFixedDoubleArray(intptr): FixedDoubleArray;

extern macro CopyFixedArrayElements(
    constexpr ElementsKind, FixedArray, constexpr ElementsKind, FixedArray,
    intptr, intptr, intptr): void;
extern macro CopyFixedArrayElements(
    constexpr ElementsKind, FixedArray, constexpr ElementsKind, FixedArray, Smi,
    Smi, Smi): void;

extern macro AllocateJSArray(constexpr ElementsKind, Map, intptr, Smi): JSArray;
extern macro AllocateJSArray(constexpr ElementsKind, Map, Smi, Smi): JSArray;
extern macro IsElementsKindGreaterThan(
    ElementsKind, constexpr ElementsKind): bool;

extern macro LoadDoubleWithHoleCheck(FixedDoubleArray, Smi): float64
labels IfHole;

extern macro Call(Context, Callable, Object): Object;
extern macro Call(Context, Callable, Object, Object): Object;
extern macro Call(Context, Callable, Object, Object, Object): Object;
extern macro Call(Context, Callable, Object, Object, Object, Object): Object;
extern macro Call(
    Context, Callable, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object): Object;
extern macro Call(
    Context, Callable, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object): Object;

extern macro ExtractFixedArray(
    FixedArray, Smi, Smi, Smi, constexpr ExtractFixedArrayFlags): FixedArray;

extern builtin ExtractFastJSArray(Context, JSArray, Smi, Smi): JSArray;

macro LoadElementNoHole<T : type>(a: JSArray, index: Smi): Object labels IfHole;

LoadElementNoHole<FixedArray>(a: JSArray, index: Smi): Object
labels IfHole {
  try {
    let elements: FixedArray =
        cast<FixedArray>(a.elements) otherwise Unexpected;
    let e: Object = elements[index];
    if (e == Hole) {
      goto IfHole;
    return e;
  label Unexpected {

LoadElementNoHole<FixedDoubleArray>(a: JSArray, index: Smi): Object
labels IfHole {
  try {
    let elements: FixedDoubleArray =
        cast<FixedDoubleArray>(a.elements) otherwise Unexpected;
    let e: float64 = LoadDoubleWithHoleCheck(elements, index) otherwise IfHole;
    return AllocateHeapNumberWithValue(e);
  label Unexpected {

extern macro IsCallable(HeapObject): bool;
extern macro IsJSArray(HeapObject): bool;
extern macro TaggedIsCallable(Object): bool;
extern macro IsDetachedBuffer(JSArrayBuffer): bool;
extern macro IsHeapNumber(HeapObject): bool;
extern macro IsFixedArray(HeapObject): bool;
extern macro IsExtensibleMap(Map): bool;
extern macro IsCustomElementsReceiverInstanceType(int32): bool;
extern macro Typeof(Object): Object;

// Return true iff number is NaN.
macro NumberIsNaN(number: Number): bool {
  typeswitch(number) {
    case (Smi) {
      return false;
    } case (hn : HeapNumber) {
      let value: float64 = convert<float64>(hn);
      return value != value;

extern macro BranchIfToBooleanIsTrue(Object): never labels Taken, NotTaken;

macro ToBoolean(obj: Object): bool {
  if (BranchIfToBooleanIsTrue(obj)) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

macro ToIndex(input: Object, context: Context): Number labels RangeError {
  if (input == Undefined) {
    return 0;

  let value: Number = ToInteger_Inline(context, input, kTruncateMinusZero);
  if (value < 0 || value > kMaxSafeInteger) {
    goto RangeError;

  return value;