/* * Copyright 2012 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "PathOpsExtendedTest.h" #include "PathOpsTestCommon.h" #include "PathOpsThreadedCommon.h" #include "SkIntersections.h" #include "SkPathOpsLine.h" #include "SkPathOpsQuad.h" #include "SkReduceOrder.h" #include "SkString.h" #include <utility> static int doIntersect(SkIntersections& intersections, const SkDQuad& quad, const SkDLine& line, bool& flipped) { int result; flipped = false; if (line[0].fX == line[1].fX) { double top = line[0].fY; double bottom = line[1].fY; flipped = top > bottom; if (flipped) { using std::swap; swap(top, bottom); } result = intersections.vertical(quad, top, bottom, line[0].fX, flipped); } else if (line[0].fY == line[1].fY) { double left = line[0].fX; double right = line[1].fX; flipped = left > right; if (flipped) { using std::swap; swap(left, right); } result = intersections.horizontal(quad, left, right, line[0].fY, flipped); } else { intersections.intersect(quad, line); result = intersections.used(); } return result; } static void testLineIntersect(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, const SkDQuad& quad, const SkDLine& line, const double x, const double y) { SkString pathStr; pathStr.appendf(" path.moveTo(%1.9g, %1.9g);\n", quad[0].fX, quad[0].fY); pathStr.appendf(" path.quadTo(%1.9g, %1.9g, %1.9g, %1.9g);\n", quad[1].fX, quad[1].fY, quad[2].fX, quad[2].fY); pathStr.appendf(" path.moveTo(%1.9g, %1.9g);\n", line[0].fX, line[0].fY); pathStr.appendf(" path.lineTo(%1.9g, %1.9g);\n", line[1].fX, line[1].fY); SkIntersections intersections; bool flipped = false; int result = doIntersect(intersections, quad, line, flipped); bool found = false; for (int index = 0; index < result; ++index) { double quadT = intersections[0][index]; SkDPoint quadXY = quad.ptAtT(quadT); double lineT = intersections[1][index]; SkDPoint lineXY = line.ptAtT(lineT); if (quadXY.approximatelyEqual(lineXY)) { found = true; } } REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, found); } // find a point on a quad by choosing a t from 0 to 1 // create a vertical span above and below the point // verify that intersecting the vertical span and the quad returns t // verify that a vertical span starting at quad[0] intersects at t=0 // verify that a vertical span starting at quad[2] intersects at t=1 static void testQuadLineIntersectMain(PathOpsThreadState* data) { PathOpsThreadState& state = *data; REPORTER_ASSERT(state.fReporter, data); int ax = state.fA & 0x03; int ay = state.fA >> 2; int bx = state.fB & 0x03; int by = state.fB >> 2; int cx = state.fC & 0x03; int cy = state.fC >> 2; QuadPts q = {{{(double) ax, (double) ay}, {(double) bx, (double) by}, {(double) cx, (double) cy}}}; SkDQuad quad; quad.debugSet(q.fPts); SkReduceOrder reducer; int order = reducer.reduce(quad); if (order < 3) { return; } for (int tIndex = 0; tIndex <= 4; ++tIndex) { SkDPoint xy = quad.ptAtT(tIndex / 4.0); for (int h = -2; h <= 2; ++h) { for (int v = -2; v <= 2; ++v) { if (h == v && SkTAbs(h) != 1) { continue; } double x = xy.fX; double y = xy.fY; SkDLine line = {{{x - h, y - v}, {x, y}}}; testLineIntersect(state.fReporter, quad, line, x, y); state.fReporter->bumpTestCount(); SkDLine line2 = {{{x, y}, {x + h, y + v}}}; testLineIntersect(state.fReporter, quad, line2, x, y); state.fReporter->bumpTestCount(); SkDLine line3 = {{{x - h, y - v}, {x + h, y + v}}}; testLineIntersect(state.fReporter, quad, line3, x, y); state.fReporter->bumpTestCount(); } } } } DEF_TEST(PathOpsQuadLineIntersectionThreaded, reporter) { initializeTests(reporter, "testQuadLineIntersect"); PathOpsThreadedTestRunner testRunner(reporter); for (int a = 0; a < 16; ++a) { for (int b = 0 ; b < 16; ++b) { for (int c = 0 ; c < 16; ++c) { *testRunner.fRunnables.append() = new PathOpsThreadedRunnable( &testQuadLineIntersectMain, a, b, c, 0, &testRunner); } if (!reporter->allowExtendedTest()) goto finish; } } finish: testRunner.render(); }