 * Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkTo_DEFINED
#define SkTo_DEFINED

#include "SkTypes.h"
#include "SkTFitsIn.h"

template <typename D, typename S> constexpr D SkTo(S s) {
    return SkASSERT(SkTFitsIn<D>(s)),

template <typename S> constexpr int8_t   SkToS8(S x)    { return SkTo<int8_t>(x);   }
template <typename S> constexpr uint8_t  SkToU8(S x)    { return SkTo<uint8_t>(x);  }
template <typename S> constexpr int16_t  SkToS16(S x)   { return SkTo<int16_t>(x);  }
template <typename S> constexpr uint16_t SkToU16(S x)   { return SkTo<uint16_t>(x); }
template <typename S> constexpr int32_t  SkToS32(S x)   { return SkTo<int32_t>(x);  }
template <typename S> constexpr uint32_t SkToU32(S x)   { return SkTo<uint32_t>(x); }
template <typename S> constexpr int      SkToInt(S x)   { return SkTo<int>(x);      }
template <typename S> constexpr unsigned SkToUInt(S x)  { return SkTo<unsigned>(x); }
template <typename S> constexpr size_t   SkToSizeT(S x) { return SkTo<size_t>(x);   }

#endif  // SkTo_DEFINED