// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_combolist.h" #include <memory> #include <utility> #include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h" #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_combobox.h" #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_comboedit.h" #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_listbox.h" #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_messagekey.h" #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_messagekillfocus.h" #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_messagemouse.h" CFWL_ComboList::CFWL_ComboList( const CFWL_App* app, std::unique_ptr<CFWL_WidgetProperties> properties, CFWL_Widget* pOuter) : CFWL_ListBox(app, std::move(properties), pOuter), m_bNotifyOwner(true) { ASSERT(pOuter); } int32_t CFWL_ComboList::MatchItem(const WideString& wsMatch) { if (wsMatch.IsEmpty()) return -1; int32_t iCount = CountItems(this); for (int32_t i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { CFWL_ListItem* hItem = GetItem(this, i); WideString wsText = hItem ? hItem->GetText() : L""; auto pos = wsText.Find(wsMatch.c_str()); if (pos.has_value() && pos.value() == 0) return i; } return -1; } void CFWL_ComboList::ChangeSelected(int32_t iSel) { CFWL_ListItem* hItem = GetItem(this, iSel); CFWL_ListItem* hOld = GetSelItem(0); int32_t iOld = GetItemIndex(this, hOld); if (iOld == iSel) return; CFX_RectF rtInvalidate; if (iOld > -1) { if (CFWL_ListItem* hOldItem = GetItem(this, iOld)) rtInvalidate = hOldItem->GetRect(); SetSelItem(hOld, false); } if (hItem) { if (CFWL_ListItem* hOldItem = GetItem(this, iSel)) rtInvalidate.Union(hOldItem->GetRect()); CFWL_ListItem* hSel = GetItem(this, iSel); SetSelItem(hSel, true); } if (!rtInvalidate.IsEmpty()) RepaintRect(rtInvalidate); } CFX_PointF CFWL_ComboList::ClientToOuter(const CFX_PointF& point) { CFX_PointF ret = point + CFX_PointF(m_pProperties->m_rtWidget.left, m_pProperties->m_rtWidget.top); CFWL_Widget* pOwner = GetOwner(); return pOwner ? pOwner->TransformTo(m_pOuter, ret) : ret; } void CFWL_ComboList::OnProcessMessage(CFWL_Message* pMessage) { if (!pMessage) return; CFWL_Message::Type type = pMessage->GetType(); bool backDefault = true; if (type == CFWL_Message::Type::SetFocus || type == CFWL_Message::Type::KillFocus) { OnDropListFocusChanged(pMessage, type == CFWL_Message::Type::SetFocus); } else if (type == CFWL_Message::Type::Mouse) { CFWL_MessageMouse* pMsg = static_cast<CFWL_MessageMouse*>(pMessage); CFWL_ScrollBar* vertSB = GetVertScrollBar(); if (IsShowScrollBar(true) && vertSB) { CFX_RectF rect = vertSB->GetWidgetRect(); if (rect.Contains(pMsg->m_pos)) { pMsg->m_pos -= rect.TopLeft(); vertSB->GetDelegate()->OnProcessMessage(pMsg); return; } } switch (pMsg->m_dwCmd) { case FWL_MouseCommand::Move: { backDefault = false; OnDropListMouseMove(pMsg); break; } case FWL_MouseCommand::LeftButtonDown: { backDefault = false; OnDropListLButtonDown(pMsg); break; } case FWL_MouseCommand::LeftButtonUp: { backDefault = false; OnDropListLButtonUp(pMsg); break; } default: break; } } else if (type == CFWL_Message::Type::Key) { backDefault = !OnDropListKey(static_cast<CFWL_MessageKey*>(pMessage)); } if (backDefault) CFWL_ListBox::OnProcessMessage(pMessage); } void CFWL_ComboList::OnDropListFocusChanged(CFWL_Message* pMsg, bool bSet) { if (bSet) return; CFWL_MessageKillFocus* pKill = static_cast<CFWL_MessageKillFocus*>(pMsg); CFWL_ComboBox* pOuter = static_cast<CFWL_ComboBox*>(m_pOuter); if (pKill->m_pSetFocus == m_pOuter || pKill->m_pSetFocus == pOuter->GetComboEdit()) { pOuter->ShowDropList(false); } } void CFWL_ComboList::OnDropListMouseMove(CFWL_MessageMouse* pMsg) { if (GetRTClient().Contains(pMsg->m_pos)) { if (m_bNotifyOwner) m_bNotifyOwner = false; CFWL_ScrollBar* vertSB = GetVertScrollBar(); if (IsShowScrollBar(true) && vertSB) { CFX_RectF rect = vertSB->GetWidgetRect(); if (rect.Contains(pMsg->m_pos)) return; } CFWL_ListItem* hItem = GetItemAtPoint(pMsg->m_pos); if (!hItem) return; ChangeSelected(GetItemIndex(this, hItem)); } else if (m_bNotifyOwner) { pMsg->m_pos = ClientToOuter(pMsg->m_pos); CFWL_ComboBox* pOuter = static_cast<CFWL_ComboBox*>(m_pOuter); pOuter->GetDelegate()->OnProcessMessage(pMsg); } } void CFWL_ComboList::OnDropListLButtonDown(CFWL_MessageMouse* pMsg) { if (GetRTClient().Contains(pMsg->m_pos)) return; CFWL_ComboBox* pOuter = static_cast<CFWL_ComboBox*>(m_pOuter); pOuter->ShowDropList(false); } void CFWL_ComboList::OnDropListLButtonUp(CFWL_MessageMouse* pMsg) { CFWL_ComboBox* pOuter = static_cast<CFWL_ComboBox*>(m_pOuter); if (m_bNotifyOwner) { pMsg->m_pos = ClientToOuter(pMsg->m_pos); pOuter->GetDelegate()->OnProcessMessage(pMsg); return; } CFWL_ScrollBar* vertSB = GetVertScrollBar(); if (IsShowScrollBar(true) && vertSB) { CFX_RectF rect = vertSB->GetWidgetRect(); if (rect.Contains(pMsg->m_pos)) return; } pOuter->ShowDropList(false); CFWL_ListItem* hItem = GetItemAtPoint(pMsg->m_pos); if (hItem) pOuter->ProcessSelChanged(true); } bool CFWL_ComboList::OnDropListKey(CFWL_MessageKey* pKey) { CFWL_ComboBox* pOuter = static_cast<CFWL_ComboBox*>(m_pOuter); bool bPropagate = false; if (pKey->m_dwCmd == FWL_KeyCommand::KeyDown) { uint32_t dwKeyCode = pKey->m_dwKeyCode; switch (dwKeyCode) { case FWL_VKEY_Return: case FWL_VKEY_Escape: { pOuter->ShowDropList(false); return true; } case FWL_VKEY_Up: case FWL_VKEY_Down: { OnDropListKeyDown(pKey); pOuter->ProcessSelChanged(false); return true; } default: { bPropagate = true; break; } } } else if (pKey->m_dwCmd == FWL_KeyCommand::Char) { bPropagate = true; } if (bPropagate) { pKey->m_pDstTarget = m_pOuter; pOuter->GetDelegate()->OnProcessMessage(pKey); return true; } return false; } void CFWL_ComboList::OnDropListKeyDown(CFWL_MessageKey* pKey) { uint32_t dwKeyCode = pKey->m_dwKeyCode; switch (dwKeyCode) { case FWL_VKEY_Up: case FWL_VKEY_Down: case FWL_VKEY_Home: case FWL_VKEY_End: { CFWL_ComboBox* pOuter = static_cast<CFWL_ComboBox*>(m_pOuter); CFWL_ListItem* hItem = GetItem(this, pOuter->GetCurrentSelection()); hItem = GetListItem(hItem, dwKeyCode); if (!hItem) break; SetSelection(hItem, hItem, true); ScrollToVisible(hItem); CFX_RectF rtInvalidate(0, 0, m_pProperties->m_rtWidget.width, m_pProperties->m_rtWidget.height); RepaintRect(rtInvalidate); break; } default: break; } }