/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4 -*-
 * Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
/* loclibrary.c                                                          
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Source for localization library                                       
 * Originally created by jsantamaria: 3 may 2004                         
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "DebugServices.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "isocode.h"
#include "loclibrary.h"
#include "Shlwapi.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <wchar.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "c" {

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define swprintf _snwprintf
#define snprintf _snprintf

#define DEFAULT_LANG_CODE "en"

// gets the user language
static LANGID _getUserLanguage( void ) {
	return GetUserDefaultUILanguage();


// gets the ISO mapping
static int _getISOCode(LANGID wLangID, char *isoLangCode, int codeLen) {
	int i;
	unsigned short langCode;

	for (i = 0; i < NUM_ISOCODES; i++) {
		int startIndex = i * MODULO_ISOCODES;
		langCode = (ISOCODES[startIndex] << 8);
		langCode = langCode + ( (unsigned short) (ISOCODES[startIndex + 1]) );

		if (langCode == wLangID) {
			char *langStr = (char *)&(ISOCODES[startIndex+2]);
			strncpy(isoLangCode, langStr, codeLen);
			return 0;
	return 1;

static char isoLangCode[LANG_CODE_LEN + 1] = "";
static LANGID wLangID = (LANGID) -1;

static void _setLanguageIfNeeded(void) {
	// get the language code if we don't have it cached
	if (!strncmp(isoLangCode,"",LANG_CODE_LEN + 1)) {
		// if we haven't cached the language id, do the lookup
		if (wLangID == (LANGID) -1) {
			wLangID = _getUserLanguage();
		// if no ISOCode, set it to DEFAULT_LANG_CODE
		if (_getISOCode(wLangID, isoLangCode, LANG_CODE_LEN + 1)) {
			strncpy(isoLangCode, DEFAULT_LANG_CODE, LANG_CODE_LEN+1);


//// PathForResource

// Gets the PathForResource for handle 0 for the current process

static char appPathNameA[MAX_PATH] = "";

int PathForResourceA ( HMODULE module, const char *name, char *locFile, int locFileLen)
	int ret = 0;

	if ( !strcmp( appPathNameA, "" ) )
		char   folder[MAX_PATH];
		char * ext;
		char * app;

		GetModuleFileNameA( module, folder, MAX_PATH );

		// Get folder string
		app = strrchr( folder, '\\' );
		require_action( app, exit, ret = 0 );
		*app++ = '\0';

		// Strip the extension

		if ( ( ( ext = strstr( app, ".exe" ) ) != NULL ) || ( ( ext = strstr( app, ".dll" ) ) != NULL ) )
			*ext = '\0';

		snprintf( appPathNameA, MAX_PATH, "%s\\%s", folder, app );

	ret = PathForResourceWithPathA (appPathNameA, name, locFile, locFileLen);


	return ret;

static wchar_t appPathNameW[MAX_PATH] = L"";

int PathForResourceW ( HMODULE module, const wchar_t *name, wchar_t *locFile, int locFileLen)
	int ret = 0;

	if ( !wcscmp( appPathNameW, L"" ) )
		wchar_t   folder[MAX_PATH];
		wchar_t * app;
		wchar_t * ext;

		GetModuleFileNameW( module, folder, MAX_PATH);

		// Get folder string
		app = wcsrchr( folder, '\\' );
		require_action( app, exit, ret = 0 );
		*app++ = '\0';

		// Strip the extension

		if ( ( ( ext = wcsstr( app, L".exe" ) ) != NULL ) || ( ( ext = wcsstr( app, L".dll" ) ) != NULL ) )
			*ext = '\0';

		swprintf( appPathNameW, MAX_PATH, L"%ls\\%ls", folder, app );

	ret = PathForResourceWithPathW (appPathNameW, name, locFile, locFileLen);


	return ret;

//// PathForResourceWithPath


int PathForResourceWithPathA (const char *path, const char *nm, 
									char *locFile, int locFileLen) {
	char tmpBuffer[TMP_BUF_SIZE];

	// build the path to the executable in the generic 
	// resources folder, check there first
	snprintf(tmpBuffer, MAX_PATH, "%s.Resources\\%s", path, nm);

	if (!PathFileExistsA(tmpBuffer)) {

		// didn't hit generic resource folder, so need to get language codes

		// test to see if localized directory exists, 
		// if so, we don't fall back if we don't find the file.
		snprintf(tmpBuffer, TMP_BUF_SIZE, 
				 "%s.Resources\\%s.lproj", path, isoLangCode);

		if (PathFileExistsA(tmpBuffer)) {
			snprintf(tmpBuffer, TMP_BUF_SIZE, "%s\\%s", tmpBuffer, nm);

			if (!PathFileExistsA(tmpBuffer)) return 0;

			strncpy(locFile, tmpBuffer, locFileLen);
			return (int) strlen(locFile);

		// fall back on DEFAULT_LANG_CODE if still no good
		snprintf(tmpBuffer, TMP_BUF_SIZE, "%s.Resources\\%s.lproj\\%s", 
				path, DEFAULT_LANG_CODE, nm);
		// we can't find the resource, so return 0
		if (!PathFileExistsA(tmpBuffer)) return 0;
	strncpy(locFile, tmpBuffer, locFileLen);
	return (int) strlen(locFile);


int PathForResourceWithPathW (const wchar_t *path, const wchar_t *nm, 
								wchar_t *locFile, int locFileLen) {

	wchar_t tmpBuffer[TMP_BUF_SIZE];

	// build the path to the executable in the generic
	// resources folder, check there first
	swprintf(tmpBuffer, TMP_BUF_SIZE, L"%ls.Resources\\%ls", path, nm);

	if (!PathFileExistsW(tmpBuffer)) {
		// didn't hit generic resource folder, so need to get language codes

		// test to see if localized directory exists, 
		// if so, we don't fall back if we don't find the file.
		swprintf(tmpBuffer, TMP_BUF_SIZE, 
				  L"%ls.Resources\\%S.lproj", path, isoLangCode);

		if (PathFileExistsW(tmpBuffer)) {
			swprintf(tmpBuffer, TMP_BUF_SIZE, L"%ls\\%ls", tmpBuffer, nm);

			if (!PathFileExistsW(tmpBuffer)) return 0;

			wcsncpy(locFile, tmpBuffer, locFileLen);
			return (int) wcslen(locFile);

		// fall back on DEFAULT_LANG_CODE if still no good
		swprintf(tmpBuffer, TMP_BUF_SIZE, L"%ls.Resources\\%S.lproj\\%ls", 
			path, DEFAULT_LANG_CODE, nm);

		// we can't find the resource, so return 0
		if (!PathFileExistsW(tmpBuffer)) return 0;
	wcsncpy(locFile, tmpBuffer, locFileLen);
	return (int) wcslen(locFile);


#ifdef __cplusplus