/* * Copyright © 2014 Google, Inc. * * This is part of HarfBuzz, a text shaping library. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. * * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. * * Google Author(s): Behdad Esfahbod */ #ifndef HB_OT_CMAP_TABLE_HH #define HB_OT_CMAP_TABLE_HH #include "hb-open-type.hh" #include "hb-set.hh" /* * cmap -- Character to Glyph Index Mapping * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/cmap */ #define HB_OT_TAG_cmap HB_TAG('c','m','a','p') namespace OT { struct CmapSubtableFormat0 { bool get_glyph (hb_codepoint_t codepoint, hb_codepoint_t *glyph) const { hb_codepoint_t gid = codepoint < 256 ? glyphIdArray[codepoint] : 0; if (!gid) return false; *glyph = gid; return true; } void collect_unicodes (hb_set_t *out) const { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 256; i++) if (glyphIdArray[i]) out->add (i); } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (c->check_struct (this)); } protected: HBUINT16 format; /* Format number is set to 0. */ HBUINT16 length; /* Byte length of this subtable. */ HBUINT16 language; /* Ignore. */ HBUINT8 glyphIdArray[256];/* An array that maps character * code to glyph index values. */ public: DEFINE_SIZE_STATIC (6 + 256); }; struct CmapSubtableFormat4 { struct segment_plan { HBUINT16 start_code; HBUINT16 end_code; bool use_delta; }; bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const hb_subset_plan_t *plan, const hb_vector_t<segment_plan> &segments) { TRACE_SERIALIZE (this); if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (*this))) return_trace (false); this->format.set (4); this->length.set (get_sub_table_size (segments)); this->segCountX2.set (segments.len * 2); this->entrySelector.set (MAX (1u, hb_bit_storage (segments.len)) - 1); this->searchRange.set (2 * (1u << this->entrySelector)); this->rangeShift.set (segments.len * 2 > this->searchRange ? 2 * segments.len - this->searchRange : 0); HBUINT16 *end_count = c->allocate_size<HBUINT16> (HBUINT16::static_size * segments.len); c->allocate_size<HBUINT16> (HBUINT16::static_size); // 2 bytes of padding. HBUINT16 *start_count = c->allocate_size<HBUINT16> (HBUINT16::static_size * segments.len); HBINT16 *id_delta = c->allocate_size<HBINT16> (HBUINT16::static_size * segments.len); HBUINT16 *id_range_offset = c->allocate_size<HBUINT16> (HBUINT16::static_size * segments.len); if (id_range_offset == nullptr) return_trace (false); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < segments.len; i++) { end_count[i].set (segments[i].end_code); start_count[i].set (segments[i].start_code); if (segments[i].use_delta) { hb_codepoint_t cp = segments[i].start_code; hb_codepoint_t start_gid = 0; if (unlikely (!plan->new_gid_for_codepoint (cp, &start_gid) && cp != 0xFFFF)) return_trace (false); id_delta[i].set (start_gid - segments[i].start_code); } else { id_delta[i].set (0); unsigned int num_codepoints = segments[i].end_code - segments[i].start_code + 1; HBUINT16 *glyph_id_array = c->allocate_size<HBUINT16> (HBUINT16::static_size * num_codepoints); if (glyph_id_array == nullptr) return_trace (false); // From the cmap spec: // // id_range_offset[i]/2 // + (cp - segments[i].start_code) // + (id_range_offset + i) // = // glyph_id_array + (cp - segments[i].start_code) // // So, solve for id_range_offset[i]: // // id_range_offset[i] // = // 2 * (glyph_id_array - id_range_offset - i) id_range_offset[i].set (2 * ( glyph_id_array - id_range_offset - i)); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < num_codepoints; j++) { hb_codepoint_t cp = segments[i].start_code + j; hb_codepoint_t new_gid; if (unlikely (!plan->new_gid_for_codepoint (cp, &new_gid))) return_trace (false); glyph_id_array[j].set (new_gid); } } } return_trace (true); } static size_t get_sub_table_size (const hb_vector_t<segment_plan> &segments) { size_t segment_size = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < segments.len; i++) { // Parallel array entries segment_size += 2 // end count + 2 // start count + 2 // delta + 2; // range offset if (!segments[i].use_delta) // Add bytes for the glyph index array entries for this segment. segment_size += (segments[i].end_code - segments[i].start_code + 1) * 2; } return min_size + 2 // Padding + segment_size; } static bool create_sub_table_plan (const hb_subset_plan_t *plan, hb_vector_t<segment_plan> *segments) { segment_plan *segment = nullptr; hb_codepoint_t last_gid = 0; hb_codepoint_t cp = HB_SET_VALUE_INVALID; while (plan->unicodes->next (&cp)) { hb_codepoint_t new_gid; if (unlikely (!plan->new_gid_for_codepoint (cp, &new_gid))) { DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "Unable to find new gid for %04x", cp); return false; } /* Stop adding to cmap if we are now outside of unicode BMP. */ if (cp > 0xFFFF) break; if (!segment || cp != segment->end_code + 1u) { segment = segments->push (); segment->start_code.set (cp); segment->end_code.set (cp); segment->use_delta = true; } else { segment->end_code.set (cp); if (last_gid + 1u != new_gid) // gid's are not consecutive in this segment so delta // cannot be used. segment->use_delta = false; } last_gid = new_gid; } // There must be a final entry with end_code == 0xFFFF. Check if we need to add one. if (segment == nullptr || segment->end_code != 0xFFFF) { segment = segments->push (); segment->start_code.set (0xFFFF); segment->end_code.set (0xFFFF); segment->use_delta = true; } return true; } struct accelerator_t { accelerator_t () {} accelerator_t (const CmapSubtableFormat4 *subtable) { init (subtable); } ~accelerator_t () { fini (); } void init (const CmapSubtableFormat4 *subtable) { segCount = subtable->segCountX2 / 2; endCount = subtable->values.arrayZ; startCount = endCount + segCount + 1; idDelta = startCount + segCount; idRangeOffset = idDelta + segCount; glyphIdArray = idRangeOffset + segCount; glyphIdArrayLength = (subtable->length - 16 - 8 * segCount) / 2; } void fini () {} bool get_glyph (hb_codepoint_t codepoint, hb_codepoint_t *glyph) const { /* Custom two-array bsearch. */ int min = 0, max = (int) this->segCount - 1; const HBUINT16 *startCount = this->startCount; const HBUINT16 *endCount = this->endCount; unsigned int i; while (min <= max) { int mid = ((unsigned int) min + (unsigned int) max) / 2; if (codepoint < startCount[mid]) max = mid - 1; else if (codepoint > endCount[mid]) min = mid + 1; else { i = mid; goto found; } } return false; found: hb_codepoint_t gid; unsigned int rangeOffset = this->idRangeOffset[i]; if (rangeOffset == 0) gid = codepoint + this->idDelta[i]; else { /* Somebody has been smoking... */ unsigned int index = rangeOffset / 2 + (codepoint - this->startCount[i]) + i - this->segCount; if (unlikely (index >= this->glyphIdArrayLength)) return false; gid = this->glyphIdArray[index]; if (unlikely (!gid)) return false; gid += this->idDelta[i]; } gid &= 0xFFFFu; if (!gid) return false; *glyph = gid; return true; } static bool get_glyph_func (const void *obj, hb_codepoint_t codepoint, hb_codepoint_t *glyph) { return ((const accelerator_t *) obj)->get_glyph (codepoint, glyph); } void collect_unicodes (hb_set_t *out) const { unsigned int count = this->segCount; if (count && this->startCount[count - 1] == 0xFFFFu) count--; /* Skip sentinel segment. */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) { unsigned int rangeOffset = this->idRangeOffset[i]; if (rangeOffset == 0) out->add_range (this->startCount[i], this->endCount[i]); else { for (hb_codepoint_t codepoint = this->startCount[i]; codepoint <= this->endCount[i]; codepoint++) { unsigned int index = rangeOffset / 2 + (codepoint - this->startCount[i]) + i - this->segCount; if (unlikely (index >= this->glyphIdArrayLength)) break; hb_codepoint_t gid = this->glyphIdArray[index]; if (unlikely (!gid)) continue; out->add (codepoint); } } } } const HBUINT16 *endCount; const HBUINT16 *startCount; const HBUINT16 *idDelta; const HBUINT16 *idRangeOffset; const HBUINT16 *glyphIdArray; unsigned int segCount; unsigned int glyphIdArrayLength; }; bool get_glyph (hb_codepoint_t codepoint, hb_codepoint_t *glyph) const { accelerator_t accel (this); return accel.get_glyph_func (&accel, codepoint, glyph); } void collect_unicodes (hb_set_t *out) const { accelerator_t accel (this); accel.collect_unicodes (out); } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); if (unlikely (!c->check_struct (this))) return_trace (false); if (unlikely (!c->check_range (this, length))) { /* Some broken fonts have too long of a "length" value. * If that is the case, just change the value to truncate * the subtable at the end of the blob. */ uint16_t new_length = (uint16_t) MIN ((uintptr_t) 65535, (uintptr_t) (c->end - (char *) this)); if (!c->try_set (&length, new_length)) return_trace (false); } return_trace (16 + 4 * (unsigned int) segCountX2 <= length); } protected: HBUINT16 format; /* Format number is set to 4. */ HBUINT16 length; /* This is the length in bytes of the * subtable. */ HBUINT16 language; /* Ignore. */ HBUINT16 segCountX2; /* 2 x segCount. */ HBUINT16 searchRange; /* 2 * (2**floor(log2(segCount))) */ HBUINT16 entrySelector; /* log2(searchRange/2) */ HBUINT16 rangeShift; /* 2 x segCount - searchRange */ UnsizedArrayOf<HBUINT16> values; #if 0 HBUINT16 endCount[segCount]; /* End characterCode for each segment, * last=0xFFFFu. */ HBUINT16 reservedPad; /* Set to 0. */ HBUINT16 startCount[segCount]; /* Start character code for each segment. */ HBINT16 idDelta[segCount]; /* Delta for all character codes in segment. */ HBUINT16 idRangeOffset[segCount];/* Offsets into glyphIdArray or 0 */ UnsizedArrayOf<HBUINT16> glyphIdArray; /* Glyph index array (arbitrary length) */ #endif public: DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (14, values); }; struct CmapSubtableLongGroup { friend struct CmapSubtableFormat12; friend struct CmapSubtableFormat13; template<typename U> friend struct CmapSubtableLongSegmented; friend struct cmap; int cmp (hb_codepoint_t codepoint) const { if (codepoint < startCharCode) return -1; if (codepoint > endCharCode) return +1; return 0; } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (c->check_struct (this)); } private: HBUINT32 startCharCode; /* First character code in this group. */ HBUINT32 endCharCode; /* Last character code in this group. */ HBUINT32 glyphID; /* Glyph index; interpretation depends on * subtable format. */ public: DEFINE_SIZE_STATIC (12); }; DECLARE_NULL_NAMESPACE_BYTES (OT, CmapSubtableLongGroup); template <typename UINT> struct CmapSubtableTrimmed { bool get_glyph (hb_codepoint_t codepoint, hb_codepoint_t *glyph) const { /* Rely on our implicit array bound-checking. */ hb_codepoint_t gid = glyphIdArray[codepoint - startCharCode]; if (!gid) return false; *glyph = gid; return true; } void collect_unicodes (hb_set_t *out) const { hb_codepoint_t start = startCharCode; unsigned int count = glyphIdArray.len; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) if (glyphIdArray[i]) out->add (start + i); } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (c->check_struct (this) && glyphIdArray.sanitize (c)); } protected: UINT formatReserved; /* Subtable format and (maybe) padding. */ UINT length; /* Byte length of this subtable. */ UINT language; /* Ignore. */ UINT startCharCode; /* First character code covered. */ ArrayOf<GlyphID, UINT> glyphIdArray; /* Array of glyph index values for character * codes in the range. */ public: DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (5 * sizeof (UINT), glyphIdArray); }; struct CmapSubtableFormat6 : CmapSubtableTrimmed<HBUINT16> {}; struct CmapSubtableFormat10 : CmapSubtableTrimmed<HBUINT32 > {}; template <typename T> struct CmapSubtableLongSegmented { friend struct cmap; bool get_glyph (hb_codepoint_t codepoint, hb_codepoint_t *glyph) const { hb_codepoint_t gid = T::group_get_glyph (groups.bsearch (codepoint), codepoint); if (!gid) return false; *glyph = gid; return true; } void collect_unicodes (hb_set_t *out) const { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->groups.len; i++) { out->add_range (this->groups[i].startCharCode, MIN ((hb_codepoint_t) this->groups[i].endCharCode, (hb_codepoint_t) HB_UNICODE_MAX)); } } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (c->check_struct (this) && groups.sanitize (c)); } bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const hb_vector_t<CmapSubtableLongGroup> &group_data) { TRACE_SERIALIZE (this); if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (*this))) return_trace (false); if (unlikely (!groups.serialize (c, group_data.as_array ()))) return_trace (false); return true; } protected: HBUINT16 format; /* Subtable format; set to 12. */ HBUINT16 reserved; /* Reserved; set to 0. */ HBUINT32 length; /* Byte length of this subtable. */ HBUINT32 language; /* Ignore. */ SortedArrayOf<CmapSubtableLongGroup, HBUINT32> groups; /* Groupings. */ public: DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (16, groups); }; struct CmapSubtableFormat12 : CmapSubtableLongSegmented<CmapSubtableFormat12> { static hb_codepoint_t group_get_glyph (const CmapSubtableLongGroup &group, hb_codepoint_t u) { return likely (group.startCharCode <= group.endCharCode) ? group.glyphID + (u - group.startCharCode) : 0; } bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const hb_vector_t<CmapSubtableLongGroup> &groups) { if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (*this))) return false; this->format.set (12); this->reserved.set (0); this->length.set (get_sub_table_size (groups)); return CmapSubtableLongSegmented<CmapSubtableFormat12>::serialize (c, groups); } static size_t get_sub_table_size (const hb_vector_t<CmapSubtableLongGroup> &groups) { return 16 + 12 * groups.len; } static bool create_sub_table_plan (const hb_subset_plan_t *plan, hb_vector_t<CmapSubtableLongGroup> *groups) { CmapSubtableLongGroup *group = nullptr; hb_codepoint_t cp = HB_SET_VALUE_INVALID; while (plan->unicodes->next (&cp)) { hb_codepoint_t new_gid; if (unlikely (!plan->new_gid_for_codepoint (cp, &new_gid))) { DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "Unable to find new gid for %04x", cp); return false; } if (!group || !_is_gid_consecutive (group, cp, new_gid)) { group = groups->push (); group->startCharCode.set (cp); group->endCharCode.set (cp); group->glyphID.set (new_gid); } else group->endCharCode.set (cp); } DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "cmap"); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < groups->len; i++) { CmapSubtableLongGroup& group = (*groups)[i]; DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, " %d: U+%04X-U+%04X, gid %d-%d", i, (uint32_t) group.startCharCode, (uint32_t) group.endCharCode, (uint32_t) group.glyphID, (uint32_t) group.glyphID + ((uint32_t) group.endCharCode - (uint32_t) group.startCharCode)); } return true; } private: static bool _is_gid_consecutive (CmapSubtableLongGroup *group, hb_codepoint_t cp, hb_codepoint_t new_gid) { return (cp - 1 == group->endCharCode) && new_gid == group->glyphID + (cp - group->startCharCode); } }; struct CmapSubtableFormat13 : CmapSubtableLongSegmented<CmapSubtableFormat13> { static hb_codepoint_t group_get_glyph (const CmapSubtableLongGroup &group, hb_codepoint_t u HB_UNUSED) { return group.glyphID; } }; typedef enum { GLYPH_VARIANT_NOT_FOUND = 0, GLYPH_VARIANT_FOUND = 1, GLYPH_VARIANT_USE_DEFAULT = 2 } glyph_variant_t; struct UnicodeValueRange { int cmp (const hb_codepoint_t &codepoint) const { if (codepoint < startUnicodeValue) return -1; if (codepoint > startUnicodeValue + additionalCount) return +1; return 0; } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (c->check_struct (this)); } HBUINT24 startUnicodeValue; /* First value in this range. */ HBUINT8 additionalCount; /* Number of additional values in this * range. */ public: DEFINE_SIZE_STATIC (4); }; struct DefaultUVS : SortedArrayOf<UnicodeValueRange, HBUINT32> { void collect_unicodes (hb_set_t *out) const { unsigned int count = len; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) { hb_codepoint_t first = arrayZ[i].startUnicodeValue; hb_codepoint_t last = MIN ((hb_codepoint_t) (first + arrayZ[i].additionalCount), (hb_codepoint_t) HB_UNICODE_MAX); out->add_range (first, last); } } public: DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (4, *this); }; struct UVSMapping { int cmp (const hb_codepoint_t &codepoint) const { return unicodeValue.cmp (codepoint); } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (c->check_struct (this)); } HBUINT24 unicodeValue; /* Base Unicode value of the UVS */ GlyphID glyphID; /* Glyph ID of the UVS */ public: DEFINE_SIZE_STATIC (5); }; struct NonDefaultUVS : SortedArrayOf<UVSMapping, HBUINT32> { void collect_unicodes (hb_set_t *out) const { unsigned int count = len; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) out->add (arrayZ[i].glyphID); } public: DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (4, *this); }; struct VariationSelectorRecord { glyph_variant_t get_glyph (hb_codepoint_t codepoint, hb_codepoint_t *glyph, const void *base) const { if ((base+defaultUVS).bfind (codepoint)) return GLYPH_VARIANT_USE_DEFAULT; const UVSMapping &nonDefault = (base+nonDefaultUVS).bsearch (codepoint); if (nonDefault.glyphID) { *glyph = nonDefault.glyphID; return GLYPH_VARIANT_FOUND; } return GLYPH_VARIANT_NOT_FOUND; } void collect_unicodes (hb_set_t *out, const void *base) const { (base+defaultUVS).collect_unicodes (out); (base+nonDefaultUVS).collect_unicodes (out); } int cmp (const hb_codepoint_t &variation_selector) const { return varSelector.cmp (variation_selector); } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c, const void *base) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (c->check_struct (this) && defaultUVS.sanitize (c, base) && nonDefaultUVS.sanitize (c, base)); } HBUINT24 varSelector; /* Variation selector. */ LOffsetTo<DefaultUVS> defaultUVS; /* Offset to Default UVS Table. May be 0. */ LOffsetTo<NonDefaultUVS> nonDefaultUVS; /* Offset to Non-Default UVS Table. May be 0. */ public: DEFINE_SIZE_STATIC (11); }; struct CmapSubtableFormat14 { glyph_variant_t get_glyph_variant (hb_codepoint_t codepoint, hb_codepoint_t variation_selector, hb_codepoint_t *glyph) const { return record.bsearch (variation_selector).get_glyph (codepoint, glyph, this); } void collect_variation_selectors (hb_set_t *out) const { unsigned int count = record.len; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) out->add (record.arrayZ[i].varSelector); } void collect_variation_unicodes (hb_codepoint_t variation_selector, hb_set_t *out) const { record.bsearch (variation_selector).collect_unicodes (out, this); } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (c->check_struct (this) && record.sanitize (c, this)); } protected: HBUINT16 format; /* Format number is set to 14. */ HBUINT32 length; /* Byte length of this subtable. */ SortedArrayOf<VariationSelectorRecord, HBUINT32> record; /* Variation selector records; sorted * in increasing order of `varSelector'. */ public: DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (10, record); }; struct CmapSubtable { /* Note: We intentionally do NOT implement subtable formats 2 and 8. */ bool get_glyph (hb_codepoint_t codepoint, hb_codepoint_t *glyph) const { switch (u.format) { case 0: return u.format0 .get_glyph (codepoint, glyph); case 4: return u.format4 .get_glyph (codepoint, glyph); case 6: return u.format6 .get_glyph (codepoint, glyph); case 10: return u.format10.get_glyph (codepoint, glyph); case 12: return u.format12.get_glyph (codepoint, glyph); case 13: return u.format13.get_glyph (codepoint, glyph); case 14: default: return false; } } void collect_unicodes (hb_set_t *out) const { switch (u.format) { case 0: u.format0 .collect_unicodes (out); return; case 4: u.format4 .collect_unicodes (out); return; case 6: u.format6 .collect_unicodes (out); return; case 10: u.format10.collect_unicodes (out); return; case 12: u.format12.collect_unicodes (out); return; case 13: u.format13.collect_unicodes (out); return; case 14: default: return; } } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); if (!u.format.sanitize (c)) return_trace (false); switch (u.format) { case 0: return_trace (u.format0 .sanitize (c)); case 4: return_trace (u.format4 .sanitize (c)); case 6: return_trace (u.format6 .sanitize (c)); case 10: return_trace (u.format10.sanitize (c)); case 12: return_trace (u.format12.sanitize (c)); case 13: return_trace (u.format13.sanitize (c)); case 14: return_trace (u.format14.sanitize (c)); default:return_trace (true); } } public: union { HBUINT16 format; /* Format identifier */ CmapSubtableFormat0 format0; CmapSubtableFormat4 format4; CmapSubtableFormat6 format6; CmapSubtableFormat10 format10; CmapSubtableFormat12 format12; CmapSubtableFormat13 format13; CmapSubtableFormat14 format14; } u; public: DEFINE_SIZE_UNION (2, format); }; struct EncodingRecord { int cmp (const EncodingRecord &other) const { int ret; ret = platformID.cmp (other.platformID); if (ret) return ret; ret = encodingID.cmp (other.encodingID); if (ret) return ret; return 0; } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c, const void *base) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (c->check_struct (this) && subtable.sanitize (c, base)); } HBUINT16 platformID; /* Platform ID. */ HBUINT16 encodingID; /* Platform-specific encoding ID. */ LOffsetTo<CmapSubtable> subtable; /* Byte offset from beginning of table to the subtable for this encoding. */ public: DEFINE_SIZE_STATIC (8); }; struct cmap { enum { tableTag = HB_OT_TAG_cmap }; struct subset_plan { size_t final_size () const { return 4 // header + 8 * 3 // 3 EncodingRecord + CmapSubtableFormat4::get_sub_table_size (this->format4_segments) + CmapSubtableFormat12::get_sub_table_size (this->format12_groups); } hb_vector_t<CmapSubtableFormat4::segment_plan> format4_segments; hb_vector_t<CmapSubtableLongGroup> format12_groups; }; bool _create_plan (const hb_subset_plan_t *plan, subset_plan *cmap_plan) const { if (unlikely (!CmapSubtableFormat4::create_sub_table_plan (plan, &cmap_plan->format4_segments))) return false; return CmapSubtableFormat12::create_sub_table_plan (plan, &cmap_plan->format12_groups); } bool _subset (const hb_subset_plan_t *plan, const subset_plan &cmap_subset_plan, size_t dest_sz, void *dest) const { hb_serialize_context_t c (dest, dest_sz); cmap *table = c.start_serialize<cmap> (); if (unlikely (!c.extend_min (*table))) { return false; } table->version.set (0); if (unlikely (!table->encodingRecord.serialize (&c, /* numTables */ 3))) return false; // TODO(grieger): Convert the below to a for loop // Format 4, Plat 0 Encoding Record EncodingRecord &format4_plat0_rec = table->encodingRecord[0]; format4_plat0_rec.platformID.set (0); // Unicode format4_plat0_rec.encodingID.set (3); // Format 4, Plat 3 Encoding Record EncodingRecord &format4_plat3_rec = table->encodingRecord[1]; format4_plat3_rec.platformID.set (3); // Windows format4_plat3_rec.encodingID.set (1); // Unicode BMP // Format 12 Encoding Record EncodingRecord &format12_rec = table->encodingRecord[2]; format12_rec.platformID.set (3); // Windows format12_rec.encodingID.set (10); // Unicode UCS-4 // Write out format 4 sub table { CmapSubtable &subtable = format4_plat0_rec.subtable.serialize (&c, table); format4_plat3_rec.subtable.set (format4_plat0_rec.subtable); subtable.u.format.set (4); CmapSubtableFormat4 &format4 = subtable.u.format4; if (unlikely (!format4.serialize (&c, plan, cmap_subset_plan.format4_segments))) return false; } // Write out format 12 sub table. { CmapSubtable &subtable = format12_rec.subtable.serialize (&c, table); subtable.u.format.set (12); CmapSubtableFormat12 &format12 = subtable.u.format12; if (unlikely (!format12.serialize (&c, cmap_subset_plan.format12_groups))) return false; } c.end_serialize (); return true; } bool subset (hb_subset_plan_t *plan) const { subset_plan cmap_subset_plan; if (unlikely (!_create_plan (plan, &cmap_subset_plan))) { DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "Failed to generate a cmap subsetting plan."); return false; } // We now know how big our blob needs to be size_t dest_sz = cmap_subset_plan.final_size (); void *dest = malloc (dest_sz); if (unlikely (!dest)) { DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "Unable to alloc %lu for cmap subset output", (unsigned long) dest_sz); return false; } if (unlikely (!_subset (plan, cmap_subset_plan, dest_sz, dest))) { DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "Failed to perform subsetting of cmap."); free (dest); return false; } // all done, write the blob into dest hb_blob_t *cmap_prime = hb_blob_create ((const char *) dest, dest_sz, HB_MEMORY_MODE_READONLY, dest, free); bool result = plan->add_table (HB_OT_TAG_cmap, cmap_prime); hb_blob_destroy (cmap_prime); return result; } const CmapSubtable *find_best_subtable (bool *symbol = nullptr) const { if (symbol) *symbol = false; const CmapSubtable *subtable; /* 32-bit subtables. */ if ((subtable = this->find_subtable (3, 10))) return subtable; if ((subtable = this->find_subtable (0, 6))) return subtable; if ((subtable = this->find_subtable (0, 4))) return subtable; /* 16-bit subtables. */ if ((subtable = this->find_subtable (3, 1))) return subtable; if ((subtable = this->find_subtable (0, 3))) return subtable; if ((subtable = this->find_subtable (0, 2))) return subtable; if ((subtable = this->find_subtable (0, 1))) return subtable; if ((subtable = this->find_subtable (0, 0))) return subtable; /* Symbol subtable. */ if ((subtable = this->find_subtable (3, 0))) { if (symbol) *symbol = true; return subtable; } /* Meh. */ return &Null (CmapSubtable); } struct accelerator_t { void init (hb_face_t *face) { this->table = hb_sanitize_context_t ().reference_table<cmap> (face); bool symbol; this->subtable = table->find_best_subtable (&symbol); this->subtable_uvs = &Null (CmapSubtableFormat14); { const CmapSubtable *st = table->find_subtable (0, 5); if (st && st->u.format == 14) subtable_uvs = &st->u.format14; } this->get_glyph_data = subtable; if (unlikely (symbol)) { this->get_glyph_funcZ = get_glyph_from_symbol<CmapSubtable>; } else { switch (subtable->u.format) { /* Accelerate format 4 and format 12. */ default: this->get_glyph_funcZ = get_glyph_from<CmapSubtable>; break; case 12: this->get_glyph_funcZ = get_glyph_from<CmapSubtableFormat12>; break; case 4: { this->format4_accel.init (&subtable->u.format4); this->get_glyph_data = &this->format4_accel; this->get_glyph_funcZ = this->format4_accel.get_glyph_func; } break; } } } void fini () { this->table.destroy (); } bool get_nominal_glyph (hb_codepoint_t unicode, hb_codepoint_t *glyph) const { if (unlikely (!this->get_glyph_funcZ)) return false; return this->get_glyph_funcZ (this->get_glyph_data, unicode, glyph); } unsigned int get_nominal_glyphs (unsigned int count, const hb_codepoint_t *first_unicode, unsigned int unicode_stride, hb_codepoint_t *first_glyph, unsigned int glyph_stride) const { if (unlikely (!this->get_glyph_funcZ)) return 0; hb_cmap_get_glyph_func_t get_glyph_funcZ = this->get_glyph_funcZ; const void *get_glyph_data = this->get_glyph_data; unsigned int done; for (done = 0; done < count && get_glyph_funcZ (get_glyph_data, *first_unicode, first_glyph); done++) { first_unicode = &StructAtOffset<hb_codepoint_t> (first_unicode, unicode_stride); first_glyph = &StructAtOffset<hb_codepoint_t> (first_glyph, glyph_stride); } return done; } bool get_variation_glyph (hb_codepoint_t unicode, hb_codepoint_t variation_selector, hb_codepoint_t *glyph) const { switch (this->subtable_uvs->get_glyph_variant (unicode, variation_selector, glyph)) { case GLYPH_VARIANT_NOT_FOUND: return false; case GLYPH_VARIANT_FOUND: return true; case GLYPH_VARIANT_USE_DEFAULT: break; } return get_nominal_glyph (unicode, glyph); } void collect_unicodes (hb_set_t *out) const { subtable->collect_unicodes (out); } void collect_variation_selectors (hb_set_t *out) const { subtable_uvs->collect_variation_selectors (out); } void collect_variation_unicodes (hb_codepoint_t variation_selector, hb_set_t *out) const { subtable_uvs->collect_variation_unicodes (variation_selector, out); } protected: typedef bool (*hb_cmap_get_glyph_func_t) (const void *obj, hb_codepoint_t codepoint, hb_codepoint_t *glyph); template <typename Type> static bool get_glyph_from (const void *obj, hb_codepoint_t codepoint, hb_codepoint_t *glyph) { const Type *typed_obj = (const Type *) obj; return typed_obj->get_glyph (codepoint, glyph); } template <typename Type> static bool get_glyph_from_symbol (const void *obj, hb_codepoint_t codepoint, hb_codepoint_t *glyph) { const Type *typed_obj = (const Type *) obj; if (likely (typed_obj->get_glyph (codepoint, glyph))) return true; if (codepoint <= 0x00FFu) { /* For symbol-encoded OpenType fonts, we duplicate the * U+F000..F0FF range at U+0000..U+00FF. That's what * Windows seems to do, and that's hinted about at: * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/recom * under "Non-Standard (Symbol) Fonts". */ return typed_obj->get_glyph (0xF000u + codepoint, glyph); } return false; } private: hb_nonnull_ptr_t<const CmapSubtable> subtable; hb_nonnull_ptr_t<const CmapSubtableFormat14> subtable_uvs; hb_cmap_get_glyph_func_t get_glyph_funcZ; const void *get_glyph_data; CmapSubtableFormat4::accelerator_t format4_accel; hb_blob_ptr_t<cmap> table; }; protected: const CmapSubtable *find_subtable (unsigned int platform_id, unsigned int encoding_id) const { EncodingRecord key; key.platformID.set (platform_id); key.encodingID.set (encoding_id); const EncodingRecord &result = encodingRecord.bsearch (key); if (!result.subtable) return nullptr; return &(this+result.subtable); } public: bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (c->check_struct (this) && likely (version == 0) && encodingRecord.sanitize (c, this)); } protected: HBUINT16 version; /* Table version number (0). */ SortedArrayOf<EncodingRecord> encodingRecord; /* Encoding tables. */ public: DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (4, encodingRecord); }; struct cmap_accelerator_t : cmap::accelerator_t {}; } /* namespace OT */ #endif /* HB_OT_CMAP_TABLE_HH */