/* * Copyright © 2018 Adobe Inc. * * This is part of HarfBuzz, a text shaping library. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. * * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. * * Adobe Author(s): Michiharu Ariza */ #ifndef HB_OT_CFF_COMMON_HH #define HB_OT_CFF_COMMON_HH #include "hb-open-type.hh" #include "hb-ot-layout-common.hh" #include "hb-cff-interp-dict-common.hh" #include "hb-subset-plan.hh" namespace CFF { using namespace OT; #define CFF_UNDEF_CODE 0xFFFFFFFF /* utility macro */ template<typename Type> static inline const Type& StructAtOffsetOrNull(const void *P, unsigned int offset) { return offset? (* reinterpret_cast<const Type*> ((const char *) P + offset)): Null(Type); } inline unsigned int calcOffSize(unsigned int dataSize) { unsigned int size = 1; unsigned int offset = dataSize + 1; while ((offset & ~0xFF) != 0) { size++; offset >>= 8; } /* format does not support size > 4; caller should handle it as an error */ return size; } struct code_pair { hb_codepoint_t code; hb_codepoint_t glyph; }; typedef hb_vector_t<char, 1> StrBuff; struct StrBuffArray : hb_vector_t<StrBuff> { void fini () { SUPER::fini_deep (); } unsigned int total_size () const { unsigned int size = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) size += (*this)[i].len; return size; } private: typedef hb_vector_t<StrBuff> SUPER; }; /* CFF INDEX */ template <typename COUNT> struct CFFIndex { bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (likely ((count.sanitize (c) && count == 0) || /* empty INDEX */ (c->check_struct (this) && offSize >= 1 && offSize <= 4 && c->check_array (offsets, offSize, count + 1) && c->check_array ((const HBUINT8*)data_base (), 1, max_offset () - 1)))); } static unsigned int calculate_offset_array_size (unsigned int offSize, unsigned int count) { return offSize * (count + 1); } unsigned int offset_array_size () const { return calculate_offset_array_size (offSize, count); } static unsigned int calculate_serialized_size (unsigned int offSize, unsigned int count, unsigned int dataSize) { if (count == 0) return COUNT::static_size; else return min_size + calculate_offset_array_size (offSize, count) + dataSize; } bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const CFFIndex &src) { TRACE_SERIALIZE (this); unsigned int size = src.get_size (); CFFIndex *dest = c->allocate_size<CFFIndex> (size); if (unlikely (dest == nullptr)) return_trace (false); memcpy (dest, &src, size); return_trace (true); } bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c, unsigned int offSize_, const ByteStrArray &byteArray) { TRACE_SERIALIZE (this); if (byteArray.len == 0) { COUNT *dest = c->allocate_min<COUNT> (); if (unlikely (dest == nullptr)) return_trace (false); dest->set (0); } else { /* serialize CFFIndex header */ if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (*this))) return_trace (false); this->count.set (byteArray.len); this->offSize.set (offSize_); if (!unlikely (c->allocate_size<HBUINT8> (offSize_ * (byteArray.len + 1)))) return_trace (false); /* serialize indices */ unsigned int offset = 1; unsigned int i = 0; for (; i < byteArray.len; i++) { set_offset_at (i, offset); offset += byteArray[i].get_size (); } set_offset_at (i, offset); /* serialize data */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < byteArray.len; i++) { ByteStr *dest = c->start_embed<ByteStr> (); if (unlikely (dest == nullptr || !dest->serialize (c, byteArray[i]))) return_trace (false); } } return_trace (true); } bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c, unsigned int offSize_, const StrBuffArray &buffArray) { ByteStrArray byteArray; byteArray.init (); byteArray.resize (buffArray.len); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < byteArray.len; i++) { byteArray[i] = ByteStr (buffArray[i].arrayZ (), buffArray[i].len); } bool result = this->serialize (c, offSize_, byteArray); byteArray.fini (); return result; } void set_offset_at (unsigned int index, unsigned int offset) { HBUINT8 *p = offsets + offSize * index + offSize; unsigned int size = offSize; for (; size; size--) { --p; p->set (offset & 0xFF); offset >>= 8; } } unsigned int offset_at (unsigned int index) const { assert (index <= count); const HBUINT8 *p = offsets + offSize * index; unsigned int size = offSize; unsigned int offset = 0; for (; size; size--) offset = (offset << 8) + *p++; return offset; } unsigned int length_at (unsigned int index) const { if (likely ((offset_at (index + 1) >= offset_at (index)) && (offset_at (index + 1) <= offset_at (count)))) return offset_at (index + 1) - offset_at (index); else return 0; } const char *data_base () const { return (const char *)this + min_size + offset_array_size (); } unsigned int data_size () const { return HBINT8::static_size; } ByteStr operator [] (unsigned int index) const { if (likely (index < count)) return ByteStr (data_base () + offset_at (index) - 1, length_at (index)); else return Null(ByteStr); } unsigned int get_size () const { if (this != &Null(CFFIndex)) { if (count > 0) return min_size + offset_array_size () + (offset_at (count) - 1); else return count.static_size; /* empty CFFIndex contains count only */ } else return 0; } protected: unsigned int max_offset () const { unsigned int max = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count + 1u; i++) { unsigned int off = offset_at (i); if (off > max) max = off; } return max; } public: COUNT count; /* Number of object data. Note there are (count+1) offsets */ HBUINT8 offSize; /* The byte size of each offset in the offsets array. */ HBUINT8 offsets[VAR]; /* The array of (count + 1) offsets into objects array (1-base). */ /* HBUINT8 data[VAR]; Object data */ public: DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (COUNT::static_size + HBUINT8::static_size, offsets); }; template <typename COUNT, typename TYPE> struct CFFIndexOf : CFFIndex<COUNT> { const ByteStr operator [] (unsigned int index) const { if (likely (index < CFFIndex<COUNT>::count)) return ByteStr (CFFIndex<COUNT>::data_base () + CFFIndex<COUNT>::offset_at (index) - 1, CFFIndex<COUNT>::length_at (index)); return Null(ByteStr); } template <typename DATA, typename PARAM1, typename PARAM2> bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c, unsigned int offSize_, const DATA *dataArray, unsigned int dataArrayLen, const hb_vector_t<unsigned int> &dataSizeArray, const PARAM1 ¶m1, const PARAM2 ¶m2) { TRACE_SERIALIZE (this); /* serialize CFFIndex header */ if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (*this))) return_trace (false); this->count.set (dataArrayLen); this->offSize.set (offSize_); if (!unlikely (c->allocate_size<HBUINT8> (offSize_ * (dataArrayLen + 1)))) return_trace (false); /* serialize indices */ unsigned int offset = 1; unsigned int i = 0; for (; i < dataArrayLen; i++) { CFFIndex<COUNT>::set_offset_at (i, offset); offset += dataSizeArray[i]; } CFFIndex<COUNT>::set_offset_at (i, offset); /* serialize data */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dataArrayLen; i++) { TYPE *dest = c->start_embed<TYPE> (); if (unlikely (dest == nullptr || !dest->serialize (c, dataArray[i], param1, param2))) return_trace (false); } return_trace (true); } /* in parallel to above */ template <typename DATA, typename PARAM> static unsigned int calculate_serialized_size (unsigned int &offSize_ /* OUT */, const DATA *dataArray, unsigned int dataArrayLen, hb_vector_t<unsigned int> &dataSizeArray, /* OUT */ const PARAM ¶m) { /* determine offset size */ unsigned int totalDataSize = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dataArrayLen; i++) { unsigned int dataSize = TYPE::calculate_serialized_size (dataArray[i], param); dataSizeArray[i] = dataSize; totalDataSize += dataSize; } offSize_ = calcOffSize (totalDataSize); return CFFIndex<COUNT>::calculate_serialized_size (offSize_, dataArrayLen, totalDataSize); } }; /* Top Dict, Font Dict, Private Dict */ struct Dict : UnsizedByteStr { template <typename DICTVAL, typename OP_SERIALIZER, typename PARAM> bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const DICTVAL &dictval, OP_SERIALIZER& opszr, PARAM& param) { TRACE_SERIALIZE (this); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dictval.get_count (); i++) { if (unlikely (!opszr.serialize (c, dictval[i], param))) return_trace (false); } return_trace (true); } /* in parallel to above */ template <typename DICTVAL, typename OP_SERIALIZER, typename PARAM> static unsigned int calculate_serialized_size (const DICTVAL &dictval, OP_SERIALIZER& opszr, PARAM& param) { unsigned int size = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dictval.get_count (); i++) size += opszr.calculate_serialized_size (dictval[i], param); return size; } template <typename DICTVAL, typename OP_SERIALIZER> static unsigned int calculate_serialized_size (const DICTVAL &dictval, OP_SERIALIZER& opszr) { unsigned int size = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dictval.get_count (); i++) size += opszr.calculate_serialized_size (dictval[i]); return size; } template <typename INTTYPE, int minVal, int maxVal> static bool serialize_int_op (hb_serialize_context_t *c, OpCode op, int value, OpCode intOp) { // XXX: not sure why but LLVM fails to compile the following 'unlikely' macro invocation if (/*unlikely*/ (!serialize_int<INTTYPE, minVal, maxVal> (c, intOp, value))) return false; TRACE_SERIALIZE (this); /* serialize the opcode */ HBUINT8 *p = c->allocate_size<HBUINT8> (OpCode_Size (op)); if (unlikely (p == nullptr)) return_trace (false); if (Is_OpCode_ESC (op)) { p->set (OpCode_escape); op = Unmake_OpCode_ESC (op); p++; } p->set (op); return_trace (true); } static bool serialize_uint4_op (hb_serialize_context_t *c, OpCode op, int value) { return serialize_int_op<HBUINT32, 0, 0x7FFFFFFF> (c, op, value, OpCode_longintdict); } static bool serialize_uint2_op (hb_serialize_context_t *c, OpCode op, int value) { return serialize_int_op<HBUINT16, 0, 0x7FFF> (c, op, value, OpCode_shortint); } static bool serialize_offset4_op (hb_serialize_context_t *c, OpCode op, int value) { return serialize_uint4_op (c, op, value); } static bool serialize_offset2_op (hb_serialize_context_t *c, OpCode op, int value) { return serialize_uint2_op (c, op, value); } }; struct TopDict : Dict {}; struct FontDict : Dict {}; struct PrivateDict : Dict {}; struct TableInfo { void init () { offSize = offset = size = 0; } unsigned int offset; unsigned int size; unsigned int offSize; }; /* used to remap font index or SID from fullset to subset. * set to CFF_UNDEF_CODE if excluded from subset */ struct Remap : hb_vector_t<hb_codepoint_t> { void init () { SUPER::init (); } void fini () { SUPER::fini (); } bool reset (unsigned int size) { if (unlikely (!SUPER::resize (size))) return false; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) (*this)[i] = CFF_UNDEF_CODE; count = 0; return true; } bool identity (unsigned int size) { if (unlikely (!SUPER::resize (size))) return false; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) (*this)[i] = i; count = i; return true; } bool excludes (hb_codepoint_t id) const { return (id < len) && ((*this)[id] == CFF_UNDEF_CODE); } bool includes (hb_codepoint_t id) const { return !excludes (id); } unsigned int add (unsigned int i) { if ((*this)[i] == CFF_UNDEF_CODE) (*this)[i] = count++; return (*this)[i]; } hb_codepoint_t get_count () const { return count; } protected: hb_codepoint_t count; private: typedef hb_vector_t<hb_codepoint_t> SUPER; }; template <typename COUNT> struct FDArray : CFFIndexOf<COUNT, FontDict> { /* used by CFF1 */ template <typename DICTVAL, typename OP_SERIALIZER> bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c, unsigned int offSize_, const hb_vector_t<DICTVAL> &fontDicts, OP_SERIALIZER& opszr) { TRACE_SERIALIZE (this); if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (*this))) return_trace (false); this->count.set (fontDicts.len); this->offSize.set (offSize_); if (!unlikely (c->allocate_size<HBUINT8> (offSize_ * (fontDicts.len + 1)))) return_trace (false); /* serialize font dict offsets */ unsigned int offset = 1; unsigned int fid = 0; for (; fid < fontDicts.len; fid++) { CFFIndexOf<COUNT, FontDict>::set_offset_at (fid, offset); offset += FontDict::calculate_serialized_size (fontDicts[fid], opszr); } CFFIndexOf<COUNT, FontDict>::set_offset_at (fid, offset); /* serialize font dicts */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fontDicts.len; i++) { FontDict *dict = c->start_embed<FontDict> (); if (unlikely (!dict->serialize (c, fontDicts[i], opszr, fontDicts[i]))) return_trace (false); } return_trace (true); } /* used by CFF2 */ template <typename DICTVAL, typename OP_SERIALIZER> bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c, unsigned int offSize_, const hb_vector_t<DICTVAL> &fontDicts, unsigned int fdCount, const Remap &fdmap, OP_SERIALIZER& opszr, const hb_vector_t<TableInfo> &privateInfos) { TRACE_SERIALIZE (this); if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (*this))) return_trace (false); this->count.set (fdCount); this->offSize.set (offSize_); if (!unlikely (c->allocate_size<HBUINT8> (offSize_ * (fdCount + 1)))) return_trace (false); /* serialize font dict offsets */ unsigned int offset = 1; unsigned int fid = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < fontDicts.len; i++) if (fdmap.includes (i)) { CFFIndexOf<COUNT, FontDict>::set_offset_at (fid++, offset); offset += FontDict::calculate_serialized_size (fontDicts[i], opszr); } CFFIndexOf<COUNT, FontDict>::set_offset_at (fid, offset); /* serialize font dicts */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fontDicts.len; i++) if (fdmap.includes (i)) { FontDict *dict = c->start_embed<FontDict> (); if (unlikely (!dict->serialize (c, fontDicts[i], opszr, privateInfos[fdmap[i]]))) return_trace (false); } return_trace (true); } /* in parallel to above */ template <typename OP_SERIALIZER, typename DICTVAL> static unsigned int calculate_serialized_size (unsigned int &offSize_ /* OUT */, const hb_vector_t<DICTVAL> &fontDicts, unsigned int fdCount, const Remap &fdmap, OP_SERIALIZER& opszr) { unsigned int dictsSize = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fontDicts.len; i++) if (fdmap.includes (i)) dictsSize += FontDict::calculate_serialized_size (fontDicts[i], opszr); offSize_ = calcOffSize (dictsSize); return CFFIndex<COUNT>::calculate_serialized_size (offSize_, fdCount, dictsSize); } }; /* FDSelect */ struct FDSelect0 { bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c, unsigned int fdcount) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); if (unlikely (!(c->check_struct (this)))) return_trace (false); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < c->get_num_glyphs (); i++) if (unlikely (!fds[i].sanitize (c))) return_trace (false); return_trace (true); } hb_codepoint_t get_fd (hb_codepoint_t glyph) const { return (hb_codepoint_t)fds[glyph]; } unsigned int get_size (unsigned int num_glyphs) const { return HBUINT8::static_size * num_glyphs; } HBUINT8 fds[VAR]; DEFINE_SIZE_MIN (1); }; template <typename GID_TYPE, typename FD_TYPE> struct FDSelect3_4_Range { bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c, unsigned int fdcount) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (likely (c->check_struct (this) && (first < c->get_num_glyphs ()) && (fd < fdcount))); } GID_TYPE first; FD_TYPE fd; DEFINE_SIZE_STATIC (GID_TYPE::static_size + FD_TYPE::static_size); }; template <typename GID_TYPE, typename FD_TYPE> struct FDSelect3_4 { unsigned int get_size () const { return GID_TYPE::static_size * 2 + FDSelect3_4_Range<GID_TYPE, FD_TYPE>::static_size * nRanges; } bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c, unsigned int fdcount) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); if (unlikely (!(c->check_struct (this) && (nRanges > 0) && (ranges[0].first == 0)))) return_trace (false); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRanges; i++) { if (unlikely (!ranges[i].sanitize (c, fdcount))) return_trace (false); if ((0 < i) && unlikely (ranges[i - 1].first >= ranges[i].first)) return_trace (false); } if (unlikely (!sentinel().sanitize (c) || (sentinel() != c->get_num_glyphs ()))) return_trace (false); return_trace (true); } hb_codepoint_t get_fd (hb_codepoint_t glyph) const { unsigned int i; for (i = 1; i < nRanges; i++) if (glyph < ranges[i].first) break; return (hb_codepoint_t)ranges[i - 1].fd; } GID_TYPE &sentinel () { return StructAfter<GID_TYPE> (ranges[nRanges - 1]); } const GID_TYPE &sentinel () const { return StructAfter<GID_TYPE> (ranges[nRanges - 1]); } GID_TYPE nRanges; FDSelect3_4_Range<GID_TYPE, FD_TYPE> ranges[VAR]; /* GID_TYPE sentinel */ DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (GID_TYPE::static_size, ranges); }; typedef FDSelect3_4<HBUINT16, HBUINT8> FDSelect3; typedef FDSelect3_4_Range<HBUINT16, HBUINT8> FDSelect3_Range; struct FDSelect { bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c, unsigned int fdcount) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (likely (c->check_struct (this) && (format == 0 || format == 3) && (format == 0)? u.format0.sanitize (c, fdcount): u.format3.sanitize (c, fdcount))); } bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const FDSelect &src, unsigned int num_glyphs) { TRACE_SERIALIZE (this); unsigned int size = src.get_size (num_glyphs); FDSelect *dest = c->allocate_size<FDSelect> (size); if (unlikely (dest == nullptr)) return_trace (false); memcpy (dest, &src, size); return_trace (true); } unsigned int calculate_serialized_size (unsigned int num_glyphs) const { return get_size (num_glyphs); } unsigned int get_size (unsigned int num_glyphs) const { unsigned int size = format.static_size; if (format == 0) size += u.format0.get_size (num_glyphs); else size += u.format3.get_size (); return size; } hb_codepoint_t get_fd (hb_codepoint_t glyph) const { if (this == &Null(FDSelect)) return 0; if (format == 0) return u.format0.get_fd (glyph); else return u.format3.get_fd (glyph); } HBUINT8 format; union { FDSelect0 format0; FDSelect3 format3; } u; DEFINE_SIZE_MIN (1); }; template <typename COUNT> struct Subrs : CFFIndex<COUNT> { typedef COUNT count_type; typedef CFFIndex<COUNT> SUPER; }; } /* namespace CFF */ #endif /* HB_OT_CFF_COMMON_HH */